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We have previously shown that the secreted M. tuberculosis complex proteins CFP-10 and ESAT-6 form a tight, 1:1 complex, which may represent their functional form. In the work reported here a combination of yeast two-hybrid and biochemical analysis has been used to characterise complex formation between two other pairs of CFP-10/ESAT-6 family proteins (Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c) and to determine whether complexes can be formed between non-genome paired members of the family. The results clearly demonstrate that Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/3020c form tight complexes, as initially observed for CFP-10/ESAT-6. The closely related Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c proteins are also able to form non-genome paired complexes (Rv0287/Rv3019c and Rv0288/Rv3020c), but are not capable of binding to the more distantly related CFP-10/ESAT-6 proteins.  相似文献   
Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by smooth-muscle tumors of the skin and uterus and/or renal cancer. Although the identification of germline mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene in European families supports it as the susceptibility gene for HLRCC, its role in families in North America has not been studied. We screened for germline mutations in FH in 35 families with cutaneous leiomyomas. Sequence analysis revealed mutations in FH in 31 families (89%). Twenty different mutations in FH were identified, of which 18 were novel. Of these 20 mutations, 2 were insertions, 5 were small deletions that caused frameshifts leading to premature truncation of the protein, and 13 were missense mutations. Eleven unrelated families shared a common mutation: R190H. Eighty-one individuals (47 women and 34 men) had cutaneous leiomyomas. Ninety-eight percent (46/47) of women with cutaneous leiomyomas also had uterine leiomyomas. Eighty-nine percent (41/46) of women with cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas had a total hysterectomy, 44% at age < or =30 years. We identified 13 individuals in 5 families with unilateral and solitary renal tumors. Seven individuals from four families had papillary type II renal cell carcinoma, and another individual from one of these families had collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney. The present study shows that mutations in FH are associated with HLRCC in North America. HLRCC is associated with clinically significant uterine fibroids and aggressive renal tumors. The present study also expands the histologic spectrum of renal tumors and FH mutations associated with HLRCC.  相似文献   
Many animals can adjust their behavioral strategies to reduce predation risk. We investigated whether rain forest monkeys and duikers alter their antipredatory behavior in response to hunting by humans in southwestern Gabon. We compared monkey and duiker responses to human observers in an area where hunting is prohibited, to those in a nearby area where hunting pressure is moderate but spatially variable. The results of our study indicate that monkeys become more secretive when hunted, commencing alarm calls only when at a certain distance (typically > 50 m) from humans. We found no difference in monkey group size between hunted and no-hunting areas. In no-hunting areas, duikers often freeze in response to approaching observers, but in hunted areas they abandon this strategy and rapidly flee from humans. Duikers also whistle more often in areas where they are hunted frequently. Our findings have at least two important implications. First, behavioral observations of monkeys and duikers may be useful in gauging local hunting intensity in African rain forests. Second, duiker densities are likely to be overestimated in hunted areas, where they more readily flee and whistle, and underestimated in no-hunting areas, where they rely on freezing behavior to avoid detection. Because behavioral adaptations to hunting vary both among species and localities, these differences should be considered when attempting to derive population-density estimates for forest wildlife.  相似文献   
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells are increased in the peripheral blood of advanced-stage cancer patients; however, no studies have shown a correlation of these immunosuppressive cells with clinical outcomes in melanoma patients. We characterized the frequency and suppressive function of multiple subsets of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the peripheral blood of 34 patients with Stage IV melanoma, 20 patients with Stage I melanoma, and 15 healthy donors. The frequency of CD14+ MDSCs (Lin? CD11b+ HLA-DR? CD14+ CD33+) and CD14? MDSCs (Lin? CD11b+ HLA-DR? CD14? CD33+) was increased in the peripheral blood of Stage IV melanoma patients relative to healthy donors. The frequency of CD14+ and CD14? MDSCs correlated with each other and with the increased frequency of regulatory T cells, but not with classically defined monocytes. CD14? MDSCs isolated from the peripheral blood of Stage IV melanoma patients suppressed T cell activation more than those isolated from healthy donors, and the frequency of these cells correlated with disease progression and decreased overall survival. Our study provides the first evidence that the frequency of CD14? MDSCs negatively correlates with clinical outcomes in advanced-stage melanoma patients. These data indicate that suppressive MDSCs should be considered as targets for future immunotherapies.  相似文献   
