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Thermal inactivation of nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum type E spores was investigated in rainbow trout and whitefish media at 75 to 93°C. Lysozyme was applied in the recovery of spores, yielding biphasic thermal destruction curves. Approximately 0.1% of the spores were permeable to lysozyme, showing an increased measured heat resistance. Decimal reduction times for the heat-resistant spore fraction in rainbow trout medium were 255, 98, and 4.2 min at 75, 85, and 93°C, respectively, and those in whitefish medium were 55 and 7.1 min at 81 and 90°C, respectively. The z values were 10.4°C in trout medium and 10.1°C in whitefish medium. Commercial hot-smoking processes employed in five Finnish fish-smoking companies provided reduction in the numbers of spores of nonproteolytic C. botulinum of less than 103. An inoculated-pack study revealed that a time-temperature combination of 42 min at 85°C (fish surface temperature) with >70% relative humidity (RH) prevented growth from 106 spores in vacuum-packaged hot-smoked rainbow trout fillets and whole whitefish stored for 5 weeks at 8°C. In Finland it is recommended that hot-smoked fish be stored at or below 3°C, further extending product safety. However, heating whitefish for 44 min at 85°C with 10% RH resulted in growth and toxicity in 5 weeks at 8°C. Moist heat thus enhanced spore thermal inactivation and is essential to an effective process. The sensory qualities of safely processed and more lightly processed whitefish were similar, while differences between the sensory qualities of safely processed and lightly processes rainbow trout were observed.  相似文献   
The gastropod fauna of the Upper Devonian Baggy and Pilton formations in south‐west England is revised and includes some 30 taxa. The topmost part of the Upper Famennian succession in Devon is represented by clastic near‐shore and shallow shelf sediments, indicating a short‐term transgressive phase (‘Strunian Transgression’). The sequence yields a highly diverse fauna dominated by brachiopods and ostracodes, locally supplemented by crinoids, bryozoans, trilobites and molluscs. The taxa ‘Patellostiumbritannicum sp. nov., Angyomphalus (Angyomphalus) junius sp. nov. and Dictyotomaria eurocapillaria sp. nov. are erected; a junior homonym is replaced by Macrochilina? piltonensis nom. nov. The gastropod fauna displays an independent character, where latest Devonian faunal elements overlap with Late Palaeozoic taxa expressing a transition similar to that of the bivalves, brachiopods, echinoderms and corals, without a sharp faunal break at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. Apart from the Caenogastropoda, all subclasses of gastropods are represented. Members of the bellerophontoids, pleurotomarioids and loxonematoids are most abundant, followed by murchisonioids, naticimorphs, euomphalomorphs and platyceratoids. The various gastropod groups represent different ecological demands and trophic categories, and together with the accompanying fauna indicate that nearly all habitats and niches were occupied in the shallow South Laurussian Shelf.  相似文献   
When choosing subsequent nest sites, species that produce multiple broods in a single breeding season have the option of dispersing from a site where they previously suffered depredation, i.e., a predator-avoidance tactic. In our study on yellow-faced honeyeaters Lichenostomus chrysops it was found that 89% of nest failures were attributed to nest depredation, the primary cause of reproductive failure. Pairs re-nested further from depredated nesting attempts than from successful nesting attempts and progressively higher above the ground as the breeding season progressed. Pairs nesting in dioecious Coprosma quadrifida plants only nested in non-fruiting male plants. Artificial nests were used to test the hypothesis that nest height and plant preferences were strategies to reduce the risk of depredation. There was no evidence that either higher nests or nests in non-fruiting C. quadrifida achieved reduced levels of depredation during 14 days of artificial nest exposure. Specific nest site characteristics were not found to be associated with nest outcome for either natural or artificial nests. Our study provides further evidence that species may choose a diverse range of nest sites in order to avoid predators from developing specific search images and then, following depredation, compensate by rapidly re-nesting away from the failed attempt.  相似文献   
The neutral model of phenotypic evolution has yielded several simple predictions about the long-term rates of between-population divergence of polygenic traits and about the equilibrium level of within-population variance when mutation and random genetic drift are the sole evolutionary forces. These conclusions must be modified if populations are only partially isolated. A quantitative model is presented for the development of within- and between-population variance for neutral quantitative characters in pairs of populations with arbitrary effective sizes and migration rates. Both the variance in the base population and subsequent variance generated by mutation are considered, and several dynamical and equilibrium properties are shown to be adequately described by simple approximations. The resultant formulations provide some insight into the sensitivity of measures of morphological distance to gene flow, the necessity of isolation for the accumulation of variation between incipient species, and the consequences of gene flow into captive populations of endangered species.  相似文献   
Taffet, George E., Lloyd A. Michael, and Charlotte A. Tate.Exercise training improves lusitropy by isoproterenol in papillarymuscles from aged rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1488-1494, 1996.Aging isassociated with a decreased cardiac responsiveness to -adrenergicstimulation. We examined the effect of endurance exercise training ofold Fischer 344 male rats on -adrenergic stimulation of the functionof isolated left ventricular papillary muscle. Three groups wereexamined: sedentary mature (SM; 12-mo old), sedentary old (SO;23-24 mo old), and exercised old (EO; 23-24 mo old) that weretreadmill trained for 4-8 wk. The isometric contractile propertieswere studied at 0.2 Hz and 0.75 mM calcium. Without -adrenergicstimulation, there were no group differences for peak tension, maximumrate of tension development(+dP/dt), or maximum rateof tension dissipation(dP/dt). The time to peak tension was longer (P < 0.05) forboth EO and SO than for SM rats. Half relaxation time(RT1/2) was prolonged(P < 0.05) for SO compared with SMand EO (which did not differ). The three groups did not differ in the-adrenergic stimulation by isoproterenol of peak tension,dP/dt, time to peak tension, orcontraction duration. The inotropic response(+dP/dt) of SM was greater(P < 0.05) than that in SO or EOrats (which did not differ); however, the lusitropic response(RT1/2) was lesser(P < 0.05) in SO than in SM or EO rats (which did not differ). Thus exercise training of old rats improved the lusitropic response to isoproterenol without altering theage-associated impairment in inotropic response.

