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The modulation of NK activity by muramyl dipeptides derivatives against Ab (amelanotic) Bomirski melanoma and human erythroleukemia K562 cells was studied in vitro. The stimulatory effect was observed for 3 of 7 muramyl dipeptides: MDP(L-Ala)C921, MDPC857 and L18-MDP(Ala) in relation to cytotoxic activity of NK cells obtained from peripheral blood and spleen of healthy and Ab Bomirski melanoma bearing hamsters. An increased of cytotoxic activity NK cells isolated from animals before and during the transplantable phase of the tumor against K562 was found. A similar stimulation was received for NK cells obtained from animals against their own melanoma cells. The most significant influence of examined MDP derivatives on the cytotoxic activity of NK cells were obtained from animals between 10 to 12 days of tumor growth. The extent of the modulation of cytotoxic activity of NK cells was dependent on its initial value both in healthy control and Ab Bomirski melanoma bearing hamsters. If natural cytotoxic activity was high the stimulatory effect of the examined MDP derivatives was only slightly expressed.  相似文献   
The pollen diagram from Tarnowiec concentrates on human impact on vegetation, and is supported by the archaeological background. The earliest evidence of human activities dated at ca. 6500 B.P. was probably connected with the Neolithic Linearbandkeramik culture. Further periods of settlement are recorded at ca. 5200 B.P. and at 4800 B.P. The next very distinct period of intensification in human impact at ca. 4200-3800 B.P. was most certainly connected with the presence of the Corded Ware culture. The next period of settlement occurred during the late Bronze Age, in connection with the development of the Lusatian culture from ca. 3200 B.P. but is recorded only faintly in the pollen diagram. The next colonization phase at ca. 2600 B.P. is possibly the result of Scythian invasions. The widest expansion of human impact came during the period of Roman influence. After this, anthropogenic indicators decreased during the Migration period. The youngest part of the pollen diagram reveals an intensification of anthropogenic indicators connected with early Medieval settlement.  相似文献   
The distribution of calsequestrin and calreticulin in smooth muscle and non-muscle tissues was investigated. Immunoblots of endoplasmic reticulum proteins probed with anti-calreticulin and anti-calsequestrin antibodies revealed that only calreticulin is present in the rat liver endoplasmic reticulum. Membrane fractions isolated from uterine smooth muscle, which are enriched in sarcoplasmic reticulum, contain a protein band which is immunoreactive with anti-calreticulin but not with anti-calsequestrin antibodies. The presence of calreticulin in these membrane fractions was further confirmed by 45Ca2+ overlay and "Stains-All" techniques. Calreticulin was also localized to smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum by the indirect immunofluorescence staining of smooth muscle cells with anti-calreticulin antibodies. Furthermore, both liver and uterine smooth muscle were found to contain high levels of mRNA encoding calreticulin, whereas no mRNA encoding calsequestrin was detected. We have employed an ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by Mono Q fast protein liquid chromatography, as a method by which calsequestrin and calreticulin can be isolated from whole tissue homogenates, and by which they can be clearly resolved from one another, even where present in the same tissue. Calreticulin was isolated from rabbit and bovine liver, rabbit brain, rabbit and porcine uterus, and bovine pancreas and was identified by its amino-terminal amino acid sequence. Calsequestrin cannot be detected in preparations from whole liver tissue, and only very small amounts of calsequestrin are detectable in ammonium sulfate extracts of uterine smooth muscle. We conclude that calreticulin, and not calsequestrin, is a major Ca2+ binding protein in liver endoplasmic reticulum and in uterine smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calsequestrin and calreticulin may perform parallel functions in the lumen of the sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Binding of 1,2-epoxy-3-butene, the primary metabolite of butadiene, to hemoglobin (Hb) and excretion of its mercapturic acid in urine were studies as potential indicators of butadiene exposure. Four groups of Wistar rats were exposed to butadiene at 0, 250, 500 and 1000 ppm 6 h/day, 5 days/week, during 2 weeks. Blood was collected at the end of exposure and 17 days later for analysis of hemoglobin adducts and adduct stability. Urine was collected each day during exposure (afternoon samples) and in between exposures (morning samples). Adducts of 1,2-epoxy-3-butene to N-terminal valine in Hb were measured using the N-alkyl Edman procedure and GC/MS of the thiohydantoin derivatives. The corresponding mercapturic acid was analysed, after deacetylation, through derivatization with phthaldialdehyde and HPLC with fluorescence detection. The Hb adducts proved to be stable and are therefore useful for dosimetry of long-term exposure to butadiene. The adduct levels increased linearly with exposure dose up to 1000 ppm (3 nmol/g Hb at 1000 ppm). The increase with exposure dose of the mercapturic acid concentration in urine was also compatible with a linear does response up to 1000 ppm. The sensitivity of both analytical methods needs to be improved for their application to human samples.  相似文献   
