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BCG rectal administration to newborn and adult mice induced protective immune responses against tuberculosis. BCG reaches the sub-epithelial site and the draining mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), and dendritic cells (DC) could be recruited to these sites. Using polarized Caco-2 epithelial cells, we showed that BCG translocates epithelial cells to basolateral compartment. Delayed in newborn BALB/c mice, an important recruitment of CD11c+ DCs, was documented in the rectal lamina propria and the MLNs during the first two weeks after rectal BCG delivery. In MLNs, two major DC subtypes were observed: conventional DCs (cDCs) (B220) and plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) (B220+). CIRE, mouse DC-specific intracellular adhesion molecule 3 grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) is predominantly expressed on pDCs and at a higher level on pDCs from the adult compared to newborn MLNs. cDCs with a higher capacity to induce the proliferation of naïve CD4+ T cells than pDCs, triggered CD4+ T cells to produce interferon-γ whereas pDCs triggered them to release interleukin-10. Both DC subtypes equilibrates T cells as a source of microbicidal/microbiostatic signals and those acting as source of counter-inflammatory signals, preventing tissue damage and/or accelerating tissue repair. Thus, rectal delivery of BCG could be a safe and efficient route of vaccination against tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Drug efflux transporters in the placenta can significantly influence the materno-fetal transfer of a diverse array of drugs and other xenobiotics. To determine if clinically important drug efflux transporter expression is altered in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM-I) or type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM-I), we compared the expression of multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1), multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2) and the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) via western blotting and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in samples obtained from insulin-managed diabetic pregnancies to healthy term-matched controls. At the level of mRNA, we found significantly increased expression of MDR1 in the GDM-I group compared to both the T1DM-I (p<0.01) and control groups (p<0.05). Significant changes in the placental protein expression of MDR1, MRP2, and BCRP were not detected (p>0.05). Interestingly, there was a significant, positive correlation observed between plasma hemoglobin A1c levels (a retrospective marker of glycemic control) and both BCRP protein expression (r = 0.45, p<0.05) and BCRP mRNA expression (r = 0.58, p<0.01) in the insulin-managed DM groups. Collectively, the data suggest that the expression of placental efflux transporters is not altered in pregnancies complicated by diabetes when hyperglycemia is managed; however, given the relationship between BCRP expression and plasma hemoglobin A1c levels it is plausible that their expression could change in poorly managed diabetes.  相似文献   
The Msb3p and Msb4p proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are members of the Ypt/Rab-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) family. They are essential to vesicular trafficking and involved in the regulation of exocytosis and in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton, but their exact biological roles have yet to be determined. The msb3 msb4 yeast double mutation causes growth inhibition in the presence of DMSO and/or caffeine, affects the organization of the actin cytoskeleton, produces a random budding pattern in diploid cells, and affects segregation of the nucleus. To find cell components that interact genetically with the products of the MSB3 and MSB4 genes, we screened a genomic library for multicopy suppressor genes restoring normal growth of the double mutant in the presence of DMSO and caffeine. Six genes were identified, and the extent to which each gene corrects specific growth defects of the msb3 msb4 mutant is described. The encoded suppressors were classified on the basis of functional features into four groups: vesicular transport proteins (Sec7p, Vps35p, and Uso1p), a protein involved in cell division (Sap155p), a molecular chaperon (Ssz1p), and a protein associated with the 25S proteasome (Cic1p).  相似文献   
The present research is a first attempt to study the hyperbenthic fauna of the surf zone of Valdivia Bay (South East Pacific--Ecuador), an exposed low tide terrace--rip beach. The aims of the study were to contribute to the inventory of the surf zone fauna of the tropical southeast Pacific coast, to investigate spatial distribution patterns along the bay and to search for possible tidal effects on the hyperbenthic composition. Samples were taken during daylight with a hyperbenthic sledge on 6 consecutive days in August 1999 at high tide, low tide and mid tide. The hyperbenthic community was characterized by quantifying the higher taxa, their density and the relative composition of the dominant groups. No tidal effect could be observed, but two main geographically distinct hyperbenthic assemblages were distinguished along the bay, related to hydrodynamic factors (local current velocity, intertidal beach slope and suspended particulate matter). In the turbulent northern part of the bay the highest densities were encountered and hyperbenthos was, next to the dominant mysid Metamysidopsissp., mainly composed of planktonic organisms (calanoid copepods, chaetognaths and fish eggs). In the calmer southern part of the bay Metamysidopsissp. dominated as well, but the community was completed with other mysid species, and early life stages of Brachyura and fish. Most striking was the general dominance of the mysid Metamysidopsis sp. in all the samples (97%, max. density of 62000 ind. 100 m-2) and the high amount of unknown species. Penaeid shrimp larvae, important for the local shrimp industry, were only found in very low densities during the sampling period (1%). Compared to other studies on the whole surf zone hyperbenthic community of sandy beaches, the average densities encountered in Valdivia Bay can be considered to be relatively high (2500--6000 ind. 100 m-2). Although limited in time and performed with a limited taxonomic resolution, the results indicate a high contribution of early life stages of invertebrate and fish species to the biodiversity of the intertidal hyperbenthic community in comparison with temperate regions.  相似文献   
