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Many eukaryotic proteins are bound to the plasma membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. Its core backbone, which is conserved in different organisms, is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum by the sequential addition of glycan components to phosphatidylinositol. One of the human GPI synthesis genes,PIGF(phosphatidylinositol glycan complementation class F), which is involved late in the synthesis pathway, has been cloned. In this study, we isolated complementary and genomic clones ofPigf,a murine counterpart ofPIGF. Pigfencodes a 219 amino acid protein that complements a class F mutation. ThePigfgene consists of six exons spanning 30 kb and was mapped to chromosome 17 at 17E4–E5. These features are very similar toPIGF,thus demonstrating the interspecies conservation of structure, function, gene organization, and genetic locus between these GPI synthesis genes. The results also extend a region in murine distal chromosome 17 that is syntenic to human chromosome 2p16–p22.  相似文献   
The in-gel competitive reassociation (IGCR) procedure was successfullyapplied to construct a comprehensive library enriched in DNAfragments containing C5mCGG sequences from mouse liver and braingenomic DNA. For IGCR, methylation-insensitive restriction enzyme(Msp I) digests were used as target DNA and methylation-sensitiverestriction enzyme (Hpa II) digests as competitor DNA. Southernblot analysis indicated that 60 to 70% of the clones in thelibrary were derived from the methylated sites and overall enrichmentwas 200- to 1000-fold. IGCR was further applied to constructa library for the sites differentially methylated between brainand liver DNA. In the library, approximately 20% of the HpaII sites exhibited different degrees of methylation betweenthese tissues.  相似文献   
Nocturnal flying insects were collected monthly for 13 months using ultra violet light-traps set at various vertical levels in a weakly-seasonal, tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Abundance, faunal composition, size distribution and guild structure of these samples were analyzed with respect to temperal and vertical distributions. The nocturnal flying insect community in the canopy level was highly dominated by fig wasps (84%) in individual number, and by scarabaeid beetles (28%) in weight. A principal component analysis on monthly catches detected non-random, seasonal trends of insect abundance. The first two principal trends were an alternation of wetter (September to January) and less wet seasons (February to August) and an alternation between the least wet (January to March) and the other seasons. Many insect groups were less abundant in the least wet season than the other seasons, whilst inverse patterns were found in Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae. Significantly positive and negative correlations between monthly catch and rainfall were detected only in ovule-feeders and in phloem-feeders, respectively. Delayed, significant negative correlations between monthly catch and 1–3 month preceding rainfall were more frequently detected in phytophages, phloem-feeders, seed-feeders, wood-borers and scavengers. The peak in abundance along vertical levels were found at the canopy level (35 m) for phloem-, ovule-, seed-, root-, fungal-feeders and nectar collectors, at an upper subcanopy level (25 m) for scavengers and aquatic predators, and at a middle subcanopy level (17 m) for ants. Catches at the emergent level (45 m) did not exceed those at the canopy level.  相似文献   
The number of chromosomes in the yeast Saccharomyces exiguuswas determined to be thirteen by two-dimensional pulsed-fieldgel electrophoresis. The thirteen chromosomes ranged in DNAsize from 520 to 2,600 kbp, with a total length of approximately14 Mbp. Numbers I to XIII were assigned to the chromosomes indecreasing order of DNA length. Southern hybridization analysisusing total DNAs from S. exiguus and S. cerevisiae as probesshowed that there was no significant homology between the chromosomalDNAs of the two species, except in the case of the chromosomalDNA that included rDNA. When rDNA and genes LEU2, TRP1, URA3and HO of S. cerevisiae were used as hybridization probes, itwas apparent that S. exiguus had DNA sequences homologous tothe rDNA and to the LEU2 and HO genes. In S. exiguus, rDNA-likeand LEU2-like DNAs were located on chromosomes I and IX, respectively,and HO-like DNA was located on chromosome VI or VII. (Received May 17, 1993; Accepted July 15, 1993)  相似文献   
A high expression system of the -glutamylcysteine synthetase gene (gshl) of Escherichia coli B was constructed, and rapid purification of GSH-I was performed. The active site of GSH-I was analysed by chemical modification, and Lys, Arg and His residues seemed to be involved in the active site of the enzyme. Among them, His residues were substituted to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis, and His-150 was found to be essential for the activity of GSH-I. Correspondence to: A. Kimura  相似文献   
