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Jurassic rocks in west-central Argentina are predominantly marine and marginal-marine siliciclastics, associated with prominent but volumetrically subordinate carbonates and evaporites. Facies developments were ruled by paleogeographic persistence within the southern-infratropical latitude belt (within 40–50°S) and by siliciclastic derivation from the Patagonian hinterland to the southwest. Minor volcanic and volcaniclastic supply arrived from the west, out of a magmatic belt related to Circum-Pacific convergence. Timing of the main marine-flooding events and general correspondence with the high-rank stratal packaging recorded in western North America, suggest that global eustasy was also a factor in controlling the local stratigraphic record. Early Jurassic sedimentation occurred within a series of semi-isolated depocentres linked to fault-bounded Triassic troughs. The Sinemurian-Toarcian deposits record depocentre expansion and coalescence. These trends were coeval with progressively more widespread marine invasions from the northwest and west, leading to an elongate marine seaway which connected central Patagonia with the Pacific domain. During the Aalenian-Bajocian the region was subject to a more subdued tectonism and the foreland side of the basin became fringed by an extensive clastic embankment. Bathonian and Early Callovian were times when coarse clastics prograded into the basin, while the marine embayment shrank as a result of stepwise forced regressions. During Late Callovian to Oxfordian globally rising sea-level, the depocentre witnessed the appearance of cosmopolitan invertebrates and a stratal pattern of basin widening and depositional underbalance, that promoted cratonward onlap and inception of widespread carbonate deposition. Ooidal-coralline carbonate development was terminated after a relatively sudden (Messinian-style) event that desiccated a large tract of the Andean basin, and favored massive precipitation of anhydrite. In the course of the Kimmeridgian the evaporite basin was largely flooded by siliciclastics and turned into a broad and featureless mudflat-salina complex, linked to a widespread erg and to an ephemeral drainage system. By the Tithonian, at a period of peak oceanic stand, marine connection was reinstated and recorded as the most widespread Jurassic transgression across the Neuquén-Aconcagua embayment. Shelfal deposition consisted of molluscs and ooid-dominated carbonate terraces that grew in pulses tuned to eustatic fluctuations. Like in other prolific petroleum provinces around the world the Tithonian basinal strata involve widespread euxinic deposits featuring unusually high organic content.  相似文献   
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was obtained from the microalgaPhaeodactylum tricornutum following a three-step process: fatty acid extraction by direct saponification of wet biomass, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentration by formation of urea inclusion compounds and EPA isolation by preparative HPLC. Direct saponification of wet biomass was carried out with KOH-ethanol (96% v:v) (1 h, 60 °C), extracting 91% of the EPA. PUFAs were concentrated by the urea method with an urea/fatty acid ratio of 4:1 at a crystallization temperature of 28 °C using methanol as the urea solvent. An EPA concentration ratio of 1.5 (55.2/36.3) and recovery of 79% were obtained. This PUFA concentrate was used to obtain 95.8% pure EPA by preparative HPLC, using a reverse-phase column (C18, 4.7 cm i.d. × 30 cm) and methanol-water (1% AcH) 80:20 w/w as the mobile phase. Ninety-seven per cent of EPA loaded was recovered and 70% EPA present in theP. tricornutum biomass was recovered in a highly pure form by means of this three-step downstream processing. In each of the HPLC preparative runs, 635 mg PUFA concentrate were loaded, obtaining 326 mg of a highly concentrated EPA fraction (2.46 g d–1). Finally, a preliminary cost statement has been calculated.  相似文献   
Protein p6 of the Bacillus subtilis phage ø29 is essential for in vivo viral DNA replication. This protein activates the initiation of ø29 DNA replication in vitro by forming a multimeric nucleoprotein complex at the replication origins. The N-terminal region of protein p6 is involved in DNA binding, as shown by in vitro studies with p6 proteins altered by deletions or missense mutations. We report on the development of an in vivo functional assay for protein p6. This assay is based on the ability of protein p6-producing B. subtilis non-suppressor (su ) cells to support growth of a ø29 sus6 mutant phage. We have used this trans-complementation assay to investigate the effect on in vivo viral DNA synthesis of missense mutations introduced into the protein p6 N-terminal region. The alteration of lysine to alanine at position 2 resulted in a partially functional protein, whereas the replacement of arginine by alanine at position 6 gave rise to an inactive protein. These results indicate that arginine at position 6 is critical for the in vivo activity of protein p6. Our complementation system provides a useful genetic approach for the identification of functionally important amino acids in protein p6.  相似文献   