Spatial heterogeneity is a strong determinant of host-parasite relationships, however local-scale mechanisms are often not elucidated. Generally speaking, in many circumstances dispersal is expected to increase disease persistence. We consider the case when host populations show density-dependent dynamics and are connected through the dispersal of individuals. Taking the domestic cats (Felis catus)--Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) as a toy model of host-microparasite system, we predict the disease dynamics when two host populations with distinct or similar structures are connected together and to the surrounding environment by dispersal. Our model brings qualitatively different predictions from one-population models. First, as expected, biologically realistic rates of dispersal may allow FeLV to persist in sets of populations where the virus would have gone extinct otherwise, but a reverse outcome is also possible: eradication of FeLV from a small population by connexion to a larger population where it is not persistent. Second, overall prevalence as well as depression of host population size due to infection are both enhanced by dispersal, even at low dispersal rates when disease persistence is not achieved in the two populations. This unexpected prediction is probably due to the combination of dispersal with density-dependent population dynamics. Third, the dispersal of non-infectious cats has more influence on virus prevalence than the dispersal of infectious. Finally, prevalence and depression of host population size are both related to the rate of dispersion, to the health status of individuals dispersing and to the dynamics of host populations.  相似文献   
The effect of tobacco smoking on the frequency of micronuclei (MN) in human lymphocytes has been the object of many population studies. In most reports, the results were unexpectedly negative, and in many instances smokers had lower frequencies of MN than non-smokers. A pooled re-analysis of 24 databases from the HUMN international collaborative project has been performed with the aim of understanding the impact of smoking habits on MN frequency. The complete database included 5710 subjects, with 3501 non-smokers, 1409 current smokers, and 800 former smokers, among subjects in occupational and environmental surveys. The overall result of the re-analysis confirmed the small decrease of MN frequencies in current smokers (frequency ratio (FR) = 0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.93-1.01) and in former smokers (FR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.91-1.01), when compared to non-smokers. MN frequency was not influenced by the number of cigarettes smoked per day among subjects occupationally exposed to genotoxic agents, whereas a typical U-shaped curve is observed for non-exposed smokers, showing a significant increase of MN frequency in individuals smoking 30 cigarettes or more per day (FR = 1.59, 95% CI = 1.35-1.88). This analysis confirmed that smokers do not experience an overall increase in MN frequency, although when the interaction with occupational exposure is taken into account, heavy smokers were the only group showing a significant increase in genotoxic damage as measured by the micronucleus assay in lymphocytes. From these results some general recommendations for the design of biomonitoring studies involving smokers can be formulated. Quantitative data about smoking habit should always be collected because, in the absence of such data, the simple comparison of smokers versus non-smokers could be misleading. The sub-group of heavy smokers (> or =30 cigarettes per day) should be specifically evaluated whenever it is large enough to satisfy statistical requirements. The presence of an interaction between smoking habit and occupational exposure to genotoxic agents should be always tested.  相似文献   
The potency and selectivity of a previous series of low molecular weight thrombin inhibitors were improved through modifications of the P1 and P3 residues. Introduction of diphenyl substituted sulfonamides in the P3 moiety led to highly efficacious compounds. By correctly selecting the combination of P1 and P3 residues, high levels of potency, selectivity and in vivo efficacy were obtained.  相似文献   
Inland great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) culled in France were examined in the winter of 1997-98 and 1998-99 for antibodies to Newcastle disease (ND) and influenza A strains H5 and H7 by the hemagglutination inhibition test. Antibodies to influenza A group antigen were tested by agar gel precipitin test. Ten of 53 adult individuals were seropositive for ND virus. All sera were negative for influenza A antibodies. It is speculated that ND occurred in the sampled population.  相似文献   
Hochberg and co-workers have predicted that an increase in host adult mortality due to parasites is balanced by an earlier age at first reproduction. In polygynous species we hypothesize that such a pattern would lead to diverging selection pressure on body size between sexes and increased sexual size dimorphism. In polygynous mammals, male body size is considered to be an important factor for reproductive success. Thus, under the pressure of a virulent infection, males should be selected for rapid growth and/or higher body size to be able to compete successfully as soon as possible with opponents. In contrast, under the same selection pressure, females should be selected for lighter adult body size or rapid growth to reach sexual maturity earlier. We investigated this hypothesis in the domestic cat Felis catus. Orange cats have greater body size dimorphism than non-orange cats. Orange females are lighter than non-orange females, and orange males are heavier than non-orange males. Here, we report the extent to which orange and non-orange individuals differ in infection prevelance for two retroviruses, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). FIV is thought to be transmitted almost exclusively through aggressive contacts between individuals, whereas FeLV transmission occurs mainly through social contacts. The pattern of infection of both diseases is consistent with the higher aggressiveness of orange cats. In both sexes, orange cats are significantly more infected by FIV, and tend to be less infected by FeLV than other cats. The pattern of infection is also consistent with an earlier age at first reproduction in orange than in non-orange cats, at least for females. These results suggest that microparasitism may have played an important role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism of domestic cats.  相似文献   
Nitrification rates were measured along a salinity gradient in the Rhône River estuary, using specific inhibitors (allylthiourea and chlorate) coupled with the measurement of change in nitrite concentration and inorganic carbon uptake by nitrifiers. Rates of ammonium and nitrite oxidation were similar up to 15 practical salinity units (from 1 to 2 mol N oxidized liter-1 day-1). For higher salinities, nitrite and ammonium oxidation rates were 0.14 and 0.23 mol N oxidized liter-1 day-1, respectively. Ammonium oxidizers assimilated 19–150 × 10–3 mol C liter-1 day-1, while nitrite oxidizers fixed 4.8–72.6 × 10–3 mol C liter-1 day-1. The amounts of nitrogen oxidized and C incorporated demonstrated a linear correlation (r 2 > 0.99). The ratio of N oxidized to C incorporated ranged between 14.3 to 12.3 for ammonium oxidizers, and between 31.6 and 29 for nitrite oxidizers, the lower values being measured in seawater. Offprint requests to: M. Bianchi.  相似文献   
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