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Here we report a PCR-based DNA engineering technique for seamless assembly of recombinant molecules from multiple components. We create cloning vector and target molecules flanked with compatible single-stranded (ss) extensions. The vector contains a cassette with two inversely oriented nicking endonuclease sites separated by restriction endonuclease site(s). The spacer sequences between the nicking and restriction sites are tailored to create ss extensions of custom sequence. The vector is then linearized by digestion with nicking and restriction endonucleases. To generate target molecules, a single deoxyuridine (dU) residue is placed 6–10nt away from the 5′-end of each PCR primer. 5′ of dU the primer sequence is compatible either with an ss extension on the vector or with the ss extension of the next-in-line PCR product. After amplification, the dU is excised from the PCR products with the USER enzyme leaving PCR products flanked by 3′ ss extensions. When mixed together, the linearized vector and PCR products directionally assemble into a recombinant molecule through complementary ss extensions. By varying the design of the PCR primers, the protocol is easily adapted to perform one or more simultaneous DNA manipulations such as directional cloning, site-specific mutagenesis, sequence insertion or deletion and sequence assembly.  相似文献   
A prevailing paradigm in forest ecology is that wood‐boring beetles facilitate wood decay and carbon cycling, but empirical tests have yielded mixed results. We experimentally determined the effects of wood borers on fungal community assembly and wood decay within pine trunks in the southeastern United States. Pine trunks were made either beetle‐accessible or inaccessible. Fungal communities were compared using culturing and high‐throughput amplicon sequencing (HTAS) of DNA and RNA. Prior to beetle infestation, living pines had diverse fungal endophyte communities. Endophytes were displaced by beetle‐associated fungi in beetle‐accessible trees, whereas some endophytes persisted as saprotrophs in beetle‐excluded trees. Beetles increased fungal diversity several fold. Over forty taxa of Ascomycota were significantly associated with beetles, but beetles were not consistently associated with any known wood‐decaying fungi. Instead, increasing ambrosia beetle infestations caused reduced decay, consistent with previous in vitro experiments that showed beetle‐associated fungi reduce decay rates by competing with decay fungi. No effect of bark‐inhabiting beetles on decay was detected. Platypodines carried significantly more fungal taxa than scolytines. Molecular results were validated by synthetic and biological mock communities and were consistent across methodologies. RNA sequencing confirmed that beetle‐associated fungi were biologically active in the wood. Metabarcode sequencing of the LSU/28S marker recovered important fungal symbionts that were missed by ITS2, though community‐level effects were similar between markers. In contrast to the current paradigm, our results indicate ambrosia beetles introduce diverse fungal communities that do not extensively decay wood, but instead reduce decay rates by competing with wood decay fungi.  相似文献   
Role of fungi in freshwater ecosystems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
There are more than 600 species of freshwater fungi with a greater number known from temperate, as compared to tropical, regions. Three main groups can be considered which include Ingoldian fungi, aquatic ascomycetes and non-Ingoldian hyphomycetes, chytrids and, oomycetes. The fungi occurring in lentic habitats mostly differ from those occurring in lotic habitats. Although there is no comprehensive work dealing with the biogeography of all groups of freshwater fungi, their distribution probably follows that of Ingoldian fungi, which are either cosmopolitan, restricted to pantemperate or pantropical regions, or in a few cases, have a restricted distribution. Freshwater fungi are thought to have evolved from terrestrial ancestors. Many species are clearly adapted to life in freshwater as their propagules have specialised aquatic dispersal abilities. Freshwater fungi are involved in the decay of wood and leafy material and also cause diseases of plants and animals. These areas are briefly reviewed. Gaps in our knowledge of freshwater fungi are discussed and areas in need of research are suggested.  相似文献   
