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The replacement histone H2A.Z is variously reported as being linked to gene expression and preventing the spread of heterochromatin in yeast, or concentrated at heterochromatin in mammals. To resolve this apparent dichotomy, affinity-purified antibodies against the N-terminal region of H2A.Z, in both a triacetylated and non-acetylated state, are used in native chromatin immmuno-precipitation experiments with mononucleosomes from three chicken cell types. The hyperacetylated species concentrates at the 5′ end of active genes, both tissue specific and housekeeping but is absent from inactive genes, while the unacetylated form is absent from both active and inactive genes. A concentration of H2A.Z is also found at insulators under circumstances implying a link to barrier activity but not to enhancer blocking. Although acetylated H2A.Z is widespread throughout the interphase genome, at mitosis its acetylation is erased, the unmodified form remaining. Thus, although H2A.Z may operate as an epigenetic marker for active genes, its N-terminal acetylation does not.  相似文献   
We compared nitric oxide production and nitrosyl hemoglobin steady state concentrations during the early phases of endotoxemic and hemorrhagic shock of equivalent severity. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to (1) sham-operated control, (2) hemorrhage, and (3) intravenous endotoxin. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to measure NO in the vasculature (binding to hemoglobin) and in the liver (binding to cytochrome P450). Despite similar changes in cardiorespiratory variables and identical microvascular pO(2), nitrosyl hemoglobin concentrations were significantly higher in endotoxemic rats than in rats in hemorrhagic shock, suggesting increased rates of NO production. A substantial venous minus arterial concentration gradient was observed for nitrosyl hemoglobin. This increased in line with the plasma total nitrite + nitrate concentration. Nitrosyl hemoglobin formation is likely to occur predominantly in the venous pool, suggesting that removal of NO from hemoglobin in the presence of oxygen may be faster than previously thought. In the liver, an increase in intracellular heme-NO complexes was detected in endotoxemic rats compared with rats in hemorrhagic shock; this was associated with increased reduction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and is suggestive of NO inhibition of mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   
Harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, dive from birth, providing a means of mapping the development of the diving response, and so our objective was to investigate the postpartum development of diving bradycardia. The study was conducted May-July 2000 and 2001 in the St. Lawrence River Estuary (48 degrees 41'N, 68 degrees 01'W). Both depth and heart rate (HR) were remotely recorded during 86,931 dives (ages 2-42 d, n = 15) and only depth for an additional 20,300 dives (combined data covered newborn to 60 d, n = 20). The mean dive depth and mean dive durations were conservative during nursing (2.1 +/- 0.1 m and 0.57 +/- 0.01 min, range = 0-30.9 m and 0-5.9 min, respectively). The HR of neonatal pups during submersion was bimodal, but as days passed, the milder of the two diving HRs disappeared from their diving HR record. By 15 d of age, most of the dive time was spent at the lower diving bradycardia rate. Additionally, this study shows that pups are born with the ability to maintain the lower, more fully developed dive bradycardia during focused diving but do not do so during shorter routine dives.  相似文献   
The factors and mechanisms regulating assembly of intermediate filament (IF) proteins to produce filaments with their characteristic 10 nm diameter are not fully understood. All IF proteins contain a central rod domain flanked by variable head and tail domains. To elucidate the role that different domains of IF proteins play in filament assembly, we used negative staining and electron microscopy (EM) to study the in vitro assembly properties of purified bacterially expressed IF proteins, in which specific domains of the proteins were either mutated or swapped between a cytoplasmic (mouse neurofilament-light (NF-L) subunit) and nuclear intermediate filament protein (human lamin A). Our results indicate that filament formation is profoundly influenced by the composition of the assembly buffer. Wild type (wt) mouse NF-L formed 10 nm filaments in assembly buffer containing 175 mM NaCl, whereas a mutant deleted of 18 NH2-terminal amino acids failed to assemble under similar conditions. Instead, the mutant assembled efficiently in buffers containing CaCl2 > or = 6 mM forming filaments that were 10 times longer than those formed by wt NF-L, although their diameter was significantly