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Structure determination of filamentous molecular complexes involves the selection of filaments from cryo‐EM micrographs. The automatic selection of helical specimens is particularly difficult, and thus many challenging samples with issues such as contamination or aggregation are still manually picked. Here, two approaches for selecting filamentous complexes are presented: one uses a trained deep neural network to identify the filaments and is integrated in SPHIRE‐crYOLO, while the other, called SPHIRE‐STRIPER, is based on a classical line‐detection approach. The advantage of the crYOLO‐based procedure is that it performs accurately on very challenging data sets and selects filaments with high accuracy. Although STRIPER is less precise, the user benefits from less intervention, since in contrast to crYOLO, STRIPER does not require training. The performance of both procedures on Tobacco mosaic virus and filamentous F‐actin data sets is described to demonstrate the robustness of each method.  相似文献   
  1. Animal behavior is elicited, in part, in response to external conditions, but understanding how animals perceive the environment and make the decisions that bring about these behavioral responses is challenging.
  2. Animal heads often move during specific behaviors and, additionally, typically have sensory systems (notably vision, smell, and hearing) sampling in defined arcs (normally to the front of their heads). As such, head‐mounted electronic sensors consisting of accelerometers and magnetometers, which can be used to determine the movement and directionality of animal heads (where head “movement” is defined here as changes in heading [azimuth] and/or pitch [elevation angle]), can potentially provide information both on behaviors in general and also clarify which parts of the environment the animals might be prioritizing (“environmental framing”).
  3. We propose a new approach to visualize the data of such head‐mounted tags that combines the instantaneous outputs of head heading and pitch in a single intuitive spherical plot. This sphere has magnetic heading denoted by “longitude” position and head pitch by “latitude” on this “orientation sphere” (O‐sphere).
  4. We construct the O‐sphere for the head rotations of a number of vertebrates with contrasting body shape and ecology (oryx, sheep, tortoises, and turtles), illustrating various behaviors, including foraging, walking, and environmental scanning. We also propose correcting head orientations for body orientations to highlight specific heading‐independent head rotation, and propose the derivation of O‐sphere‐metrics, such as angular speed across the sphere. This should help identify the functions of various head behaviors.
  5. Visualizations of the O‐sphere provide an intuitive representation of animal behavior manifest via head orientation and rotation. This has ramifications for quantifying and understanding behaviors ranging from navigation through vigilance to feeding and, when used in tandem with body movement, should provide an important link between perception of the environment and response to it in free‐ranging animals.
The correct human brain function is dependent on the activity of non‐neuronal cells called astrocytes. The bioelectrical properties of astrocytes in vitro do not closely resemble those displayed in vivo and the former are incapable of generating action potential; thus, reliable approaches in vitro for noninvasive electrophysiological recording of astrocytes remain challenging for biomedical engineering. Here it is found that primary astrocytes grown on a device formed by a forest of randomly oriented gold coated‐silicon nanowires, resembling the complex structural and functional phenotype expressed by astrocytes in vivo. The device enables noninvasive extracellular recording of the slow‐frequency oscillations generated by differentiated astrocytes, while flat electrodes failed on recording signals from undifferentiated cells. Pathophysiological concentrations of extracellular potassium, occurring during epilepsy and spreading depression, modulate the power of slow oscillations generated by astrocytes. A reliable approach to study the role of astrocytes function in brain physiology and pathologies is presented.  相似文献   
Fertilization by more than one sperm causes polyploidy, a condition that is generally lethal to the embryo in the majority of animal species. To prevent this occurrence, eggs have developed a series of mechanisms that block polyspermy at the level of the plasma membrane or their extracellular coat. In this review, we first introduce the mammalian egg coat, the zona pellucida (ZP), and summarize what is currently known about its composition, structure, and biological functions. We then describe how this specialized extracellular matrix is modified by the contents of cortical granules (CG), secretory organelles that are exocytosed by the egg after gamete fusion. This process releases proteases, glycosidases, lectins and zinc onto the ZP, resulting in a series of changes in the properties of the egg coat that are collectively referred to as hardening. By drawing parallels with comparable modifications of the vitelline envelope of nonmammalian eggs, we discuss how CG‐dependent modifications of the ZP are thought to contribute to the block to polyspermy. Moreover, we argue for the importance of obtaining more information on the architecture of the ZP, as well as systematically investigating the many facets of ZP hardening.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact that 6‐O‐(3″, 4″‐di‐Otrans‐cinnamoyl)‐α‐ l ‐rhamnopyranosylcatalpol (Dicinn) and verbascoside (Verb), two compounds simultaneously reported in Verbascum ovalifolium, have on tumor cell viability, apoptosis, cell cycle kinetics, and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level. At 100 µg/mL and 48 hours incubation time, Dicinn and Verb produced good cytotoxic effects in A549, HT‐29, and MCF‐7 cells. Dicinn induced cell‐cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase and apoptosis, whereas Verb increased the population of subG1 cells and cell apoptosis rates. Furthermore, the two compounds exhibited time‐dependent ROS generating effects in tumor cells (1‐24 hours). Importantly, no cytotoxic effects were induced in nontumor MCF‐10A cells by the two compounds up to 100 µg/mL. Overall, the effects exhibited by Verb in tumor cells were more potent, which can be correlated with its structural features, such as the presence of phenolic hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   
