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Towards a computational model for -1 eukaryotic frameshifting sites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Unconventional decoding events are now well acknowledged, but not yet well formalized. In this study, we present a bioinformatics analysis of eukaryotic -1 frameshifting, in order to model this event. RESULTS: A consensus model has already been established for -1 frameshifting sites. Our purpose here is to provide new constraints which make the model more precise. We show how a machine learning approach can be used to refine the current model. We identify new properties that may be involved in frameshifting. Each of the properties found was experimentally validated. Initially, we identify features of the overall model that are to be simultaneously satisfied. We then focus on the following two components: the spacer and the slippery sequence. As a main result, we point out that the identity of the primary structure of the so-called spacer is of great importance. AVAILABILITY: Sequences of the oligonucleotides in the functional tests are available at http://www.igmors.u-psud.fr/rousset/bioinformatics/.  相似文献   
AIMS: In vitro studies have suggested that fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and resistant starch (two fermentable non-digestible carbohydrates) display different fermentation kinetics. This study investigated whether these substrates affect the metabolic activity and bacterial composition of the intestinal microflora differently depending on the caecocolonic segment involved. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighteen rats were fed a low-fibre diet (Basal) or the same diet containing raw potato starch (RPS) (9%) or short-chain FOS (9%) for 14 days. Changes in wet-content weights, bacterial populations and metabolites were investigated in the caecum, proximal and distal colon and faeces. Both substrates exerted a prebiotic effect compared with the Basal diet. However, FOS increased lactic acid-producing bacteria (LAPB) throughout the caecocolon and in faeces, whereas the effect of RPS was limited to the caecum and proximal colon. As compared with RPS, FOS doubled the pool of caecal fermentation products, while the situation was just the opposite distally. This difference was mainly because of the anatomical distribution of lactate, which accumulated in the caecum with FOS and in the distal colon with RPS. Faeces reflected these impacts only partly, showing the prebiotic effect of FOS and the metabolite increase induced by RPS. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that FOS and RPS exert complementary caecocolonic effects. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The RPS and FOS combined ingestion could be beneficial by providing health-promoting effects throughout the caecocolon.  相似文献   
Abstract Sea cucumbers possess a peculiar specialized defense system: the so-called Cuvierian tubules. The system is mobilized when the animal is mechanically stimulated, resulting in the discharge of a few white filaments, the tubules. Their great adhesivity, combined with their high tensile strength, allows Cuvierian tubules to entangle and immobilize potential predators. The cellular origin and composition of the Cuvierian tubule adhesive were investigated in the species Holothuria forskali by studying prints left on the substratum after mechanical detachment of the tubule. Polyclonal antibodies raised against tubule print material were used to locate the origin of tubule print constituents in the tubules. Extensive immunoreactivity was detected in the secretory granules of mesothelial granular cells, suggesting that their secretions make up the bulk of the adhesive material. Tubule print material consists of 60% proteins and 40% carbohydrates, a composition that is unique among the adhesive secretions of marine invertebrates. Although it is highly insoluble, a small fraction of this material can be extracted using denaturing buffers. Electrophoretic analysis of the extracts revealed that it contains about 10 proteins with apparent molecular masses ranging from 17 to 220 kDa and with closely related amino acid compositions, rich in acidic and in small side-chain amino acids. The adhesive from the Cuvierian tubules of H. forskali shares these characteristics with many marine bioadhesives and structural biomaterials.  相似文献   
The lpxA gene is known to be involved in the biosynthesis of lipid A in Gram-negative bacteria and thought to be an essential gene. However, viable meningococcal lpxA mutants devoid of detectable endotoxin (lipooligosaccharide) have been reported. We characterised such mutants in strains of Neisseria meningitidis belonging to serogroups B and C using molecular and biochemical analysis. While lpxA mutants with no detectable or a low level of lipooligosaccharide could be obtained in N. meningitidis, the simple insertional inactivation of lpxA was not possible. In all mutants, we obtained lpxA/lpxA::aph-3' heterodiploids harbouring one copy of the wild-type lpxA gene and one copy of the inactivated lpxA gene by insertion of the kanamycin resistance cassette, aph-3'. The absence of lipooligosaccharide in these mutants may result from a negative transdominance effect of a truncated LpxA protein on the wild-type LpxA protein.  相似文献   
This paper reviews in detail Francisco Varela's work on subjectivity and consciousness in the biological sciences. His original approach to this "hard problem" presents a subjectivity that is radically intertwined with its biological and physical roots. It must be understood within the framework of his theory of a concrete, embodied dynamics, grounded in his general theory of autonomous systems. Through concepts and paradigms such as biological autonomy, embodiment and neurophenomenology, the article explores the multiple levels of circular causality assumed by Varela to play a fundamental role in the emergence of human experience. The concept of biological autonomy provides the necessary and sufficient conditions for characterizing biological life and identity as an emergent and circular self-producing process. Embodiment provides a systemic and dynamical framework for understanding how a cognitive self--a mind--can arise in an organism in the midst of its operational cycles of internal regulation and ongoing sensorimotor coupling. Global subjective properties can emerge at different levels from the interactions of components and can reciprocally constrain local processes through an ongoing, recursive morphodynamics. Neurophenomenology is a supplementary step in the study of consciousness. Through a rigorous method, it advocates the careful examination of experience with first-person methodologies. It attempts to create heuristic mutual constraints between biophysical data and data produced by accounts of subjective experience. The aim is to explicitly ground the active and disciplined insight the subject has about his/her experience in a biophysical emergent process. Finally, we discuss Varela's essential contribution to our understanding of the generation of consciousness in the framework of what we call his "biophysics of being."  相似文献   
