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The human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic is of unprecedented gravity and is spreading rapidly, notably in the most disadvantaged regions of the world. The search for a preventive vaccine is thus an absolute priority. For over 10 years the French National Agency for AIDS research (ANRS) has been committed to an original program combining basic science and clinical research. The HIV preventive vaccine research program run by the ANRS covers upstream research for the definition of immunogens, animal models, and clinical research to evaluate candidate vaccines. Most researchers in 2004 believe that it should be possible to obtain partial vaccine protection through the induction of a strong and multiepitopic cellular response. Since 1992, the ANRS has set up 15 phases I and II clinical trials in order to evaluate the safety and the capacity of the candidate vaccines for inducing cellular immune responses. The tested candidate vaccines were increasingly complex recombinant canarypox viruses (Alvac) containing sequences coding for certain viral proteins, utilized alone or combined with other immunogens (whole or truncated envelope proteins). ANRS has also been developing an original strategy based on the utilization of lipopeptides. These comprise synthetic fragments of viral proteins associated with lipids that facilitate the induction of a cellular immune response. These approaches promptly allowed the assessment of a prime-boost strategy combining a viral vector and lipopeptides.  相似文献   
In a previous study we have identified Fmc1p, a mitochondrial protein involved in the assembly/stability of the yeast F0F1-ATP synthase at elevated temperatures. The deltafmc1 mutant was shown to exhibit a severe phenotype of very slow growth on respiratory substrates at 37 degrees C. We have isolated ODC1 as a multicopy suppressor of the fmc1 deletion restoring a good respiratory growth. Odc1p expression level was estimated to be at least 10 times higher in mitochondria isolated from the deltafmc1/ODC1 transformant as compared with wild type mitochondria. Interestingly, ODC1 encodes an oxodicarboxylate carrier, which transports alpha-ketoglutarate and alpha-ketoadipate or any other transported tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate in a counter-exchange through the inner mitochondrial membrane. We show that the suppression of the respiratory-growth-deficient fmc1 by the overexpressed Odc1p was not due to a restored stable ATP synthase. Instead, the rescuing mechanism involves an increase in the flux of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate from the cytosol into the mitochondria, leading to an increase in the alpha-ketoglutarate oxidative decarboxylation, resulting in an increase in mitochondrial substrate-level-dependent ATP synthesis. This mechanism of metabolic bypass of a defective ATP synthase unravels the physiological importance of intramitochondrial substrate-level phosphorylations. This unexpected result might be of interest for the development of therapeutic solutions in pathologies associated with defects in the oxidative phosphorylation system.  相似文献   
Proteins involved in telomere end protection have previously been identified. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cdc13, Yku and telomerase, mainly, prevent telomere uncapping, thus providing telomere stability and avoiding degradation and death by senescence. Here, we report that in the absence of Mrc1, a component of the replication forks, telomeres of cdc13 or yku70 mutants exhibited increased degradation, while telomerase-negative cells displayed accelerated senescence. Moreover, deletion of MRC1 increased the single-strandedness of the telomeres in cdc13-1 and yku70Δ mutant strains. An mrc1 deletion strain also exhibited slight but stable telomere shortening compared to a wild-type strain. Loss of Mrc1’s checkpoint function alone did not provoke synthetic growth defects in combination with the cdc13-1 mutation. Combinations between the cdc13-1 mutation and deletion of either TOF1 or PSY2, coding for proteins physically interacting with Mrc1, also resulted in a synthetic growth defect. Thus, the present data suggest that non-essential components of the DNA replication machinery, such as Mrc1 and Tof1, may have a role in telomere stability in addition to their role in fork progression.  相似文献   
Approximately 30% of alleles causing genetic disorders generate premature termination codons (PTCs), which are usually associated with severe phenotypes. However, bypassing the deleterious stop codon can lead to a mild disease outcome. Splicing at NAGNAG tandem splice sites has been reported to result in insertion or deletion (indel) of three nucleotides. We identified such a mechanism as the origin of the mild to asymptomatic phenotype observed in cystic fibrosis patients homozygous for the E831X mutation (2623G>T) in the CFTR gene. Analyses performed on nasal epithelial cell mRNA detected three distinct isoforms, a considerably more complex situation than expected for a single nucleotide substitution. Structure-function studies and in silico analyses provided the first experimental evidence of an indel of a stop codon by alternative splicing at a NAGNAG acceptor site. In addition to contributing to proteome plasticity, alternative splicing at a NAGNAG tandem site can thus remove a disease-causing UAG stop codon. This molecular study reveals a naturally occurring mechanism where the effect of either modifier genes or epigenetic factors could be suspected. This finding is of importance for genetic counseling as well as for deciding appropriate therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