smaller (6-7 nm). These results suggest that the 18 NH2-terminal sequence of NF-L might serve two functions, to inhibit filament elongation and to promote lateral association of NF-L subunits. We also demonstrate that lengthening of the NF-L rod domain, by inserting a 42 aa sequence unique to nuclear IF proteins, does not compromise filament assembly in any noticeable way. Our results suggests that the known inability of nuclear lamin proteins to assemble into 10 nm filaments in vitro cannot derive solely from their longer rod domain. Finally, we demonstrate that the head domain of lamin A can substitute for that of NF-L in filament assembly, whereas substitution of both the head and tail domains of lamins for those of NF-L compromises assembly. Therefore, the effect of lamin A "tail" domain alone, or the synergistic effect of lamin "head" and the "tail" domains together, interferes with assembly into 10-nm filaments.  相似文献   
Calmyrin is a myristoylated calcium binding protein that contains four putative EF-hands. Calmyrin interacts with a number of proteins, including presenilin-2 (PS2). However, the biophysical properties of calmyrin, and the molecular mechanisms that regulate its binding to different partners, are not well understood. By site-directed mutagenesis and Ca2+ binding studies, we found that calmyrin binds two Ca2+ ions with a dissociation constant of approximately 53 microM, and that the two C-terminal EF-hands 3 and 4 bind calcium. Using ultraviolet spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD), and NMR, we found that Ca(2+)-free and -bound calmyrin have substantially different protein conformations. By yeast two-hybrid assays, we found that both EF-hands 3 and 4 of calmyrin must be intact for calmyrin to interact with PS2-loop sequences. Pulse-chase studies of HeLa cells transfected with calmyrin expression constructs indicated that wild-type (Wt) calmyrin has a half-life of approximately 75 min, whereas a mutant defective in myristoylation turns over more rapidly (half-life of 35 min). By contrast, the half-lives of calmyrin mutants with a disrupted EF-hand 3 or EF-hand 4 were 52 and 170 min, respectively. Using immunofluorescence staining of HeLa cells transfected with Wt and mutant calmyrin cDNAs, we found that both calcium binding and myristoylation are important for dynamic intracellular targeting of calmyrin. Double immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that Wt and myristoylation-defective calmyrin proteins colocalize efficiently and to the same extent with PS2, whereas calmyrin mutants defective in calcium binding display less colocalization with PS2. Our results suggest that calmyrin functions as a calcium sensor and that calcium binding sequences in calmyrin are important for interaction with the PS2 loop.  相似文献   
Recognition of genetic structure of populations and the ability to identify vulnerable populations is useful for the formation of conservation management strategies for plants. Eucalyptus grandis is a tall forest tree that has a major area of occurrence in subtropical eastern Australia, with smaller populations located in the east coast tropics. Many widespread forest species exhibit population differentiation that corresponds to geographic regions. However, Eucalyptus grandis appears to be an exception based on isozyme and morphological data. This is intriguing given a large discontinuity between northern populations and those in the southern part of the species range. In this study, the distribution of a maternally inherited chloroplast locus was examined because it was more likely to reveal genetic structure due to the slower evolution of the chloroplast genome and limited dispersal of seed in eucalypts. As expected, the G ST for chloroplast DNA was higher than that for nuclear DNA but indicated low population differentiation for a forest tree species. Phylogeographic analysis indicated that the 15 populations grouped into three broad geographical regions; however, overall population structure was weak suggesting that the large geographical disjunction in the distribution of E. grandis may be relatively recent. A paradigm for conservation management of E. grandis based on chloroplast DNA haplotype distribution would take into account the low differentiation among populations.  相似文献   
