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This study aimed to investigate whether the biological response modifiers (BRM) interferon (IFN) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) could enhance the cytotoxic action of cisplatin on ovarian tumour cells in vitro. The sensitivity of four cell lines (OAW42, GG, JAM and PE01) to drugs and drug combinations was tested by a radiolabelled-thymidine incorporation assay. Cell lines demonstrated a range of sensitivity to cisplatin and the innate cytotoxic effect of each of the BRM. When IFN was used in combination with cisplatin, a significant enhancement of cisplatin toxicity occurred in three of four cell lines. TNF demonstrated such an effect in two cell lines but diminished the toxicity of cisplatin in one cell line. A purely additive effect of the agents may explain the enhanced toxicity of cisplatin in some of these cases. However, in one cell line at least (PEO1), both TNF and IFN demonstrated a clearly synergistic effect with cisplatin. These BRM used in conjunction with cisplatin may provide better antitumour regimen than cisplatin alone in some patients with ovarian cancer, but the response is likely to be heterogeneous between patients.  相似文献   
We examined the dose response, time course and reversibility of the effect of methyl 2-tetradecylglycidate (McN-3716, methyl palmoxirate or MEP), an inhibitor of -oxidation of fatty acids, on incorporation of radiolabeled palmitic acid ([U-14C]PA) from plasma into brain lipids of awake rats. MEP (0.1, 1 and 10 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered intravenously from 10 min to 72 hr prior to infusion of [U-14C]PA. Two hr pretreatment with MEP (0.1 to 10 mg/kg) increased brain organic radioactivity 1.2 to 1.8 fold and decreased brain aqueous radioactivity by 1.2 to 3.0 fold when compared to control values. At 10 mg/kg, MEP significantly increased brain organic fraction from 40% in controls to 85%, 30 min to 6 hr pretreatment, and resulted in a redistribution of the radiolabeled fatty acid toward triacylglycerol. MEP changed the lipid/aqueous brain ratio of incorporated [U-14C]PA from 0.67 to 5.7. The incorporation rate coefficient, k*, was significantly increased by MEP (10 mg/kg) at 2 hr (31%), 4 hr (59%) and 6 hr (34%). All effects were reversed by 72 hr, consistent with a half-life of 2 days for carnitine palmitoyl transferase I. These results indicate that intravenous MEP may be used with [1-11C]palmitic acid for studying brain lipid metabolism in vivo by positron emission tomography, as it significantly reduces the large unincorporated aqueous fraction that would result in high background radioactivity.  相似文献   
Abstract Using standardized media, incubation, and parasite inoculating procedures, we compared development of Crytosporidium parvum between Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells and 10 additional host cell lines available through the American Type Culture Collection. Parasite development was assessed by counting parasite numbers atop monlayers in 25 random oil fields 68 h post-infection using Nomarski interference-contrast optics. Results revealed that the human ileocecal adenocarcinoma (HCT-8) cell line supported nearly twice the number of parasite developmental stages than MDBK cells or any of the other host cell types.  相似文献   
Abstract The regulation of the spvR promoter from the Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid was monitored using proter-reporter gene fusion constructs. Activity was dependent upon the presence of the spv region and was affected by the number of copies of the spv region present with the cell. Activity remained constant throughout exponential growth, and increased rapidly with the onset of stationary phase, under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Additionally, the level of spvR expression was controlled by the availability of iron, activity being greatest under low iron conditions in stationary phase. The spvA gene product negatively regulated spvR expression in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that SpvA provides a negative feedback mechanism for this operon.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that in glia and astrocytes Mn(II) is distributed with ca. 30–40% in the cytoplasm, 60–70% in mitochondria. Ca(II) ions were observed to alter both the flux rates and distribution of Mn(II) ions in primary cultues of chick glia and rat astrocytes. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions had the greatest effect on Mn(II) uptake and efflux, compared to internal (effluxing) or internal-external equilibrated Ca(II) ions. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions inhibited the net rate and extent of Mn(II) uptake but enhanced Mn(II) efflux from mitochondria. These observations differ from Ca(II)–Mn(II) effects previously reported with brain (neuronal) mitochondria. Overall, increased cytoplasmic Ca(II) acts to block Mn(II) uptake and enhance Mn(II) release by mitochondria, which serve to increase the cytoplasmic concentration of free Mn(II). A hypothesis is presented involving external L-glutamate acting through membrane receptors to mobilize cell Ca(II), which in turn causes mitochondrial Mn(II) to be released. Because the concentration of free cytoplasmic Mn(II) is poised near the Kd for Mn(II) with glutamine synthetase, a slight increase in cytoplasmic Mn(II) will directly enhance the activity of glutamine synthetase, which catalyzes removal of neurotoxic glutamate and ammonia.  相似文献   
