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The spectacled flying fox, Pteropus conspicillatus, is listed as vulnerable in Australia and is under threat from numerous impacts. Primers to amplify eight co-dominant microsatellite loci were designed for Pteropus conspicillatus, based on an enriched genomic library. Four loci were monomorphic in this species while the remaining four loci were highly polymorphic with 16–23 alleles. Two of the four monomorphic loci were found to be polymorphic in Pteropus alecto, a closely related congener. All but one of the six polymorphic loci were in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. Additionally, six microsatellite loci isolated for Pteropus rodricensis were tested against individuals of P. conspicillatus with all loci amplifying reliably. These loci will be used to investigate population genetic structure in the vulnerable spectacled flying fox.  相似文献   
The severity of malaria can range from asymptomatic to lethal infections involving severe anaemia and cerebral disease. However, the molecular and cellular factors responsible for these differences in disease severity are poorly understood. Identifying the factors that mediate virulence will contribute to developing antiparasitic immune responses. Since immunity is initiated by dendritic cells (DCs), we compared their phenotype and function following infection with either a nonlethal or lethal strain of the rodent parasite, Plasmodium yoelii, to identify their contribution to disease severity. DCs from nonlethal infections were fully functional and capable of secreting cytokines and stimulating T cells. In contrast, DCs from lethal infections were not functional. We then transferred DCs from mice with nonlethal infections to mice given lethal infections and showed that these DCs mediated control of parasitemia and survival. IL-12 was necessary for survival. To our knowledge, our studies have shown for the first time that during a malaria infection, DC function is essential for survival. More importantly, the functions of these DCs are determined by the strain of parasite. Our studies may explain, in part, why natural malaria infections may have different outcomes.  相似文献   
Exposure of Cryptococcus neoformans cells to gamma radiation results in a gradual release of capsular polysaccharide, in a dose-dependent manner. This method allows the systematic exploration of different capsular regions. Using this methodology, capsule density was determined to change according to the radial distribution of glucuronoxylomannan and total polysaccharide, becoming denser at the inner regions of the capsule. Scanning electron microscopy of cells following gamma radiation treatment confirmed this finding. The zeta potential of the capsule also increased as the capsule size decreased. However, neither charge nor density differences were correlated with any change in sugar composition (xylose, mannose, and glucuronic acid) in the different capsular regions, since the proportions of these sugars remained constant throughout the capsule. Analysis of the capsular antigenic properties by monoclonal antibody binding and Scatchard analysis revealed fluctuations in the binding affinity within the capsule but not in the number of antibody binding sites, suggesting that the spatial organization of high- and low-affinity epitopes within the capsule changed according to radial position. Finally, evidence is presented that the structure of the capsule changes with capsule age, since the capsule of older cells became more resistant to gamma radiation-induced ablation. In summary, the capsule of C. neoformans is heterogeneous in its spatial distribution and changes with age. Furthermore, our results suggest several mechanisms by which the capsule may protect the fungal cell against exogenous environmental factors.  相似文献   
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is emerging as a powerful tool for investigating the distribution of molecules within biological systems through the direct analysis of thin tissue sections. Unique among imaging methods, MALDI-IMS can determine the distribution of hundreds of unknown compounds in a single measurement. We discuss the current state of the art of MALDI-IMS along with some recent applications and technological developments that illustrate not only its current capabilities but also the future potential of the technique to provide a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of biological processes.  相似文献   
The efficiency of a versatile in vivo cascade involving a promiscuous alcohol dehydrogenase, obtained from a biodiversity search, and a Baeyer–Villiger monooxygenase was enhanced by the independent control of the production level of each enzyme to produce ε-caprolactone and 3,4-dihydrocoumarin. This goal was achieved by adjusting the copy number per cell of Escherichia coli plasmids. We started from the observation that this number generally correlates with the amount of produced enzyme and demonstrated that an in vivo multi-enzymatic system can be improved by the judicious choice of plasmid, the lower activity of the enzyme that drives the limiting step being counter-balanced by a higher concentration. Using a preconception-free approach to the choice of the plasmid type, we observed positive and negative synergetic effects, sometimes unexpected and depending on the enzyme and plasmid combinations. Experimental optimization of the culture conditions allowed us to obtain the complete conversion of cyclohexanol (16 mM) and 1-indanol (7.5 mM) at a 0.5-L scale. The yield for the conversion of cyclohexanol was 80% (0.7 g ε-caprolactone, for the productivity of 244 mg·L −1·h −1) and that for 1-indanol 60% (0.3 g 3,4-dihydrocoumarin, for the productivity of 140 mg·L −1·h −1).  相似文献   