The effect of conversion from forest-to-pasture upon soil carbon stocks has been intensively discussed, but few studies focus on how this land-use change affects carbon (C) distribution across soil fractions in the Amazon basin. We investigated this in the 20 cm depth along a chronosequence of sites from native forest to three successively older pastures. We performed a physicochemical fractionation of bulk soil samples to better understand the mechanisms by which soil C is stabilized and evaluate the contribution of each C fraction to total soil C. Additionally, we used a two-pool model to estimate the mean residence time (MRT) for the slow and active pool C in each fraction. Soil C increased with conversion from forest-to-pasture in the particulate organic matter (>250 μm), microaggregate (53–250 μm), and d-clay (<2 μm) fractions. The microaggregate comprised the highest soil C content after the conversion from forest-to-pasture. The C content of the d-silt fraction decreased with time since conversion to pasture. Forest-derived C remained in all fractions with the highest concentration in the finest fractions, with the largest proportion of forest-derived soil C associated with clay minerals. Results from this work indicate that microaggregate formation is sensitive to changes in management and might serve as an indicator for management-induced soil carbon changes, and the soil C changes in the fractions are dependent on soil texture.  相似文献   
It has been increasingly recognized at the basic science level that perturbations in ceramide metabolism are associated with the development and progression of many age‐related diseases. However, the translation of this work to the clinic has lagged behind. Understanding the factors longitudinally associated with plasma ceramides and dihydroceramides (DHCer) at the population level and how these lipid levels change with age, and by sex, is important for the clinical development of future therapeutics and biomarkers focused on ceramide metabolism. We, therefore, examined factors cross‐sectionally and longitudinally associated with plasma concentrations of ceramides and DHCer among Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging participants (n = 992; 3960 total samples), aged 55 years and older, with plasma at a mean of 4.1 visits (range 2–6). Quantitative analyses were performed on a high‐performance liquid chromatography‐coupled electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometer. Linear mixed models were used to assess the relationships between plasma ceramide and DHCer species and demographics, diseases, medications, and lifestyle factors. Women had higher plasma concentrations of most ceramide and DHCer species and showed steeper trajectories of age‐related increases compared to men. Ceramides and DHCer were more associated with waist–hip ratio than body mass index. Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, prediabetes, and diabetes were associated with ceramides and DHCer, but the relationship showed specificity to the acyl chain length and saturation. These results demonstrate the importance of examining the individual species of ceramides and DHCer, and of establishing whether intra‐individual age‐ and sex‐specific changes occur in synchrony to disease onset and progression.  相似文献   
The imprinted insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF2) gene is an auto/paracrine growth factor expressed only from the paternal allele in adult tissues. In tissues susceptible to aging-related cancers, including the prostate, a relaxation of IGF2 imprinting is found, suggesting a permissive role for epigenetic alterations in cancer development. To determine whether IGF2 imprinting is altered in cellular aging and senescence, human prostate epithelial and urothelial cells were passaged serially in culture to senescence. Allelic analyses using an IGF2 polymorphism demonstrated a complete conversion of the IGF2 imprint status from monoallelic to biallelic, in which the development of senescence was associated with a 10-fold increase in IGF2 expression. As a mechanism, a 2-fold decrease in the binding of the enhancer-blocking element CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) within the intergenic IGF2-H19 region was found to underlie this switch to biallelic IGF2 expression in senescent cells. This decrease in CTCF binding was associated with reduced CTCF expression in senescent cells. No de novo increases in methylation at the IGF2 CTCF binding site were seen. The forced down-regulation of CTCF expression using small interfering RNA in imprinted prostate cell lines resulted in an increase in IGF2 expression and a relaxation of imprinting. Our data suggest a novel mechanism for IGF2 imprinting regulation, that is, the reduction of CTCF expression in the control of IGF2 imprinting. We also demonstrate that altered imprinting patterns contribute to changes in gene expression in aging cells.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that the secreted M. tuberculosis complex proteins CFP-10 and ESAT-6 form a tight, 1:1 complex, which may represent their functional form. In the work reported here a combination of yeast two-hybrid and biochemical analysis has been used to characterise complex formation between two other pairs of CFP-10/ESAT-6 family proteins (Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c) and to determine whether complexes can be formed between non-genome paired members of the family. The results clearly demonstrate that Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/3020c form tight complexes, as initially observed for CFP-10/ESAT-6. The closely related Rv0287/Rv0288 and Rv3019c/Rv3020c proteins are also able to form non-genome paired complexes (Rv0287/Rv3019c and Rv0288/Rv3020c), but are not capable of binding to the more distantly related CFP-10/ESAT-6 proteins.  相似文献   
Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by smooth-muscle tumors of the skin and uterus and/or renal cancer. Although the identification of germline mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene in European families supports it as the susceptibility gene for HLRCC, its role in families in North America has not been studied. We screened for germline mutations in FH in 35 families with cutaneous leiomyomas. Sequence analysis revealed mutations in FH in 31 families (89%). Twenty different mutations in FH were identified, of which 18 were novel. Of these 20 mutations, 2 were insertions, 5 were small deletions that caused frameshifts leading to premature truncation of the protein, and 13 were missense mutations. Eleven unrelated families shared a common mutation: R190H. Eighty-one individuals (47 women and 34 men) had cutaneous leiomyomas. Ninety-eight percent (46/47) of women with cutaneous leiomyomas also had uterine leiomyomas. Eighty-nine percent (41/46) of women with cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas had a total hysterectomy, 44% at age < or =30 years. We identified 13 individuals in 5 families with unilateral and solitary renal tumors. Seven individuals from four families had papillary type II renal cell carcinoma, and another individual from one of these families had collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney. The present study shows that mutations in FH are associated with HLRCC in North America. HLRCC is associated with clinically significant uterine fibroids and aggressive renal tumors. The present study also expands the histologic spectrum of renal tumors and FH mutations associated with HLRCC.  相似文献   
Many animals can adjust their behavioral strategies to reduce predation risk. We investigated whether rain forest monkeys and duikers alter their antipredatory behavior in response to hunting by humans in southwestern Gabon. We compared monkey and duiker responses to human observers in an area where hunting is prohibited, to those in a nearby area where hunting pressure is moderate but spatially variable. The results of our study indicate that monkeys become more secretive when hunted, commencing alarm calls only when at a certain distance (typically > 50 m) from humans. We found no difference in monkey group size between hunted and no-hunting areas. In no-hunting areas, duikers often freeze in response to approaching observers, but in hunted areas they abandon this strategy and rapidly flee from humans. Duikers also whistle more often in areas where they are hunted frequently. Our findings have at least two important implications. First, behavioral observations of monkeys and duikers may be useful in gauging local hunting intensity in African rain forests. Second, duiker densities are likely to be overestimated in hunted areas, where they more readily flee and whistle, and underestimated in no-hunting areas, where they rely on freezing behavior to avoid detection. Because behavioral adaptations to hunting vary both among species and localities, these differences should be considered when attempting to derive population-density estimates for forest wildlife.  相似文献   
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells are increased in the peripheral blood of advanced-stage cancer patients; however, no studies have shown a correlation of these immunosuppressive cells with clinical outcomes in melanoma patients. We characterized the frequency and suppressive function of multiple subsets of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the peripheral blood of 34 patients with Stage IV melanoma, 20 patients with Stage I melanoma, and 15 healthy donors. The frequency of CD14+ MDSCs (Lin? CD11b+ HLA-DR? CD14+ CD33+) and CD14? MDSCs (Lin? CD11b+ HLA-DR? CD14? CD33+) was increased in the peripheral blood of Stage IV melanoma patients relative to healthy donors. The frequency of CD14+ and CD14? MDSCs correlated with each other and with the increased frequency of regulatory T cells, but not with classically defined monocytes. CD14? MDSCs isolated from the peripheral blood of Stage IV melanoma patients suppressed T cell activation more than those isolated from healthy donors, and the frequency of these cells correlated with disease progression and decreased overall survival. Our study provides the first evidence that the frequency of CD14? MDSCs negatively correlates with clinical outcomes in advanced-stage melanoma patients. These data indicate that suppressive MDSCs should be considered as targets for future immunotherapies.  相似文献   
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