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During the course of meiotic prophase, intrinsic double-strand breaks (DSBs) must be repaired before the cell can engage in meiotic nuclear division. Here we investigate the mechanism that controls the meiotic progression in Schizosaccharomyces pombe that have accumulated excess meiotic DSBs. A meiotic recombination-defective mutant, meu13Delta, shows a delay in meiotic progression. This delay is dependent on rec12+, namely on DSB formation. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that meiotic DSB repair in meu13Delta was retarded. We also found that the delay in entering nuclear division was dependent on the checkpoint rad+, cds1+ and mek1+ (the meiotic paralog of Cds1/Chk2). This implies that these genes are involved in a checkpoint that provides time to repair DSBs. Consistently, the induction of an excess of extrinsic DSBs by ionizing radiation delayed meiotic progression in a rad17(+)-dependent manner. dmc1Delta also shows meiotic delay, however, this delay is independent of rec12+ and checkpoint rad+. We propose that checkpoint monitoring of the status of meiotic DSB repair exists in fission yeast and that defects other than DSB accumulation can cause delays in meiotic progression.  相似文献   
Phage display is a useful means of identifying and selecting proteins of interest that bind specific targets. In order to examine the potential of phage display for the genome-wide screening of DNA-binding proteins, we constructed yeast genomic libraries using lambda foo-based vectors devised in this work. After affinity selection using GAL4 UAS(G) as a probe, phages expressing GAL4 were enriched approximately 5 x 10(5)-fold from the library. Approximately 90% of polypeptides encoded in correct translation reading frames by the selected phages were known or putative polynucleotide-binding proteins. This result clearly indicates that the modified lambda phage display vector in combination with our enrichment technique has great potential for the enrichment of DNA-binding proteins in a sequence-specific manner.  相似文献   
Von Willebrand factor (vWf) functions both as a carrier of factor VIII (fVIII) in plasma and as an adhesive protein providing the primary link between collagen of the extracellular matrix and platelets sequestered from blood flow. The functional activity of vWf correlates with the level of its binding to collagen, which is commonly measured in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We developed an automated collagen-binding assay employing the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon, which allows one to quantitatively measure the binding of purified vWf and vWf-containing therapeutic fVIII concentrates to collagen type III immobilized on a biosensor chip. The results of the SPR-based assay highly correlated (r = 0.987) with collagen-binding ELISA. The advantages of the SPR-based assay are its higher accuracy and reproducibility in comparison with ELISA. We applied the developed assay for monitoring structural changes in the vWf component of plasma-derived fVIII/vWf concentrates during a virus inactivation procedure performed by heat treatment. We determined the critical residual moisture content of 2% that can be present in lyophilized concentrates during heat-treatment procedures without causing deteriorative changes in vWf properties. Our data suggest that the SPR-based assay is a useful tool in the development of industrial virus-inactivation procedures, allowing one to preserve vWf activity and achieve the maximal therapeutic efficacy of fVIII/vWf concentrates.  相似文献   
The chemical properties of Amadori compounds in the presence of transition metal ions were studied, using the analogs 1-deoxy-1-n-butylamino-D-fructose (DBF) and N(alpha)-formyl-fructoselysine (fFL). The following characteristics were revealed: (a) DBF combined easily with Cu2+ (but no other transition metal ions) to form a DBF-Cu2+ complex in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4; (b) the complex was unstable, and degraded with the release of Cu+ during incubation at 37 degrees C; (c) degradation of the complex was associated with the production of hydroxyl radicals by the Fenton reaction and alpha-dicarbonyl compounds by non-autoxidative degradation; and (d) properties of DBF were similar to those of fFL. The above properties were additionally observed in glycated poly-Lys (GPL). Our findings indicate a novel mechanism for the generation of hydroxyl radicals and a-dicarbonyl compounds from Amadori adducts in the presence of Cu2+.