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Cultured cells of Gardenia jasminoides produced both salicinand isosalicin from exogenously supplied salicyl alcohol. Theglucosylation activity of the cells was highest in the exponentialphase of growth and ca. 70% of the added substrate was convertedto the glucosides within 4 days. The rate of glucosylation wasalso dependent on the medium composition such as auxin and sucroseconcentrations. The ratio of salicin to isosalicin formed fromsalicyl alcohol was influenced by the growth stage of the culturedcells. Salicin was converted to isosalicin when exogenouslyadded to the culture. (Received October 11, 1985; Accepted March 10, 1986)  相似文献   
It has recently been shown that the A/A genotype at g.-23 of the insulin gene correlates with impaired insulin secretion in response to body weight gain in subjects of European descent. To examine whether there are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the insulin gene associated with type 2 diabetes, all exons with their flanking sequences for 113 Japanese type 2 diabetic patients and 99 nondiabetic control subjects were analyzed using PCR direct sequencing. We have only found g.-23T --> A, 806G --> C, 1128T --> C, and 1141A --> C, which have previously been reported in alpha (A-C-C-C) and beta (T-G-T-A) alleles. The allele frequency of -23T --> A in control Japanese subjects was 97.4%, whereas that in Europeans is about 30%. The A/A genotype was found in 94 of 99 Japanese subjects (94.9%) and the allele frequencies of 806G --> C, 1128T --> C, and 1141A --> C were all 96.5%. The estimated haplotype frequencies were (A-C-C-C) (96.0%), (T-G-T-A) (2.0%), (A-G-T-A) (1.5%), and (T-C-C-C) (0.5%). No association of these SNPs or haplotypes with type 2 diabetes was evident. Thus, the A/A genotype at the g.-23 of insulin gene was generally high in Japanese subjects, which could account for the fact that they typically secrete lower levels of insulin.  相似文献   
1,N(6)-Ethenodeoxyadenosine, a DNA adduct generated by exogenous and endogenous sources, severely blocks DNA synthesis and induces miscoding events in human cells. To probe the mechanism for in vivo translesion DNA synthesis across this adduct, in vitro primer extension studies were conducted using newly identified human DNA polymerases (pol) eta and kappa, which have been shown to catalyze translesion DNA synthesis past several DNA lesions. Steady-state kinetic analyses and analysis of translesion products have revealed that the synthesis is >100-fold more efficient with pol eta than with pol kappa and that both error-free and error-prone syntheses are observed with these enzymes. The miscoding events include both base substitution and frameshift mutations. These results suggest that both polymerases, particularly pol eta, may contribute to the translesion DNA synthesis events observed for 1,N(6)-ethenodeoxyadenosine in human cells.  相似文献   
The asialoglycoprotein receptor is an abundant hetero-oligomeric endocytic receptor that is predominantly expressed on the sinusoidal surface of the hepatocytes. A number of physiological and pathophysiological functions have been ascribed to this hepatic lectin (HL), the removal of desialylated serum glycoproteins and apoptotic cells, clearance of lipoproteins, and the sites of entry for hepatotropic viruses. The assembly of two homologous subunits, HL-1 and HL-2, is required to form functional, high affinity receptors on the cell surface. However, the importance of the individual subunits for receptor transport to the cell surface is controversial. We have previously generated HL-2-deficient mice and showed that the expression of HL-1 was significantly reduced, and the functional activity as the asialoglycoprotein receptor was virtually eliminated. However, we failed to detect phenotypic abnormalities. To explore the significance of the major HL-1 subunit for receptor expression and function in vivo, we have disrupted the HL-1 gene in mice. Homozygous HL-1-deficient animals are superficially normal. HL-2 expression in the liver is virtually abrogated, indicating that HL-1 is strictly required for the stable expression of HL-2. Although these mice are almost unable to clear asialo-orosomucoid, a high affinity ligand for asialoglycoprotein receptor, they do not accumulate desialylated glycoproteins or lipoproteins in the plasma.  相似文献   
Autoimmune diabetes is characterized by a chronic progressive inflammatory autoimmune reaction that ultimately causes the selective elimination of pancreatic beta cells. To address the question of whether the cell death-inducing cytokines TNF and lymphotoxin alpha are involved in this process, we generated nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice that are deficient for TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1 or TNFRp55). Insulitis developed in these mice similarly to that in normal control NOD mice, but progression to diabetes was completely abrogated. Since this was probably due to the complex immunomodulatory effects of TNF and lymphotoxin alpha signaled via TNFR1 on lymphohemopoietic cells, adoptive transfer experiments with spleen cells from diabetic NOD mice were conducted. It was found that the absence of TNFR1 in recipients delayed diabetes induced by normal control and precluded diabetes induced by perforin-deficient spleen cells. In a CD8+ T cell-mediated model of diabetes, however, diabetes induced by adoptive transfer of TCR transgenic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein-specific CD8+ T cells was not delayed by the absence of TNFR1 in recipient mice. Together with the described expression patterns of perforin and TNF in the mononuclear islet infiltrates of NOD mice, these results indicate that two diabetogenic effector mechanisms are delivered by distinct cell populations: CD8+ T cells lyse beta cells via perforin-dependent cytotoxicity, whereas CD4+ T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells contribute to diabetes development via TNFR1-dependent beta cell toxicity.  相似文献   