Cell wall mycolic acids (MA) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) are CD1b presented antigens that can be used to detect antibodies as surrogate markers of active TB, even in HIV coinfected patients. The use of the complex mixtures of natural MA is complicated by an apparent antibody cross-reactivity with cholesterol. Here firstly we report three recombinant monoclonal scFv antibody fragments in the chicken germ-line antibody repertoire, which demonstrate the possibilities for cross-reactivity: the first recognized both cholesterol and mycolic acids, the second mycolic acids but not cholesterol, and the third cholesterol but not mycolic acids. Secondly, MA structure is experimentally interrogated to try to understand the cross-reactivity. Unique synthetic mycolic acids representative of the three main functional classes show varying antigenicity against human TB patient sera, depending on the functional groups present and on their stereochemistry. Oxygenated (methoxy- and keto-) mycolic acid was found to be more antigenic than alpha-mycolic acids. Synthetic methoxy-mycolic acids were the most antigenic, one containing a trans-cyclopropane apparently being somewhat more antigenic than the natural mixture. Trans-cyclopropane-containing keto- and hydroxy-mycolic acids were also found to be the most antigenic among each of these classes. However, none of the individual synthetic mycolic acids significantly and reproducibly distinguished the pooled serum of TB positive patients from that of TB negative patients better than the natural mixture of MA. This argues against the potential to improve the specificity of serodiagnosis of TB with a defined single synthetic mycolic acid antigen from this set, although sensitivity may be facilitated by using a synthetic methoxy-mycolic acid.  相似文献   
Stress response capacity (Fv/Fm at 690 nm and F690/F735 at Fmax) of untransformed hybrid poplar, Populus x canescens (P tremula x P alba), and two transgenic lines overexpressing gamma-ECS (gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase) either in the cytosol (cyt-ECS) or in the chloroplast (chl-ECS) was studied in response to the herbicide paraquat (4.0 x 10(-9) to 4.0 x 10(-6) M) for 21 days. Significant differences at sublethal (4.0 x 10(-7) M) and bleaching (4.0 x 10(-6) M) concentrations of paraquat were observed with about a two-fold and eight-fold decrease in the photosynthetic activity (Fv/Fm at 690 nm and F690/F735 at Fmax), respectively. None of the gshI transgenic lines (cyt-ECS, chl-ECS) with elevated GSH content exhibited significant tolerance to paraquat. Semiquantitative RT-PCR of the cyt-ECS clone was used for gene expression analysis of the nuclear encoded rbcS gene and the stress responsive gst gene. Expression of the constitutively expressed 26SrRNA ribosomal gene was probed as a control for all RT-PCR reactions. The relative intensities of gene expressions normalized to the level of 26SrRNA intensity showed a 50% decrease in the nuclear encoded rbcS expression and a 120% increase in the stress responsive gst gene expression of the paraquat treated (4.0 x 10(-7) M) samples of the transgenic poplar line (cyt-ECS).  相似文献   
Ubiquilin proteins have been shown to interact with a wide variety of other cellular proteins, often regulating the stability and degradation of the interacting protein. Ubiquilin contains a UBL (ubiquitin-like) domain at the N-terminus and a UBA (ubiquitin-associated) domain at the C-terminus, separated by a central region containing Sti1-like repeats. Little is known about regulation of the interaction of ubiquilin with other proteins. In the present study, we show that ubiquilin is capable of forming dimers, and that dimerization requires the central region of ubiquilin, but not its UBL or the UBA domains. Furthermore, we provide evidence suggesting that monomeric ubiquilin is likely to be the active form that is involved in binding presenilin proteins. Our results provide new insight into the regulatory mechanism underlying the interaction of ubiquilin with presenilins.  相似文献   
Disruption of eshA, which encodes a 52-kDa protein that is produced late during the growth of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), resulted in elimination of actinorhodin production. In contrast, disruption of eshB, a close homologue of eshA, had no effect on antibiotic production. The eshA disruptant accumulated lower levels of ppGpp than the wild-type strain accumulated. The loss of actinorhodin production in the eshA disruptant was restored by expression of a truncated relA gene, which increased the ppGpp level to the level in the wild-type strain, indicating that the reduced ppGpp accumulation in the eshA mutant was solely responsible for the loss of antibiotic production. Antibiotic production was also restored in the eshA mutant by introducing mutations into rpoB (encoding the RNA polymerase β subunit) that bypassed the requirement for ppGpp, which is consistent with a role for EshA in modulating ppGpp levels. EshA contains a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain that is essential for its role in triggering actinorhodin production. EshA may provide new insights and opportunities to unravel the molecular signaling events that occur during physiological differentiation in streptomycetes.  相似文献   
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