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Faecal material has increasingly become an important non-invasive source of DNA for wildlife population genetics. However, DNA from faecal sources can have issues associated with quantity (low-template and/or low target-to-total DNA ratio) and quality (degradation and/or low DNA-to-inhibitor ratio). A number of studies utilizing faecal material assume and compensate for the above properties with minimal characterization of quantity or quality of target DNA, which can unnecessarily increase the risk of downstream technical problems. Here, we present a protocol which quantifies faecal DNA using a two step approach: (1) estimating total DNA concentration using a PicogreenTM fluorescence assay and (2) estimating target nuclear DNA concentration by comparing amplification products of field samples at suspected concentrations to those of control DNA at known concentrations. We applied this protocol to faecal material collected in the field from two species: woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and swift fox (Vulpes velox). Total DNA estimates ranged from 6.5 ng/μl to 28.6 ng/μl (X = 16.2 ng/μl) for the caribou extracts and 1.0–26.1 ng/μl (X = 7.5 ng/μl) for the swift fox extracts. Our results showed high concordance between total and target DNA estimates from woodland caribou faecal extracts, with only 10% of the samples showing relatively lower target-to-total DNA ratios. In contrast, DNA extracts from swift fox scat exhibited low target DNA yields, with only 38% (19 of 50) of the samples showing comparative target DNA amplification of at least 0.1 ng. With this information, we were able to estimate the amount of target DNA entered into PCR amplifications, and identify samples having target DNA below a lower threshold of 0.2 ng and requiring modification to genotyping protocols such as multiple tube amplification. Our results here also show that this approach can easily be adapted to other species where faeces are the primary source of DNA template.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of the basolateral targeting of G protein-coupled receptors remain largely unknown. Mutagenesis experiments have allowed us to identify the basolateral sorting signals of the TSH and LH receptors expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells and thyroid follicular FRT cells. Unexpectedly these signals (amino acids 731-746 and 672-689, respectively) share an unusual localization in the distal part of the intracellular domain of the receptors at a marked distance from the membrane. When grafted onto the p75-neurotropin receptor, these signals redirect this normally apically expressed protein to the basolateral cell surface. They are independent of the endocytosis signal. The basolateral sorting signals of TSH, LH, and FSH receptors do not exhibit primary sequence homology with each other or with any other known signal. Furthermore, circular dichroism studies show that the three signals exhibit distinct secondary structures. The TSH receptor has a stable helical structure, the LH receptor has both helix and beta-sheet structures, and the FSH receptor sorting signal has a main random coil structure. This means that even in closely-related receptors different secondary structures can be found for basolateral signals unrelated to internalization signals. This observation contrasts with what is known about basolateral signals related to internalization signals for which a common beta-turn structure has been described. Deletion of the basolateral sorting signals results in apical targeting of the receptors, suggesting the existence of apical sorting information. However, a soluble form of the TSH receptor, which harbors all N- and putative O-linked oligosaccharides, is secreted in a nonpolarized fashion. This implies that apical sorting information must be located elsewhere, either in the transmembrane or in the intracellular domains of the receptor.  相似文献   
An expanding capillary network is critical for several pathologic conditions. In cancer, the decrease of antiangiogenic thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) often enables an angiogenic switch, which can be reversed with exogenous TSP1 or its peptide derivative ABT510. TSP1 acts by inducing endothelial cell apoptosis via signaling cascade initiated at CD36, a TSP1 antiangiogenic receptor. Here, we show that the ligands of nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2, troglitazone, and rosiglitazone increased PPARgamma and CD36 expression in endothelial cells and improved the efficacy of TSP1 and ABT510 in a CD36-dependent manner. The ABT510 and PPARgamma ligands cooperatively blocked angiogenic endothelial functions in vitro and neovascularization in vivo. In tumor xenografts, 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 and troglitazone synergistically improved antiangiogenic and antitumor effects of ABT510. Our data provide one mechanism for the in vivo angioinhibitory effect of PPARgamma ligands and show fine-tuning of the antiangiogenic efficacy via targeted up-regulation of the endothelial receptor.  相似文献   
A microarray-based method has been developed for scoring thousands of DNAs for a co-dominant molecular marker on a glass slide. The approach was developed to detect insertional polymorphism of transposons and works well with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Biotin- terminated allele-specific PCR products are spotted unpurified onto streptavidin-coated glass slides and visualised by hybridisation of fluorescent detector oligonucleotides to tags attached to the allele- specific PCR primers. Two tagged primer oligonucleotides are used per locus and each tag is detected by hybridisation to a concatameric DNA probe labelled with multiple fluorochromes.  相似文献   
The neuroectoderm of the Euperipatoides kanangrensis embryo becomes distinguishable during germ band formation when the antennal segment is evident externally. During later stages of development, the neuroectoderm proliferates extensively and, at the anterior part of the head, newly-formed neuron precursor cells occupy most of the volume. The antenna forms from the dorsolateral side of the anterior somite. The antenna has no neuroectoderm of its own at the onset of its formation, but instead, neurons migrate out to the appendage from the nearby region of the developing brain. When the antennal tract is formed it is positioned horizontally in the brain, in line with the antennal commissure. Only later, and coincidentally with the anterior repositioning of the antenna, is the tract's distal part bent anteriorly and positioned laterally. The eye starts to develop posteriorly to the antenna and the antennal commissure. This suggests that the segment(s) associated with the onychophoran eye and antenna are not serially homologous with segments carrying equivalent structures within the Euarthropoda. Evidence is presented to further support the presence of a terminal mouth in the ground plan of the Onychophora and, hence, an acron may not exist in the arthropod clade.  相似文献   
