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The Macrophage Receptor with COllagenous structure (MARCO) protein is a plasma membrane receptor for un-opsonized or environmental particles on phagocytic cells. Here, we show that MARCO was internalized either by ruffling of plasma membrane followed by macropinocytosis or by endocytosis followed by fusion with autophagosome in CHO-K1 cells stably transfected with GFP-MARCO. The macropinocytic process generated large vesicles when the plasma membrane subsided. The endocytosis/autophagosome (amphisome) generated small fluorescent puncta which were visible in the presence of glutamine, chloroquine, bafilomycin, ammonia, and other amines. The small puncta, but not the large vesicles, co-localized with LC3B and lysosomes. The LC3-II/LC3-I ratio increased in the presence of glutamine, ammonia, and chloroquine in various cells. The small puncta trafficked between the peri-nuclear region and the distal ends of cells back and forth at rates of up to 2–3 μm/sec; tubulin, but not actin, regulated the trafficking of the small puncta. Besides phagocytosis MARCO, an adhesive plasma membrane receptor, may play a role in incorporation of various extracellular materials into the cell via both macropinocytic and endocytic pathways.  相似文献   


Intra-arterial stem cell transplantation exerts neuroprotective effects for ischemic stroke. However, the optimal therapeutic time window and mechanisms have not been completely understood. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the timing of intra-arterial transplantation of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in ischemic stroke model in rats and its efficacy in acute phase.


Adult male Wistar rats weighing 200 to 250g received right middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) for 90 minutes. MSCs (1×106cells/ 1ml PBS) were intra-arterially injected at either 1, 6, 24, or 48 hours (1, 6, 24, 48h group) after MCAO. PBS (1ml) was intra-arterially injected to control rats at 1 hour after MCAO. Behavioral test was performed immediately after reperfusion, and at 3, 7 days after MCAO using the Modified Neurological Severity Score (mNSS). Rats were euthanized at 7 days after MCAO for evaluation of infarct volumes and the migration of MSCs. In order to explore potential mechanisms of action, the upregulation of neurotrophic factor and chemotactic cytokine (bFGF, SDF-1α) induced by cell transplantation was examined in another cohort of rats that received intra-arterial transplantation at 24 hours after recanalization then euthanized at 7 days after MCAO for protein assays.


Behavioral test at 3 and 7 days after transplantation revealed that stroke rats in 24h group displayed the most robust significant improvements in mNSS compared to stroke rats in all other groups (p’s<0.05). Similarly, the infarct volumes of stroke rats in 24h group were much significantly decreased compared to those in all other groups (p’s<0.05). These observed behavioral and histological effects were accompanied by MSC survival and migration, with the highest number of integrated MSCs detected in the 24h group. Moreover, bFGF and SDF-1α levels of the infarcted cortex were highly elevated in the 24h group compared to control group (p’s<0.05).