Mann, Stephanie E., Mark J. M. Nijland, and Michael G. Ross.Ovine fetal adaptations to chronically reduced urine flow: preservation of amniotic fluid volume. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2588-2594, 1996.Adequateamniotic fluid (AF) volume is maintained by a balance of fetal fluidproduction (lung liquid and urine) and resorption (swallowing andintramembranous flow). Because fetal urine is the principle source ofAF, alterations in urine flow and composition directly impact AFdynamics. Intra-amniotic 1-desamino-8-D-argininevasopressin (DDAVP) is rapidly absorbed into fetal plasma and induces amarked fetal urinary antidiuresis. To examine the effect ofintra-amniotic- DDAVP-induced fetal urinary responses on AF volume andcomposition, six chronically prepared ewes with singleton fetuses(gestation 128 ± 2 days) were studied for 72 h after a singleintra-amniotic DDAVP (50-µg) injection. After DDAVP, fetal urineosmolality significantly increased at 2 h (157 ± 13 to 253 ± 21 mosmol/kg) and remained elevated at 72 h (400 ± 13 mosmol/kg). Urinary sodium (33.0 ± 4.5 to 117.2 ± 9.7 meq/l)and chloride (26.0 ± 2.8 to 92.4 ± 8.1 meq/l) concentrations similarly increased. AF osmolality increased (285 ± 3 to 299 ± 4 mosmol/kgH2O), although there was no change in fetalplasma osmolality (294 ± 2 mosmol/kg). Despite a 50% reductionin fetal urine flow (0.12 ± 0.03 to 0.05 ± 0.02 ml · kg1 · min1at 2 h and 0.06 ± 0.01 ml · kg1 · min1after 72 h), AF volume did not change (693 ± 226 to 679 ± 214 ml). There were no changes in fetal arterial blood pressures, pH,PCO2, orPO2 after DDAVP. We conclude the following. 1)Intra-amniotic DDAVP injection induces a prolonged decrease in fetalurine flow and increases in urine and AF osmolalities. 2) Despite decreased urine flow, AFvolume does not change. We speculate that, in response to DDAVP-inducedfetal oliguria, reversed intramembranous flow (from isotonic fetalplasma to hypertonic AF) preserves AF volume.

Over-expression of p21 ras-related protein was determined in the plasma by immunoblotting and in the tissue by immuno-histochemistry in a cohort of patients undergoing colonoscopy. In the plasma samples, p21 ras over-expression was detected in: 9% (4/47) of normal controls; 21% (13/61) of individuals with normal colonoscopies but with a prior history of colonic neoplasia; 12% (4/33) of small adenoma patients, 29% (6/21) of large adenoma patients; 63% (5/8) of carcinoma-in-adenoma patients; 50% (2/4) of Dukes' A carcinoma patients; and 20% (2/10) of Dukes' B-D carcinoma patients. In the tissue samples, p21 ras over-expression was detected in: 25% (2/8) of small adenoma patients; 44% (4/9) of large adenoma patients; 100% (4/4) of carcinoma-in-adenoma patients; and 33% (1/3) of Dukes' B-C carcinoma patients. For matched plasma-tissue pairs, there was a statistically significant correlation for p21 ras over-expression (R = 0.47, p = 0.02).  相似文献   
Aerolysin is one of a large group of bacterial proteins that can kill target cells by forming discrete channels in their plasma membranes. The toxin has many properties in common with the porins of the Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane, including an extensive amount of β-structure, a high proportion of hydrophilic amino acid side-chains and no hydrophobic stretches in the primary structure. It also oligomerizes to produce an insertion-competent state. Aerolysin is secreted as a dimer by members of the Aeromonas family. It binds to a high-affinity receptor on the target cell that has recently been shown to be a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored glycoprotein. Binding is followed by heptamerization to form a structure that we propose contains a β-barrel which can insert into the membrane and produce a channel.  相似文献   
This paper discusses policy responses to the potential loss of biodiversity in the Mara Area of Kenya from the conversion of essentially wild and undeveloped rangeland to developed agriculture. Property rights are central to the debate, and raise two fundamental issues. First, to what extent do the Maasai, the traditional users and owners of the land, have the right to benefit from the development potential of their land to further their economic, social and political standing, even if by so doing they create domestic and global externalities through the loss of biodiversity. Second, if the state alienates their development rights in the name of conservation, then to what extent should the state compensate the Maasai for their lost economic opportunities. To the Maasai, conservation as implemented through Government policy is a publicc bad: they are denied access to resources, their costs of production are significantly increased, and development is slowed down or actively discouraged. A cost:benefit analysis suggests that it is neither supportable nor sustainable to condemn the Maasai to a poverty trap on behalf of conservation, and that it is instead socially prolitable for the Kenyan Government to meet in full their opportunity costs of forgone economic benefits.  相似文献   
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