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The ultrastructure of 4 species of the calcareous, siphonaceous alga Halimeda (H. cylindracea Decaisne, H. discoidea Decaisne, H. macroloba Decaisne and H. tuna (Ellis & Solander) Lamour) has been studied, and the observed changes during growth and development are related to changes in the degree of calcification. A distinct gradient in the types and quantities of cell organelles exists in a growing apical filament. As these filaments grow, branch, and eventually develop into a mature segment, changes in the organization of organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts are observed. Calcification begins when the chloroplasts reach structural maturity and when the peripheral utricles adhere (fuse). This adhesion of the peripheral utricles isolates the intercellular space (ICS) in which calcification occurs from the external seawater. Calcification begins in the outermost (pilose) cell wall layer of the walls facing into the ICS. The cell walls at the thallus exterior undergo extensive changes after utricular fusion; the pilose layer is lost, the cuticles of adjacent utricles fuse forming a ridge at their junction, and multiple cuticles are formed. The aragonite (CaCO3) crystals which are initially precipitated within the pilose wall layer, rapidly increase in size and number, eventually filling much of the ICS. Only the initial nucleation of aragonite is associated with the pilose wall layer, the later precipitation of aragonite is totally independent of the pilose layer. In older segments secondary deposition of CaCO3 also occurs around existing aragonite needles.  相似文献   
The rat liver microsomal enzyme CTP: phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase (EC which catalyzes the formation of CDP-diacylglycerol has been found to be markedly stimulated by GTP. The requirement for GTP is absolute, the novel GTP analogues such as guanosine 5′-[β,γ-methylene]-triphosphate, guanosine 5′-[α,β-methylene]-triphosphate, guanosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]-triphosphate and guanosine 3′-diphosphate 5′-diphosphate are without significant effect. Maximal stimulation occurs at 1 mM GTP. ATP at a concentration of 5 mM totally inhibits the formation of CDP-diacylglycerol even in the presence of optimal GTP concentration. Analogues of ATP such as adenosine 5′-[α,β-methylene]-triphosphate, adenosine 5′-[β,γ-methylene]-triphosphate and adenosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]-triphosphate are without effect on the reaction. The addition of fluoride (8 mM) likewise abolishes the stimulatory effect of GTP.  相似文献   
Tumors induced in hamsters by highly oncogenic human adenovirus 12 contain multiple copies of 90 to 100% of the viral genome in an integrated form.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Bruterfolg des Eleonorenfalken wurde auf einer ägäischen Inselkolonie in Relation zur Horstlage untersucht. Bei Horsten mit Gratlage auf übersichtlichem Gelände war er signifikant höher (1,8 Junge/Horst) als bei den übrigen Horsten mit z. T. schlechtem Geländeüberblick (1,3 Junge/Horst). Da alle Horste gegenüber den NW-Winden geschützt lagen, waren die meisten an südlich ausgerichteten Hängen potentiell der intensiven Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt. In den Horstrevieren von typisch 20 m Durchmesser gab es aber nicht immer vor Sonne geschützte Horsthöhlen, so daß bei Lufttemperaturen von 40 °C und Bodentemperaturen von bis zu 60 °C die Embryonen in den Eiern gefährdet sein können, besonders, wenn sie der direkten Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt sind. Dies tritt z. B. bei einer Störung in der Brutkolonie ein. Der Bruterfolg in den sonnenexponierten Höhlen lag mit 0,8–1,3 Junge/Horst signifikant niedriger als in den sonnengeschützten Höhlen mit durchschnittlich 1,75 Junge/Horst. Neben einer normalen Infertilität von 10 % fielen weitere 8 % aller Eier in der Brutkolonie durch Sonneneinwirkung aus.
Biology of the Eleonora's Falcon(Falco eleonorae): 10. Breeding success in relation to nest site exposition
Summary Breeding success of the Eleonora's Falcon was studied in an Aegean island colony. In nests near cliff tops with an unobstructed view of the surroundings, a significantly higher breeding success (1.8 pulli/nest) was obtained than in other nests (1.3 pulli/nest). Since all nests were chosen protected from the wind, and as the main wind comes from NW, most nests were situated on southern slopes and are thus potentially exposed to the sun. Within a falcon territory of typically 20 m diameter in size there was not always a lime stone crevice with complete shade for the eggs. At an air temperature of 40 °C and a soil temperature of up to 60 °C, excessive sunning of an unprotected egg can be lethal for the falcon embryo. Breeding success in sun exposed nests was significantly lower (0.8–1.3 pulli/nest) than in sheltered nests (1.75 pulli/nest). In addition to a normal infertility of 10 %, about 8 % of all eggs laid were lost due to sun irradiation.
