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The use of molecular markers to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting agriculturally important traits has become a key approach in plant genetics-both for understanding the genetic basis of these traits and to help design novel plant improvement programs. In the study reported here, we mapped QTLs (and evaluated their phenotypic effects) associated with seven major traits (including grain yield) in a cross between two widely used elite maize inbred lines, B73 and Mo17, in order to explore two important phenomena in maize genetics-heterosis (hybrid vigor) and genotype-by-environment (G x E) interaction. We also compared two analytical approaches for identifying QTLs, the traditional single-marker method and the more recently described interval-mapping method. Phenotypic evaluations were made on 3168 plots (nearly 100,000 plants) grown in three states. Using 76 markers that represented 90-95% of the maize genome, both analytical methods showed virtually the same results in detecting QTLs affecting grain yield throughout the genome, except on chromosome 6. Fewer QTLs were detected for other quantitative traits measured. Whenever a QTL for grain yield was detected, the heterozygote had a higher phenotype than the respective homozygote (with only one exception) suggesting not only overdominance (or pseudooverdominance) but also that these detected QTLs play a significant role in heterosis. This conclusion was reinforced by a high correlation between grain yield and proportion of heterozygous markers. Although plant materials were grown and measured in six diverse environments (North Carolina, Iowa and Illinois) there was little evidence for G x E interaction for most QTLs.  相似文献   
The chick axon-associated surface glycoprotein neurofascin is implicated in axonal growth and fasciculation as revealed by antibody perturbation experiments. Here we report the complete cDNA sequence of neurofascin. It is composed of four structural elements: At the NH2 terminus neurofascin contains six Ig-like motifs of the C2 subcategory followed by four fibronectin type III (FNIII)-related repeats. Between the FNIII-like repeats and the plasma membrane spanning region neurofascin contains a domain 75-amino acid residues-long rich in proline, alanine and threonine which might be the target of extensive O-linked glycosylation. A transmembrane segment is followed by a 113-amino acid residues-long cytoplasmic domain. Sequence comparisons indicate that neurofascin is most closely related to chick Nr-CAM and forms with L1 (Ng-CAM) and Nr-CAM a subgroup within the vertebrate Ig superfamily. Sequencing of several overlapping cDNA probes reveals interesting heterogeneities throughout the neurofascin polypeptide. Genomic Southern blots analyzed with neurofascin cDNA clones suggest that neurofascin is encoded by a single gene and its pre-mRNA might be therefore alternatively spliced. Northern blot analysis with domain specific probes showed that neurofascin mRNAs of about 8.5 kb are expressed throughout development in embryonic brain but not in liver. Isolation of neurofascin by immunoaffinity chromatography results in several molecular mass components. To analyze their origin the amino-terminal sequences of several neurofascin components were determined. The NH2-terminal sequences of the 185, 160, and 110-135 kD components are all the same as the NH2 termini predicted by the cDNA sequence, whereas the other neurofascin components start with a sequence found in a putative alternatively spliced segment between the Ig- and FNIII-like part indicating that they are derived by proteolytic cleavage. A combination of enzymatic and chemical deglycosylation procedures and the analysis of peanut lectin binding reveals O- and N-linked carbohydrates on neurofascin components which might generate additional heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Summary The DNA sequence was determined for the cytochrome c oxidase II (COII), tRNALys, and ATPase 8 genes from the mitochondrial genome of the meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus. When compared to other rodents, three different patterns of evolutionary divergence were found. Nucleotide variation in tRNALys is concentrated in the TC loop. Nucleotide variation in the COII gene in three genera of rodents (Microtus, Mus, Rattus) consists predominantly of transitions in the third base positions of codons. The predicted amino acid sequence in highly conserved (>92% similarity). Analysis of the ATPase 8 gene among four genera (Microtus, Cricetulus, Mus, Rattus) revealed more detectable transversions than transitions, many fixed first and second position mutations, and considerable amino acid divergence. The rate of nucleotide substitution at nonsynonymous sites in the ATPase 8 gene is 10 times the rate in the COII gene. In contrast, the estimated absolute mutation rate as determined by analysis of nucleotide substitutions at fourfold degenerate sites probably is the same for the two genes. The primary sequences of the ATPase 8 and COII peptides are constrained differently, but each peptide is conserved in terms of predicted secondary-level configuration.  相似文献   
Summary Chamaedorea bartlingiana is a dioecious palm that grows in the cloud forest understories of the Venezuelan Andes. Age and sexual differences in phenology and reproductive patterns were studied in labelled individuals of all age categories. This species has long-lived leaves and low leaf production, both characteristic of understory plants. Growth rates are lower in juveniles than in adults and in females than in males, as in other palms. Male and female individuals show different reproductive patterns. Male inflorescences are always produced at the same rate and the probability of surviving until anthesis is constant. Females produce reproductive buds at the same rate as males, but these buds have a 35% probability of becoming a ripe infrutescence if the plant has infrutescences already growing, and 70% if it does not. This pattern and the slow growth of inflorescences (1 year for males from bud to flowers, 2 years for females from bud to ripe fruits) cause a pluriannual reproductive pattern at the population level. Field germination does not follow this pattern, but shows one annual peak probably related to environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Investigatory behavior with novel, inanimate objects by two groups of four juvenile greater bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii) was examined in the laboratory. Substantial investigatory behavior was shown by all subjects. In the first study, subjects showed interest in a wide variety of nonfood stimulus objects. In the second, subjects displayed sustained interest in and investigation of non-food stimulus objects over three sessions. Bushbabies showed preferences for larger, more manipulable objects and variations in total contact over days. Individual differences were observed in the duration and types of contact with objects. These observations contradict earlier reports that prosimians show little interest in inanimate, non-food objects.  相似文献   
