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Genetic improvement and hybridization in the Populus genus have led to the development of genotypes exhibiting fast growth, high rooting ability and disease resistance. However, while large biomass production is important for bioenergy crops, efficient use of resources including water is also important in sites lacking irrigation and for maintaining ecosystem water availability. In addition, comparison of water use strategies across a range of growth rates and genetic variability can elucidate whether certain strategies are shared among the fastest growing and/or most water use efficient genotypes. We estimated tree water use throughout the second growing season via sapflow sensors of 48 genotypes from five Populus taxa; P. deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall × P. deltoides (D × D), P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii A. Henry (D × M), P. deltoides × P. nigra L. (D × N), P. deltoides × P. trichocarpa Torr. & Gray (D × T) and P. trichocarpa × P. deltoides (T × D) and calculated average canopy stomatal conductance (GS). We regressed GS and atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) wherein the slope of the relationship represents stomatal sensitivity to VPD. At the end of the second growing season, trees were harvested, and their dry woody biomass was used to calculate whole tree water use efficiency (WUET). We found that D × D and D × M genotypes exhibited differing water use strategies with D × D genotypes exhibiting high stomatal sensitivity while retaining leaves while D × M genotypes lost leaf area throughout the growing season but exhibited low stomatal sensitivity. Across measured taxa, biomass growth was positively correlated with WUET, and genotypes representing each measured taxa except D × N and T × D had high 2-year dry biomass of above 6 kg/tree. Overall, these data can be used to select Populus genotypes that combine high biomass growth with stomatal sensitivity and WUET to limit the negative impacts of bioenergy plantations on ecosystem water resources.  相似文献   
Post-translational methylation of proteins, which occurs in arginines and lysines, modulates several biological processes at different levels of cell signaling. Recently, methylation has been demonstrated in the regulation beyond histones, for example, in the dynamics of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions. However, the presence and role of non-histone methylation in Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, has not yet been elucidated. Here, we applied mass spectrometry-based-proteomics (LC-MS/MS) to profile the methylproteome of T. cruzi epimastigotes, describing a total of 1252 methyl sites in 824 proteins. Functional enrichment and protein-protein interaction analysis show that protein methylation impacts important biological processes of the parasite, such as translation, RNA and DNA binding, amino acid, and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, 171 of the methylated proteins were previously reported to bear phosphorylation sites in T. cruzi, including flagellar proteins and RNA binding proteins, indicating that there may be an interplay between these different modifications in non-histone proteins. Our results show that a broad spectrum of functions is affected by methylation in T. cruzi, indicating its potential to impact important processes in the biology of the parasite and other trypanosomes.  相似文献   
Spatial and size distribution of micro-organisms and their ETSactivity has been investigated in Ligurian Sea surface watersalong the Nice-Calvi transect across frontal areas from 18 to37 km offshore (TOMOFRONT 1 and 2 cruises, April 1988 and April-May1989 respectively). Aplastidic and plastidic nanoflagellatesand aplastidic picoflagellates were present in numbers closeto 0.25 x 104 cells ml–1, whereas plastidic picoflagellatesaccounted for about half this number. Correlations have beenevidenced between plastidic and aplastidic micro-organisms withinthe same size group, suggesting that they belong to a well-definedecosystem. The highest correlation between total ETS activityand abundance of the considered size groups was observed fornanoflagellates (r = 0.94, n = 22, and r = 0.90, n = 22 foraplastidic and plastidic cells respectively). The importanceof the role of nanoflagellates in surface waters, with respectto the overall ETS activity, was supported by results from sizefractionation which assigned to the 3–10 µm sizerange a 73.3% contribution to overall ETS activity. Resultsemphasize analysing global ETS activity of natural samples inorder to derive relationships between the different populationspresent in the sampled water. It is suggested that couplingflow cytometry to the ETS approach should be very helpful inthat respect.  相似文献   
In Gregarina blaberae a Mr = 47 000 and a Mr = 260–240 000 doublet polypeptides reacted in immunoblotting: i) with a polyclonal monospecific rabbit antibody to frog muscular actin, a monoclonal anti-actin antibody against chicken gizzard; and ii) with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to human erythrocyte β-spectrin, respectively. The Mr = 47 000 actin-like protein is associated with the ghost and a contractille cytoplasmic extract. The presence of an actin-like protein in Gregarina and Lecudina and its cellular distribution in the cortex indicated that the gliding movement might involve an actin-myosin system in contrast to previous studies. Immunofluorescence showed clear differences between the anterior part of Gregarina and Lecudina which illustrated the high cell polarity of these protozoa. The Mr = 260–240 000 doublet was detected in SDS-PAGE from G. blaberae trophozoite ghosts but not in the cytoplasmic extracts or in extracts from sexual stages, indicating that the presence of these spectrin-like proteins is stage-dependent. Visualization of the Mr = 260–240 000 by immunofluorescence showed clear species differences, with rings arranged perpendicular to the longitudinal narrow folds of G. blaberae, with longitudinal lines underlying the folds of L. pellucida and with lines separating the large folds of Selenidium pendula. The cellular distribution is consistent with a stabilizer function of the spectrin-like proteins in the scaffolding of the cortex of gregarines according to the high diversity of the cell-shape and the cell motility systems in gregarines. The presence of spectrin-like proteins in protozoa and particularly in parasites from primitive arthropods indicated that ancestral spectrin genes could the Mr = 260–240 000 form.  相似文献   
