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Methods for identifying differentially expressed genes were compared on time-series microarray data simulated from artificial gene networks. Select methods were further analyzed on existing immune response data of Boldrick et al. (2002, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 972-977). Based on the simulations, we recommend the ANOVA variants of Cui and Churchill. Efron and Tibshirani's empirical Bayes Wilcoxon rank sum test is recommended when the background cannot be effectively corrected. Our proposed GSVD-based differential expression method was shown to detect subtle changes. ANOVA combined with GSVD was consistent on background-normalized simulation data. GSVD with empirical Bayes was consistent without background correction. Based on the Boldrick et al. data, ANOVA is best suited to detect changes in temporal data, while GSVD and empirical Bayes effectively detect individual spikes or overall shifts, respectively. For methods tested on simulation data, lowess after background correction improved results. On simulation data without background correction, lowess decreased performance compared to median centering.  相似文献   
Chaperone‐mediated autophagy (CMA), a cellular process that contributes to protein quality control through targeting of a subset of cytosolic proteins to lysosomes for degradation, undergoes a functional decline with age. We have used a mouse model with liver‐specific defective CMA to identify changes in proteostasis attributable to reduced CMA activity in this organ with age. We have found that other proteolytic systems compensate for CMA loss in young mice which helps to preserve proteostasis. However, these compensatory responses are not sufficient for protection against proteotoxicity induced by stress (oxidative stress, lipid challenges) or associated with aging. Livers from old mice with CMA blockage exhibit altered protein homeostasis, enhanced susceptibility to oxidative stress and hepatic dysfunction manifested by a diminished ability to metabolize drugs, and a worsening of the metabolic dysregulation identified in young mice. Our study reveals that while the regulatory function of CMA cannot be compensated for in young organisms, its contribution to protein homeostasis can be handled by other proteolytic systems. However, the decline in the compensatory ability identified with age explains the more severe consequences of CMA impairment in older organisms and the contribution of CMA malfunction to the gradual decline in proteostasis and stress resistance observed during aging.  相似文献   
Rosin-based coatings loaded with 0.1% (w/v) ivermectin were found to be effective in preventing colonization by barnacles (Balanus improvisus) both on test panels as well as on yachts for at least two fouling seasons. The leaching rate of ivermectin was determined by mass-spectroscopy (LC/MS-MS) to be 0.7?ng cm(-2) day(-1). This low leaching rate, as deduced from the Higuchi model, is a result of the low loading, low water solubility, high affinity to the matrix and high molar volume of the model biocide. Comparison of ivermectin and control areas of panels immersed in the field showed undisturbed colonisation of barnacles after immersion for 35 days. After 73 days the mean barnacle base plate area on the controls was 13?mm(2), while on the ivermectin coating it was 3?mm(2). After 388 days, no barnacles were observed on the ivermectin coating while the barnacles on the control coating had reached a mean of 60?mm(2). In another series of coated panels, ivermectin was dissolved in a cosolvent mixture of propylene glycol and glycerol formal prior to the addition to the paint base. This method further improved the anti-barnacle performance of the coatings. An increased release rate (3?ng cm(-2) day(-1)) and dispersion of ivermectin, determined by fluorescence microscopy, and decreased hardness of the coatings were the consequences of the cosolvent mixture in the paint. The antifouling mechanism of macrocyclic lactones, such as avermectins, needs to be clarified in further studies. Beside chronic intoxication as ivermectin is slowly released from the paint film even contact intoxication occurring inside the coatings, triggered by penetration of the coating by barnacles, is a possible explanation for the mode of action and this is under investigation.  相似文献   
Activation of Ras signaling in cardiomyocytes has been linked to pathogenic myocardial hypertrophy progression and subsequent heart failure. Whether cardiomyopathy can regress once initiated needs to be established more fully. A 'tet-off' system was used to regulate expression of H-Ras-G12V in myocardium to examine whether Ras-induced pathogenic myocardial hypertrophy could resolve after removal of Ras signaling in vivo. Ras activation at weaning for 2 wk caused hypertrophy, whereas activation for 4 to 8 wk led to cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Discontinuing H-Ras-G12V transgene expression after cardiomyopathy onset led to improved survival and cardiomyopathy lesion scores, with reduced heart:body weight ratios, demonstrating the reversibility of early pathogenic hypertrophy. Activation of Ras and downstream ERK 1/2 was associated with elevated expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and cyclins B1 and D1, indicating cell-cycle activation and reentry. Coordinate elevation of broad-spectrum cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (p21, p27, and p57) and Tyr15 phosphorylation of cdc2 signified the activation of cell-cycle checkpoints; absence of cell-cycle completion and cardiomyocyte replication were documented by using immunohistochemistry for mitosis and cytokinesis markers. After resolution of cardiomyopathy, cell-cycle activators and inhibitors examined returned to basal levels, a change that we interpreted as exit from the cell cycle. Cardiac cell-cycle regulation plays a role in recovery from pathogenic hypertrophy. The model we present provides a means to further explore the underlying mechanisms governing cell-cycle capacity in cardiomyocytes, as well as progression and regression of pathogenic cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the correlation of features of