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DNA damage response proteins identify sites of DNA damage and signal to downstream effectors that orchestrate either apoptosis or arrest of the cell cycle and DNA repair. The C. elegans DNA damage response mutants mrt-2, hus-1, and clk-2(mn159) displayed 8- to 15-fold increases in the frequency of spontaneous mutation in their germlines. Many of these mutations were small- to medium-sized deletions, some of which had unusual sequences at their breakpoints such as purine-rich tracts or direct or inverted repeats. Although DNA-damage-induced apoptosis is abrogated in the mrt-2, hus-1, and clk-2 mutant backgrounds, lack of the apoptotic branch of the DNA damage response pathway in cep-1/p53, ced-3, and ced-4 mutants did not result in a Mutator phenotype. Thus, DNA damage checkpoint proteins suppress the frequency of mutation by ensuring that spontaneous DNA damage is accurately repaired in C. elegans germ cells. Although DNA damage response defects that predispose humans to cancer are known to result in large-scale chromosome aberrations, our results suggest that small- to medium-sized deletions may also play roles in the development of cancer.  相似文献   
Improving the affinity of a high-affinity protein-protein interaction is a challenging problem that has practical applications in the development of therapeutic biomolecules. We used a combination of structure-based computational methods to optimize the binding affinity of an antibody fragment to the I-domain of the integrin VLA1. Despite the already high affinity of the antibody (Kd approximately 7 nM) and the moderate resolution (2.8 A) of the starting crystal structure, the affinity was increased by an order of magnitude primarily through a decrease in the dissociation rate. We determined the crystal structure of a high-affinity quadruple mutant complex at 2.2 A. The structure shows that the design makes the predicted contacts. Structural evidence and mutagenesis experiments that probe a hydrogen bond network illustrate the importance of satisfying hydrogen bonding requirements while seeking higher-affinity mutations. The large and diverse set of interface mutations allowed refinement of the mutant binding affinity prediction protocol and improvement of the single-mutant success rate. Our results indicate that structure-based computational design can be successfully applied to further improve the binding of high-affinity antibodies.  相似文献   
Recently, it has been suggested that the supposedly inert nitrite anion is reduced in vivo to form bioactive nitric oxide with physiological and therapeutic implications in the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems. Intake of nitrate-rich food such as vegetables results in increased levels of circulating nitrite in a process suggested to involve nitrate-reducing bacteria in the oral cavity. Here we investigated the importance of the oral microflora and dietary nitrate in regulation of gastric mucosal defense and blood pressure. Rats were treated twice daily with a commercial antiseptic mouthwash while they were given nitrate-supplemented drinking water. The mouthwash greatly reduced the number of nitrate-reducing oral bacteria and as a consequence, nitrate-induced increases in gastric NO and circulating nitrite levels were markedly reduced. With the mouthwash the observed nitrate-induced increase in gastric mucus thickness was attenuated and the gastroprotective effect against an ulcerogenic compound was lost. Furthermore, the decrease in systemic blood pressure seen during nitrate supplementation was now absent. These results suggest that oral symbiotic bacteria modulate gastrointestinal and cardiovascular function via bioactivation of salivary nitrate. Excessive use of antiseptic mouthwashes may attenuate the bioactivity of dietary nitrate.  相似文献   
In our continuing investigation of polycationic salts for purposes of antimicrobial action, ion-channel blocking, and construction of ionic liquids, we have prepared several series of polycationic salts derived from carbohydrate precursors. These salts are currently being investigated for optimal efficacy as antibacterials and antifungals, as well as for other applications. The syntheses of such series of salts are described here along with preliminary antibacterial testing results and a discussion of their properties indicating their potential utility for several purposes.  相似文献   
