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Peptide spectrum matching is the current gold standard for protein identification via mass-spectrometry-based proteomics. Peptide spectrum matching compares experimental mass spectra against theoretical spectra generated from a protein sequence database to perform identification, but protein sequences not present in a database cannot be identified unless their sequences are in part conserved. The alternative approach, de novo sequencing, can make it possible to infer a peptide sequence directly from a mass spectrum, but interpreting long lists of peptide sequences resulting from large-scale experiments is not trivial. With this as motivation, PepExplorer was developed to use rigorous pattern recognition to assemble a list of homologue proteins using de novo sequencing data coupled to sequence alignment to allow biological interpretation of the data. PepExplorer can read the output of various widely adopted de novo sequencing tools and converge to a list of proteins with a global false-discovery rate. To this end, it employs a radial basis function neural network that considers precursor charge states, de novo sequencing scores, peptide lengths, and alignment scores to select similar protein candidates, from a target-decoy database, usually obtained from phylogenetically related species. Alignments are performed using a modified Smith–Waterman algorithm tailored for the task at hand. We verified the effectiveness of our approach using a reference set of identifications generated by ProLuCID when searching for Pyrococcus furiosus mass spectra on the corresponding NCBI RefSeq database. We then modified the sequence database by swapping amino acids until ProLuCID was no longer capable of identifying any proteins. By searching the mass spectra using PepExplorer on the modified database, we were able to recover most of the identifications at a 1% false-discovery rate. Finally, we employed PepExplorer to disclose a comprehensive proteomic assessment of the Bothrops jararaca plasma, a known biological source of natural inhibitors of snake toxins. PepExplorer is integrated into the PatternLab for Proteomics environment, which makes available various tools for downstream data analysis, including resources for quantitative and differential proteomics.Very often, groundbreaking discoveries with a significant impact on the biotechnological and biomedical fields have emerged from studying “non-canonical” organisms. For example, the study of Thermus aquaticus allowed us to ultimately pave the way to modern molecular biology with the characterization of that organism''s thermostable DNA polymerase (1). The characterization of the green fluorescent protein in Aequoria victoria led to a revolution in cellular biology and to a Nobel Prize being awarded to Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, and Roger Tsien. In Brazil, Sergio Ferreira''s work on the venom of the Brazilian poisonous snake Bothrops jararaca enabled the development of the first angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor drug (Captopril) for the treatment of hypertension (2).In scenarios such as these, proteomics has the potential to allow a better understanding of the complexity of biological systems and the process of evolution than the study of the genetic code alone. It enables the characterization of molecular processes according to their protein content, facilitating new discoveries. In proteomics, the most frequently used strategy for protein identification is so-called peptide spectrum matching (PSM),1 or the comparison of experimental mass spectra obtained by fragmenting peptides in a mass spectrometer to theoretical spectra generated from a sequence database. In general, the identification process follows from the sequence whose theoretical spectrum yields the highest matching score according to some empirical or probabilistic function. Examples of search engines adopting this strategy are SEQUEST (3), X!Tandem (4), and Mascot (5).Back in the 1990s, establishment of a cutoff score for confident identification relied mostly on user experience; for example, given a specific charge state, Washburn et al. established cross-correlation and deltaCn cutoff values for SEQUEST in order to allow the selection of a subset of confident identifications from LCQ data. This has since been termed “the Washburn criterion.” In what followed, target-decoy databases were implemented to allow for more sophisticated refinements in filtering the data (6). In 2007, Elias and Gygi published a seminal paper on the target-decoy approach to shotgun proteomics (7) that ultimately firmed this approach as a standard and motivated the development of several statistical filters capable of converging to a list of confident identifications satisfying a user-specified false-discovery rate (FDR) with significantly more sensitivity than the conservative Washburn criterion. Such statistical filters include mixtures of probabilities (8), quadratic discriminant analysis (9), semi-supervised learning with support vector machines (10), and Bayesian logic (11) using a semi-labeled decoy analysis to account for overfitting (12). With so many advances, the PSM workflow has become the gold standard, as it is very sensitive and the least error-prone method when a database is available with the corresponding proteins. The latter factor limits the application of PSM to those organisms for which accurate sequence databases have been established. If a