Phospholipase C (heat-labile hemolysin) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a phosphate (Pi)-regulated extracellular protein which may be a significant virulence factor of this organism. The gene for this hemolytic enzyme was cloned on a 4.1-megadalton (Mdal) fragment from a BamHI digest of P. aeruginosa PAO1 genomic DNA and was inserted into the BamHI sites of the multicopy Escherichia coli(pBR322) and P. aeruginosa(pMW79) vectors. The E. coli and P. aeruginosa recombinant plasmids were designated pGV26 and pVB81, respectively. A restriction map of the 4.1-Mdal fragment from pGV26 was constructed, using double and single digestions with BamHI and EcoRI and several different restriction enzymes. Based on information from this map, a 2.4-Mdal BamHI/BglII fragment containing the gene for phospholipase C was subcloned to pBR322. The hybrid plasmids pGV26 and pVB81 direct the synthesis of enzymatically active phospholipase C, which is also hemolytic. The plasmid-directed synthesis of phospholipase C in E. coli or P. aeruginosa is not repressible by Pi as is the chromosomally directed synthesis in P. aeruginosa. Data are presented which suggest that the synthesis of phospholipase C from pGV26 and pVB81 is directed from the tetracycline resistance gene promoter. The level of enzyme activity produced by E. coli(pGV26) is slightly higher than the levels produced by P. aeruginosa(pMW79) under repressed conditions. In contrast, the levels produced by P. aeruginosa(pVB81) are at least 600-fold higher than the levels produced by P. aeruginosa(pMW79) under repressed conditions and approximately 20-fold higher than those produced by P. aeruginosa(pMW79) under derepressed conditions. The majority (85%) of the enzyme produced by E. coli(pGV26) remained cell associated, whereas >95% of the enzyme produced by P. aeruginosa(pVB81) was extracellular. Analysis of extracellular proteins from cultures of P. aeruginosa(pMW79) and P. aeruginosa(pVB81) by high-performance liquid chromotography and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the phospholipase C gene was cloned intact, and it is likely that several additional genes were cloned on the 4.1-Mdal fragment of DNA. It was also found that some of these genes encode proteins which are the same molecular weight as some previously described Pi-repressible proteins of P. aeruginosa. The existence of a Pi regulon of P. aeruginosa is proposed. It is likely that one of these genes also regulates the level of pyocyanin production by P. aeruginosa and that one or more play a role in transport or binding of Pi. The availability of the hybrid plasmids described herein will be useful in further studies on the role of this hemolysin in the virulence of P. aeruginosa and in the study of the genetics and physiology of Pi-regulated proteins.  相似文献   
The incorporation of a chaotic component in a computing system is incompatible with its being effectively programmable. The example presented shows that concepts of programming suitable for biological systems may differ from those which have grown out of our experience with present day digital computers.  相似文献   
We show that DNA gyrase is required for transposition of Tn5. Coumermycin, a potent inhibitor of DNA gyrase subunit B, inhibits transposition in a wild-type strain, but has no effect on strains carry ing a coumermycin-resistant allele in gyrB. In addition, strains containing a thermolabile subunit A of gyrase (gyrA43) are defective for transposition at a nonpermissive temperature. The requirement for gyrase is due to a requirement for supercoiled DNA. We showed this by introducing into the gyrA43 strain a deletion of the gene encoding topoisomerase I. The introduction of the second mutation caused an increase in the superhelical density of DNA as well as an increase in the transposition frequency. This also implies that if the DNA is supercoiled there is no further requirement for gyrase. Experiments with coumermycin support this, because the drug does not inhibit transposition if the recipient DNA remains supercoiled. This indicates that if the DNA acting as recipient of the transposon is deficient in supercoils, it will be a poor substrate for transposition. We also describe a system in which a gene on a multicopy plasmid can be efficiently introduced into the Escherichia coli chromosome.  相似文献   
Summary Sex-ratios of Gambusia affinis populations in freshwater marshes in the Camargue (Rhône Delta), are highly biased in favour of males, whereas the sex-ratios in ditches are close to unity. Studies of the diet of free living birds and experimental studies on prey size selection in captivity show that the abnormal sex-ratios in marshes can be attributed to differential heron predation. Ditches are relatively free from predation. Mature female Gambusia are larger, and have an energy content 5–25 times greater than that of mature males. Handling times of Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) are only slightly longer for female Gambusia than males. Hence, females represent a much more profitable prey.Analysis of nestling regurgitates show that Gambusia makes up a considerable proportion of the diet of four species of Camargue herons, and that the majority of Gambusia taken are females. Under experimental conditions, captive herons consume almost exclusively female fish, even when offered in ratios where they are heavily outnumbered by males.The relevance of these results to optimal diet theory is discussed.  相似文献   
A consideration of all the available data on Triassic vertebrate faunas, and their stratigraphic location reveals a relatively sudden extinction event among the last of the mammal-like reptiles and the herbivorous rhynchosaurs in the Norian of the Upper Triassic. This event was apparently quickly followed by the radiation of the dinosaurs, also in the Norian. This conclusion suggests that competition was not the main factor in the initial success of the dinosaurs, but opportunistic radiation following the extinction of major reptile groups. A global review of Triassic sedimentary facies shows that there were climatic and floral changes towards the end of the Triassic. It is envisaged that increasing aridity in the later Triassic, resulting from plate motions and particularly affecting Gondwanaland and southwestern Laurasia, brought about floral changes and then the reptile extinctions. With the rapid evolution of new floras of conifers and bennettitaleans, the dinosaurs came to dominate all terrestrial faunas within the space of only a few million years.  相似文献   
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