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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a non-receptor type tyrosine kinase, is involved in the G1/S phase cell cycle transition of astrocytes induced by endothelin-1 (ET-1). In this study, the roles of FAK in the expression of cyclin D1 or D3, which are pivotal in G1/S phase transition, were examined in cultured astrocytes. Accompanied with increases in bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, ET-1 (100 nm) increased the numbers of cyclin D1- and D3-positive astrocytes. PD98059 (a MEK inhibitor) and PP-2 (a Src kinase inhibitor) inhibited ET-induced cyclin D1 expression and BrdU incorporation without affecting cyclin D3 expression. In contrast, cytochalasin D, lovastatin (a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor) and Y-27632 (a rho-kinase inhibitor) prevented both cyclin D3 expression and BrdU incorporation. FAK phosphorylation by ET-1 was inhibited by cytochalasin D, lovastatin and Y-27632, but not by PD98059 or PP-2. Transfection with wild-type FAK increased expression of cyclin D3 in astrocytes, while that of cyclin D1 was not affected. Dominant-negative FAK mutants prevented an ET-induced increase in cyclin D3 expression, but not D1. These results suggest that activation of FAK causes cyclin D3 expression in cultured astrocytes, which would underlie the FAK-mediated astrocytic G1/S phase transition by ET-1.  相似文献   
Tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs) are major junctional apparatuses in epithelial cells. Claudins and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) are major cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) at TJs, whereas cadherins and nectins are major CAMs at AJs. Claudins and JAMs are associated with ZO proteins, whereas cadherins are associated with β- and α-catenins, and nectins are associated with afadin. We previously showed that nectins first form cell-cell adhesions where the cadherin-catenin complex is recruited to form AJs, followed by the recruitment of the JAM-ZO and claudin-ZO complexes to the apical side of AJs to form TJs. It is not fully understood how TJ components are recruited to the apical side of AJs. We studied the roles of afadin and ZO-1 in the formation of TJs in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Before the formation of TJs, ZO-1 interacted with afadin through the two proline-rich regions of afadin and the SH3 domain of ZO-1. During and after the formation of TJs, ZO-1 dissociated from afadin and associated with JAM-A. Knockdown of afadin impaired the formation of both AJs and TJs in MDCK cells, whereas knockdown of ZO-1 impaired the formation of TJs, but not AJs. Re-expression of full-length afadin restored the formation of both AJs and TJs in afadin-knockdown MDCK cells, whereas re-expression of afadin-ΔPR1–2, which is incapable of binding to ZO-1, restored the formation of AJs, but not TJs. These results indicate that the transient interaction of afadin with ZO-1 is necessary for the formation of TJs in MDCK cells.  相似文献   
Previous short-term experiments showed that trail following behavior of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), can be disrupted by a high concentration of synthetic trail pheromone component (Z)-9-hexadecenal. In this study, a long-term field trial was conducted in 100-m2 plots of house gardens in an urban area of Japan to see whether the control effect on Argentine ants can be obtained by permeating synthetic trail pheromone from dispensers. The dispensers were placed in the experimental plots during the ant's active season (April-November) for 2 yr with monthly renewal. To estimate Argentine ant population density, foraging activity of Argentine ants in the study plots was monitored by monthly bait surveys. Throughout the study period, Argentine ant foraging activity was suppressed in the presence of the dispensers, presumably via trail forming inhibition. In contrast, the level of foraging activity was not different between treatment and no-treatment plots when the dispensers were temporarily removed, suggesting that treatment with pheromone dispensers did not suppress Argentine ant density in the treatment plots. Population decline may be expected with larger-scale treatment that covers a significant portion of the ant colony or with improvement in the potency of the disruptant.  相似文献   
We administered prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) or anti-PrRP antiserum to goldfish in fresh water and analyzed their effects on prolactin and osmoregulatory mechanisms. The pituitary mRNA level of prolactin increased by PrRP but decreased by anti-PrRP. The rate of water inflow in the gills decreased by PrRP and increased by anti-PrRP, showing that PrRP restricts branchial water permeability, as also restricted by prolactin. PrRP also expanded the mucous cell layers on the scales, which may restrict efficiently water inflow by the mucous system. Eventually, the plasma osmotic pressure decreased by anti-PrRP. We conclude that PrRP is essential to maintain prolactin levels and osmotic balance in fresh water.  相似文献   
The key DNA cutting and joining steps of retroviral DNA integration are carried out by the viral integrase protein. Structures of the individual domains of integrase have been determined, but their organization in the active complex with viral DNA is unknown. We show that HIV-1 integrase forms stable synaptic complexes in which a tetramer of integrase is stably associated with a pair of viral DNA ends. The viral DNA is processed within these complexes, which go on to capture the target DNA and integrate the viral DNA ends. The joining of the two viral DNA ends to target DNA occurs sequentially, with a stable intermediate complex in which only one DNA end is joined. The integration product also remains stably associated with integrase and likely requires disassembly before completion of the integration process by cellular enzymes. The results define the series of stable nucleoprotein complexes that mediate retroviral DNA integration.  相似文献   