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa bind to the vitelline coat in the ascidians and many other animals. The binding of sperm in Halocynthia roretzi is mediated by a sperm alpha-L-fucosidase and complementary-L-fucosyl residues of glycoproteins in the vitelline coat. cDNA clones for alpha-L-fucosidase were isolated from growing testis mRNA. It contained a 1398 bp full-length cDNA insert (HrFuc'ase) that encoded the 466 amino acid residues of H. roretzi sperm alpha-L-fucosidase. A putative signal peptide of 21 amino acid residues proceeded the sequence for the mature protein (M.W. 52.4 kDa). The coding sequence for HrFuc'ase showed 47.7% sequence identity to the human liver fucosidase sequence. The polyclonal antibody was prepared against a lacZ-HrFuc'ase fusion protein expressed in E. coli. The antibody crossed to a 54 kDa protein in sperm on western blotting and inhibited fertilization in a dose dependent manner. These data suggest that sperm-egg binding is mediated by the sperm alpha-L-fucosidase, HrFuc'ase in the ascidian, H. roretzi.  相似文献   
Two sublines of the benzpyrene-induced mouse hepatoma cell line, G-1 and G-5, showed low and high metastatic ability, respectively, to the lung. We produced a polyclonal antibody (pAb) against RAE-1alpha. Five isoforms of RAE-1 have been identified to date, and this pAb recognized all isoforms and was named anti-"pan" RAE-1 pAb. The level of RAE-1 was approximately 5-fold higher in G-5 than in G-1, which was almost RAE-1-negative, as determined using anti-pan RAE-1 pAb. Expression levels of other markers including MHC class I (MHC-I) and Qa-1b were very low and indistinguishable in these sublines. NK-mediated cytotoxicity was determined with these sublines; G-5 was highly susceptible to NK-mediated cytolysis, while G-1 was relatively resistant. The NK-mediated G-5 > G-1 killing profile was diminished if the G-5 cells were pretreated with F(ab)(2)(') of anti-pan RAE-1 pAb. G-1, when transfected with Rae-1alpha cDNA, acquired NK-responsiveness similar to that of G-5. These and additional data using mouse cell lines with low MHC-I levels and various RAE-1 levels also demonstrated that RAE-1 level is critically associated with NK-susceptibility in tumor cells.  相似文献   
Day-night changes in rhabdom size of compound eyes were investigated in three groups of crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus): nymphs and adult males and females. In both adults and nymphs, the rhabdoms were larger at night than during a day. In adults, the mean rhabdom occupation ratios (RORs) of ommatidial retinulae at midnight were about two times greater than the values at midday. This change contributes to control of the photon capture efficiency (PCE) of the eye according to photic environment. The RORs of adult males at midnight were higher than those of both adult females and nymphs. This suggests that the PCE of the compound eye of adult males is the greatest of all groups. Under constant darkness, day-night changes in ROR were detected only in adult males, but neither in adult females nor in nymphs. On the other hand, no day-night changes were detected in any experimental group under constant light. These results suggest that the change in rhabdom size between day and night is an adaptation to the photic environment that is controlled mainly by the light-dark (day-night) cycle. However, the change in male adults is induced by an endogenous circadian clock.  相似文献   
On the basis of external morphology and anatomy, 17 scpeies of the genusSilurus Linnaeus including a new species,S. torrentis from Thailand and Burma, are recognized as valid.S. bedfordi Regan is synonymized withS. asotus, andS. goae Haig is transferred to the genusOmpok. From an anatomical study of 12 species, the diagnostic feature of the genusParasilurus Bleeker is revealed to be invalid, and the genus is synonymized withSilurus. From the phylogenetic analysis, the genusSilurus is divided into two major species groups, thecochinchinensis group which is disributed mainly in Southeast Asia, and theglanis group which is further separated into three subgroups occurring separately in East Asia and Europe. The pattern of distribution and relationships between ontogeny and phytogeny in the genusSilurus are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
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