In recent years microorganisms have been engineered towards synthesizing interesting plant polyphenols such as flavonoids and stilbenes from glucose. Currently, the low endogenous supply of malonyl-CoA, indispensable for plant polyphenol synthesis, impedes high product titers. Usually, limited malonyl-CoA availability during plant polyphenol production is avoided by supplementing fatty acid synthesis-inhibiting antibiotics such as cerulenin, which are known to increase the intracellular malonyl-CoA pool as a side effect. Motivated by the goal of microbial polyphenol synthesis being independent of such expensive additives, we used rational metabolic engineering approaches to modulate regulation of fatty acid synthesis and flux into the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) in Corynebacterium glutamicum strains capable of flavonoid and stilbene synthesis. Initial experiments showed that sole overexpression of genes coding for the native malonyl-CoA-forming acetyl-CoA carboxylase is not sufficient for increasing polyphenol production in C. glutamicum. Hence, the intracellular acetyl-CoA availability was also increased by reducing the flux into the TCA cycle through reduction of citrate synthase activity. In defined cultivation medium, the constructed C. glutamicum strains accumulated 24 mg·L −1 (0.088 mM) naringenin or 112 mg·L −1 (0.49 mM) resveratrol from glucose without supplementation of phenylpropanoid precursor molecules or any inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   
The conversion of natural habitats to human land uses often increases local temperatures, creating novel thermal environments for species. The variable responses of ectotherms to habitat conversion, where some species decline while others persist, can partly be explained by variation among species in their thermal niches. However, few studies have examined thermal niche variation within species and across forest‐land use ecotones, information that could provide clues about the capacity of species to adapt to changing temperatures. Here, we quantify individual‐level variation in thermal traits of the tropical poison frog, Oophaga pumilio, in thermally contrasting habitats. Specifically, we examined local environmental temperatures, field body temperatures (Tb), preferred body temperatures (Tpref), critical thermal maxima (CTmax), and thermal safety margins (TSM) of individuals from warm, converted habitats and cool forests. We found that frogs from converted habitats exhibited greater mean Tb and Tpref than those from forests. In contrast, CTmax and TSM did not differ significantly between habitats. However, CTmax did increase moderately with increasing Tb, suggesting that changes in CTmax may be driven by microscale temperature exposure within habitats rather than by mean habitat conditions. Although O. pumilio exhibited moderate divergence in Tpref, CTmax appears to be less labile between habitats, possibly due to the ability of frogs in converted habitats to maintain their Tb below air temperatures that reach or exceed CTmax. Selective pressures on thermal tolerances may increase, however, with the loss of buffering microhabitats and increased frequency of extreme temperatures expected under future habitat degradation and climate warming. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
A hydro power plant constructed around a waterfall on a coastal spate river, used the fall as a natural fish pass and applied a previous telemetry study on local Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to determine the abstraction conditions for the site. The current study used the same telemetry approach to monitor the efficacy of S. salar passage and to compare migratory behaviour at the waterfall pre and post the hydro development. The probability of S. salar successfully crossing the waterfall was higher post-hydro when 80% of tagged fish successfully crossed in comparison to the pristine pre-hydro period when 44% of tagged fish ascended. The flow range used by tagged S. salar to cross the waterfall ranged from 2.49−7.87 m3 s−1 in the pre-hydro period but broadened to 1.32−12.91 m3 s−1 during the post-hydro period. This was principally due to the hydro diverting water away from the waterfall during spate conditions, damping the flow across the barrier and facilitating upstream migration within a more suitable discharge range. During 2017–2018 implementation of the hydro-operation protocol elongated the duration of the migratory window for successful upstream migration by 36–128%. A strong diurnal pattern was observed for movements across the Salmon Leap waterfall during both the pre-hydro and post-hydro monitoring periods with most tagged S. salar crossing the complex obstacle in daylight.  相似文献   
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