The aminoxy acids NH2-O-C(alpha)HR-CO2H are much more easily obtained in the enantiomerically pure form than the analogous hydrazino acids NH2-NH-C(alpha)HR-CO2H, and it has been shown that the isosteric amidoxy psi[CO-NH-O] and hydrazide psi[CO-NH-NH] amide surrogates Induce two quite similar gamma-like folded structures. An aminoxy acid can also be N-coupled to a peptide aldehyde to give the aldoxime psi[CH = N-O] link or to a peptide ketone to form the ketoxime psi[CR= N-O] link. The former can be further reduced into the hydroxylamine psi[CH2-NH-O] link which gives rise to reduced amidoxy peptides. The structural properties Induced by these amide surrogates were studied, using IR and NMR spectroscopy, paying particular attention to the Z/E-isomerism of the oxime link. In order to investigate their inhibitory potency, the three amide surrogates were introduced in the Pro3-Val4 and Val4-Ala5 position of Z-Ala1-Ala2-Pro3-Val4-Ala5-Ala6-NHiPr, a substrate which is cleaved in the Val4-Ala5 position by human leukocyte elastase (HLE). The [Val4psi[CO-NH-O]Ala5] analogue was still a substrate, while the [Pro3psi[CO-NH-O]Val4] and [Val4psi[CH = N-O]Ala5] pseudopeptides acted as HLE competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   
A genetic interpretation of the zymograms of 524 Trypanosoma cruzi stocks from various hosts and representing a broad geographical range (United States to Southern Brazil) reveals high genetic variability (only one monomorphic locus out of 15) and suggests that this parasite has a diploid structure. The data do not give any indication of Mendelian sexuality, although many opportunities are present for genetic exchange between extremely different genotypes. The population structure of T. cruzi appears to be multiclonal and complex. The natural clones evidenced by isozyme analysis are numerous (43 different ones are recorded among 121 stocks assayed at 15 gene loci) and exhibit a large range of genotypes, in a nonhierarchical structure; it is not possible to cluster them into a few strictly delimited groups which could represent natural taxa. The available data suggest that the genetic variability of T. cruzi reflects the long separate evolution of multiple clones. It is suggested that long clonal evolution may explain the present biological and medical variability of the causative agent of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   
Summary The IASRYDQL synthetic octapeptide (250–257) of the Leishmania major surface glycoprotein gp63 efficiently inhibits parasite attachment to the macrophage receptors in in vitro experiments, and the SRYD-containing tetrapeptide mimics antigenically and functionally the RGDS sequence of fibronectin. The conformational properties of the octapeptide were investigated in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) with the combined use of NMR data (vicinal coupling constants, nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) and temperature coefficient values), molecular modeling by energy minimization and molecular dynamics. The structure is characterized by the high occurrence, exceeding 95%, of the Arg-Asp side-chain-side-chain ionic interaction, which plays a key role in the backbone folding through a distorted type-I -turn involving the Gln256-NH to Arg253-CO hydrogen bond.  相似文献   
Reduced dipeptides with the general formula RCO-Xaa- rXbb-N+HR′R′′ (rXbb, reduced analogue of residue Xbb: NH-Cα HR1 -Cr H2) are shown to adopt a folded conformation in solution and in the solid state. The protonated reduced amide bond is an active proton donor capable of interacting with a peptide carbonyl to give a strong hydrogen bond topologically equivalent to the i+2 or i+3? i interaction. The resulting conformation is similar to the γ- or β-turn structure found in peptides and proteins.  相似文献   
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) contains two B-type phytochrome genes (PHYB1 and PHYB2). Fragments of these two PHYB were cloned following amplification by the polymerase chain reaction of a portion of their relatively well conserved 5 coding regions. Polypeptides encoded by these gene fragments exhibit 90% sequence identity. These two PHYB are independently expressed in organ-specific fashion. In mature plants, PHYB2 mRNA is most abundant in fruit and PHYB1 mRNA in expanded leaves. A phylogenetic analysis fails to establish which tomato PHYB is orthologous to either Arabidopsis PHYB or PHYD, the latter being a second B-type phytochrome. Instead, this analysis indicates that following the divergence of the Solanaceae and Brassicaceae from one another, a PHYB gene duplicated independently in each lineage. Consequently, Arabidopsis PHYB mutants cannot be considered strictly equivalent to the tomato tri mutants, which appear to be mutated at the PHYB1 locus. Similarly, other putative PHYB mutants might not be equivalent to those described for Arabidopsis and tomato. This situation complicates efforts to determine PHYB function because there might be no one answer to this question.Abbreviations PCR polymerase chain reaction - PHY undesignated phytochrome gene - PHYA, PHYB, etc phytochrome gene(s) of the A, B, etc. type This research was supported by USDA NRICGP grant 93-00939 and by NATO travel grant CRG 931183. It was initiated when two of us (L.H.P., M.-M.C.-P.) spent a sabbatical year at the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique in Versailles, France. L.H.P. gratefully acknowledges support provided by a senior guest fellowship from the Ministère de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche during his stay in Versailles. L.H.P. and M.-M.C.-P thank all of their colleagues in Versailles for their warm hospitality and their willingness to share their expertise with us. We also thank Russell Malmberg, Richard Meagher and Robert Price for helpful discussions concerning the interpretation of molecular phylogenies.  相似文献   
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