An expanded plastid DNA phylogeny for Orchidaceae was generated from sequences of rbcL and matK for representatives of all five subfamilies. The data were analyzed using equally weighted parsimony, and branch support was assessed with jackknifing. The analysis supports recognition of five subfamilies with the following relationships: (Apostasioideae (Vanilloideae (Cypripedioideae (Orchidoideae (Epidendroideae))))). Support for many tribal-level groups within Epidendroideae is evident, but relationships among these groups remain uncertain, probably due to a rapid radiation in the subfamily that resulted in short branches along the spine of the tree. A series of experiments examined jackknife parameters and strategies to determine a reasonable balance between computational effort and results. We found that support values plateau rapidly with increased search effort. Tree bisection-reconnection swapping in a single search replicate per jackknife replicate and saving only two trees resulted in values that were close to those obtained in the most extensive searches. Although this approach uses considerably more computational effort than less extensive (or no) swapping, the results were also distinctly better. The effect of saving a maximal number of trees in each jackknife replicate can also be pronounced and is important for representing support accurately.  相似文献   
We have shown that protein kinase C (PKC) epsilon, independently of its kinase activity, via its regulatory domain (RD), induces neurites in neuroblastoma cells. This study was designed to evaluate whether the same effect is obtained in nonmalignant neural cells and to dissect mechanisms mediating the effect. Overexpression of PKCepsilon resulted in neurite induction in two immortalised neural cell lines (HiB5 and RN33B). Phorbol ester potentiated neurite outgrowth from PKCepsilon-overexpressing cells and led to neurite induction in cells overexpressing PKCdelta. The effects were potentiated by blocking the PKC catalytic activity with GF109203X. Furthermore, kinase-inactive PKCdelta induced more neurites than the wild-type isoform. The isolated regulatory domains of novel PKC isoforms also induced neurites. Experiments with PKCdelta-overexpressing HiB5 cells demonstrated that phorbol ester, even in the presence of a PKC inhibitor, led to a decrease in stress fibres, indicating an inactivation of RhoA. Active RhoA blocked PKC-induced neurite outgrowth, and inhibition of the RhoA effector ROCK led to neurite outgrowth. This demonstrates that neurite induction by the regulatory domain of PKCdelta can be counteracted by PKCdelta kinase activity, that PKC-induced neurite outgrowth is accompanied by stress fibre dismantling indicating an inactivation of RhoA, and that the RhoA pathway suppresses PKC-mediated neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   
Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins bind peptides and present them at the cell surface for interaction with CD4+ T cells as part of the system by which the immune system surveys the body for signs of infection. Peptide binding is known to induce conformational changes in class II MHC proteins on the basis of a variety of hydrodynamic and spectroscopic approaches, but the changes have not been clearly localized within the overall class II MHC structure. To map the peptide-induced conformational change for HLA-DR1, a common human class II MHC variant, we generated a series of monoclonal antibodies recognizing the beta subunit that are specific for the empty conformation. Each antibody reacted with the empty but not the peptide-loaded form, for both soluble recombinant protein and native protein expressed at the cell surface. Antibody binding epitopes were characterized using overlapping peptides and alanine scanning substitutions and were localized to two distinct regions of the protein. The pattern of key residues within the epitopes suggested that the two epitope regions undergo substantial conformational alteration during peptide binding. These results illuminate aspects of the structure of the empty forms and the nature of the peptide-induced conformational change.  相似文献   
Mosquitoes are important vectors of disease. These insects respond to invading organisms with strong cellular and humoral immune responses that share many similarities with vertebrate immune systems. The strength and specificity of these responses are directly correlated to a mosquito's ability to transmit disease. In the current study, we characterized the hemocytes (blood cells) of Armigeres subalbatus by morphology (ultrastructure), lectin binding, enzyme activity, immunocytochemistry, and function. We found four hemocyte types: granulocytes, oenocytoids, adipohemocytes, and thrombocytoids. Granulocytes contained acid phosphatase activity and bound the exogenous lectins Helix pomatia agglutinin, Galanthus nivalis lectin, and wheat germ agglutinin. Following bacteria inoculation, granulocytes mounted a strong phagocytic response as early as 5 min postexposure. Bacteria also elicited a hemocyte-mediated melanization response. Phenoloxidase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the melanization pathway, was present exclusively in oenocytoids and in many of the melanotic capsules enveloping bacteria. The immune responses mounted against different bacteria were not identical; gram(–) Escherichia coli were predominantly phagocytosed and gram(+) Micrococcus luteus were melanized. These studies implicate hemocytes as the primary line of defense against bacteria.This work was supported by NIH grant AI19769 to B.M.C. and NIH grant F31 AI50252 to J.F.H.  相似文献   
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