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Mamay , Sergius H. (U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C.) Litostroma, a new genus of problematical algae from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(4): 283–292. Illus. 1959.—Litostroma oklahomense, gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of fossil plant material found in a Pennsylvanian marine limestone from the vicinity of McAlester, Oklahoma. Litostroma is a simple plant consisting of a small, irregularly shaped thallus 1 cell thick. Some thalli have small perforations and filament-like marginal outgrowths. The reproductive organs are not known. A marine fauna is intimately associated with Litostroma, and includes epiphytic Foraminifera preserved in actual growth positions on surfaces of the plants. The evidence indicates a marine habitat for Litostroma and, accordingly, algal affinity. Without information bearing on its reproductive organs or pigmentation, however, Litostroma cannot with assurance be assigned to any known group of algae. It possibly represents a group of green, brown, or even red algae.  相似文献   
Adults of Aphelenchoides ritzema-bosi tend to migrate up the stems of chrysanthemum plants in stationary water films possibly by a negatively geotropic response. A current of water down the stem opposes such an upward movement. Greatest mobility occurred in thick films of water in places with a high concentration of epidermal hairs as at the top of the stem and on the undersurface of leaves. Ciné films of movement in thick and thin films showed that there were fundamental differences in the type of locomotion in these two environments. Invasion of leaves via stomata was observed and the method of movement is described. The presence of A. ritzema-bosi in leaves appears to render the epidermis permeable to water. During dry weather there is little movement inside the leaf, but after rainfall activity increases as water enters the leaf. Spread of eelworm infestation in the leaf occurs in the mesophyll and across veins although initially these act as barriers. Emergence occurs via the stomata, chiefly on the undersurface. When the leaf is wet, about 50% of the eelworms emerge in the first hour. During wet weather many eelworms were recovered from the surfaces of leaves and it is suggested that eelworms spread mostly under these conditions.  相似文献   
The construction and testing of a new differential transpirationporometer for stomatal measurements are described. The principleinvolved is explained, and the mathematical theory is dealtwith in an appendix. As a result of experiments comparing the new instrument's readingswith those obtained with a Wheatstone bridge porometer, a relationbetween diffusive conductance and viscous flow conductance isfound; in the case of wheat stomata this approaches a cubicrelation and in the case of Talinum triangulare a quadraticone.  相似文献   
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