CD8+ T cells can mediate eradication of established tumors, and strategies to amplify tumor-reactive T-cell numbers by immunization or ex vivo expansion followed by adoptive transfer are currently being explored in individuals with cancer. Generating effective CD8+ T cell-mediated responses to tumors is often impeded by T-cell tolerance to relevant tumor antigens, as most of these antigens are also expressed in normal tissues. We examined whether such tolerant T cells could be rescued and functionally restored for use in therapy of established tumors. We used a transgenic T-cell receptor (TCR) mouse model in which peripheral CD8+ T cells specific for a candidate tumor antigen also expressed in liver are tolerant, failing to proliferate or secrete interleukin (IL)-2 in response to antigen. Molecular and cellular analysis showed that these tolerant T cells expressed the IL-15 receptor alpha chain, and could be induced to proliferate in vitro in response to exogenous IL-15. Such proliferation abrogated tolerance and the rescued cells became effective in treating leukemia. Therefore, high-affinity CD8+ T cells are not necessarily deleted by encounter with self-antigen in the periphery, and can potentially be rescued and expanded for use in tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Pathogens present in the environment pose a serious threat to human, plant and animal health as evidenced by recent outbreaks. As many pathogens can survive and proliferate in the environment, it is important to understand their population dynamics and pathogenic potential in the environment. To assess pathogenic potential in diverse habitats, we developed a functional gene array, the PathoChip, constructed with key virulence genes related to major virulence factors, such as adherence, colonization, motility, invasion, toxin, immune evasion and iron uptake. A total of 3715 best probes were selected from 13 virulence factors, covering 7417 coding sequences from 1397 microbial species (2336 strains). The specificity of the PathoChip was computationally verified, and approximately 98% of the probes provided specificity at or below the species level, proving its excellent capability for the detection of target sequences with high discrimination power. We applied this array to community samples from soil, seawater and human saliva to assess the occurrence of virulence genes in natural environments. Both the abundance and diversity of virulence genes increased in stressed conditions compared with their corresponding controls, indicating a possible increase in abundance of pathogenic bacteria under environmental perturbations such as warming or oil spills. Statistical analyses showed that microbial communities harboring virulence genes were responsive to environmental perturbations, which drove changes in abundance and distribution of virulence genes. The PathoChip provides a useful tool to identify virulence genes in microbial populations, examine the dynamics of virulence genes in response to environmental perturbations and determine the pathogenic potential of microbial communities.  相似文献   
Over the past decade the use of long‐lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), in combination with improved drug therapies, indoor residual spraying (IRS), and better health infrastructure, has helped reduce malaria in many African countries for the first time in a generation. However, insecticide resistance in the vector is an evolving threat to these gains. We review emerging and historical data on behavioral resistance in response to LLINs and IRS. Overall the current literature suggests behavioral and species changes may be emerging, but the data are sparse and, at times unconvincing. However, preliminary modeling has demonstrated that behavioral resistance could have significant impacts on the effectiveness of malaria control. We propose seven recommendations to improve understanding of resistance in malaria vectors. Determining the public health impact of physiological and behavioral insecticide resistance is an urgent priority if we are to maintain the significant gains made in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   
