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The SHR-Lx congenic strain carrying a differential segment of chromosome 8 of BN and PD origin was recently shown to exhibit a significant decrease in blood pressure as compared to the SHR strain. There were two positional candidate genes for blood pressure control mapped to the differential segment: the rat kidney epithelial potassium channel gene (Kcnj1) and brain dopamine receptor 2 gene (Drd2). Bot these genes were separated into SHR.BN-RNO8 congenic substrains. In this communication, we are presenting the assignment of two further putative candidate genes, which might be involved in blood pressure control to the BN/PD differential segment of the SHR-Lx congenic strain. These are: the gene coding for smooth muscle cell specific protein 22 (Sm22) defined by the D8Mcw1 marker and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene cluster, defined by the D8Bord1 marker. Moreover, the glutamate receptor gene Grik4 which also maps to the differential segment of the SHR-Lx should be taken into account. The genetic separation of all these putative candidate genes of blood pressure control is being performed by recombinations and subsequent selection using (SHR×SHR-Lx) intercross population.  相似文献   
Reserpine, at doses of 20–175 μg per g body weight, severely retards oogenesis in newly emerged adult female migratory locusts (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) but does not increase mortality during the first 9 days and only slightly delays somatic growth. Total protein, and hemolymph vitellogenin content particularly, are significantly reduced in reserpine-treated locusts. The synthesis of juvenile hormone III (JH-III) following adult emergence, essential for induction of vitellogenesis and subsequent oogenesis, is dependent on the maturation and activation of the corpora allata (CA). CA of 7- to 8-day-old female locusts, treated with reserpine at day 1 after adult emergence, are only marginally active in vitro and are only slightly stimulated by an allatotropic factor. The basal activity and response of CA from the reserpine-treated locusts resembles that of newly emerged locusts, suggesting that reserpine specifically retards the initial maturation of the locust CA. Recovery of basal CA activity is evident on days 12–13 in reserpine-treated locusts, but responsiveness to the allatotropic factor is not recovered. Starvation of newly emerged females for 3 days and subsequent feeding did not effect ooctye development or CA activity. Cerebral content of the allatotropic factor, assayed on days 7–8, is not reduced by the reserpine treatment.  相似文献   
Summary We have studied the effect of formamidines onDrosophila melanogaster. Low concentrations of formamidines are toxic to adultDrosophila. A mutant with reduced cAMP synthesis displays increased resistance to the toxin. Formamidines also reduce viability ofDrosophila eggs and retard imago eclosion. At sublethal concentrations, formamidines markedly affect the flies' behavior. Upon injection, the compounds increase muscle activity. Upon feeding, formamidines induce motor excitation, reduce phototaxis and impair olfactory learning without affecting the ability to recognize an olfactory cue. In vitro, two formamidines were found to inhibit octopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase without affecting the basal activity of the enzyme, while a third one was found to stimulate adenylate cyclase; this stimulation was blocked by phentolamine and to a lesser degree by propranolol, thus resembling the effect of octopamine. The binding of [3H]octopamine toDrosophila head membranes was also inhibited. Taken together, our results indicate that formamidines interact with octopaminergic systems inDrosophila, exert both peripheral and central effects in the fly, and could be used to dissect the roles of octopamine in development and behavior, including behavioral plasticity. The results also suggest that formamidines could be used to select mutants in aminergic transmission and in the cAMP cascade.Abbreviations CDMF chlordimeform - DMPF N,N-dimethyl-N2-(2,4-dimethylphenyl) formamidine  相似文献   
