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The highly susceptible inbred C3H/HeNMTV mice were vaccinated with fragments derived from sonicated Salmonella typhimurium and then infected with the pathogen. All of the vaccinated mice survived an otherwise rapidly fatal challenge of 10(5) organisms, i.e., greater than 10(3) x mean lethal dose (LD50). The vaccine also protected two-thirds of the mice infected with 10(6) bacteria and extended the survival time of the remainder in their fatal disease. Histopathological findings showed that, like the control mice, the vaccinated and infected mice developed abscesses with infiltration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the organs of the reticuloendothelial system during the early stage of the infection. However, unlike the primary lesions in the control mice, the lesions of the vaccinated mice tended to be discrete and self-limiting. They began to transform into granulomas after the first week of infection. Recovery and regeneration of tissues were evident 3 weeks after the infection.  相似文献   
Sex ratio and intrasexual kin competition in mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Asymmetries in both intrasexual competition and generation overlap occur in Antechinus (Dasyuridae; Marsupialia). We show that the range of interpopulation variation in the sex ratio of pouch young spans and exceeds the range of sex ratios at birth hitherto recorded from eutherians (Clutton-Brock and Albon 1983). Although postweaning dispersal and male mortality are similar among all Antechinus populations, interpopulation variance in female longevity leads to variable duration of mother/daughter interaction. As this duration increases, parental investment is increasingly biased toward males, supporting the view that local competition among female kin for resources may influence mammalian sex ratios.  相似文献   
Different effects of vasopressin and angiotensin II on baroreflexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our data indicate that vasopressin facilitates baroreflex inhibition of lumbar sympathetic nerve activity by two mechanisms: it sensitizes baroreceptors locally and shifts the stimulus-response curve so that a lower carotid sinus pressure results in a certain level of reflex sympathetic inhibition; it also produces a corresponding shift when given i.v. and excluded from baroreceptors implicating a second, central mechanism for facilitation of baroreflexes. In contrast, angiotensin II attenuates baroreflex inhibition of peripheral sympathetic function and this is accounted for totally by a central action. Why these differences occur present challenging new questions for future investigation.  相似文献   
Solubilization of an Adenosine Uptake Site in Brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Procedures are described for the solubilization of adenosine uptake sites in guinea pig and rat brain tissue. Using [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine [( 3H]NBI) the solubilized site is characterized both kinetically and pharmacologically. The binding is dependent on protein concentration and is saturable, reversible, specific, and high affinity in nature. The KD and Bmax of guinea pig extracts are 0.13 +/- 0.02 nM and 133 +/- 18 fmol/mg protein, respectively, with linear Scatchard plots obtained routinely. Similar kinetic parameters are observed in rat brain. Adenosine uptake inhibitors are the most potent inhibitors of [3H]NBI binding with the following order of potency, dilazep greater than hexobendine greater than dipyridamole. Adenosine receptor ligands are much less potent inhibitors of binding, and caffeine is without effect. The solubilized adenosine uptake site is, therefore, shown to have virtually identical properties to the native membrane site. The binding of the adenosine A1 receptor agonist [3H]cyclohexyladenosine [( 3H]CHA) to the solubilized brain extract was also studied and compared with that of [3H]NBI. In contrast to the [3H]NBI binding site [3H]CHA binds to two apparent populations of adenosine receptor, a high-affinity site with a KD of 0.32 +/- 0.06 nM and a Bmax of 105 +/- 30 fmol/mg protein and a lower-affinity site with a KD of 5.50 +/- 0.52 nM and Bmax of 300 +/- 55 fmol/mg protein. The pharmacology of the [3H]CHA binding site is consistent with that of the adenosine receptor and quite distinct from that of the uptake [( 3H]NBI binding) site. Therefore, we show that the adenosine uptake site can be solubilized and that it retains both its binding and pharmacologic properties in the solubilized state.  相似文献   
外源蜕皮激素对蓖麻蚕蛹发育的效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏定义  郭郛 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):357-361
