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Abstract: Differences in prostaglandin H synthetase (PHS) activity in the substantia nigra of age- and post-mortem interval-matched parkinsonian, Alzheimer's, and normal control brain tissue were assessed. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2, an index of PHS activity) was higher in substantia nigra of parkinsonian brain tissue than Alzheimer's or control tissue. Incubation of substantia nigra slices with arachidonic acid (AA) increased PGE2 synthesis. Dopamine stimulated PHS synthesis of PGE2. [3H]Dopamine was activated by PHS to electrophilic intermediate(s) that covalently bound to DNA, microtubulin protein, bovine serum albumin, and sulfhydryl reagents. When AA was replaced by hydrogen peroxide, PHS/H2O2-supported binding proceeded at rates similar to those observed with PHS/AA. Indomethacin and aspirin inhibited AA-mediated cooxidation of dopamine but not H2O2-mediated metabolism. PHS-mediated metabolism of dopamine was not affected by monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Substrate requirements and effects of specific inhibitors suggest cooxidation of dopamine is mediated by the hydroperoxidase activity of PHS. 32P-postlabeling was used to detect dopamine-DNA adducts. PHS/AA activation of dopamine in the presence of DNA resulted in the formation of five dopamine-DNA adducts, i.e., 23, 43, 114, 70, and 270 amol/µg DNA. DNA adduct formation was PHS, AA, and dopamine dependent. PHS catalyzed cooxidation of dopamine in dopaminergic neuronal degeneration is discussed.  相似文献   
Bombolitins are five structurally related heptadecapeptides acting at the membrane level able to lyse erythrocytes and liposomes and to enhance the activity of phospholipase A 2(PLA2). In the presence of SDS or phospholipid vesicles bombolitins are able to form amphiphilic α-helical structures and this property seems to be the major determinant of bioactivity. In order to test the model of interaction between bombolitin I and membranes, an analogue was synthesized in which all the lysines were replaced by arginines: ([Arg2,9,12, Ile10] bornbolitin I). The design ofthis sequence allowed the synthesis of a second analogue through a specijic postsynthetic dansylation at the ?-amino group qf a lysine residue replacing the original leucine residue at position 7. The, first analogue was, fiilly characterized by CD and two-dimensional nmr in the presence of SDS or phospholipid vesicles. The peptide, folds into an amphiphilic α-helical confbrrnation with the helical segment spanning the central part of the sequencefrom Ile3 to His16. This behavior is identical to that observed for the native sequence. The replacement of Iysine residues by arginine hus no detectable effect on the conformational prderence of the peptide chain. By CD and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements, the fluorophore-containing analogue [Arg2,9,12, Lys7(?-dansyl)] bombolitin I also folded into the α-helical conformation in the presence of SDS micelles or phospholipid vesicles. In particular, the dansyl fluorophore, which is located approximately in the middle of the apolar surface ojthe amphiphilic helix, is clearly buried in a hydrophobic environment when the peptide is bound to phospholipid vesicles. These findings support the hypothesis that the peptide helices are oriented parallel to the vesicle surface. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The nonisothermal transitions of lyophilized recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbSt) as seen via differential scanning calorimetry were evaluated with respect to moisture content. The transition peak temperature of rbSt decreased with increasing moisture from 161°C in the dry state to a plateau of 65°C at 28% moisture, which is similar to that of rbSt in solution. Using high performance liquid chromatography, this irreversible endothermic transition consisted primarily of unfolding, hydrophobic aggregation, and some covalent modifications. In the dry state, covalent modifications, including polymerization into compounds of higher molecular weight, were more prominent, while in the presence of moisture, hydrophobic aggregation was most prominent. The irreversibility and scan rate dependence of the endothermic phenomena supports the kinetic nature of the transition rather than a simple equilibrium between globular and unfolded states. The apparent activation energy, for the net transition (i.e., unfolding, hydrophobic aggregation, and covalent modifications) was 57 kcal/mol for rbSt at 9.9% moisture. The observed enthalpy of the transition increased, decreased, then approximately leveled off as a function of increasing moisture content. This can be explained by the increasingly significant contribution of the exothermic aggregation at higher moisture contents. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Trophoblast cell differentiation is crucial to the morphogenesis of the placenta and thus the establishment of pregnancy and the growth and development of the embryo/fetus. In the present review, we discuss current evidence for the existence of regulatory genes crucial to trophoblast cell differentiation and placental morphogenesis. The elucidation of regulatory pathways controlling normal differentiation of trophoblast cells will facilitate the identification of sensitive junctures in the regulatory pathways leading to various developmental disorders, including those associated with the initiation of pregnancy, fetal growth retardation and gestational trophoblast disease.  相似文献   
The increase in phenotypic variance that occurs in some populations as a result of bottlenecks and founder events can cause a dramatic increase in the probability of a peak shift from one adaptive state to another. Periods of small population size allow drift in the amount of phenotypic variance. Increases in phenotypic variance, coupled with a constant individual fitness function with multiple peaks, can cause the mean fitness landscape to change from bimodal to unimodal, thereby allowing the population's mean phenotype to change deterministically by selection. As the amount of phenotypic variance is returned to an equilibrium state, the multiple peaks reemerge, but the population has moved from one stable state to another. These variance-induced peak shifts allow punctuational evolution from one peak to another at a rate that can be much higher than that predicted by Wright's shifting-balance process alone.  相似文献   