A two-site model for the binding of U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U1 snRNP) was tested in order to understand how exon partners are selected in complex pre-mRNAs containing alternative exons. In this model, it is proposed that two U1 snRNPs define a functional unit of splicing by base pairing to the 3' boundary of the downstream exon as well as the 5' boundary of the intron to be spliced. Three-exon substrates contained the alternatively spliced exon 4 (E4) region of the preprotachykinin gene. Combined 5' splice site mutations at neighboring exons demonstrate that weakened binding of U1 snRNP at the downstream site and improved U1 snRNP binding at the upstream site result in the failure to rescue splicing of the intron between the mutations. These results indicate the stringency of the requirement for binding a second U1 snRNP to the downstream 5' splice site for these substrates as opposed to an alternative model in which a certain threshold level of U1 snRNP can be provided at either site. Further support for the two-site model is provided by single-site mutations in the 5' splice site of the third exon, E5, that weaken base complementarity to U1 RNA. These mutations block E5 branchpoint formation and, surprisingly, generate novel branchpoints that are specified chiefly by their proximity to a cryptic 5' splice site located at the 3' terminus of the pre-mRNA. The experiments shown here demonstrate a true stimulation of 3' splice site activity by the downstream binding of U1 snRNP and suggest a possible mechanism by which combinatorial patterns of exon selection are achieved for alternatively spliced pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   
Two sepharose-bound 1-deoxynojirimycin N-alkyl derivatives, N-(9-carboxynonyl)- and N-(11-carboxyundecyl)-deoxynojirimycin, were used for the affinity purification of acid beta-glucosidase (beta-Glc) from normal and type-1 Ashkenazi Jewish Gaucher disease (AJGD) sources. The capacities of these nondegradable inhibitor supports were 0.5 and 0.75 mg of normal beta-Glc/ml of settled gel, respectively. The purified normal enzyme (14-18% yield) had a specific activity of 1.6 X 10(6) nmol/h/mg protein and was homogeneous as evidenced by a single protein species of Mr = 67,000 on sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Microsequencing demonstrated a single N terminus, and the sequence of the first 22 N-terminal amino acids was colinear with that predicted from the beta-Glc cDNA. Amino acid composition analyses of beta-Glc revealed a high content (35%) of hydrophobic amino acids. The N-decyl-deoxynojirimycin support facilitated the purification of the residual enzyme from type-1 AJGD spleen to about 7,500-fold in four steps with a yield of about 11%. These new affinity supports provided improved stability, capacity and/or specificity compared to other affinity or HPLC methods for purifying this lysosomal glycosidase.  相似文献   
The metabolism of [6,7-3H]ethinylestradiol [( 3H]EE2) by rat liver microsomes was studied in vitro. After incubation of [3H]EE2 with rat liver microsomes for 20 min, 90% of the substrate was metabolised and 18% of the 3H-labelled material irreversibly bound to microsomal protein. Ascorbic acid (1 mM) decreased irreversible binding of 3H and produced an accumulation of 2-hydroxyethinylestradiol (2OH-EE2), while mixed-function oxidase inhibitors (0.5 mM) decreased binding of 3H to protein by inhibiting EE2 2-hydroxylation. Addition of thiols gave water-soluble metabolites which were characterised as 1(4)-thioether derivatives of 2OH-EE2 by co-chromatography with synthetic products. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the chemically reactive metabolite of EE2 formed in vitro is either a quinone or o-semiquinone derived from 2OH-EE2 [1].  相似文献   
The roles of grouping and mating in modulating the activity of the corpora allata (CA) in adult female cockroaches were investigated using the in vitro radiochemical assay of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis. Isolated virgin females have longer, asynchronous cycles of CA activity and oocyte maturation than do isolated females mated on day 8. Three factors were identified as the major contributors to this difference: (1) an experimental artifact of selection for sexually receptive females, (2) a positive effect of grouping on JH synthesis and oocyte maturation, and (3) a positive effect of copulation on oviposition and retention of the ootheca. Mated females constitute a subpopulation of receptive females that differ significantly from other females by having higher rates of JH synthesis prior to mating. The relative importance of such selection is substantial when the rate of mating is low, as in experiments with isolated females that are exposed to males for a short period of time. Long-term exposure of females to males introduces a grouping effect, which obscures any additional effect of mating on CA activity and oocyte development. However, mating influences ootheca formation and its retention. The effect of grouping can be mimicked in isolated females by transection of the nerves connecting the CA–corpora cardiaca complex to the brain, suggesting that in this insect isolation causes brain inhibition of the CA, and grouping provides disinhibitory stimuli that release the CA from brain inhibition.  相似文献   
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