Indigenous Indian groups comprise approximately 20% of Ecuador's population, the third largest percentage in all of Central or South America, yet immunogenetic data on these groups are lacking in the literature. In the course of population migration studies, sera collected from 65 Ecuadorians living in the northern province of Esmeraldas were typed for six GM and two KM markers. The study population consisted of 47 Cayapa Indians and 18 blacks of African origin, descendants of slaves imported into the area during the seventeenth century. The Cayapa demonstrated three GM phenotypes, two of which are common to other South American Indian tribes. The frequency of KM1 positive Cayapa Indians (63%) is similar to other South American Indian tribes, but is significantly greater than the Huaorani of eastern Ecuador (2%), the only other Ecuadorian Indian group for whom limited immunoglobulin allotype data are available ( 2=35.8, P<0.0001).  相似文献   
Thermosensitive mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that fail to generate an osmotically stable cell wall when grown at a non-permissive temperature release their cell contents upon expression of the mutation. Therefore, they may represent an alternative for the production of homologous or heterologous protein preparations. In order to analyse the expression of two of these mutations, lyt2 and slt2, we grew the corresponding strains under precisely defined conditions in batch and continuous fermentors. A switch in the temperature of batch cultures from 24° C to 37° C determined lysis of the cells with a significant release of intracellular enzymes. These include alkaline phosphatase and periplasmic proteins such as glucan-degrading enzymes, the pattern of cell lysis and protein release being maintained for about 6 h. One-stage continuous cultures of a lyt2 mutant were maintained for long periods at 37° C; a fraction of the population lysed and released the indicated proteins, but eventually a revertant of the lytic phenotype was selected. To avoid this, a two-stage continuous culture system was developed by connecting two fermentors in series, the effluent from the first one at 24°C being fed to the second one adjusted to 37° C. A steady state of cell lysis and protein liberation was reached in the second-stage fermentor without any evidence of selection of revertants. This system can be very useful for developing conditions for the use of yeast strains to produce protein preparations. Correspondence to: C. Nombela  相似文献   
The occurrence of 23 cyanobacterial species, belonging to 9 different genera and 5 cyanobacterial lichen species of 5 different genera on exposed, open rock surfaces of inselbergs and on soil in savannas of the Orinoco lowlands and the Guayana uplands is described. Their distribution patterns and frequency within the different habitats are given. The filamentous procaryotic blue-green algae/cyanobacteria Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, together with the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sanguinea were the most frequent species on rocks, whereas the filamentous cyanobacterium, Schizothrix telephoroides, dominated in cyanobacterial mats on the savanna soil. All species showed intensively coloured sheaths, either brown or yellow in the case of Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, or red in Gloeocapsa sanguinea and Schizothrix telephoroides. In addition, a number of cyanobacterial lichens occurred.  相似文献   
Soil micronutrients are capital for the delivery of ecosystem functioning and food provision worldwide. Yet, despite their importance, the global biogeography and ecological drivers of soil micronutrients remain virtually unknown, limiting our capacity to anticipate abrupt unexpected changes in soil micronutrients in the face of climate change. Here, we analyzed >1300 topsoil samples to examine the global distribution of six metallic micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Co and Ni) across all continents, climates and vegetation types. We found that warmer arid and tropical ecosystems, present in the least developed countries, sustain the lowest contents of multiple soil micronutrients. We further provide evidence that temperature increases may potentially result in abrupt and simultaneous reductions in the content of multiple soil micronutrients when a temperature threshold of 12–14°C is crossed, which may be occurring on 3% of the planet over the next century. Altogether, our findings provide fundamental understanding of the global distribution of soil micronutrients, with direct implications for the maintenance of ecosystem functioning, rangeland management and food production in the warmest and poorest regions of the planet.  相似文献   
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