Under mechanical volume-controlled ventilation, the intensive care patient can develop intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (iPEEP); that is, the passive expiration is terminated by the following inspiration before the alveolar pressure comes to its physical equilibrium value. We present a mathematical method to estimate this alveolar dynamic iPEEP breath by breath, without the need of a maneuver. We tested it in paralyzed patients ventilated for adult respiratory distress syndrome after multiple trauma and/or sepsis, and we compared the results obtained with the new mathematical method with those from the occlusion method introduced by Pepe and Marini. The results agreed well (median difference of 0.8 mbar in 201 investigations in 12 patients). However, the mathematically determined values, representing dynamic iPEEP, are systematically slightly smaller than those measured by the occlusion maneuver. A variation of expiratory time suggests that this difference might be due to mechanical time-constant inhomogeneity, viscoelastic processes, or other mechanisms showing time dependence.  相似文献   
Binding of Nile Red to tubulin enhances and blue-shifts fluorescence emission to about 623 nm with a "shoulder" around 665 nm. Binding is reversible and saturable with an apparent Kd of approximately 0.6 microM. Nile Red does not alter tubulin polymerization, and polymerization in 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes) buffer does not alter the spectrum of the Nile Red-tubulin complex. In contrast, polymerization in glutamate buffer results in a red shift, reduction of intensity, and a decrease in lifetime, suggesting an increase in "polarity" of the binding environment. Lifetimes of 4.5 and 0.6 ns fluorescence in Mes buffer are associated with the 623-nm peak and the 665-nm shoulder, respectively. Indirect excitation spectra for these components are distinct and the 4.5-ns component exhibits tryptophan to Nile Red energy transfer. Acrylamide quenching yields linear Stern-Volmer plots with unchanged lifetimes, indicating static quenching. Apparent quenching constants are wavelength-dependent; global analysis reveals a quenchable component corresponding to the 4.5 ns component and an "unquenchable" component superposing the 0.6-ns spectrum. Analysis of anisotropy decay required an "associative" model which yielded rotational correlation times of greater than 50 ns for the 4.5-ns lifetime and 0.3 ns for the 0.6-ns lifetime. Dilution of tubulin in Mes results in an apparent red shift of emission without lifetime changes, due only to loss of the 623-nm component. These data are reconciled in terms of a model with two binding sites on the tubulin dimer. The more "nonpolar" site is located in a region of subunit-subunit contact which accounts for the fluorescence changes upon dilution; this permits estimation of a subunit dissociation constant of 1 microM.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of deoxyhypusine (N-(4-aminobutyl)lysine) occurs by the transfer of the 4-aminobutyl moiety of spermidine to a specific lysine residue in a precursor of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4D (eIF-4D). Deoxyhypusine synthase, the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction, was purified approximately 700-fold from rat testis. The Km values for the substrates, spermidine, the eIF-4-D precursor protein, and NAD+, were estimated as approximately 1, 0.08, and 30 microM, respectively. After incubation of partially purified enzyme with [1,8-3H]spermidine, NAD+, and the eIF-4D precursor, equal amounts of radioactivity were found in free 1,3-diaminopropane and in protein-bound deoxyhypusine. However, when the protein substrate (eIF-4D precursor) was omitted, radioactivity was found in 1,3-diaminopropane and in delta 1-pyrroline in nearly equal quantities, providing evidence that the cleavage of spermidine occurs, albeit at a slower rate, in the absence of the eIF-4D precursor. That NAD+, which is required for this reaction, functions as the hydrogen acceptor was demonstrated by the fact that radioactivity from spermidine labeled with 3H at position 5 is found in NADH as well as in delta 1-pyrroline. Transfer of this hydrogen from spermidine to the re face of the nicotinamide ring of NAD+, as determined by the use of dehydrogenases of known stereospecificity, defines the first step of deoxyhypusine synthesis as a pro-R, or A, stereospecific dehydrogenation. Based on these findings, an enzyme mechanism involving imine intermediate formation is proposed.  相似文献   
A microtechnique has been developed for the measurement of alkaline phosphatase in minute amounts of renal tissue. This microtechnique utilizes the known fluorescent property of 4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate following enzymatic hydrolysis. The reaction is sensitive and reproducible and is inhibited by l-bromotetramisole, a specific alkaline phosphatase inhibitor. The microdetermination of alkaline phosphatase activity in the various segments of the mouse nephron allowed the localization of the enzyme in the glomeruli, and in the proximal convoluted tubule where the activity progressively decreases from the capsule of Bowman to the more distal segments. The enzyme was absent from the pars recta or S3 and from the rest of the nephron. This technique is applicable to very small amounts (0.1 μg of protein) of any tissue containing alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   
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