We report a novel in vitro high-throughput (HTP) kinase assay using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In vitro tyrosine phosphorylation was performed in a microtiter plate, after which the substrate was captured with an antibody on a sensor chip and phosphotyrosine (pTyr) was detected with an anti-pTyr antibody. The capture and pTyr detection steps were performed using a Biacore A100, which is a sensitive and high-performance flow-cell-based SPR biosensor. This system allowed multiple sample processing (1000 samples/day) and high-quality data sampling. We compared the abilities of the HTP-SPR method and a standard radioisotope assay by measuring the phosphorylation of several substrate proteins by the Fyn tyrosine kinase. Similar results were obtained with both methods, suggesting that the HTP-SPR method is reliable. Therefore, the HTP-SPR method described in this study can be a powerful tool for a variety of screening analyses, such as kinase activity screening, kinase substrate profiling, and kinase HTP screening of kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   
This study examined the accumulation and tissue distribution of radioactive cesium nuclides in Japanese Black beef heifers raised on roughage contaminated with radioactive fallout due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on March 2011. Radiocesium feeding increased both (134)Cs and (137)Cs levels in all tissues tested. The kidney had the highest level and subcutaneous adipose had the lowest of radioactive cesium in the tissues. Different radioactive cesium levels were not found among parts of the muscles. These results indicate that radiocesium accumulated highly in the kidney and homogenously in the skeletal muscles in the heifers.  相似文献   


In order to control malaria, it is important to understand the genetic structure of the parasites in each endemic area. Plasmodium vivax is widely distributed in the tropical to temperate regions of Asia and South America, but effective strategies for its elimination have yet to be designed. In South Korea, for example, indigenous vivax malaria was eliminated by the late 1970s, but re-emerged from 1993. We estimated the population structure and temporal dynamics of transmission of P. vivax in South Korea using microsatellite DNA markers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed 255 South Korean P. vivax isolates collected from 1994 to 2008, based on 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci of the P. vivax genome. Allelic data were obtained for the 87 isolates and their microsatellite haplotypes were determined based on a combination of allelic data of the loci. In total, 40 haplotypes were observed. There were two predominant haplotypes: H16 and H25. H16 was observed in 9 isolates (10%) from 1996 to 2005, and H25 in 27 (31%) from 1995 to 2003. These results suggested that the recombination rate of P. vivax in South Korea, a temperate country, was lower than in tropical areas where identical haplotypes were rarely seen in the following year. Next, we estimated the relationships among the 40 haplotypes by eBURST analysis. Two major groups were found: one composed of 36 isolates (41%) including H25; the other of 20 isolates (23%) including H16. Despite the low recombination rate, other new haplotypes that are genetically distinct from the 2 groups have also been observed since 1997 (H27).


These results suggested a continual introduction of P. vivax from other population sources, probably North Korea. Molecular epidemiology using microsatellite DNA of the P. vivax population is effective for assessing the population structure and transmission dynamics of the parasites - information that can assist in the elimination of vivax malaria in endemic areas.  相似文献   
Two batches each of diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) and that combined with inactivated polio vaccine purchased from foreign markets were tested by mouse body weight decreasing (BWD) toxicity test and Limulus amaebocyte lysate (LAL) test. Three out of the four imported vaccine batches showed the levels of BWD toxicity even comparable to that of DT-whole cell pertussis vaccine. BWD toxicity test is based on endotoxin dose-dependent weight loss of mice and has been used for controlling endotoxin in DTaP. Although of the strong BWD toxicity of the imported vaccines, there was no marked difference in LAL test results between the imported vaccines and Japanese DTaP. However, one imported DTaP batch showed very strong interference with LAL activity of spiked lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The batch interfered not only with LAL activity but also with pyrogenicity and prostaglandin E2 induction activity. However, the pyrogenicity of the spiked LPS could be recovered from the precipitated fraction of the batch by treating with phosphate buffer to suggest the possibility of recovering in vivo toxicity. As an adequate in vitro test method could not be identified for controlling the safety of the interfering batch, an appropriate in vivo test would be required for testing such vaccines.  相似文献   
MUC17 is a type 1 membrane-bound glycoprotein that is mainly expressed in the digestive tract. Recent studies have demonstrated that the aberrant overexpression of MUC17 is correlated with the malignant potential of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDACs); however, the exact regulatory mechanism of MUC17 expression has yet to be identified. Here, we provide the first report of the MUC17 regulatory mechanism under hypoxia, an essential feature of the tumor microenvironment and a driving force of cancer progression. Our data revealed that MUC17 was significantly induced by hypoxic stimulation through a hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α)-dependent pathway in some pancreatic cancer cells (e.g., AsPC1), whereas other pancreatic cancer cells (e.g., BxPC3) exhibited little response to hypoxia. Interestingly, these low-responsive cells have highly methylated CpG motifs within the hypoxia responsive element (HRE, 5'-RCGTG-3'), a binding site for HIF1α. Thus, we investigated the demethylation effects of CpG at HRE on the hypoxic induction of MUC17. Treatment of low-responsive cells with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine followed by additional hypoxic incubation resulted in the restoration of hypoxic MUC17 induction. Furthermore, DNA methylation of HRE in pancreatic tissues from patients with PDACs showed higher hypomethylation status as compared to those from non-cancerous tissues, and hypomethylation was also correlated with MUC17 mRNA expression. Taken together, these findings suggested that the HIF1α-mediated hypoxic signal pathway contributes to MUC17 expression, and DNA methylation of HRE could be a determinant of the hypoxic inducibility of MUC17 in pancreatic cancer cells.  相似文献   
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