Adenosine N6‐methylation (m6A) and N6,2′‐O‐dimethylation (m6Am) are regulatory modifications of eukaryotic mRNAs. m6Am formation is catalyzed by the methyl transferase phosphorylated CTD‐interacting factor 1 (PCIF1); however, the pathophysiological functions of this RNA modification and PCIF1 in cancers are unclear. Here, we show that PCIF1 expression is upregulated in colorectal cancer (CRC) and negatively correlates with patient survival. CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated depletion of PCIF1 in human CRC cells leads to loss of cell migration, invasion, and colony formation in vitro and loss of tumor growth in athymic mice. Pcif1 knockout in murine CRC cells inhibits tumor growth in immunocompetent mice and enhances the effects of anti‐PD‐1 antibody treatment by decreasing intratumoral TGF‐β levels and increasing intratumoral IFN‐γ, TNF‐α levels, and tumor‐infiltrating natural killer cells. We further show that PCIF1 modulates CRC growth and response to anti‐PD‐1 in a context‐dependent mechanism with PCIF1 directly targeting FOS, IFITM3, and STAT1 via m6Am modifications. PCIF1 stabilizes FOS mRNA, which in turn leads to FOS‐dependent TGF‐β regulation and tumor growth. While during immunotherapy, Pcif1‐Fos‐TGF‐β, as well as Pcif1‐Stat1/Ifitm3‐IFN‐γ axes, contributes to the resistance of anti‐PD‐1 therapy. Collectively, our findings reveal a role of PCIF1 in promoting CRC tumorigenesis and resistance to anti‐PD‐1 therapy, supporting that the combination of PCIF1 inhibition with anti‐PD‐1 treatment is a potential therapeutic strategy to enhance CRC response to immunotherapy. Finally, we developed a lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and chemically modified small interfering RNAs (CMsiRNAs)‐based strategy to silence PCIF1 in vivo and found that this treatment significantly reduced tumor growth in mice. Our results therefore provide a proof‐of‐concept for tumor growth suppression using LNP‐CMsiRNA to silence target genes in cancer.  相似文献   
Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are the main vectors of mosquito-borne viruses of medical and veterinary significance. Many of these viruses have RNA genomes. Exogenously provided, e.g. transgene encoded, small RNAs could be used to inhibit virus replication, breaking the transmission cycle. We tested, in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus cell lines, reporter-based strategies for assessing the ability of two types of small RNAs to inhibit a chikungunya virus (CHIKV) derived target. Both types of small RNAs use a Drosophila melanogaster pre-miRNA-1 based hairpin for their expression, either with perfect base-pairing in the stem region (shRNA-like) or containing two mismatches (miRNA-like). The pre-miRNA-1 stem loop structure was encoded within an intron; this allows co-expression of one or more proteins, e.g. a fluorescent protein marker tracking the temporal and spatial expression of the small RNAs in vivo. Three reporter-based systems were used to assess the relative silencing efficiency of ten shRNA-like siRNAs and corresponding miRNA-like designs. Two systems used a luciferase reporter RNA with CHIKV RNA inserted either in the coding sequence or within the 3’ UTR. A third reporter used a CHIKV derived split replication system. All three reporters demonstrated that while silencing could be achieved with both miRNA-like and shRNA-like designs, the latter were substantially more effective. Dcr-2 was required for the shRNA-like siRNAs as demonstrated by loss of inhibition of the reporters in Dcr-2 deficient cell lines. These positive results in cell culture are encouraging for the potential use of this pre-miRNA-1-based system in transgenic mosquitoes.  相似文献   
Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii have emerged globally. The objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiology, clonal diversity and resistance mechanisms of imipenem non-susceptible A. baumannii isolates in France. Between December 2010 and August 2011, 132 notifications were collected, including 37 outbreaks corresponding to 242 cases (2 to 55 per cluster). Multilocus sequence typing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and characterisation of carbapenemase-encoding genes were performed on 110 non-repetitive isolates. Gene bla OXA-23 was the most frequently detected (82%), followed by bla OXA-24 (11%) and bla OXA-58 (7%). Eleven sequence types (ST) were distinguished, among which sequence types ST1, ST2 (64%), ST20, ST25, ST85 and ST107. Isolates from epidemiological clusters had the same ST and resistance genes, indicating probable transmission within centres. In contrast, PFGE types of isolates differed among centres, arguing against transmission among centers. This study provides the first epidemiological snapshot of the population of A. baumannii with reduced susceptibility to carbapenems from France, and further underlines the predominance of international clones.  相似文献   
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