Although it is widely acknowledged that the gradual accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations is an important source of extinction for asexual populations, it is generally assumed that this process is of little relevance to sexual species. Here we present results, based on computer simulations and supported by analytical approximations, that indicate that mutation accumulation in small, random-mating monoecious populations can lead to mean extinction times less than a few hundred to a few thousand generations. Unlike the situation in obligate asexuals in which the mean time to extinction (t?e) increases more slowly than linearly with the population carrying capacity (K), t?e increases approximately exponentially with K in outcrossing sexual populations. The mean time to extinction for obligately selfing populations is shown to be equivalent to that for asexual populations of the same size, but with half the mutation rate and twice the mutational effect; this suggests that obligate selfing, like obligate asexuality, is inviable as a long-term reproductive strategy. Under all mating systems, the mean time to extinction increases relatively slowly with the logarithm of fecundity, and mutations with intermediate effects (similar to those observed empirically) cause the greatest risk of extinction. Because our analyses ignore sources of demographic and environmental stochasticity, which have synergistic effects that exacerbate the accumulation of deleterious mutations, our results should yield liberal upper bounds to the mean time to extinction caused by mutational degradation. Thus, deleterious mutation accumulation cannot be ruled out generally as a significant source of extinction vulnerability in small sexual populations or as a selective force influencing mating-system evolution.  相似文献   
Darwin's concept of progress was an economic one, with the accumulation of adaptations having a strong analogy to technological innovations. This interpretation makes it easier to understand his differences with Lamarck and others whose views he considered metaphysically objectionable. It also clarifies his relationship to Malthus and such features of his theory as the episodic nature of evolutionary change. His position is consistent with modern theories of biotic invasions and long-term evolutionary trends. It also accords well with current efforts to produce a synthesis between biology and economics.  相似文献   
Changes in the structure of benthic insect communities at an experimental site and at a reference site in the Ford River, Michigan were monitored over a 10-year period to determine whether extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF) affected those communities. Five of 10 biotic parameters monitored are presented: taxon evenness (J), richness (S), numerical dominance of chironomids, and total insect mass. Data were separated into three seasons because coefficient of variation values were lower in the summer than in the spring and fall. Two-way ANOVA tests for the biotic variables were often significantly different between sites and among years, but the interaction terms were less frequently significant. Biotic parameters were regressed against stream discharge, water temperatures, years, and ELF cumulative ground field exposures. At the experimental site, discharge accounted for more variation than did water temperature or years for all biotic parameters except chironomid numerical dominance in the fall. Intervention analyses, using the B.A.C.I parametric or the R.I.A non-parametric showed significant differences in three of 15 cases; namely, for the highly varying chironomid numerical dominance values in the spring and fall and for the low varying total insect mass values in the summer. For those tests, the Before Impact period spanned April 1984 through May 1986. The After Impact period (full ELF power) spanned June 1989 through August 1993. Trend analysis for total insect mass at the experimental site in the summer showed discharge to be more important than water temperatures or ELF ground field exposures. Natural physical factors appear to be more important than the anthropogenic ELF fields in accounting for seasonal and yearly changes in the community.  相似文献   
Explant loading experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of load duration on proteoglycan synthesis. A compressive load of 0.1 MPa applied for 10 min was found to stimulate proteoglycan synthesis, while the same load applied for 20 h suppressed synthesis. This bimodal response suggests that the cells are responding to different mechanical stimuli as time progresses. A theoretical model has therefore been developed to describe the mechanical environment perceived by cells within soft hydrated tissues (e.g. articular cartilage) while the tissue is being loaded. The cells are modeled, using the biphasic theory, as fluid-solid inclusions embedded in and attached to a biphasic extracellular matrix of distinct material properties. A method of solution is developed which is valid for any axisymmetric loading configuration, provided that the cell radius, a, is small relative to the tissue height, h (i.e. h/a 1). A closed-form analytical solution for this inclusion problem is then presented for the confined compression configuration. Results from this model show that the mechanical environment in and around the cells is time dependent and inhomogeneous, and can be significantly influenced by differences in properties between the cell and the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
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