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The use of quantitative proteomics methods to study protein complexes has the potential to provide in-depth information on the abundance of different protein components as well as their modification state in various cellular conditions. To interrogate protein complex quantitation using shotgun proteomic methods, we have focused on the analysis of protein complexes using label-free multidimensional protein identification technology and studied the reproducibility of biological replicates. For these studies, we focused on three highly related and essential multi-protein enzymes, RNA polymerase I, II, and III from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that label-free quantitation using spectral counting is highly reproducible at the protein and peptide level when analyzing RNA polymerase I, II, and III. In addition, we show that peptide sampling does not follow a random sampling model, and we show the need for advanced computational models to predict peptide detection probabilities. In order to address these issues, we used the APEX protocol to model the expected peptide detectability based on whole cell lysate acquired using the same multidimensional protein identification technology analysis used for the protein complexes. Neither method was able to predict the peptide sampling levels that we observed using replicate multidimensional protein identification technology analyses. In addition to the analysis of the RNA polymerase complexes, our analysis provides quantitative information about several RNAP associated proteins including the RNAPII elongation factor complexes DSIF and TFIIF. Our data shows that DSIF and TFIIF are the most highly enriched RNAP accessory factors in Rpb3-TAP purifications and demonstrate our ability to measure low level associated protein abundance across biological replicates. In addition, our quantitative data supports a model in which DSIF and TFIIF interact with RNAPII in a dynamic fashion in agreement with previously published reports.  相似文献   
The genotype-phenotype (GP) map consists of developmental and physiological mechanisms mapping genetic onto phenotypic variation. It determines the distribution of heritable phenotypic variance on which selection can act. Comparative studies of morphology as well as of gene regulatory networks show that the GP map itself evolves, yet little is known about the actual evolutionary mechanisms involved. The study of such mechanisms requires exploring the variation in GP maps at the population level, which presently is easier to quantify by statistical genetic methods rather than by regulatory network structures. We focus on the evolution of pleiotropy, a major structural aspect of the GP map. Pleiotropic genes affect multiple traits and underlie genetic covariance between traits, often causing evolutionary constraints. Previous quantitative genetic studies have demonstrated population-level variation in pleiotropy in the form of loci, at which genotypes differ in the genetic covariation between traits. This variation can potentially fuel evolution of the GP map under selection and/or drift. Here, we propose a developmental mechanism underlying population genetic variation in covariance and test its predictions. Specifically, the mechanism predicts that the loci identified as responsible for genetic variation in pleiotropy are involved in trait-specific epistatic interactions. We test this prediction for loci affecting allometric relationships between traits in an advanced intercross between inbred mouse strains. The results consistently support the prediction. We further find a high degree of sign epistasis in these interactions, which we interpret as an indication of adaptive gene complexes within the diverged parental lines.  相似文献   
Caveolin (Cav)-1 is an integral membrane protein of caveolae playing a crucial role in various signal transduction pathways. Caveolae represent the sites for calcium entry and storage especially in smooth muscle cells (SMC) and interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). Cav-1(-/-) mice lack caveolae and show abnormalities in pacing and contractile activity of the small intestine. Presently, we investigated, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunohistochemistry, whether the absence of Cav-1 in Cav-1(-/-) mouse small intestine affects ICC, SMC and neuronal morphology, the expression of NK1 and NK2 receptors, and of Ano1 (also called Dog1 or TMEM16A), an essential molecule for slow wave activity in gastrointestinal muscles. ICC were also labelled with c-Kit and tachykinergic neurons with Substance P (SP). In Cav-1(-/-) mice: (i) ICC were Ano1-negative but maintained c-Kit expression, (ii) NK1 and NK2 receptor immunoreactivity was more intense and, in the SMC, mainly intracytoplasmatic, (iii) SP-immunoreactivity was significantly reduced. Under TEM: (i) ICC, SMC and telocytes lacked typical caveolae but had few and large flask-shaped vesicles we called large-sized caveolae; (ii) SMC and ICC contained an extraordinary high number of mitochondria, (iii) neurons were unchanged. To maintain intestinal motility, loss of caveolae and reduced calcium availability in Cav-1-knockout mice seem to be balanced by a highly increased number of mitochondria in ICC and SMC. Loss of Ano-1 expression, decrease of SP content and consequently overexpression of NK receptors suggest that all these molecules are Cav-1-associated proteins.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle interstitium is crucial for regulation of blood flow, passage of substances from capillaries to myocytes and muscle regeneration. We show here, probably, for the first time, the presence of telocytes (TCs), a peculiar type of interstitial (stromal) cells, in rat, mouse and human skeletal muscle. TC features include (as already described in other tissues) a small cell body and very long and thin cell prolongations-telopodes (Tps) with moniliform appearance, dichotomous branching and 3D-network distribution. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed close vicinity of Tps with nerve endings, capillaries, satellite cells and myocytes, suggesting a TC role in intercellular signalling (via shed vesicles or exosomes). In situ immunolabelling showed that skeletal muscle TCs express c-kit, caveolin-1 and secrete VEGF. The same phenotypic profile was demonstrated in cell cultures. These markers and TEM data differentiate TCs from both satellite cells (e.g. TCs are Pax7 negative) and fibroblasts (which are c-kit negative). We also described non-satellite (resident) progenitor cell niche. In culture, TCs (but not satellite cells) emerge from muscle explants and form networks suggesting a key role in muscle regeneration and repair, at least after trauma.  相似文献   
