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Hydrophobins are small, cysteine rich, surface active proteins secreted by filamentous fungi, forming hydrophobic layers on the walls of aerial mycelia and spores. Hydrophobin mutants in a variety of fungi have been described to show 'easily wettable' phenotypes, indicating that hydrophobins play a general role in conferring surface hydrophobicity to aerial hyphae and spores.  相似文献   


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are highly attractive for use in cartilage regeneration. To date, MSC are usually recruited from subchondral bone marrow using microfracture. Recent data suggest that isolated cells from adult human articular cartilage, which express the combination of the cell-surface markers CD105 and CD166, are multi-potent mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPC) with characteristics similar to MSC. MPC within the cartilage matrix, the target of tissue regeneration, may provide the basis for in situ regeneration of focal cartilage defects. However, there is only limited information concerning the presence/abundance of CD105+/CD166+ MPC in human articular cartilage. The present study therefore assessed the relative percentage and particularly the zonal distribution of cartilage MPC using the markers CD105/CD166.  相似文献   
HIC1 (hypermethylated in cancer 1) is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 17p13.3, a region frequently hypermethylated or deleted in human neoplasias. In mouse, Hic1 is essential for embryonic development and exerts an antitumor role in adult animals. Since Hic1-deficient mice die perinatally, we generated a conditional Hic1 null allele by flanking the Hic1-coding region by loxP sites. When crossed to animals expressing Cre recombinase in a cell-specific manner, the Hic1 conditional mice will provide new insights into the function of Hic1 in developing and mature tissues. Additionally, we used gene targeting to replace sequence-encoding amino acids 186-893 of Hic1 by citrine fluorescent protein cDNA. We demonstrate that the distribution of Hic1-citrine fusion polypeptide corresponds to the expression pattern of wild-type Hic1. Consequently, Hic1-citrine "reporter" mice can be used to monitor the activity of the Hic1 locus using citrine fluorescence.  相似文献   


Much of our understanding of the age-related progression of systolic blood pressure (SBP) comes from cross-sectional data, which do not directly capture within-individual change. We estimated life course trajectories of SBP using longitudinal data from seven population-based cohorts and one predominantly white collar occupational cohort, each from the United Kingdom and with data covering different but overlapping age periods.

Methods and Findings

Data are from 30,372 individuals and comprise 102,583 SBP observations spanning from age 7 to 80+y. Multilevel models were fitted to each cohort. Four life course phases were evident in both sexes: a rapid increase in SBP coinciding with peak adolescent growth, a more gentle increase in early adulthood, a midlife acceleration beginning in the fourth decade, and a period of deceleration in late adulthood where increases in SBP slowed and SBP eventually declined. These phases were still present, although at lower levels, after adjusting for increases in body mass index though adulthood. The deceleration and decline in old age was less evident after excluding individuals who had taken antihypertensive medication. Compared to the population-based cohorts, the occupational cohort had a lower mean SBP, a shallower annual increase in midlife, and a later midlife acceleration. The maximum sex difference was found at age 26 (+8.2 mm Hg higher in men, 95% CI: 6.7, 9.8); women then experienced steeper rises and caught up by the seventh decade.