cataracts graded by the Lens Opacities Classification System, version III (LOCS III) with recorded operative characteristics during the phacoemulsification. The retrospective study included 245 cases operated on by a single surgeon from October 2003 to March 2004. The cataract was graded at the biomicroscope using the 4 grading scales of the lens opacities classification system, version III (LOCS III); nuclear opalescence (NO), nuclear color (CO), cortical cataract (C) and posterior subcapsular cataract (P). We recorded 2 intraoperative characteristics: machine measured phacoemulsification time, and average machine power. The machine recorded phacoemulsification time and average power correlated positively with the estimated nuclear color (NC) scale and nuclear opaclescence (NO) scale. Grading within categories of cortical cataract (C) and posterior subcapsular cataract (P) did not correlate with any of the operative variables. Exponentially, greater phacoemulsification energy was required as NC and NO increased. LOCS III grading system enables the surgeon to anticipate potential pitfalls and to adapt the operative technique to the individual patient.  相似文献   
Molecular typing is an important tool in surveillance and outbreak investigations of human Salmonella infections. In this study, three molecular typing methods were used to investigate the discriminatory ability, reproducibility and the genetic relationship between 110 Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica isolates. A total of 25 serotypes were investigated that had been isolated from humans or veterinary sources in Denmark between 1995 and 2001. All isolates were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). When making genetic trees, all three methods resulted in similar clustering that often corresponded with serotype, although some serotypes displayed more diversity than others. Of the three techniques, MLST was the easiest to interpret and compare between laboratories. Unfortunately the seven housekeeping genes used in this MLST scheme lacked diversity and the ability to discriminate between isolates were higher with both PFGE and AFLP. The discriminatory power of AFLP and PFGE were similar but PFGE fingerprints were both easier to reproduce, interpret and less time-consuming to analyze when compared to AFLP. PFGE is the therefore the preferred molecular typing method for surveillance and outbreak investigations, whereas AFLP is most useful for local outbreak investigations.  相似文献   
The ionic composition of airway surface liquid (ASL) has been debated, and, in particular for the mouse, a wide range of values has been published. Two techniques were developed to measure the elemental composition of the ASL. X-ray microanalysis of ASL was carried out at low temperature on trachea removed from isoflurane-anesthetized animals and shock-frozen. In the second technique, dextran beads were placed on top of the epithelium of the trachea removed from pentobarbital-anesthetized animals, left to equilibrate with the ASL, dried, and subjected to X-ray microanalysis. Both techniques showed that mouse tracheal ASL has significantly lower concentrations of Na and Cl (approximately 60-80 mM) than serum. Differences between the two techniques were due to different sampling of mucus. CFTR(-/-) mice had significantly higher concentrations of Na and Cl in their ASL than age-matched controls. Pilocarpine or isoproterenol stimulation significantly reduced the ion concentrations in tracheal ASL. ASL was also collected with the dextran bead method from the nasal cavity in situ in pentobarbital-anesthetized animals. In control animals, the elemental composition of nasal fluid was similar to that of tracheal ASL. Pilocarpine stimulation caused a significant increase in Na, Cl, and K; stimulation with isoproterenol or phenylephrine caused a significant increase only in K. It is concluded that mouse ASL under unstimulated conditions is hypotonic, which may be related to the relative paucity of submucosal glands in the mouse trachea.  相似文献   
Spiraled origins     
Champion M 《Molecular cell》2005,17(4):475-477
Recent studies have established that the eukaryotic actin-based cytoskeleton has prokaryotic origins. In addition to regulating cell shape and polarity, Gitai et al. (2005) provide convincing evidence that the Caulobacter actin homolog MreB also mediates the early segregation of the chromosomal origin, a typical functional role of the eukaryotic tubulin-based cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA) (C(38)H(80)NBr) is a nonantigenic lipoid material. DDA-induced arthritis (DIA) in the Lewis (LEW) (RT.1(l)) rat is a new experimental model for human rheumatoid arthritis (RA). DIA is a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease. However, the precise self/foreign Ags associated with the disease process in DIA are not yet known. We observed that LEW rats with DIA spontaneously raised a vigorous T cell response both to 65-kDa self (rat) heat shock protein (Rhsp65) and mycobacterial hsp65 (Bhsp65), but not to another arthritis-related Ag, bovine collagen type II. The T cell response to Rhsp65 was focused predominantly on determinant regions 120-134 and 213-227 of the self protein. Interestingly, pretreatment of adult LEW rats using either a mixture of peptides 120-134 and 213-227 of Rhsp65 or a low nonarthritogenic dose of DDA induced protection against subsequent DIA. Intriguingly, the protection induced by the latter was associated with spontaneous priming of T cells specific for peptide 213-227 of Rhsp65. Similarly, LEW rats neonatally tolerized against either Rhsp65 or Bhsp65 were significantly protected from subsequently induced DIA at adult stage, showing the disease-modulating attribute of the hsp65-specific T cells. Taken together, the above findings demonstrate that the hsp65-directed T cell repertoire is of significance in the pathogenesis of autoimmune arthritis induced by nonantigenic DDA. Like other animal models of RA involving hsp65, these first insights into the disease-associated Ags in the DIA model would pave the way for further understanding of the immunological aspects of induction and regulation of RA.  相似文献   
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