These results suggest that intra-arterial allogeneic transplantation of MSCs provides post-stroke functional recovery and reduction of infarct volumes in ischemic stroke model of rats. The upregulation of bFGF and SDF-1α likely played a key mechanistic role in enabling MSC to afford functional effects in stroke. MSC transplantation at 24 hours after recanalization appears to be the optimal timing for ischemic stroke model, which should guide the design of clinical trials of cell transplantation for stroke patients.  相似文献   
We examined whether and how pretreatment with carbon monoxide (CO) prevents apoptosis of cardioblastic H9c2 cells in ischemia-reperfusion. Reperfusion (6 h) following brief ischemia (10 min) induced cytochrome c release, activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3, and apoptotic nuclear condensation. Brief CO pretreatment (10 min) or a caspase-9 inhibitor (Z-LEHD-FMK) attenuated these apoptotic changes. Ischemia-reperfusion increased phosphorylation of Akt at Ser472/473/474, and this was enhanced by CO pretreatment. A specific Akt inhibitor (API-2) blunted the anti-apoptotic effects of CO in reperfusion. In normoxic cells, CO enhanced generation, which was inhibited by a mitochondrial complex III inhibitor (antimycin A) but not by a NADH oxidase inhibitor (apocynin). The CO-enhanced Akt phosphorylation was suppressed by an scavenger (Tiron), catalase or a superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibitor (DETC). These results suggest that CO pretreatment induces mitochondrial generation of , which is then converted by SOD to H2O2, and subsequent Akt activation by H2O2 attenuates apoptosis in ischemia-reperfusion.  相似文献   
Abstract: In this study we examined the effect on oligodendroglial survival of exogenous cystine deprivation. Oligodendroglia isolated from mixed glial primary cultures derived from brains of 1-day-old rats, and then grown for 3 days, were markedly dependent on extracellular cystine for survival. The EC50 values for cystine for a 24-h exposure ranged from 2 to 65 µ M . After 6 h of cystine deprivation, the cellular glutathione level decreased to 21 ± 13% of the control. Free radical scavengers (α-tocopherol, ascorbate, idebenone, and N-tert -butyl-α-phenylnitrone) were protective against cystine deprivation but had no effect on the glutathione level. An iron chelator, desferrioxamine mesylate, also was protective. These findings suggest that intracellular hydroxyl radicals are important for this toxicity. In contrast to the observations in 3-day-old cultures, the dependence on exogenous cystine for cell viability was not observed consistently in oligodendroglia cultured for 6 days before the onset of cystine deprivation. Several observations suggested that this loss of cystine dependence was due to a diffusible factor. Sensitivity to the toxicity of cystine deprivation in day 6 cultures increased as the volume of medium was increased from 0.3 to 2 ml. Furthermore, preincubation of cystine-depleted medium with astrocyte cultures eliminated the toxicity of the cystine deprivation. HPLC assay of the conditioned cystine-depleted medium showed no significant change in cystine or cysteine concentration. We conclude that oligodendroglia are highly susceptible to cystine deprivation in day 3 cultures and that this susceptibility is due to the accumulation of intracellular free radicals in the setting of glutathione depletion. The resistance of day 6 oligodendroglial cultures is caused at least in part by a diffusible factor.  相似文献   
A SNF2-like protein facilitates dynamic control of DNA methylation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DRD1 is a SNF2-like protein previously identified in a screen for mutants defective in RNA-directed DNA methylation of a seed promoter in Arabidopsis. Although the initial study established a role for DRD1 in RNA-directed DNA methylation, it did not address whether DRD1 is needed for de novo or maintenance methylation, or whether it is required for methylation of other target sequences. We show here that DRD1 is essential for RNA-directed de novo methylation and acts on different target promoters. In addition, an unanticipated role for DRD1 in erasure of CG methylation was shown when investigating maintenance methylation after segregating away the silencing trigger. DRD1 is unique among known SNF2-like proteins in facilitating not only de novo methylation of target sequences in response to RNA signals, but also loss of methylation when the silencing inducer is withdrawn. The opposing roles of DRD1 could contribute to the dynamic regulation of DNA methylation.  相似文献   
An efficient gene transfer system without tissue culture steps was developed for kidney bean by using sonication and vacuum infiltration assisted, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic kidney bean with a group 3 lea (late embryogenesis abundant) protein gene from Brassica napus was produced through this approach. Among 18 combinations of transformation methods, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation combined with 5 min sonication and 5 min vacuum infiltration turned to be optimal, resulting in the highest transformation efficiency. Transgenic kidney bean plants demonstrated enhanced growth ability under salt and water deficit stress conditions. The increased tolerance was also reflected by delayed development of damage symptoms caused by drought stress. Transgenic lines with high level of lea gene expression showed higher stress tolerance than lines with lower expression level. Stress tolerance of transgenic kidney bean correlated much better with lea gene expression levels than with gene integration results. There is no prior report on the production of transgenic kidney bean using both ultrasonic and vacuum infiltration assisted, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.  相似文献   
As the integral components of zooplankton in the subarctic NorthPacific, the three Neocalanus species (N. cristatus, N. plumchrusand N. flemingeri) are characterized by an annual life cycleand rapid development in the surface layer during spring–summer.Patterns of interannual variation of abundance and body sizeof these Neocalanus species were analyzed using the time-seriesdata collected during the summers of 1979–1998 (20 years)at stations along the longitudinal transect line in the centralNorth Pacific, crossing five sub-areas (Alaska Current System,Subarctic Current System, Northern Transition Domain, SouthernTransition Domain and Subtropical Current System). In the southernsub-areas, quasi-decadal oscillation was observed for the 3-yearrunning mean of abundance and prosome length for copepoditestage 5 (C5) of the three Neocalanus species. Although the oscillationsignal diminished towards northern waters, it showed a positivephase during the early 1980s and 1990s and a negative phaseduring the late 1980s. In the northern waters, a biennial patternwas pronounced for anomalies of C5 prosome length for N. plumchrusand N. flemingeri, which was large in odd years and small ineven years. Significantly positive covariations among the threespecies were found for both abundance and prosome length aroundmid-latitude, where they were abundant. In the correlation analysis,these observed yearly patterns showed a statistically insignificantcorrelation with most environmental (integrated mean temperaturein surface waters, water column stability and chlorophyll aconcentration) or climatological (North Pacific Index and SouthernOscillation Index) variables. The regional difference of theoscillation signal and the synchronized covariation among thesespecies suggest that interannual variations of their abundanceand body size are mediated by common environmental force(s)with some spatial and temporal scales in the subarctic NorthPacific.  相似文献   
We have cloned and characterized a novel splice variant of mouse GMx33alpha/Golgi-associated protein of 34 kDa (GPP34), hereby designated GMx33alphaV/GPP34V. This splice variant skips the second and third exons, and the resulting frame shift generates a stop codon in the fourth exon. GMx33alphaV/GPP34V is comprised of 81 amino acid residues derived from the N-terminal end of the full length protein and corresponds to approximately one-third of the full length GMx33alpha/GPP34 sequence with a calculated molecular mass of 8900. In contrast to GMx33alpha/GPP34 mRNA which is expressed at similar levels in various tissues, GMx33alphaV/GPP34V mRNA was differentially expressed when examined by RT-PCR. Compared to other tissues, skeletal muscle showed relatively strong expression of GMx33alphaV/GPP34V mRNA. This splice variant cDNA was also detected in a human cell line.  相似文献   
The immutability of the genetic code has been challenged with the successful reassignment of the UAG stop codon to non-natural amino acids in Escherichia coli. In the present study, we demonstrated the in vivo reassignment of the AGG sense codon from arginine to l-homoarginine. As the first step, we engineered a novel variant of the archaeal pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (PylRS) able to recognize l-homoarginine and l-N6-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (l-NIL). When this PylRS variant or HarRS was expressed in E. coli, together with the AGG-reading tRNAPylCCU molecule, these arginine analogs were efficiently incorporated into proteins in response to AGG. Next, some or all of the AGG codons in the essential genes were eliminated by their synonymous replacements with other arginine codons, whereas the majority of the AGG codons remained in the genome. The bacterial host''s ability to translate AGG into arginine was then restricted in a temperature-dependent manner. The temperature sensitivity caused by this restriction was rescued by the translation of AGG to l-homoarginine or l-NIL. The assignment of AGG to l-homoarginine in the cells was confirmed by mass spectrometric analyses. The results showed the feasibility of breaking the degeneracy of sense codons to enhance the amino-acid diversity in the genetic code.  相似文献   
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