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Schistosoma mansoni adult worms with genital anomalies isolated from Nectomys squamipes (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy under the reflected mode. One male without testicular lobes (testicular agenesia/anorchism) and two females, one with an atrophied ovary and another with 17 uterine eggs, were identified. The absence of testicular lobes occurred in a worm presenting otherwise normal male adult characteristics: tegument, tubercles and a gynaecophoric canal with spines. In both female specimens the digestive tube showed a vacuolated appearance, and the specimen with supernumerary uterine eggs exhibited a developing miracidium and an egg with a formed shell. The area of the ventral sucker was similar in both specimens however the tegument thickness, ovary and vitelline glands of the specimen with the atrophied ovary were smaller than those of the one with supernumerary eggs. These reported anomalies in the reproductive system call attention to the need to improve our understanding of genetic regulation and the possible role of environmental influences upon trematode development.  相似文献   
The role of mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (MSHA) in Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor interactions with hemolymph of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis was studied. Bacterial adherence to and association with hemocytes were evaluated at 4 and 18 degrees C, respectively. In hemolymph serum, the wild-type strain N16961 adhered to and associated with hemocytes about twofold more efficiently than its mutant lacking MSHA. In artificial seawater (ASW), no significant differences between the two strains were observed. N16961 was also more sensitive to hemocyte bactericidal activity than its MSHA mutant; in fact, the percentages of killed bacteria after 120 min of incubation were 60 and 34%, respectively. The addition of D-mannose abolished the serum-mediated increase in adherence, association, and sensitivity to killing of the wild-type strain without affecting the interactions of the mutant. A similar increase in N16961 adherence to hemocytes was observed when serum was adsorbed with MSHA-deficient bacteria. In contrast, serum adsorbed with either wild-type V. cholerae El Tor or wild-type Escherichia coli carrying type 1 fimbriae was no longer able to increase adherence of N16961 to hemocytes. The results indicate that hemolymph-soluble factors are involved in interactions between hemocytes and mannose-sensitive adhesins.  相似文献   
A coordinated effort combining bioinformatic tools with high-throughput cell-based screening assays was implemented to identify novel factors involved in T-cell biology. We generated a unique library of cDNAs encoding predicted secreted and transmembrane domain-containing proteins generated by analyzing the Human Genome Sciences cDNA database with a combination of two algorithms that predict signal peptides. Supernatants from mammalian cells transiently transfected with this library were incubated with primary T cells and T-cell lines in several high-throughput assays. Here we describe the discovery of a T cell factor, TIP (T cell immunomodulatory protein), which does not show any homology to proteins with known function. Treatment of primary human and murine T cells with TIP in vitro resulted in the secretion of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-10, whereas in vivo TIP had a protective effect in a mouse acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) model. Therefore, combining functional genomics with high-throughput cell-based screening is a valuable and efficient approach to identifying immunomodulatory activities for novel proteins.  相似文献   
Zinc plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function. Altered cellular immune response resulting from zinc deficiency leads to frequent microbial infections, thymic atrophy, decreased natural killer activity, decreased thymic hormone activity, and altered cytokine production. In this study, we examined the effect of zinc deficiency on IL-2 and IFN-gamma in HUT-78 (Th0) and D1.1 (Th1) cell lines and TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 in the HL-60 (monocyte-macrophage) cell line. The results demonstrate that zinc deficiency decreased the levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma cytokines and mRNAs in HUT-78 after 6 h of PMA/p-phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation and in D1.1 cells after 6 h of PHA/ionomycin stimulation compared with the zinc-sufficient cells. However, zinc deficiency increased the levels of TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 cytokines and mRNAs in HL-60 cells after 6 h of PMA stimulation compared with zinc-sufficient cells. Actinomycin D study suggests that the changes in the levels of these cytokine mRNAs were not the result of the stability affected by zinc but might be the result of altered expression of these cytokine genes. These data demonstrate that zinc mediates positively the gene expression of IL-2 and IFN-gamma in the Th1 cell line and negatively TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, and IL-8 in the monocyte-macrophage cell line. Our study shows that the effect of zinc on gene expression and production of cytokines is cell lineage specific.  相似文献   
H2O2 stimulates gallbladder muscle contraction and scavengers of free radicals through the generation of PGE2. Oxidative stress causes lipid peroxidation and generation of platelet-activating factor (PAF) or PAF-like lipids. The present studies therefore were aimed at determining whether either one induced by H2O2 mediates the increased generation of PGE2. Dissociated muscle cells of guinea pig gallbladder were obtained by enzymatic digestion. Both PAF-like lipids and PAF-induced muscle contraction was blocked by the PAF receptor antagonist CV-3988. This antagonist also blocked the increased PGE2 production caused by PAF-like lipids or PAF. Actions of PAF-like lipids were completely inhibited by indomethacin, but those of PAF were only partially reduced by indomethacin or by nordihydroguaiaretic acid and completely blocked by their combination. PAF-like lipids-induced contraction was inhibited by AACOCF3 (cystolic phospholipase A2 inhibitor), whereas the actions of PAF were blocked by MJ33 (secretory phospholipase A2 inhibitor). Receptor protection studies showed that pretreatment with PAF-like lipids before N-ethylmaleimide protected the contraction induced by a second dose of PAF-like lipids or PGE2 but not by PAF. In contrast, pretreatment with PAF protected the actions of PAF and PGE2 but not that of PAF-like lipids. Both PAF-like lipids and PAF-induced contractions were inhibited by anti-Galphaq/11 antibody and by inhibitors of MAPK and PKC. In conclusion, PAF-like lipids seem to activate a pathway different from that of PAF probably by stimulating a different PAF receptor subtype.  相似文献   
