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The (6-4) photoproduct formed by ultraviolet light is known as an alkali-labile DNA lesion. Strand breaks occur at (6-4) photoproducts when UV-irradiated DNA is treated with hot alkali. We have analyzed the degradation reaction of this photoproduct under alkaline conditions using synthetic oligonucleotides. A tetramer, d(GT(6-4)TC), was prepared, and its degradation in 50 mm KOH at 60 degrees C was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography. A single peak with a UV absorption spectrum similar to that of the starting material was detected after the reaction, and this compound was regarded as an intermediate before the strand break. The formation of this intermediate was compared with intermediates from the degradation of other alkali-labile lesions such as the abasic site, thymine glycol, and 5,6-dihydrothymine. The results strongly suggested that the first step of the alkali degradation of the (6-4) photoproduct was the hydrolysis between the N3 and C4 positions of the 5'-pyrimidine component. Analyses by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry supported the chemical structure of this product. Assays of the complex formation with XPC.HR23B and the translesion synthesis by DNA polymerase eta revealed that the biochemical properties are indistinguishable between the intact and hydrolyzed photoproducts.  相似文献   
The Chlamydomonas outer dynein arm contains three distinct heavy chains (alpha, beta, and gamma) that exhibit different motor properties. The LC4 protein, which binds 1-2 Ca2+ with KCa = 3 x 10-5 m, is associated with the gamma heavy chain and has been proposed to act as a sensor to regulate dynein motor function in response to alterations in intraflagellar Ca2+ levels. Here we genetically dissect the outer arm to yield subparticles containing different motor unit combinations and assess the microtubule-binding properties of these complexes both prior to and following preincubation with tubulin and ATP, which was used to inhibit ATP-insensitive (structural) microtubule binding. We observed that the alpha heavy chain exhibits a dominant Ca2+-independent ATP-sensitive MT binding activity in vitro that is inhibited by attachment of tubulin to the structural microtubule-binding domain. Furthermore, we show that ATP-sensitive microtubule binding by a dynein subparticle containing only the beta and gamma heavy chains does not occur at Ca2+ concentrations below pCa 6 but is maximally activated above pCa 5. This activity was not observed in mutant dyneins containing small deletions in the microtubule-binding region of the beta heavy chain or in dyneins that lack both the alpha heavy chain and the motor domain of the beta heavy chain. These findings strongly suggest that Ca2+ binding directly to a component of the dynein complex regulates ATP-sensitive interactions between the beta heavy chain and microtubules and lead to a model for how individual motor units are controlled within the outer dynein arm.  相似文献   
It is well known that neonatal exposure to estrogen induces masculinization or defeminization of the brain. In this study, the effects of neonatal treatment with two kinds of soybean isoflavone aglycone, genistein (GS) and daidzein (DZ), on the estrous cycle and lordosis behavior were investigated. Female rats were injected subcutaneously with 1 mg GS, 1 mg DZ, 100 microg estradiol (E2), or oil daily for 5 days from birth. As a result, vaginal opening was advanced in GS- or E2-treated females. A vaginal smear check indicated that oil- or DZ-treated females showed a constant 4- or 5-day estrous cycle, whereas GS- or E2-treated rats showed a persistent or prolonged estrus. Ovariectomy was performed in all females at 60 days of age. The ovaries in the GS- or E2-treated groups were smaller than those in the oil- and DZ-treated groups and contained no corpora lutea. In the DZ group, although corpora lutea were seen, ovaries were smaller than that of control females. Behavioral tests were carried out after implantation of E2-tubes. All of the oil- or DZ-treated females showed lordosis with a high lordosis quotient (LQ). On the other hand, as male rats, LQs were extremely low in the E2-treated group, when compared to the oil-treated group. In the GS-treated group, the mean LQ was lower than that in the oil-treated group, but higher than those in the E2-treated female or male groups. These results suggest that genistein acts as an estrogen in the sexual differentiation of the brain and causes defeminization of the brain in regulating lordosis and the estrous cycle in rats. In addition, neonatal daidzein also has some influence on ovarian function.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms govern the behavior, physiology, and metabolism of living organisms. Recent studies have revealed the role of several genes in the clock mechanism both in Drosophila and in mammals. To study how gene expression is globally regulated by the clock mechanism, we used a high density oligonucleotide probe array (GeneChip) to profile gene expression patterns in Drosophila under light-dark and constant dark conditions. We found 712 genes showing a daily fluctuation in mRNA levels under light-dark conditions, and among these the expression of 115 genes was still cycling in constant darkness, i.e. under free-running conditions. Unexpectedly the expression of a large number of genes cycled exclusively under constant darkness. We found that cycling in most of these genes was lost in the arrhythmic Clock (Clk) mutant under light-dark conditions. Expression of periodically regulated genes is coordinated locally on chromosomes where small clusters of genes are regulated jointly. Our findings reveal that many genes involved in diverse functions are under circadian control and reveal the complexity of circadian gene expression in Drosophila.  相似文献   