Our investigation shows a general pattern of SBP progression from childhood in the UK, and suggests possible differences in this pattern during adulthood between a general population and an occupational population. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   
Selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) is a facile technique for quantitative analysis of RNA secondary structure. In general, low SHAPE signal values indicate Watson-Crick base-pairing, and high values indicate positions that are single-stranded within the RNA structure. However, the relationship of SHAPE signals to structural properties such as non-Watson-Crick base-pairing or stacking has thus far not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we present results of SHAPE experiments performed on several RNAs with published three-dimensional structures. This strategy allows us to analyze the results in terms of correlations between chemical reactivities and structural properties of the respective nucleotide, such as different types of base-pairing, stacking, and phosphate-backbone interactions. We find that the RNA SHAPE signal is strongly correlated with cis-Watson-Crick/Watson-Crick base-pairing and is to a remarkable degree not dependent on other structural properties with the exception of stacking. We subsequently generated probabilistic models that estimate the likelihood that a residue with a given SHAPE score participates in base-pairing. We show that several models that take SHAPE scores of adjacent residues into account perform better in predicting base-pairing compared with individual SHAPE scores. This underscores the context sensitivity of SHAPE and provides a framework for an improved interpretation of the response of RNA to chemical modification.  相似文献   
Intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays an important role in the control of cell physiology. For the assessment of intracellular ROS production, a plethora of fluorescent probes is commonly used. Interestingly, chemical structures of these probes imply they could be substrates of plasma membrane efflux pumps, called ABC transporters. This study tested whether the determination of intracellular ROS production and mitochondrial membrane potential by selected fluorescent probes is modulated by the expression and activity of ABC transporters. The sub-clones of the HL-60 cell line over-expressing MDR1, MRP1 and BCRP transporters were employed. ROS production measured by luminol- and L-012-enhaced chemiluminescence and cytochrome c reduction assay showed similar levels of ROS production in all the employed cell lines. It was proved that dihydrorhodamine 123, dihexiloxocarbocyanine iodide, hydroethidine, tetrachloro-tetraethylbenzimidazolocarbo-cyanine iodide and tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester perchlorate are substrates for MDR1; dichlorodihydrofluoresceine, hydroethidine and tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester perchlorate are substrates for MRP1; dichlorodihydrofluoresceine, dihydrorhodamine 123, hydroethidine and tetrachloro-tetraethylbenzimidazolocarbo-cyanine iodide are substrates for BCRP. Thus, the determination of intracellular ROS and mitochondrial potential by the selected probes is significantly altered by ABC transporter activities. The activity of these transporters must be considered when employing fluorescent probes for the assessment of ROS production or mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   
Woody vegetation has expanded in coverage over the past century in many places globally, exemplified by pinyon-juniper changes in the Southwestern United States. Extreme drought is one of the few non-management drivers besides fire that might reverse such cover changes, but this has not been well documented. Here, we assess 68 years of tree cover dynamics across an elevation gradient of a pinyon-juniper woodland using aerial photographs (1936 and 1959) and QuickBird imagery (2004). Canopy cover increased 32% from 1936 to the onset of a major drought (2002). The largest relative increase in canopy cover occurred from 1936 to 1959 at the higher elevations, but these gains were eliminated by fires occurring from 1959 to 2002, during which time lower elevations with low canopy cover exhibited the greatest relative increases. The 2002–2004 drought reduced canopy cover by 55%, which eliminated gains in cover that occurred since 1936. Relative tree cover loss was highest at low elevations with low tree cover, but absolute tree cover loss was greater in areas of high tree cover, which increased with elevation. The loss of more than half of the canopy cover during a 2-year drought period was much greater than losses due to fire or possible increases due to historic land use (for example, grazing). These results suggest that regional-scale climatic influences may be more important than land use legacies in controlling tree cover of these and perhaps other semiarid woodlands over longer time scales—notable given that similar episodes of tree mortality are projected in coming decades with climate change.  相似文献   


Phlebotomine sand flies are blood-sucking insects that can transmit Leishmania parasites. Hosts bitten by sand flies develop an immune response against sand fly salivary antigens. Specific anti-saliva IgG indicate the exposure to the vector and may also help to estimate the risk of Leishmania spp. transmission. In this study, we examined the canine antibody response against the saliva of Phlebotomus perniciosus, the main vector of Leishmania infantum in the Mediterranean Basin, and characterized salivary antigens of this sand fly species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sera of dogs bitten by P. perniciosus under experimental conditions and dogs naturally exposed to sand flies in a L. infantum focus were tested by ELISA for the presence of anti-P. perniciosus antibodies. Antibody levels positively correlated with the number of blood-fed P. perniciosus females. In naturally exposed dogs the increase of specific IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 was observed during sand fly season. Importantly, Leishmania-positive dogs revealed significantly lower anti-P. perniciosus IgG2 compared to Leishmania-negative ones. Major P. perniciosus antigens were identified by western blot and mass spectrometry as yellow proteins, apyrases and antigen 5-related proteins.


Results suggest that monitoring canine antibody response to sand fly saliva in endemic foci could estimate the risk of L. infantum transmission. It may also help to control canine leishmaniasis by evaluating the effectiveness of anti-vector campaigns. Data from the field study where dogs from the Italian focus of L. infantum were naturally exposed to P. perniciosus bites indicates that the levels of anti-P. perniciosus saliva IgG2 negatively correlate with the risk of Leishmania transmission. Thus, specific IgG2 response is suggested as a risk marker of L. infantum transmission for dogs.  相似文献   
PsbQ is one of the extrinsic proteins situated on the lumenal surface of photosystem II (PSII) in the higher plants and green algae. Its three-dimensional structure was determined by X-ray crystallography with exception of the residues 14–33. To obtain further details about its structure and potentially its dynamics, we approached the problem by NMR. In this paper we report 1H, 15N, and 13C NMR assignments for the PsbQ protein. The very challenging oligo-proline stretches could be assigned using 13C-detected NMR experiments that enabled the assignments of twelve out of the thirteen proline residues of PsbQ. The identification of PsbQ secondary structure elements on the basis of our NMR data was accomplished with the programs TALOS+, web server CS23D and CS-Rosetta. To obtain additional secondary structure information, three-bond HN-Hα J-coupling constants and deviation of experimental 13Cα and 13Cβ chemical shifts from random coil values were determined. The resulting “consensus” secondary structure of PsbQ compares very well with the resolved regions of the published X-ray crystallographic structure and gives a first estimate of the structure of the “missing link” (i.e. residues 14–33), which will serve as the basis for the further investigation of the structure, dynamics and interactions.  相似文献   
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