本文报道蓖麻蚕蛹在室温28℃下的卵巢发育过程,以及外源20-羟基蜕皮酮对蚕蛹发育的影响。正常蛹在任何发育期内注射20-羟基蜕皮酮后,全部仍羽化成蛾,但蛹期延长约1至4天。无脑蛹经注射后出现蛹——蛾的变态,发育情况因剂量而不同:注射0.1微克后约有半数蛹发育成蛾;注射2微克羽化率较高,卵巢管的发育也最好;4微克或更高的注射量能使全部蛹发育成蛾,但卵巢管多少有些不正常。注射量超过5微克时,蛾体较小,颜色浅黄,没有或只有很少的鳞片。蛹的发育天数随剂量的增大而减少。经外源20-羟基蜕皮酮处理后,无论是有脑蛾或是无脑蛾的卵粒都明显地比正常蛾的卵粒大。当超过一定的注射量时,注射量越大,蚕蛾的自动蜕壳能力越差。  相似文献   
生长在不同季节的菠萝叶膜脂脂肪酸的配比存在着明显差异;随着大气温度的下降,18:1含量显著减少,18:2和18:3含量增加。不同品种均表现出一致的变化趋势。致害低温破坏了膜脂,使较不抗寒品种的16:0含量增加,18:2和18:3含量减少;较抗寒品种这种变化则较不显著。适当低温锻炼能改变膜脂脂肪酸的代谢过程,16:0和18:1含量减少,18:3含量增加。当处于更低温度时,除了16:0和18:1继续减少外,有一部分18:2也脱饱和而转变为18:3。因之明显地增加了膜脂中18:3的含量和脂肪酸的不饱和度,从而有利于抗寒性的提高。而品种间的抗寒性差异亦是在此低温期间表现出来。  相似文献   
用琼脂糖平板等电聚焦电泳法,由胸腺素组分五中分离出三种在聚焦电泳谱上是单一谱线的多肽成份——CP1、CP2和CP3,等电点分别为4.3、4.9和5.6。测定了这些多肽对脐带血中淋巴细胞形成羊红细胞玫瑰花的影响。与对照相比,CP1(2微克/0.6毫升),和CP3(0.2-2微克/毫升)分别在统计学上呈显著和非常显著差异。在相同测定条件下,这三种多肽成份的活性均高于化学合成的胸腺多肽——胸腺素α_1。  相似文献   
Summary AS7-1 and AS7-2 are antisuppressor mutations reducing the miscoding capacity of ribosomes. Strains carrying and AS7 mutation do not sporulate. We have investigated whether the sporulation deficiency is due to the decrease of translational ambiguity. Two major findings argue in favour of this assumption. First, a significant sporulation level is restored in the presence of paromomycin. Second, three mutations which restore the sporulation of AS7-2 increase the ribosomal misreading in vitro. They define two new loci for ribosomal suppressors, su11 and su12. The two ribosomal proteins altered by su11-1 and su12-1 have been identified by electrophoresis. The results are discussed in the context of a more general hypothesis proposed by Picard-Bennoun (1982).  相似文献   
Antitubulin, phalloidin, and antimyosin were used to study the distribution of microtubules, microfilaments, and myofibrils in cultured adult cardiomyocytes. These cells undergo a stereotypic sequence of morphological change in which myotypic features are lost and then reconstructed during a period of polymorphic growth. Microtubules, though rearranged during these events in culture, are always present in an organized network. Myosin and actin structures, on the other hand, initially degenerate. This initial degeneration is reversed when a cell attaches to the culture substratum. Upon attachment, new microtubules are laid down as a cortical network adjacent to the sarcolemma and, subsequently, as a network in the basal part of the cell. Actin and then myosin filament bundles appear next, in a pattern corresponding to the pattern of the microtubules. Finally, striated myofibrils are formed, first in the central part of the cell, and subsequently in the outgrowing processes of the cell. A mechanism is suggested by which the eventual polymorphic shape of a cell is related to the shape of its initial area of contact with the culture substratum. Finally, a model of myofibrillogenesis is proposed in which microtubules participate in the insertion of myosin among previously formed actin filament bundles to produce myofibrils.  相似文献   
1. A radioactive binding assay for Thy-1.1 alloantigen which functions in the presence of detergents was established by using glutaraldehyde-fixed thymocytes as target cells. Thy-1.1 activity in detergent extracts was then assayed by measuring inhibition of the binding assay. 2. Solubilization of Thy-1.1 from whole thymocytes, and their membranes by a large number of non-ionic detergents and deoxycholate was studied. In the same extracts Ag-B(4) histocompatibility antigenic activities were measured. With the exception of Nonidet P-40, the detergents did not affect the antigenicity of Thy-1.1, but only Lubrol-PX and deoxycholate gave effective solubilization as measured by activity remaining in the supernatant after centrifugation at 200000g for 40min. With Ag-B(4) antigen, Triton X-100, Triton X-67 and Nonidet P-40 gave effective solubilization as well as Lubrol-PX and deoxycholate. Solubilization of Thy-1.1 activity from leukaemia cells and a brain homogenate was also studied, but none of the non-ionic detergents gave satisfactory results with these tissues. 3. Extracts from thymocyte membranes were further examined by gel filtration and sucrose gradient centrifugation. The Thy-1.1 activity behaved as a single component in deoxycholate with a density similar to that of a globular protein, but in Lubrol-PX the antigen was contained in a low-density complex. In Lubrol-PX extracts Ag-B(4) was also found in aggregates not observed in deoxycholate. 4. The s(20,w) values for Thy-1.1 and Ag-B(4) antigens in deoxycholate were 2.4 and 4.4, and v values were 0.70 and 0.75 respectively. The Stokes radius observed for Thy-1.1 was 3.1nm and for Ag-B(4) 5.3nm. By using these values the molecular weights for the antigen-detergent complexes were calculated to be 28000 for Thy-1.1 and 100000 for Ag-B(4).  相似文献   
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