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Orthorhombic crystals of the complex formed between bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and a recombinant human mucous proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) were grown. Data to 2.3 A resolution were collected on the area-detector diffractometer FAST. The crystal structure of the complex was solved by Patterson search techniques using chymotrypsin as a search model. A cyclic procedure of modeling and crystallographic refinement enabled the determination of the SLPI structure. The current crystallographic R-value is 0.19. SLPI has a boomerang-like shape with both wings comprising two well separated domains of similar architecture. In each domain the polypeptide chain is arranged like a stretched spiral. Two internal strands form a regular beta-hairpin loop which is accompanied by two external strands linked by the proteinase binding segment. The polypeptide segment of each domain is interconnected by four disulfide bridges with a connectivity pattern hitherto unobserved. The reactive site loop of the second domain has elastase and chymotrypsin binding properties. It contains the scissile peptide bond between Leu72I and Met73I and has a similar conformation to that observed in other serine proteinase protein inhibitors. Eight residues of this loop, two of the adjacent hairpin loop, the C-terminal segment and Trp30I are in direct contact with the cognate enzyme. The binding loop of the first domain (probably with anti-trypsin activity) is disordered due to proteolytic cleavage occurring in the course of crystallization.  相似文献   
A second species of the extremely thermophilic, eubacterial genus Thermotoga is described as clearly distinguished from the type species Thermotoga maritima by physiological and phylogenetic criteria. It is named Thermotoga neapolitana.  相似文献   
Poly(U)- and poly(UG)-programmed cell-free systems were developed from the extreme thermophilic, anaerobic eubacterium Thermotoga maritima, and their susceptibility to aminoglycoside and other antibiotics was assayed at a temperature (75 degrees C) close to the physiological optimum (80 degrees C) for cell growth and in vitro polypeptide synthesis, using a Bacillus stearothermophilus system as the reference. The synthetic capacity of the Thermotoga assay mixture was abolished by the eubacterium-targeted drugs chloramphenicol, thiostrepton, and kirromycin. However, streptomycin, the disubstituted 2-deoxystreptamines (kanamycin, gentamicin, neomycin, and paromomycin), and the monosubstituted 2-deoxystreptamine (hygromycin) all failed to promote translational misreading of poly(U) on Thermotoga ribosomes; they also failed to block polyphenylalanine synthesis at a low (less than 10(-4) M) concentration and did not inhibit Thermotoga cell growth at a high (10 micrograms/ml) concentration even though Thermotoga ribosomes possess the 16S rRNA sequences required for aminoglycoside action. In contrast to the other eubacteria, Thermotoga elongation factor G was also refractory to the steroid inhibitor of peptidyl-tRNA translocation fusidic acid.  相似文献   
Human collagen type IX was isolated from the media of organ cultures of fetal or infant hyaline cartilage. It consisted of three distinct, disulfide-bonded polypeptides of 115, 84, and 72 kDa, respectively. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC reduced the apparent molecular mass of the 115-kDa chain to about 65 kDa demonstrating that also human collagen type IX is a proteoglycan. In the electron microscope, the molecule had a rigid rod-like structure with characteristic kinks and with a globular domain at one end. Digestion of human collagen type IX with pepsin leads to somewhat heterogeneous fragments. Affinity-purified antibodies to the mixture of fragments specifically reacted with the fragment HMW without cross-reaction with chicken HMW. LMW of both species were recognized to the same low extent. Mechanically generated fibril fragments from human fetal cartilage were heterogeneous in diameter. Significantly, they could be immunostained for collagen type IX in a D-periodic pattern and regardless of the fibril diameter. Some fibrils were poorly labeled, again independently of the diameter. Therefore, the role of collagen type IX in cartilage probably is not to control directly the lateral growth during fibrillogenesis but rather to stabilize the fibril network.  相似文献   
G Gastl  C Huber 《Blut》1988,56(5):193-199
The interferons comprise a group of proteins which were first identified by their ability to protect cells against virus infections. They are synthesized and secreted by a variety of cell types in response to various inducers and exert their effects in vivo by interaction with specific cellular receptors. In this sense the interferons are analogous to polypeptide hormones. In recent years it has become clear that the interferons are capable of influencing cellular physiology and behavior in a number of ways. Their effects include antiviral actions, inhibition of cell growth and proliferation, regulation of the expression of specific genes, modulation of cell differentiation and activation of various cell types in the immune system. This review aims to summarize the current state of biology of interferon actions with special emphasis on the hemopoetic system.  相似文献   
The outer segments of the long arm of laminin have recently been shown to mediate attachment of many cell types and to stimulate neurite outgrowth. For a structural characterization of this part of the molecule we prepared, by limited elastase digestion of laminin, fragments E3 and E8, previously identified as a globular heparin-binding domain and as a 35-nm-long rod with a terminal globule, respectively. Fragment E3 is a domain adjacent to fragment E8. Both structures together comprise the complete terminal half of the long arm. Our data confirm current models, which predict that the C-terminal segments from all three chains contribute to its structure. The B chains terminate at the end of the rod like domain, while the large terminal globule is formed by A-chain structures only. In addition to fragment E3, two new fragments T1 and T2 obtained by tryptic cleavage of fragment E8 were characterized as substructures of the globular domain. Screening of a mouse cDNA library with synthetic oligonucleotides allowed isolation of an 1.8-kb cDNA clone encoding 547 C-terminal amino acids of the A chain and some 196 nucleotides of the 3'-untranslated region including a single polyadenylation site. The clone contained portions of domain T2 and the complete heparin binding domain E3 which was thus identified as the most C-terminal domain of the A chain. Sequence alignment indicated that the terminal globule is formed by homologous repeats of some 140 residues having no counterpart in the B chains.  相似文献   