The mammalian immune system has cytotoxic mechanisms, both cellular and humoral, that destroy the membrane integrity of target cells. The main effector molecules of these cytolytic mechanisms—perforin, used by killer lymphocytes, and the membrane attack complex (MAC) components of the complement system—share a unique module called the MAC/perforin module. Until now, both immunological cytotoxicity and the MAC/perforin module have been reported only in jawed vertebrates. Here, we report the identification of a protein containing the MAC/perforin module from the invertebrate cephalochordate, amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri), using expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis of the notochord. The deduced amino acid sequence of this molecule is most similar to the primary structure of human complement component C6 and is designated AmphiC6. AmphiC6 shares a unique modular structure, including the MAC/perforin module, with human C6 and other MAC components. Another EST clone predicts the presence of a thioester-containing protein with the closest structural similarity to vertebrate C3 (therefore designated AmphiC3). AmphiC3 retains most of the functionally important residues of vertebrate C3 and is shown by phylogenetic analysis to be derived directly from the common ancestor of vertebrate C3, C4, and C5. Only opsonic activity has been assigned to the invertebrate complement system until now. Therefore, this is the first molecular evidence for complement-mediated immunological cytotoxicity in invertebrates. Received: 24 August 2001 / Accepted: 12 November 2001  相似文献   
The “in vitro virus” is a molecular construct to perform evolutionary protein engineering. The “virion(=viral particle)”(mRNA-peptide fusion), is made by bonding a nascent protein with its coding mRNA via puromycin in a test tube for in vitro translation. In this work, the puromycin-linker was attached to mRNA using the Y-ligation, which was a method of two single-strands ligation at the end of a double-stranded stem to make a stem-loop structure. This reaction gave a yield of about 95%. We compared the Y-ligation with two other ligation reactions and showed that the Y-ligation gave the best productivity. An efficient amplification of the in vitro virus with this “viral genome” was demonstrated. Published: October 28, 2002  相似文献   
To develop a rice cultivar that would be suitable for direct-seedingcultivation in cooler temperate regions, we generated transgenic rice plants inwhich a rice encoding a -class glutathioneS-transferase (GST) under the control of a maize ubiquitinpromoter. GSTs have been suggested to be responsible for tolerance to variousstresses such as cold, salt and drought by detoxification of xenobioticcompounds and reactive oxygen species. A total of 87 R0 transgenicrice plants harboring a chimeric GST gene were generatedusing Agrobacterium mediated transformation. ThreeR2 lines homozygous for the transgene were assayed for GST activityand had higher GST and glutathione peroxidase activities thannon-transformants.Seedlings of the transgenic lines demonstrated greatly enhanced germination andgrowth rates at low temperature grown under submergence. The GST transgeniclines should be useful for breeding rice cultivars suitable for direct-seedingcultivation in cooler temperate regions.  相似文献   
The outer dynein arm from Chlamydomonas flagella contains two redox-active thioredoxin-related light chains associated with the alpha and beta heavy chains; these proteins belong to a distinct subgroup within the thioredoxin family. This observation suggested that some aspect of dynein activity might be modulated through redox poise. To test this, we have examined the effect of sulfhydryl oxidation on the ATPase activity of isolated dynein and axonemes from wildtype and mutant strains lacking various heavy chain combinations. The outer, but not inner, dynein arm ATPase was stimulated significantly following treatment with low concentrations of dithionitrobenzoic acid; this effect was readily reversible by dithiol, and to a lesser extent, monothiol reductants. Mutational and biochemical dissection of the outer arm revealed that ATPase activation in response to DTNB was an exclusive property of the gamma heavy chain, and that enzymatic enhancement was modulated by the presence of other dynein components. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the LC5 thioredoxin-like light chain binds to the N-terminal stem domain of the alpha heavy chain and that the beta heavy chain-associated LC3 protein also interacts with the gamma heavy chain. These data suggest the possibility of a dynein-associated redox cascade and further support the idea that the gamma heavy chain plays a key regulatory role within the outer arm.  相似文献   
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