Pearl millet [ Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is a drought-tolerant cereal crop used for grain and forage. Novel traits from outside of the gene pool could be introduced provided a reliable gene-transfer method were available. We have obtained herbicide-resistant transgenic pearl millet plants by microprojectile bombardment of embryogenic tissues with the bar gene. Embryogenic tissues derived from immature embryos, inflorescences and apical meristems from diploid and tetraploid pearl millet genotypes were used as target tissues. Transformed cells were selected in the dark on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2 mg/l 2,4-D and 15 mg/l phosphinothricin (PPT). After 3-10 weeks in the dark, herbicide-resistant somatic embryos were induced to germinate on MS medium containing 0.1 mg/l thidiazuron and 0.1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine. Plants were transferred to the greenhouse after they were rooted in the presence of PPT and had passed a chlorophenol red assay (the medium turned from red to yellow). Transgenic plants were recovered from bombardments using intact pAHC25 plasmid DNA, a gel-purified bar fragment, or a mixture of pAHC25 plasmid or bar fragment and a plasmid containing the enhanced green fluorescent protein ( gfp) gene (p524EGFP.1). Analyses by the polymerase chain reaction, Southern blot hybridization, GFP expression, resistance to herbicide application, and segregation of the bar and gfp genes confirmed the presence and stable integration of the foreign DNA. Transformed plants were recovered from all three explants, although transformation conditions were optimized using only the tetraploid inflorescence. Time from culture initiation to rooted transgenic plant using the tetraploid inflorescence ranged from 3-4 months. Seven independent DNA/gold precipitations were used to bombard 52 plates, 29 of which produced an average of 5.5 herbicide-resistant plants per plate. The number of herbicide-resistant plants recovered per successful bombardment ranged from one to 28 and the frequency of co-transformation with gfp ranged from 5% to 85%.  相似文献   
For the Hermes transposable element to be mobilized in its eukaryotic host, the transposase, encoded by the element, must make contact with its DNA. After synthesis in the cytoplasm, the transposase has to be actively imported into the nucleus because its size of 70.1 kDa prevents passive diffusion through the nuclear pore. Studies in vitro using transient expression of a Hermes-EGFP fusion protein in Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 cells showed the transposase was located predominantly in the nucleus. In silico sequence analysis, however, did not reveal any nuclear localization signal (NLS). To identify the sequence(s) responsible for localization of Hermes transposase in the nucleus, truncated or mutated forms of the transposase were examined for their influence on sub-cellular localization of marker proteins fused to the transposase. Using the same expression system and a GFP-GUS fusion double marker, residues 1-110 were recognized as sufficient, and residues 1-32 as necessary, for nuclear localization. Amino acid K25 greatly facilitated nuclear localization, indicating that at least this basic amino acid plays a significant role in this process. This sequence overlaps the proposed DNA binding region of the Hermes transposase and is not necessarily conserved in all members of the hAT transposable element family.  相似文献   
The triplexes formed by pyrimidine alpha-oligodeoxynucleotides, 15mers alpha dT(15) or 12mers alpha dCT having dimethoxyethyl (PNHdiME), morpholino (PMOR) or propyl (PNHPr) non-ionic phosphoramidate linkages with DNA duplex targets have been investigated by UV and FTIR spectroscopy. Due to the decrease in the electrostatic repulsion between partner strands of identical lengths all modifications result in triplexes more stable than those formed with unmodified phosphodiester beta-oligodeoxynucleotides (beta-ODNs). Among the alpha-ODN third strands having C and T bases and non-ionic phosphoramidate linkages (alpha dCTPN) the most efficient modification is (PNHdiME). The enhanced third strand stability of the alpha dCTPN obtained as diastereoisomeric mixtures is attenuated by the steric hindrance of the PMOR linkages or by the hydrophobicity of the PNHPr linkages. All alpha dCTPN strands form triplexes even at neutral pH. In the most favorable case (PNHdiME), we show by FTIR spectroscopy that the triplex formed at pH 7 is held by Hoogsteen T*A.T triplets and in addition by an hydrogen bond between O6 of G and C of the third strand (Tm = 30 degrees C). The detection of protonated cytosines is correlated at pH 6 with a high stabilization of the triplex (Tm = 65 degrees C). While unfavorable steric effects are overcome with alpha anomers, the limitation of the pH dependence is not completely suppressed. Different triplexes are evidenced for non pH dependent phosphoramidate alpha-thymidilate strands (alpha dT(15)PN) interacting with a target duplex of identical length. At low ionic strength and DNA concentration we observe the binding to beta dA(15) either of alpha dT(15)PN as duplex strand and beta dT(15) as third strand, or of two hydrophobic alpha dT(15)PNHPr strands. An increase in the DNA and counterion concentration stabilizes the anionic target duplex and then the alpha dT(15)PN binds as Hoogsteen third strand.  相似文献   
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