A large number of sugars and alcohols were tested to see how well they bound and how readily they reacted at the "glucose" site of the galactosyl form of beta-galactosidase. Two classes of compounds were found to bind well to the galactosyl form of the enzyme. One class contained sugars and alcohols similar in structure to D-glucose in its pyranose ring form, and the other class was composed of relatively hydrophobic sugars and alcohols. On the other hand, several factors seemed to control k4. Large k4 values were found for straight-chain alcohols as compared to the values for the corresponding ring sugars. Also, if the acceptors had hydroxyl groups at the end of the molecule, the reactivity (k4) was greater than if hydroxyl groups were only in the middle of the molecule. In addition, if there was a hydroxyl at an asymmetric carbon next to a terminal hydroxymethyl group, it was necessary that it be in the same orientation as the D configuration of glucose; otherwise, the k4 was low. Overall, the results showed that it is the binding effect, more than the reactivity, which is responsible for the specificity at the "glucose" site. More specifically, these studies showed that the reason glucose is such an ideal molecule for transgalactosylation is that it leaves the galactosyl form of the enzyme very slowly, that is, k-a is relatively small. Thus, glucose remains attached to the galactosyl form of beta-galactosidase for a sufficient time to allow transgalactosylation to occur, while other acceptors, despite being as reactive (or more reactive) in terms of their k4 values, dissociate from the "glucose" site of the galactosyl form of the enzyme very readily and thus are poor acceptors.  相似文献   
The monoclonal antibody Ki-67 identifies an antigen present during the late G1, S, G2, and M phases of the cell cycle, whereas resting cells do not express this antigen. Immunostaining with Ki-67 provides a simple method with which to determine the growth fraction of a malignant cell population without requiring a laborious procedure or use of radioactive materials. Thus far, detection of Ki-67-positive cells by flow cytometry was limited because of nuclear location of the antigen. In this study, periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde (PLP) fixation of cells in suspension, labeling with Ki-67, and the subsequent flow cytometric analysis of the tumor growth fraction is described. Fixation with PLP at -10 degrees C for 15 min rendered the plasma membrane permeable without destroying cell surface antigens. Thus double immunofluorescence studies using both a surface marker and Ki-67 could be performed. This offers the additional advantage of being able to define the phenotype of proliferating cells. This method was applied to determine the growth fraction in peripheral blood and bone marrow samples of patients with leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The results of Ki-67 studies in 91 patients are shown. A wide variability of individual Ki-67 values was observed within each entity. Use of this flow cytometric procedure substantially facilitates the quantification of proliferating cells in pathological blood and bone marrow samples.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated age-related differences in human lymphocyte membrane fluidity, by use of steady-state polarization measurements on bulk cell suspensions with the fluorescence probe DPH. However, for exact analysis of the possible functional importance of these changes, single-cell measurements were deemed of interest. We have now used an analog division device to measure fluorescence depolarization "p" of DPH in real time with a FACS III flow cytometer. The measurements are reliable, as we have been able to confirm the differences in DPH "p" between monocytes and lymphocytes previously shown in bulk suspension and to demonstrate the expected differences in fluidity of lipid-modulated cells. We also found significant differences in DPH "p" between lymphocytes of young and elderly blood donors. Lymphocyte subsets did not differ in polarization values but did differ in fluorescence intensity with Th less than Ts less than B = NK cells.  相似文献   
Pertussis toxin (PT) has been shown to have a variety of effects on T lymphocyte function, and its activity has been used to suggest the involvement of a G protein in the early events of T lymphocyte activation. In this report, the effects of PT on T lymphocytes have been investigated in detail. PT at a concentration of 10 micrograms/ml rapidly stimulated early events that are normally induced by occupancy of the TCR complex in Jurkat cells and cloned, murine CTL including increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration, serine esterase release, and induction of Ag non-specific target cell lysis. However, 1-h treatment with this concentration of PT induced a state that was refractory to further receptor stimulation in Jurkat cells but not cloned CTL although substrate membrane proteins were modified to a similar extent in both cell lines. The functional effects of PT were mimicked by the B oligomer of PT which did not, however, catalyze ADP-ribosylation of membrane proteins. In addition, overnight exposure of Jurkat cells to a lower concentration of PT also modified substrate membrane proteins but did not inhibit receptor stimulation. These findings indicate that PT catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of a G protein does not account for the actions of the toxin on T lymphocytes. Finally, direct stimulation of increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration by PT and the B oligomer only occurred in T lymphocytes expressing CD3. This suggests that the mitogenic effect of PT holotoxin is mediated by the interaction of the B oligomer with CD3 and that this may account for many of the effects of PT holotoxin both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
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