peptide''s sequence is not contained within the sequence database, it cannot be identified via the PSM method. However, efforts in developing error-tolerant PSM approaches such as implemented in Mascot have made it possible to handle minor sequence modifications constrained by a simple set of rules. Nevertheless, increasing the search space in the PSM approach leads to decreased sensitivity (13).Even though the concept of computer-aided de novo sequencing predates that of PSM (14), advances in the quality of mass spectrometry data and the power of computer hardware have allowed it to reemerge at the heart of a highly active field. De novo sequencing is unbiased insofar as it is not constrained by a sequence database, and it is therefore complementary to PSM. However, it has remained the most error prone of the two methods (15). The challenges of de novo sequencing notwithstanding, a few recent and notable improvements in computer-aided de novo analysis are PepNovo (16), which combines graph theory with machine learning; pNovo+ (17), which is optimized for high-resolution HCD data; NovoHMM (18), relying on hidden Markov models for increased sensitivity; and PEAKS (19), which creates a spectrum graph model by performing dynamic programming on the mass values regardless of the presence of an observed fragment ion. By considering the complementarities of different fragmentation strategies (e.g. collision induced dissociation, electron transfer dissociation (20), and electron capture dissociation (21)), computational proteomics scientists have also demonstrated significant advances in de novo accuracy (22). In particular, the Bandeira group has continually pushed the limits and redefined the notion of what de novo sequencing can do by introducing the spectral networks paradigm (2325). Briefly, this strategy can assemble mass spectra into spectral pairs by joining overlapping spectra obtained from sample aliquots digested by different enzymes. As a consequence, it reduces noise and significantly improves protein coverage. Its latest version also combines data from different fragmentation techniques.These algorithm developments have improved de novo sequencing, shifting the bottleneck to post-sequence processing of data. This is because the output of de novo software is a long list of highly similar full and partial peptide sequence and scores. An initial attempt to overcome these limitations consisted of a tag approach that was a hybrid of de novo sequencing and database searching: short sequence tags were derived from tandem mass spectra and used to search a sequence database (26). In what followed, a modified version based on the FASTA homology search tool was proposed for homology-driven proteomics (27). This strategy was implemented as part of the CIDentify tool, whose novelty was to account, in the alignment score, for limitations of mass spectrometry sequencing such as switching between leucine and isoleucine or other combinations of amino acids having the same mass. The next steps were taken mainly by the Shevchenko group through the introduction of the MS-Blast algorithm, which relies on a different set of scores and uses the PAM30MS substitution matrix, itself tailored for mass-spectrometry-based proteomics (28, 29). For a complete review of de novo sequencing and homology searching, we suggest Ref. 30.The current de novo post-processing paradigm presents several limitations that are similar to those of the early PSM workflow. Output files generally consist of a peptide list with corresponding scores, demanding an experienced user to assess trustworthy identifications. If the same peptide is analyzed by different mass spectrometers, different scores might be generated, which makes data comparison between different groups a challenging task. In a sense, problems are similar to those encountered when adopting the early Washburn criterion. Assembling protein information from a list of peptides is not a simple task, and usually it is not performed using state-of-the-art de novo tools. Although there are great tools for doing this at the PSM level, there is still a lack of similar tools for de novo sequencing.To tackle the aforementioned shortcomings, and in line with our strong interest in diversity-driven proteomics (29), we present a methodology for post-processing de novo sequencing data that allows inference of protein identification through statistical mapping of de novo sequencing results to a protein sequence database. Our approach begins with the use of Gotoh''s version of the Smith–Waterman algorithm, based on affine gap scoring (31) for increased scalability, to align de novo sequences against those in a target-decoy database. Then a radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) is used to rank results according to alignment score, de novo score, precursor charge state, and peptide length. Finally, a heuristic method is used to present protein identification results in a user-friendly, interactive report. The resulting algorithm was implemented as the software PepExplorer. In essence, its goal is somewhat similar to that of post-processing tools such as DTASelect (9), Percolator (10), and SEPro (11), but with an extra layer of complexity inherent from de novo sequencing. PepExplorer can handle the output of several widely adopted de novo tools, such as PepNovo, pNovo+, and PEAKS, and accepts a generic format to enable result analysis from a broader range of tools once results are run through simple parsers. Similarly, the software