Administration of kainate or pentylenetetrazole increased c-fos, c-jun, junB, and junD mRNA levels in rat brain in a dose-dependent manner. Kainate increased these mRNA levels predominantly in the hippocampus, and pentylenetetrazole was more effective in the cortex. Adrenalectomy (3 days) was used to eliminate endogenous glucocorticoid hormones. Adrenalectomy significantly potentiated kainate-induced increases, compared with increases caused by kainate (4 mg/kg) alone, in the hippocampal mRNA levels of c-fos and junB by 6.5-fold and of junD by twofold and tended to augment c-jun mRNA. Corticosterone administration blocked the potentiated stimulation of these mRNA levels caused by adrenalectomy. Adrenalectomy also significantly increased pentylenetetrazole-induced levels of c-fos mRNA in the cortex. These results demonstrate that glucocorticoids modulate immediate early gene expression in the brain, raising the possibility that this interaction contributes to interneuronal and interindividual differences in responses to stimuli and to the effects of stress- or disease-induced changes in glucocorticoid concentrations.  相似文献   
The administration of melatonin, either peripherally (0.01-10 mg/kg) or intraocularly (0.001-10 mumol/eye), to light-exposed chicks dose-dependently increased serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity in retina but not in pineal gland. The effect of melatonin was slightly but significantly reduced by luzindole (2-benzyl-N-acetyltryptamine), and not affected by two other purported melatonin antagonists, N-acetyltryptamine and N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-5-methoxytryptamine (ML-23). The elevation of the enzyme activity induced by melatonin was substantially stronger than that evoked by 5-hydroxytryptamine, N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-methoxytryptamine. The melatonin-evoked rise in the retinal NAT activity was counteracted by two dopamine D2 receptor agonists, quinpirole and apomorphine, and prevented by the dopamine D2 receptor blocker spiroperidol, and by an inhibitor of dopamine synthesis, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. Melatonin (0.1-10 mg/kg i.p.) dose-dependently decreased the levels of dopamine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), as well as the DOPAC/dopamine ratio, in chick retina but not in forebrain. The results obtained (1) indicate that melatonin in vivo potently inhibits dopamine synthesis selectively in retina, and (2) suggest that the increase in retinal NAT activity evoked by melatonin in light-exposed chicks is an indirect action of the compound, and results from the disinhibition of the NAT induction process from the dopaminergic (inhibitory) signal. The results provide in vivo evidence supporting the idea (derived on the basis of in vitro findings) that a mutually antagonistic interaction between melatonin and dopamine operates in retinas of living animals.  相似文献   
Several proteins in sarcoplasmic reticulum preparations move in a band with a mobility, in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0), corresponding to a molecular mass of about 55,000 daltons. Only one of these proteins is the high affinity calcium binding protein. An intrinsic glycoprotein is also present in this band, and it is this glycoprotein which is found in vesicles reconstituted after dissolution of sarcoplasmic reticulum in deoxycholate. Both of these proteins are found in rather constant ratios with the ATPase in light, intermediate, and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. Transverse tubular vesicles can be isolated from the heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles after disruption of the membrane in a French pressure cell (Lau, Y.H., Caswell, A.H., and Brunschwig, J.P. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 5565-5574). These vesicles are enriched in their content of the high affinity calcium binding and depleted of the intrinsic glycoprotein. Cycloheptaamylose . fluorescamine complex (CFC) labels the intrinsic glycoprotein heavily indicating that it is at least partially exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Since the carbohydrate component of the protein must lie in luminal spaces, it is inferred that the intrinsic glycoprotein is a transmembrane protein. The high affinity calcium binding protein is not labeled by CFC indicating that it is not exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of sarcotubular vesicles. The protein is also not affected by proteolytic digestion of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles and can be isolated intact from trypsin-digested vesicles. It is not removed from sarcoplasmic-reticulum vesicles by washing with buffers containing Chelex 100 or ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA). These data show that the high affinity calcium binding protein is localized in the interior of the sarcotubular system and suggest that it might be common to both sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubular membranes.  相似文献   
Light was required for induction of nitrate reductase (NR, E.C. in intact cotyledons of 2-day old seedlings ofLactuca sativa L. Molybdate strongly enhanced efficiency of induction. Benzyladenine (BA), gibberellin, and succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide reduced the enzyme activity. BA thrice enhanced incorporation of labelled leucine to the protein fraction. (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammonium chloride did not affect NR activity and markedly inhibited greening and protein synthesis. KNO3 stimulated protein synthesis as well as growth of the cotyledons.  相似文献   
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