To study the early effects of neonatal 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesions on 5-hydroxytryptamine1A (5-HT1A) receptors, we measured regional [3H]8-OH-DPAT-labeled 5-HT1A sites in binding assays and compared them to our previous studies of [3H]paroxetine-labeled 5-HT transporter sites during the first month in the same rats. While there were significant time- and dose-dependent effects of 5,7-DHT on 5-HT transporter sites, there were no significant changes in 5-HT1A sites in cortex, hippocampus, diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum, or spinal cord. 5,7-DHT lesions also did not alter the Ki of Gpp(NH)p at brainstem 5-HT1A sites or the Ki of 5-HT in cortex or brainstem in the presence or absence of GTPS or Gpp(NH)p. There were significant regional differences between the density of 5-HT1A sites and 5-HT transporter sites. The ontogeny of brainstem 5-HT1A sites was a pattern of increases until three weeks postnatal, and 5,7-DHT lesions did not alter the ontogeny of 5-HT1A sites. These data suggest differential plasticity of 5-HT1A and 5-HT transporter binding sites during the first month after neonatal 5,7-DHT lesions.  相似文献   
Abstract Naturally occuring betaines, especially glycine betaine and proline betaine, were accumulated by Escherichia coli from urine. In synthetic hyperosmotic medium, with an homologous series of added betaines, (CH3)3N+-(CH2) n -COO, osmoprotective activity and intracellular accumulation decreased monotonically as n increased from 1 to 5. In contrast, α -substituted glycine betaines were accumulated in a similar manner to glycine betaine, but with different osmoprotective activities. Arsenobetaine, with a quaternary arsonium group, was also accumulated but amino acids which can become negatively charged in a chemically basic environment were not.  相似文献   
Synopsis Distribution of leptocephali ofConger in the Western North Atlantic Ocean was studied using specimens from our collections, specimens from other collections, and various existing collection records. The presence of leptocephali ofConger oceanicus andConger triporiceps < 30 mm long over deep water in the southwestern Sargasso Sea in autumn and winter implies a protracted spawning period there. The subtropical convergence zone, meandering east-west across the Sargasso Sea, is probably the northern limit of spawning of both species. Spawning may also occur close to the Bahamas and Antilles.C. triporiceps may spawn also in the Caribbean Sea judging by the capture of small leptocephali in the western Caribbean and of the more southerly continental distribution of its juveniles. The claim of Johannes Schmidt in 1931 that the EuropeanC. conger spawns across the North Atlantic into the western Sargasso Sea is probably incorrect, because leptocephali ofConger are rare in the eastern Sargasso Sea and becauseC. triporiceps, with myomere numbers overlapping those ofC. conger, was recently described in the western North Atlantic. With increasing size, leptocephali ofC. oceanicus and a portion ofC. triporiceps spread westward and northward in the Florida Current and Gulf Stream, but larger leptocephali especially ofC. triporiceps are found also in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Spawning ofC. oceanicus in the Sargasso Sea indicates that adults cross the Florida Current-Gulf Stream, and successful leptocephali cross the current in the opposite direction to colonize juvenile habitat on the continental shelf, a migratory pattern similar to that of the American eelAnguilla rostrata (Anguillidae).  相似文献   
Synopsis The early development of the southern mouthbrooder,Pseudocrenilabrus philander, is documented from activation until the early stages of the juvenile period. The duration of the embryonic period is about 14 days at 25°C. Development is direct and there is accelerated exogenous feeding into the embryonic period. The pattern of development and the timing of ontogenetic events and structure formation are a reflection of both internal and external environmental conditions. During mouthbrooding, oxygen uptake is facilitated by embryonic respiratory plexuses and flapping of the pectoral fins. At the time of first release from the buccal cavity, the embryos are in an advanced state of development. The switch-over from the temporary embryonic respiratory system to the adult branchial system has occurred. The yolksac serves as a supplemental source of nutrition as the embryos develop their external food-gathering abilities. The skeletal and sensory systems are sufficiently developed to allow the young to return to the safety of the female's buccal cavity. Pigmentation may provide disruptive colouration. The rate and pattern of development of another mouthbrooding cichlid,Oreochromis mossambicus, is similar to that ofP. philander despite their phylogenetic differences, and may be a consequence of similar life-history styles.  相似文献   
Twenty-one flavonoid glycosides were isolated from the leaves of 22 North AmericanVitis L. taxa, representing two subgenera and five series. Three chemical groups were evident: one producing flavonols, flavones, and C-glycosylflavones, a second producing flavonols and flavones, and a third producing only flavonols. These three chemical groups did not correspond to any of the subgeneric groupings based on morphology. However, flavonoid distributions within series in each subgenus correlate well with morphological data. Parallel flavonoid evolution within each series is thought to account for this lack of subgeneric and interserial flavonoid distinction. The flavonoid data indicate that seriesCordifoliae of subgenusVitis, particularlyV. vulpina L., is the most closely related group to subgenusMuscadinia (Planch.)Rehder, and represents an evolutionary link between the two subgenera.  相似文献   
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