accepts a series of database formats for input analysis. These features are not found in other tools. PepExplorer is freely available to the scientific community and is provided with the necessary documentation.The effectiveness of our methodology has been verified in two distinct scenarios, the first a real but controlled experiment and the other pertaining to comprehensive profiling of the plasma components of Bothrops jararaca, a venomous viper endemic to Brazil, southern Paraguay, and northern Argentina. The first scenario''s purpose was to validate the effectiveness of the tool in analyzing a published Pyrococcus furiosus dataset (11). We note that this organism is recognized by the proteomics community as well suited for benchmarking, because it allows for the rigorous testing of identification algorithms at the peptide and protein levels (32, 33). We modified the P. furiosus sequence database in such a way that no more peptides were identified via the PSM approach or another widely adopted error-tolerant search tool, Mod-A (34). We then found that we could recover protein identifications using our tool. The B. jararaca scenario has allowed us to explore uncharted territory, as this organism has an incomplete sequence database and we were therefore required to rely on those of orthologous organisms. In particular, B. jararaca plasma was chosen because it is a main research model studied at the Laboratory of Toxinology (FIOCRUZ, Brazil), and several natural inhibitors of snake toxins have already been identified/characterized from this biological matrix (3537).  相似文献   
We report the identification by two hybrid screens of two novel similar proteins, called Arabidopsis thaliana gamma carbonic anhydrase like1 and 2 (AtCAL1 and AtCAL2), that interact specifically with putative Arabidopsis thaliana gamma Carbonic Anhydrase (AtCA) proteins in plant mitochondria. The interaction region that was located in the N-terminal 150 amino acids of mature AtCA and AtCA like proteins represents a new interaction domain. In vitro experiments indicate that these proteins are imported into mitochondria and are associated with mitochondrial complex I as AtCAs. All plant species analyzed contain both AtCA and AtCAL sequences indicating that these genes were conserved throughout plant evolution. Structural modeling of AtCAL sequences show a deviation of functionally important active site residues with respect to CAs but could form active interfaces in the interaction with AtCAs. We postulate a CA complex tightly associated to plant mitochondrial complex.  相似文献   
The structure and absolute configuration of salvifarin, a neo-clerodane diterpenoid isolated from Salvia farinacea, have been established by X-ray diffraction analysis. This result modifies the structure previously assigned to this compound.  相似文献   
Brucella abortus is the etiological agent of bovine brucellosis, a zoonotic disease that causes significant economic losses worldwide. The differential proteomic profile of bovine chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) explants at early stages of infection with B. abortus (0.5, 2, 4, and 8 h) was determined. Analysis of CAM explants at 0.5 and 4 h showed the highest differences between uninfected and infected CAM explants, and therefore were used for the Differential Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE). A total of 103 spots were present in only one experimental group and were selected for identification by mass spectrometry (MALDI/ToF-ToF). Proteins only identified in extracts of CAM explants infected with B. abortus were related to recognition of PAMPs by TLR, production of reactive oxygen species, intracellular trafficking, and inflammation.  相似文献   
Large‐scale automated transient protein expression in plants requires the synchronization of cultivation and bacterial fermentation, especially if more than one bacterial strain. Therefore, a ready‐to‐use approach that decouples bacterial fermentation and infiltration is developed. It is found that bacterial cultures can easily be reconstituted in infiltration medium at a user‐defined time, optical density, and quantity. This allows the process flow to be staggered, avoiding bottlenecks in process capacity and labor. Using the red fluorescent protein, DsRed, as a model product, the ready‐to‐use preparations achieved the same yields in infiltrated plant biomass as Agrobacterium tumefaciens derived from regular fermentations. It is possible to store the ready‐to‐use stocks at –20 °C and –80 °C for more than two months without loss of activity. Using a consolidated cost model for the current fermentation process, it is found that the ready‐to‐use strategy can reduce operational costs by 20–95% and investment costs by up to 75%, which would otherwise offset the economic advantages of plants over mammalian expression systems during upstream production. Furthermore, the staggered cultivation of plants and bacteria reduces the likelihood of batch failure and thus increases the robustness and flexibility of transient expression for the production of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   