The human peroxins PEX3 and PEX19 play a central role in peroxisomal membrane biogenesis. The membrane-anchored PEX3 serves as the receptor for cytosolic PEX19, which in turn recognizes newly synthesized peroxisomal membrane proteins. After delivering these proteins to the peroxisomal membrane, PEX19 is recycled to the cytosol. The molecular mechanisms underlying these processes are not well understood. Here, we report the crystal structure of the cytosolic domain of PEX3 in complex with a PEX19-derived peptide. PEX3 adopts a novel fold that is best described as a large helical bundle. A hydrophobic groove at the membrane-distal end of PEX3 engages the PEX19 peptide with nanomolar affinity. Mutagenesis experiments identify phenylalanine 29 in PEX19 as critical for this interaction. Because key PEX3 residues involved in complex formation are highly conserved across species, the observed binding mechanism is of general biological relevance.  相似文献   
Calnexin is a molecular chaperone and a component of the quality control of the secretory pathway. We have generated calnexin gene-deficient mice (cnx−/−) and showed that calnexin deficiency leads to myelinopathy. Calnexin-deficient mice were viable with no discernible effects on other systems, including immune function, and instead they demonstrated dysmyelination as documented by reduced conductive velocity of nerve fibers and electron microscopy analysis of sciatic nerve and spinal cord. Myelin of the peripheral and central nervous systems of cnx−/− mice was disorganized and decompacted. There were no abnormalities in neuronal growth, no loss of neuronal fibers, and no change in fictive locomotor pattern in the absence of calnexin. This work reveals a previously unrecognized and important function of calnexin in myelination and provides new insights into the mechanisms responsible for myelin diseases.  相似文献   
The declaration of the human influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (H1N1/09) raised important questions, including origin and host range [1], [2]. Two of the three pandemics in the last century resulted in the spread of virus to pigs (H1N1, 1918; H3N2, 1968) with subsequent independent establishment and evolution within swine worldwide [3]. A key public and veterinary health consideration in the context of the evolving pandemic is whether the H1N1/09 virus could become established in pig populations [4]. We performed an infection and transmission study in pigs with A/California/07/09. In combination, clinical, pathological, modified influenza A matrix gene real time RT-PCR and viral genomic analyses have shown that infection results in the induction of clinical signs, viral pathogenesis restricted to the respiratory tract, infection dynamics consistent with endemic strains of influenza A in pigs, virus transmissibility between pigs and virus-host adaptation events. Our results demonstrate that extant H1N1/09 is fully capable of becoming established in global pig populations. We also show the roles of viral receptor specificity in both transmission and tissue tropism. Remarkably, following direct inoculation of pigs with virus quasispecies differing by amino acid substitutions in the haemagglutinin receptor-binding site, only virus with aspartic acid at position 225 (225D) was detected in nasal secretions of contact infected pigs. In contrast, in lower respiratory tract samples from directly inoculated pigs, with clearly demonstrable pulmonary pathology, there was apparent selection of a virus variant with glycine (225G). These findings provide potential clues to the existence and biological significance of viral receptor-binding variants with 225D and 225G during the 1918 pandemic [5].  相似文献   
Activation of the p38 MAP kinase pathways is crucial for the adaptation of mammalian cells to changes in the osmolarity of the environment. Here we identify SAP97/hDlg, the mammalian homologue of the Drosophila tumour suppressor Dlg, as a physiological substrate for the p38gamma MAP kinase (SAPK3/p38gamma) isoform. SAP97/hDlg is a scaffold protein that forms multiprotein complexes with a variety of proteins and is targeted to the cytoskeleton by its association with the protein guanylate kinase-associated protein (GKAP). The SAPK3/p38gamma-catalysed phosphorylation of SAP97/hDlg triggers its dissociation from GKAP and therefore releases it from the cytoskeleton. This is likely to regulate the integrity of intercellular-junctional complexes, and cell shape and volume in response to osmotic stress.  相似文献   
The total fatty acids (FA) composition of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici conidia, the causal agent of wheat powdery mildew, was analyzed as a function of their age. A total of 19 FA (C12-C24 saturated and unsaturated) and unusual methoxylated fatty acids (mFA) were detected in young, intermediate and old conidia. Two very long chain methoxylated FA were identified by GC-MS as 3-methoxydocosanoic and 3-methoxytetracosanoic acids. Medium chain FA were predominant in young conidia (75%, including 13% of mFA) while very long chain fatty acids constituted the major compounds in old conidia (74%, including 30% of mFA). We have shown for the first time that the total FA composition is strongly correlated with the age of B. graminis f.sp. tritici (Bgt) conidia.  相似文献   
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