Oxidative damage, produced by mutant Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1), may play a role in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating motor neuron degenerative disease. A novel approach to antioxidant therapy is the use of metalloporphyrins that catalytically scavenge a wide range of reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species. In this study, we examined the therapeutic potential of iron porphyrin (FeTCPP) in the G93A mutant SOD1 transgenic mouse model of ALS. We found that intraperitoneal injection of FeTCPP significantly improved motor function and extended survival in G93A mice. Similar results were seen with a second group of mice wherein treatment with FeTCPP was initiated at the onset of hindlimb weakness-roughly equivalent to the time at which treatment would begin in human patients. FeTCPP-treated mice also showed a significant reduction in levels of malondialdehyde (a marker of lipid peroxidation), in total content of protein carbonyls (a marker of protein oxidation), and increased neuronal survival in the spinal cord. These results therefore provide further evidence of oxidative damage in a mouse model of ALS, and suggest that FeTCPP could be beneficial for the treatment of ALS patients.  相似文献   
One of the objectives of the HUman MicroNucleus (HUMN) project is to identify the methodological variables that have an important impact on micronucleus (MN) or micronucleated (MNed) cell frequencies measured in human lymphocytes using the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay. In a previous study we had shown that the scoring criteria used were likely to be an important variable. To determine the extent of residual variation when laboratories scored cells from the same cultures using the same set of standard scoring criteria, an inter-laboratory slide-scoring exercise was performed among 34 laboratories from 21 countries with a total of 51 slide scorers involved. The results of this study show that even under these optimized conditions there is a great variation in the MN frequency or MNed cell frequency obtained by individual laboratories and scorers. All laboratories ranked correctly the MNed cell frequency in cells from cultures that were unirradiated, or exposed to 1 or 2Gy of gamma rays. The study also estimated that the intra-scorer median coefficient of variation for duplicate MNed cell frequency scores is 29% for unexposed cultures and 14 and 11% for cells exposed to 1 and 2Gy, respectively. These values can be used as a standard for quality or acceptability of data in future studies. Using a Poisson regression model it was estimated that radiation dose explained 67% of the variance, while staining method, cell sample, laboratory, and covariance explained 0.6, 0.3, 6.5, and 25.6% of the variance, respectively, leaving only 3.1% of the variance unexplained. As part of this exercise, nucleoplasmic bridges were also estimated by the laboratories; however, inexperience in the use of this biomarker of chromosome rearrangement was reflected in the much greater heterogeneity in the data and the unexplained variation estimated by the Poisson model. The results of these studies indicate clearly that even after standardizing culture and scoring conditions it will be necessary to calibrate scorers and laboratories if MN, MNed cell and nucleoplasmic bridge frequencies are to be reliably compared among laboratories and among populations.  相似文献   
Report from the in vitro micronucleus assay working group   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
At the Washington "2nd International Workshop on Genotoxicity Testing" (25-26 March 1999) current methodologies and data for the in vitro micronucleus test were reviewed. As a result, guidelines for the conduct of specific aspects of the protocol were developed. Agreement was achieved on the following topics: choice of cells, slide preparation, analysis of micronuclei, toxicity, use of cytochalasin-B, number of doses, and treatment/harvest times [Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 35 (2000) 167]. Because there were a number of important in vitro micronucleus validation studies in progress, it was not possible to design a definitive, internationally harmonized protocol at that time. These studies have now been completed and the data were reviewed at the Plymouth "3rd International Workshop on Genotoxicity Testing" (28-29 June 2002). Data from studies coordinated by the French Society of Genetic Toxicology, Japanese collaborative studies, European pharmaceutical industry validation studies, along with data from Lilly Research Laboratories were used to prepare conclusions on the main aspects of the in vitro micronucleus protocol. In this paper, the consensus agreements on the protocol for performing the in vitro micronucleus assay are presented. The major recommendations concern: 1. Demonstration of cell proliferation: both cell lines and lymphocytes can be used, but demonstration of cell proliferation in both control and treated cells is compulsory for the acceptance of the test. 2. Assessment of toxicity and dose range finding: assessment of toxicity should be performed by determining cell proliferation, e.g. increased cell counts (CC) or population doubling (PD) without cytochalasin-B, or e.g. cytokinesis-block proliferation index with cytochalasin-B; and by determining other markers for cytotoxicity (confluency, apoptosis, necrosis) which can provide valuable additional information. 3. Treatment schedules for cell lines and lymphocytes. 4. Choice of positive controls: without S9-mix both a clastogen (e.g. mitomycin C or bleomycin) and an aneugen (e.g. colchicine) should be included as positive controls and a clastogen that requires S9 for activity when S9-mix is used (e.g. dimethylnitrosamine, or cyclophosphamide in those cell types that cannot activate this agent directly). 5. Duplicate cultures and number of cells to be scored. 6. Repeat experiments: in lymphocytes, for each experiment blood from 2 different healthy young and non-smoking donors should be compared. In cell lines, the experiments need only to be repeated if the first one is negative. 7. Statistics: statistical significance should not be the sole factor for determining positive results. Biological meaning should serve as a guideline. Examples of statistical analyses are given.  相似文献   
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