Immunoincompetence after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) affects in particular the T-cell lineage and is associated with an increased risk for infections, graft failure and malignant relapse. To generate large numbers of T-cell precursors for adoptive therapy, we cultured mouse hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vitro on OP9 mouse stromal cells expressing the Notch-1 ligand Delta-like-1 (OP9-DL1). We infused these cells, together with T-cell-depleted mouse bone marrow or purified HSCs, into lethally irradiated allogeneic recipients and determined their effect on T-cell reconstitution after transplantation. Recipients of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors showed increased thymic cellularity and substantially improved donor T-cell chimerism (versus recipients of bone marrow or HSCs only). OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors gave rise to host-tolerant CD4+ and CD8+ populations with normal T-cell antigen receptor repertoires, cytokine secretion and proliferative responses to antigen. Administration of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors increased resistance to infection with Listeria monocytogenes and mediated significant graft-versus-tumor (GVT) activity but not graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We conclude that the adoptive transfer of OP9-DL1-derived T-cell precursors markedly enhances T-cell reconstitution after transplantation, resulting in GVT activity without GVHD.  相似文献   
Gamma carbonic anhydrases in plant mitochondria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three genes from Arabidopsis thaliana with high sequence similarity to gamma carbonic anhydrase (γCA), a Zn containing enzyme from Methanosarcina thermophila(CAM), were identified and characterized. Evolutionary and structural analyses predict that these genes code for active forms of γCA. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that these Arabidopsis gene products cluster together with CAM and related sequences from α and γ proteobacteria, organisms proposed as the mitochondrial endosymbiont ancestor. Indeed, in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that these gene products are transported into the mitochondria as occurs with several mitochondrial protein genes transferred, during evolution, from the endosymbiotic bacteria to the host genome. Moreover, putative CAM orthologous genes are detected in other plants and green algae and were predicted to be imported to mitochondria. Structural modeling and sequence analysis performed in more than a hundred homologous sequences show a high conservation of functionally important active site residues. Thus, the three histidine residues involved in Zn coordination (His 81, 117 and 122), Arg 59, Asp 61, Gin 75, and Asp 76 of CAM are conserved and properly arranged in the active site cavity of the models. Two other functionally important residues (Glu 62 and Glu 84 of CAM) are lacking, but alternative amino acids that might serve to their roles are postulated. Accordingly, we propose that photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms (green algae and plants) contain γCAs and that these enzymes codified by nuclear genes are imported into mitochondria to accomplish their biological function.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe obligate intracellular protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of Chagas disease, a neglected illness affecting millions of people in Latin America that recently entered non-endemic countries through immigration, as a consequence of globalization. The chemotherapy for this disease is based mainly on benznidazole and nifurtimox, which are very efficient nitroderivatives against the acute stage but present limited efficacy during the chronic phase. Our group has been studying the trypanocidal effects of naturally occurring quinones and their derivatives, and naphthoimidazoles derived from β-lapachone N1, N2 and N3 were the most active. To assess the molecular mechanisms of action of these compounds, we applied proteomic techniques to analyze treated bloodstream trypomastigotes, which are the clinically relevant stage of the parasite.Conclusion/SignificanceOur results point to different modes of action for N1, N2 and N3, which indicate a great variety of metabolic pathways involved and allow for novel perspectives on the development of trypanocidal agents.  相似文献   
Transforming growth factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) plays a critical role during palate development, since mutations of the TGF-beta3 gene give rise to cleft palate in both humans and mice. Striking alterations have been reported in the behaviour and differentiation of medial edge epithelial (MEE) cells in TGF-beta3 knockout mouse palates. In the present paper, we provide evidence of alterations in MEE intercellular adhesion in TGF-beta3 -/- mouse palates using immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies to a panel of cell adhesion and cytoskeletal molecules including E-cadherin, alpha and beta catenin, beta actin, vinculin and beta2 integrin. In vitro labeling of opposing MEE with two different lipophilic markers and subsequent analysis by confocal microscopy revealed that wild type MEE cells intercalate as soon as the midline epithelial seam forms. This finding indicates that the palate may elongate in a dorso-ventral direction by means of convergent extension, as occurs in other embryonic developmental processes. In contrast, this intercalation does not occur in the TGF-beta3 -/- MEE but it can be rescued by the exogenous addition of TGF-beta3. Thus, the substantial alteration of MEE intercellular adhesion observed in TGF-beta3 -/- palates may account for the defect in palatal shelf adhesion and the formation of cleft palate.  相似文献   
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