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DEFB126 rs140685149 mutation was shown to cause sperm dysfunction and subfertility. Indel rs11467497 is another 4‐nucleotide frame‐shift mutation (151bp upstream of rs140685149) that leads to the premature termination of translation and the expression of peptide truncated at the carboxyl terminus. In the present study, we performed a comprehensive association study to check the contribution of rs140685149 and rs11467497 to male infertility. Our results confirmed the previous findings that there was no association between rs140685149 and sperm motility. In contrast, we found a significant association of another indel rs11467497 with male infertility. Moreover, rs11467497 was shown to be associated with higher number of round cells in the infertile males with low sperm motility. Surprisingly, the two mutations commonly existed in the sperm donors (n = 672), suggesting a potential application of the two indels in the screening for eligible sperm donors. Western blotting assays showed the sperms with rs140685149 2‐nt deletion tended to have unstable DEFB126 protein in contrast of no DEFB126 protein expressed in the sperms with rs11467497 4‐nt deletion, suggesting a more severe consequence caused by rs11467497 mutation. In conclusion, our study presented a significant contribution of another functional frame‐shift polymorphism of DEFB126 (rs11467497) to male infertility.  相似文献   
Anesthesia/surgery could be associated with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease neuropathogenesis. However, whether surgery under different anesthetics has different effects on cognitive function remains largely unknown. We therefore set out to compare effects of anesthetic isoflurane or desflurane plus surgery on cognitive function and hippocampus levels of synaptic marker (postsynaptic density-95 and synaptophysin) and ATP. Five-month-old AD Transgenic (Tg) (FAD5X) and wild-type male mice received isoflurane or desflurane plus abdominal surgery. We assessed cognitive function in Barnes maze and measured hippocampus levels of postsynaptic density-95, synaptophysin, and ATP in the mice. We determined whether vitamin K2 could mitigate these anesthesia/surgery-induced changes. Isoflurane, but not desflurane, plus surgery increased escape latency and escape distance in Barnes maze probe test and reduced postsynaptic density-95, synaptophysin, and ATP levels as compared to control condition in AD Tg mice. Vitamin K2 attenuated the anesthesia/surgery-induced changes in the AD Tg mice. These findings suggest that isoflurane, but not desflurane, plus surgery might induce cognitive impairment via causing brain energy deficits. Pending confirmative studies in both animals and humans suggest desflurane could be a better choice for AD patients when surgery is needed. Moreover, vitamin K2 could treat cognitive deficiency associated with anesthesia and surgery.  相似文献   