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) are generated from fully differentiated somatic cells that were reprogrammed into a pluripotent state. Human iPSC which can be obtained from various types of somatic cells such as fibroblasts or keratinocytes can differentiate into cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CM), which exhibit cardiac-like transmembrane action potentials, intracellular Ca(2+) transients and contractions. While major features of the excitation-contraction coupling of iPSC-CM have been well-described, very little is known on the ultrastructure of these cardiomyocytes. The ultrastructural features of 31-day-old (post-plating) iPSC-CM generated from human hair follicle keratinocytes (HFKT-iPSC-CM) were analysed by electron microscopy, and compared with those of human embryonic stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CM). The comparison showed that cardiomyocytes from the two sources share similar proprieties. Specifically, HFKT-iPSC-CM and hESC-CM, displayed ultrastructural features of early and immature phenotype: myofibrils with sarcomeric pattern, large glycogen deposits, lipid droplets, long and slender mitochondria, free ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, sarcoplasmic reticulum and caveolae. Noteworthy, the SR is less developed in HFKT-iPSC-CM. We also found in both cell types: (1) 'Ca(2+)-release units', which connect the peripheral sarcoplasmic reticulum with plasmalemma; and (2) intercellular junctions, which mimic intercalated disks (desmosomes and fascia adherens). In conclusion, iPSC and hESC differentiate into cardiomyocytes of comparable ultrastructure, thus supporting the notion that iPSC offer a viable option for an autologous cell source for cardiac regenerative therapy.  相似文献   
We used rat experimental myocardial infarction to study the ultrastructural recovery, especially neo-angiogenesis in the infarction border zone. We were interested in the possible role(s) of telocytes (TCs), a novel type of interstitial cell very recently discovered in myocardim (see http://www.telocytes.com). Electron microscopy, immunocytochemistry and analysis of several proangiogenic microRNAs provided evidence for TC involvement in neo-angiogenesis after myocardial infarction. Electron microscopy showed the close spatial association of TCs with neoangiogenetic elements. Higher resolution images provided the following information: (a) the intercellular space between the abluminal face of endothelium and its surrounding TCs is frequently less than 50 nm; (b) TCs establish multiple direct nanocontacts with endothelial cells, where the extracellular space seems obliterated; such nanocontacts have a length of 0.4-1.5 μm; (c) the absence of basal membrane on the abluminal face of endothelial cell. Besides the physical contacts (either nanoscopic or microscopic) TCs presumably contribute to neo-angiognesis via paracrine secretion (as shown by immunocytochemistry for VEGF or NOS2). Last but not least, TCs contain measurable quantities of angiogenic microRNAs (e.g. let-7e, 10a, 21, 27b, 100, 126-3p, 130a, 143, 155, 503). Taken together, the direct (physical) contact of TCs with endothelial tubes, as well as the indirect (chemical) positive influence within the 'angiogenic zones', suggests an important participation of TCs in neo-angiogenesis during the late stage of myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the possible therapeutic utility of liposomes in the local treatment of inflammatory disorders, specifically rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Our purpose was to design a depot delivery system of an anti-inflammatory glycoprotein, lactoferrin (Lf), using positive multivesicular liposomes and to investigate its in vivo efficiency. Lactoferrin (Lf) has previously been shown to have therapeutic potential in mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) after intra-articular (i.a.) injection. In order to protect Lf from enzymatic degradation and to maintain an adequate concentration in the joint, liposomes have been used as carriers for controlled drug delivery. Based on our previous findings we compared the ability of free Lf and Lf encapsulated in liposomes to suppress established joint inflammation and to modulate the cytokine response of lymph node (LN) T lymphocytes in DBA/1 mice with CIA. The anti-inflammatory effect of Lf formulated in positive liposomes was more pronounced compared with the free protein. After a single i.a. injection of liposomal Lf the arthritic score significantly decreased continuously for 2 weeks while in the case of free Lf for only 3–4 days. The cytokine levels produced by LN T cells showed decreased pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IFN-γ) accompanied by increased anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-5 and especcialy IL-10) in encapsulated compared with free Lf. When compared with free Lf, liposomal Lf decreased the expression of costimulatory molecules on DCs, reduced pro-inflammatory (TNF) and increased anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokine production. Using CIA model we have studied the liposome trafficking following i.a. administration and we have identified DCs as a target for liposomes in the draining LN. Our results suggest that the entrapment of Lf in liposomes may modify its pharmacodynamic profile and could have great potential as controlled delivery system in the treatment of RA and other local inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic pathogen causing various inflammatory diseases from skin and tissue local infections, to serious life threatening infections including endocarditis. Experimental models for endocarditis demonstrated that virulence factors of S. aureus, that are very important in infection of heart vegetations, are surface proteins which promote bacterial adherence. Until now, efforts to develop effective vaccines against S. aureus were unsuccessful, partly due to the fact that different vaccine formulations have targeted mainly B-cell immunity. Reverse vaccinology is applied here, in order to identify potential vaccine epitope candidates. The basic epitopes prediction strategy relied on detection of a common antigenic 9-mer epitope meant to be able to stimulate both the B-cell and T-cell mediated immunity. Ten surface exposed proteins were chosen for antigenicity testing. Using a web-based system, five T-cell epitopes corresponding to fibronectin binding protein A (FDFTLSNNV and YVDGYIETI), collagen adhesin (FSINYKTKI), serine-rich adhesin for platelets (LTFDSTNNT) and elastin binding protein (FAMDKSHPE) were selected as potential vaccine candidates. Epitopes sequences were found to be conserved among the different S. aureus genomes screened from NCBI GenBank. In vitro and in vivo immunological tests will be performed in order to validate the suitability of the epitopes for vaccine development.  相似文献   
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