We previously found that the ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) of cancer patients to generate lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells became remarkably augmented after mitomycin C administration. On the basis of the clinical finding, we designed a treatment regimen comprised of 12 mg/m2 mitomycin C i. v. on day 1 and 700 U/m2 recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) i.v. every 12 h from day 4 through day 8. Of 25 patients with advanced carcinoma, 9 had a partial response and 3 had a minor response. Cytotoxic cell function, including natural killer activity, lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity, and the ability to generate LAK cells, and lymphocyte subsets in PBM was measured 1 day before and after either the first or second course of this therapy. The relationship between these parameters and the clinical antitumor response to this treatment was examined. Although the cytotoxic activities were significantly augmented after either the first or second treatment course, no positive correlation was observed between the changes in these cytotoxic activities and the clinical response to this therapy, when patients who either showed a partial response or whose disease remission was partial or minor were defined as responders. Further, phenotypic analysis showed a significant increase in CD2+, CD3+ CD4+ and CD4+Leu8 cells after the firs course, and CD25+ cells after either the first or second course of this treatment. The precentages of CD2+ and CD25+ cells were significantly elevated only in responders but not in nonresponders, suggesting the increase in these subsets was related to clinical response.  相似文献   
To clarify whether cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes an organic alteration in placental estrogen producing ability, we determined the catalytic activity of aromatase by the tritiated water assay, and tissue level of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450arom) by the specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in placental samples from nonsmokers and smokers. As pregnancy progressed, both aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration increased in placentas from nonsmokers and smokers. However, the gradient of the increase was significantly less in heavy smokers (20 cigarettes a day) than in normal and moderate smokers (<20 cigarettes a day). At term, the mean aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration in placentas from heavy smokers were significantly lower than in nonsmokers and moderate smokers, while aromatase activity per P-450arom (turnover rate) and the mean placental weight were comparable among the three groups. In contrast, the ratio of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity to aromatase activity was higher in placentas from heavy smokers. Immunohistochemical studies showed that P-450arom was localized in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts of chorionic villi in placentas from both nonsmokers and smokers. These results suggest that the induction of placental P-450arom during gestation is suppressed by maternal smoking, resulting in a reduction in estrogen producing ability, while placental xenobiotic P-450 is induced.  相似文献   
Long-chain fatty acids and their acyl-CoA esters are potent inhibitors of nuclear thyroid hormone (T3) receptor in vitro. In the present study, we obtained evidence for acyl-CoA binding activity in the nuclear extract from rat liver. The activity sedimented at a position (3.5 S) identical with that of the T3 receptor, and the two activities sedimented together. Similarly, they coeluted on DEAE-Sephadex. After partial purification of the receptor, it was again inhibited strongly by acyl-CoAs. Heat stability and a partial trypsin digestion of the receptor both suggested that the action site of oleoyl-CoA overlapped the T3-binding domain of the receptor. In addition, thyroid hormone receptor β1, synthesized in vitro, bound oleoyl-CoA specifically and its T3-binding activity was inhibited. The dissociation constant for oleoyl-CoA binding to the partially purified receptor was 1.2 × 10?7 M. This value as well as its molecular size distinguished the nuclear binding sites from the cytoplasmic fatty acid/acyl-CoA binding proteins. Oleoyl-CoA had no effect on the glucocorticoid receptor, another member of the nuclear hormone-receptor superfamily. From these results, we propose that thyroid hormone receptor is a specific acyl-CoA binding protein of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   
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