The Trp64Arg beta3-adrenergic receptor (AR) variant is associated with visceral obesity probably due to decreased lipolysis in visceral fat (H. Kim-Motoyama et al., Diabetologia 40, 469-472, 1997). Functional alteration of beta2AR may also change fat distribution. We investigated the influence of the Gln27Glu beta2AR variant upon obesity and fat distribution. We screened 278 unrelated Japanese men and detected 249 wild-type Gln27 homozygotes, 28 Gln27/Glu27 heterozygotes, and one mutant Glu27 homozygote. The frequency of mutant Glu27 allele was significantly higher in obese subjects than in nonobese/intermediate subjects (0.11 vs 0.04, P = 0. 004). The Gln27/Glu27 heterozygotes had a significantly higher mean age-adjusted body-mass index (BMI) and mean age-adjusted subcutaneous fat area assessed by CT scan than the wild-type homozygotes but not the mean age-adjusted visceral fat areas. In summary, we have found that in Japanese men the Gln27Glu beta2AR variant is associated with obesity due to subcutaneous fat accumulation.  相似文献   
We isolated novel temperature-sensitive mutants of spo0H, spo0H1 and spo0H5, having E61K and G30E amino-acid substitutions within the sigmaH protein, respectively, and located in the highly conserved region, "2", among prokaryotic sigma factors that participates in binding to core enzyme of RNA polymerase. These mutants showed a sporulation-deficient phenotype at 43 degrees C. Moreover, we successfully isolated suppressor mutants that were spontaneously generated from the spo0H mutants. Our genetic analysis of these suppressor mutations revealed that the suppressor mutations are within the rpoB gene coding for the beta subunit of RNA polymerase. The mutations caused single amino-acid substitutions, E857A and P1055S, in rpoB18 and rpoB532 mutants that were generated from spo0H1 and spo0H5, respectively. Whereas the sigmaH-dependent expression of a spo0A-bgaB fusion was greatly reduced in both spo0H mutants, their expression was partially restored in the suppressor mutants at 43 degrees C. Western blot analysis showed that the level of sigmaH protein in the wild type increased between T0 and T2 and decreased after T3, while the level of sigmaH protein in spo0H mutants was greatly reduced throughout growth, indicating that the mutant sigmaH proteins were rapidly degraded by some unknown proteolytic enzyme(s). The analysis of the half-life of sigmaH protein showed that the short life of sigmaH in spo0H mutants is prolonged in the suppressor mutants. These findings suggest that, at least to some extent, the process of E-sigmaH formation may be involved in stabilization of sigmaH at the onset of sporulation.  相似文献   
Starting from N-glycosylated eel calcitonin derivatives that contain an N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue specifically at the 3rd, 14th, 20th or 26th amino acid residue, corresponding glycopeptides with a complex-type oligosaccharide attached to the respective amino acid residue were synthesized by means of a transglycosylation reaction catalyzed by an endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from Mucor hiemalis . The use of a recombinant enzyme and an excess of a glycosyl donor led to a yield in excess of 60%. Calcitonin derivatives containing truncated oligosaccharides were also prepared via digestion of the complex-type N-glycan with exoglycosidases. Using these N-glycosylated calcitonin derivatives, the effect of carbohydrate structure and glycosylation site on the three-dimensional structure and the biological activity of the peptide were studied. The conformation of the peptide backbone did not change irrespective of the carbohydrate structure or the glycosylation site. However, hypocalcemic activity, calcitonin-receptor binding activity and the biodistribution of the derivatives were affected by the glycosylation and were dependent on both the carbohydrate structure and the glycosylation site. Although the larger oligosaccharides tended to hinder receptor binding, the biodistribution altered by N-glycosylation appeared to enhance the hypocalcemic activity in some cases, and the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the site of glycosylation.  相似文献   
Hydroxymatairesinol (HMR), obtained from the heartwood of spruce (Picea abies), has been demonstrated to exert chemo-preventive effects on the development of mammary tumors in rats. To examine the influence of HMR on uterine carcinogenesis, adult Donryu rats were initiated with a single intrauterine treatment of N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) at 11 weeks of age and fed thereafter 0, 200, or 600 ppm HMR mixed in the soy-containing diet until 15 months of age. Incidences of uterine adenocarcinoma in both 200 and 600 ppm HMR-dosed groups were significantly reduced to 11% and 15%, respectively, less than 50% of 0 ppm, at the end of the experiment (P < 0.05). A delay in the start of persistent estrus by HMR was observed at 8 months of age compared with controls given carcinogen alone. From urinalysis, HMR was metabolized mainly to enterolactone and hydroxyenterolactone. These findings suggest that HMR or its metabolites exert chemo-preventive effects in the rat ENNG-uterine carcinogenesis model.  相似文献   
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