Chromatin-derived acidic peptides (ACPs) have been shown to acutely modulate hypothalamic catecholamine release. To investigate whether this effect is mediated through membrane polysialylated neural-cell adhesion molecule (PSA-N-CAM), we pretreated rat hypothalamic synaptosomes with neuraminidase enzyme, which partially cleaves sialic acid residues from N-CAM, and perfused them with ACP-1 (Asp-Asp-Ser-Asp-Glu-Glu-Asn) or a more lipophilic derivative, ACP-2 ([Ala-Ile-Ser-Pro]-Asp-Asp-Ser-Asp-Glu-Glu-Asn). We have found that neuraminidase completely abolish the inhibitory effect of ACP-1 on dopamine release, while the inhibitory activity of ACP-1 on norepinephrine release is partially lost. On the other hand, ACP-2 inhibition of dopamine release is not modified by neuraminidase pretreatment.  相似文献   
Low power millimeter wave (LP-MW) irradiation has been successfully used in clinical practice as an independent and/or supplemental therapy in patients with various diseases. It is still not clear, however, whether exposed skin is directly affected by repeated LP-MW irradiation and whether cells of the epidermis can be activated by the absorbed energy. Keratinocytes, the most numerous component of the epidermis are believed to manifest functional responses to physical stimuli. In this study we analyzed whether LP-MW irradiation modulated the production of chemokines, including RANTES and IP-10 of keratinocytes in vitro. We also investigated whether LP-MW irradiation induces a heat stress reaction in keratinocytes, and stimulates heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) production. Vital staining of keratinocytes with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester and ethidium bromide was used to analyze the MW effect on the viability of adherent cells. In addition, we studied the effect of LP-MW irradiation on intercellular gap junctional communication in keratinocyte monolayers by Lucifer yellow dye transfer. We found no significant changes in constitutive RANTES and inducible IP-10 production following LP-MW irradiation. LP-MW exposure of keratinocyte monolayers did not alter Hsp70 production, unlike exposure to higher power MWs (HP-MW) or hyperthermia (43 degrees C; 1 h). LP-MW irradiation and hyperthermia did not alter the viability of adherent keratinocytes, while HP-MW irradiation induced cellular damage within the beam area. Finally, we found no alteration in the gap junctional intercellular communication of keratinocytes following LP-MW irradiation, which on the other hand, was significantly increased by hyperthermia. In summary, we detected no harmful effect of LP-MW irradiation on both keratinocyte function and structure in vitro, although these cells were sensitive to higher MW power that developed heat stress reaction and cellular damage. Our results provide further evidence that LP-MW irradiation does not induce evidence of skin inflammation or keratinocyte damage and that its clinical application appears to be safe.  相似文献   
The diarrhea associated with malabsorption of bile salts such as the secondary hydrophobic taurodeoxycholate (TDC) may be partly explained by the TDC-induced increase in colon Cl(-) secretion. We, therefore, investigated the effects of TDC (0.5-8 mM) on electrical parameters and electrolyte transport of rat proximal colon mucosa mounted in Ussing chambers. Colonic secretion, measured as short circuit current (I(SC)), progressively increased on mucosal incubation with TDC ranging 0.5-2 mM; up to TDC 2 mM, a spontaneous recovery toward control values with no changes in epithelial resistance (Rt), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release was observed. In contrast, for TDC > 2 mM, I(SC) increased further and the effect was progressive and associated with a significant decrease in the Rt and increased LDH release, implying a cytolytic effect. Mucosal preincubation with the Cl(-) channel inhibitor 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB), fully prevented the precytolytic effect of TDC on I(SC). Serosal preincubation with furosemide, a Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) cotransporter inhibitor, significantly reduced TDC-induced increase in I(SC). Inhibition of the basolateral Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channel-rSK4-with serosal clotrimazole or incubation with mucosal Ca(2+)-free (EGTA) buffer completely prevented precytolytic TDC-induced increase in I(SC). In conclusion, Cl(-) secretion is activated in colon mucosa by TDC low concentrations; while at higher concentrations, a detergent cytotoxic effect intervenes. Activation of the Ca(2+)-dependent basolateral K(+) pathway, through TDC-induced apical Ca(2+) influx, provides the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) basolateral activation, thereby the driving force for the apical exit of Cl(-) ions. These findings further enhance the knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms of diarrhea associated with bile salt malabsorption.  相似文献   
Abnormal gene expression patterns in somatic cell clones and their attrition in utero are commonly considered a consequence of errors in nuclear reprogramming. We observe that mouse clone blastocysts have less than half the normal cell number, and that higher cell number correlates with correct expression of Oct4, a gene essential for peri-implantation development and embryonic pluripotency. To increase the cell number, we aggregated genetically identical clones at the 4-cell stage. Clone-clone aggregates did not form more blastocysts, but the majority expressed Oct4 normally and had higher rates of fetal and postnatal development. Fertilized blastocysts with low cell numbers, induced by removal of two blastomeres at the 4-cell stage, did not exhibit abnormal Oct4 expression, indicating that improved gene expression and post-implantation development of clone-clone aggregates is not a consequence of increased cell number. Rather, we propose that complementation of non-cell-autonomous defects of genetically identical, but epigenetically different, embryos results in improved gene expression in clone-clone aggregates.  相似文献   
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