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Invertebrates represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems; they are ecologically important and a major resource, but their assemblages remain largely unknown, particularly on Pacific islands. Understanding their distribution and building predictive models of community composition as a function of environmental variables therefore constitutes a key issue for resource management. The goal of this study was to define and classify the main environmental factors influencing tropical invertebrate distributions in New Caledonian reef flats and to test the resulting predictive model. Invertebrate assemblages were sampled by visual counting during 2 years and 2 seasons, then coupled to different environmental conditions (habitat composition, hydrodynamics and sediment characteristics) and harvesting status (MPA vs. non-MPA and islets vs. coastal flats). Environmental conditions were described by a principal component analysis (PCA), and contributing variables were selected. Permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was used to test the effects of different factors (status, flat, year and season) on the invertebrate assemblage composition. Multivariate regression trees (MRT) were then used to hierarchically classify the effects of environmental and harvesting variables. MRT model explained at least 60% of the variation in structure of invertebrate communities. Results highlighted the influence of status (MPA vs. non-MPA) and location (islet vs. coastal flat), followed by habitat composition, organic matter content, hydrodynamics and sampling year. Predicted assemblages defined by indicator families were very different for each environment-exploitation scenario and correctly matched a calibration data matrix. Predictions from MRT including both environmental variables and harvesting pressure can be useful for management of invertebrates in coral reef environments.  相似文献   
We gathered data for a four-year period (2004?C2007) on the nesting ecology and reproductive performance of Eleonora??s falcon in the Aegean Sea. We investigated in an indirect way the relation between clutch size and pre-laying food availability, the significance of site and pair quality on productivity, and the effects of habitat and intraspecific competition on breeding success. Overall, the species selected nest sites sheltered from sun exposure but not from the prevailing wind. Hatching, fledging, and breeding success rates were estimated at 64, 72%, and 60%, respectively. Fledglings per breeding pair ranged from 1.19 to 1.75, and fledglings per successful pair from 1.84 to 2.0, between the years. Productivity depended on parental care rather than nest-site quality. Breeding parameters varied significantly between the years, exhibiting a strong spatial yet local effect. Low success rates were recorded in specific colonies, which were attributed to adverse weather conditions and habitat degradation. Insect food availability prior to egg-laying, estimated via plant biomass, was positively correlated to clutch size. Meanwhile, low wind strengths in August, large distances from the mainland, and population size in the vicinity of the colonies had negative effects on breeding success. Considering data at the Mediterranean scale, a longitudinal trend is observed across the breeding range of this species, with breeding parameters slightly decreasing from west to east.  相似文献   
Lectins were isolated from roots and leaves of ramsons and compared to the previously described bulb lectins. Biochemical analyses indicated that the root lectins AUAIr and AUAIIr are identical to the bulb lectins AUAI and AUAII, whereas the leaf lectin AUAL has no counterpart in the bulbs. cDNA cloning confirmed that the leaf lectin differs from the bulb lectins. Northern blot analysis further indicated that the leaf lectin is tissue-specifically expressed. Sequence comparisons revealed that the ramsons leaf lectin differs considerably from the leaf lectins of garlic, leek, onion and shallot.  相似文献   
A hand-held, servo-controlled tissue palpation device (SCPD) was developed to measure the pressure-pain characteristics of human tissue for disease states linked to altered pressure-pain sensitivity. The design was based on an adaptive controller using force feedback to reach and maintain a desired force in spite of movements of the operator's hand holding the device or positional changes of the subject.  相似文献   
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