While the drivers of primate persistence in forest fragments have been often considered at the population level, the strategies to persist in these habitats have been little investigated at the individual or group level. Considering the rapid variation of fragment characteristics over time, longitudinal data on primates living in fragmented habitats are necessary to understand the key elements for their persistence. Since translocated animals have to cope with unfamiliar areas and face unknown fluctuations in food abundance, they offer the opportunity to study the factors contributing to successful migration between fragments. Here, we illustrated the evolution of the foraging strategies of translocated collared brown lemurs (Eulemur collaris) over an 18-year period in the Mandena Conservation Zone, south-east Madagascar. Our aim was to explore the ability of these frugivorous lemurs to adjust to recently colonized fragmented forests. Although the lemurs remained mainly frugivorous throughout the study period, over the years we identified a reduction in the consumption of leaves and exotic/pioneer plant species. These adjustments were expected in frugivorous primates living in a degraded area, but we hypothesize that they may also reflect the initial need to cope with an unfamiliar environment after the translocation. Since fragmentation is often associated with the loss of large trees and native vegetation, we suggest that the availability of exotic and/or pioneer plant species can provide an easy-to-access, nonseasonal food resource and be a key factor for persistence during the initial stage of the recolonization.  相似文献   
Primates worldwide are faced with increasing threats making them more vulnerable to extinction. Anthropogenic disturbances, such as habitat degradation and fragmentation, are among the main concerns, and in Madagascar, these issues have become widespread. As this situation continues to worsen, we sought to understand how fragmentation affects primate distribution throughout the island. Further, because species may exhibit different sensitivity to fragmentation, we also aimed to estimate the role of functional traits in mitigating their response. We collated data from 32 large-bodied lemur species ranges, consisting of species from the families Lemuridae (five genera) and Indriidae (two genera). We fitted Generalized Linear Models to determine the role of habitat fragmentation characteristics, for example, forest cover, patch size, edge density, and landscape configuration, as well as the protected area (PA) network, on the species relative probability of presence. We then assessed how the influence of functional traits (dietary guild, home range size) mitigate the response of species to these habitat metrics. Habitat area had a strong positive effect for many species, and there were significantly negative effects of fragmentation on the distribution of many lemur species. In addition, there was a positive influence of PAs on many lemur species’ distribution. Functional trait classifications showed that lemurs of all dietary guilds are negatively affected by fragmentation; however, folivore-frugivores show greater flexibility/variability in terms of habitat area and landscape complexity compared to nearly exclusive folivores and frugivores. Furthermore, species of all home range sizes showed a negative response to fragmentation, while habitat area had an increasingly positive effect as home range increased in size. Overall, the general trends for the majority of lemur species are dire and point to the need for immediate actions on a multitude of fronts, most importantly landscape-level reforestation efforts.  相似文献   
The skull osteology of Hierophis viridiflavus is here described and figured in detail on the basis of 18 specimens. The sample includes specimens from the ranges of both H. viridiflavus viridiflavus and H. viridiflavus carbonarius as well as specimens not identified at sub-specific level. The main characters that define H. viridiflavus in comparison to the parapatric congeneric species Hierophis gemonensis are wide maxillary diastema, basioccipital crest well distinct in three lobes and basioccipital process well marked. The foramina of the otoccipital and prootic, and the basioccipital process of the basioccipital are among the most ontogenetically variable characters, as indicated by two juvenile specimens included in the sample. A specimen-level phylogenetic analysis including H. gemonensis and other outgroups (overall 6 species, 26 specimens, 64 skull characters) recovered all H. viridiflavus specimens in one clade, indicating the presence of a clear phylogenetic signal in the applied characters. However, the resolution within the H. viridiflavus clade is poor the monophyly of H. viridiflavus carbonarius was retrieved, but not that of Hierophis v. viridiflavus. Probably due to the relatively high variability, the skull morphology does not support the recently proposed specific status of the two subspecies.  相似文献   
In allometric studies, the joint distribution of the log-transformed morphometric variables is typically elliptical and with heavy tails. To account for these peculiarities, we introduce the multivariate shifted exponential normal (MSEN) distribution , an elliptical heavy-tailed generalization of the multivariate normal (MN). The MSEN belongs to the family of MN scale mixtures (MNSMs) by choosing a convenient shifted exponential as mixing distribution. The probability density function of the MSEN has a simple closed-form characterized by only one additional parameter, with respect to the nested MN, governing the tail weight. The first four moments exist and the excess kurtosis can assume any positive value. The membership to the family of MNSMs allows us a simple computation of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the parameters via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm; advantageously, the M-step is computationally simplified by closed-form updates of all the parameters. We also evaluate the existence of the ML estimates. Since the parameter governing the tail weight is estimated from the data, robust estimates of the mean vector of the nested MN distribution are automatically obtained by downweighting; we show this aspect theoretically but also by means of a simulation study. We fit the MSEN distribution to multivariate allometric data where we show its usefulness also in comparison with other well-established multivariate elliptical distributions.  相似文献   
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