Wang B  Miao ZW  Wang J  Chen RY  Zhang XD 《Amino acids》2008,35(2):463-468
A series of novel naphthoquinone fused cyclic alpha-aminophosphonates, 2-alkoxy-3,4-dihydro-2H-naphtho[2,3-e][1,4,2]oxazaphosphinane-5,10-dione 2-oxide 3-17 and naphthoquinone fused cyclic alpha-aminophosphonic monoester 18 were synthesized for the first time. These cyclic alpha-aminophosphonates were evaluated for antitumor activity on four human tumor cell lines, and three of them showed significant cytotoxicity (IC(50): 0.019-5.15 microM) comparable to that of the reference drug doxorubicin. Furthermore, inhibition assays for topoisomerase II-mediated relaxation of supercoiled DNA indicated that the naphthoquinone fused cyclic aminophosphonates were catalytic inhibitors of topoisomerase II.  相似文献   
肿瘤坏死因子受体相关因子6(TRAF6)是一种重要的接头蛋白,在Toll样受体/白细胞介素-1受体(TLR/IL-1R)超家族所触发的信号通路中起重要作用,与先天性免疫密切相关。文章研究了尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)traf6的表达模式和初步的功能。在健康鱼中,traf6转录本广泛表达于所有受检组织中,在血液中表达水平最高,在肝脏中最低。在不同的胚胎发育阶段也检测到traf6的表达。在无乳链球菌体内感染后,大多数受检组织中traf6 mRNA的表达量上调。此外,LPS、Poly I:C和S.agalactiae可显著诱导尼罗罗非鱼巨噬细胞traf6的表达。此外,在HEK293T细胞中过表达表明,TRAF6分布于细胞质中,可显著提高NF-κB的活性。免疫共沉淀(Co-IP)实验表明,TRAF6可与IRAK1(白细胞介素-1受体相关激酶1)相互作用,IRAK1在TLR/IL-1R信号通路中也起重要作用。在体内,TLR2、TLR21和TLR13b的过表达可上调traf6 mRNA的表达水平,表明TRAF6参与了TLR2、TLR21和TLR13b介导的信号转导,提示TRAF6在病原体入侵的免疫应答中起重要作用。  相似文献   
阐明花器官发育调控机理具重要的进化、发育和生态学意义。该文以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)花瓣发育为例, 整合蛋白质互作、亚细胞定位、基因芯片和基因功能注释等数据库, 通过组建蛋白质互作可信预测模型, 获得拟南芥花瓣蛋白质互作网络, 以含有MADS-box结构域蛋白为诱饵在网络中进行一级拓展, 得到含38个蛋白质和67对互作的拓展网络。基于拓展网络, DAVID基因功能注释表明, 多数蛋白质涉及的生物学过程与花发育调控相关; 提取到19个候选四元互作, 涉及ABCDE模型基因之外的8个基因, 其中含MADS-box结构域的AGL16可能是B类基因新成员或其冗余; SEU、LUH、CHR4、CHR11、CHR17和AT3G04960为拟南芥花瓣AP1-AP3-PI-SEP四聚体的候选靶标基因。研究结果为深入解析拟南芥花瓣发育分子调控网络奠定了基础。  相似文献   
不同施氮处理玉米根茬在土壤中矿化分解特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蔡苗  董燕婕  李佰军  周建斌 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4248-4256
以黄土高原南部地区7a定位试验不同氮肥处理玉米根茬为研究对象,通过室内培养试验研究了施氮量分别为0、120和240 kg N/hm2处理玉米根茬(分别用R0、R120、R240表示)在15-20 cm和45-50 cm土层土壤中有机碳矿化及其对土壤微生物量碳、可溶性有机碳和矿质态氮含量的影响.结果表明,不同处理玉米根茬C/N为R0>R240 >R120.培养条件下,R120和R240根茬的碳矿化速率高于R0根茬,R120与R240根茬之间差异不显著.不同处理根茬C/N与其培养过程中碳素累积表观矿化量呈极显著负相关关系.3种施氮量处理的玉米根茬在培养过程中有机碳矿化率、潜在碳矿化量、土壤微生物量碳、可溶性有机碳含量均为添加R120根茬的处理最高,R240次之,R0最低.添加R120和R240根茬显著提高了培养起始时土壤矿质态氮含量.R0、R120和R240根茬在15-20 cm土层土壤中的碳矿化率分别比其在45-50 cm土层土壤中高51.70%、26.41%和27.84%.在评价根茬还田对农田生态系统碳、氮等养分循环的作用时,应同时考虑施肥对根茬分解和转化的影响.  相似文献   
卿苗  赵军  冯超  黄治化  温媛媛  张伟婕 《生态学报》2022,42(23):9525-9536
陆地生态系统碳储量是表征碳储存服务的重要指标,其变化与土地利用变化存在着密不可分的关系。预测未来土地利用变化对认识区域生态系统服务及其变化具有重要的意义。利用石羊河流域1980—2020年土地利用数据,运用InVEST模型和FLUS模型,探究了石羊河流域在过去40年间和未来自然变化、生态保护、耕地保护3种情景下的土地利用变化对碳储量的影响。结果表明:石羊河流域在1980—2020年间耕地、草地、建设用地呈增加趋势,林地、水域、未利用地呈减少的趋势。40年间石羊河流域碳储量增加了7.98×106t,增幅为1.44%。石羊河流域碳储量呈现明显的空间分异,碳储量较高的地区主要分布在上游祁连山区和中下游绿洲地区,这种分布格局与流域内土地利用类型的空间分布密切相关。至2030年,自然变化、生态保护、耕地保护情景下石羊河流域碳储量分别为563×106t、563.43×106t、564.98×106t,较2020年分别增加了0.45%、0.53%和0.80%,其中生态保护情景与其他两种情景相比既保护了生态环境还保...  相似文献   
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