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Luk?evi?s, E., Ahlberg, P.E., Stinkulis, ?., Vasi?kova, J. & Zupi??, I. 2011: Frasnian vertebrate taphonomy and sedimentology of macrofossil concentrations from the Langsēde Cliff, Latvia. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 356–370. The siliciclastic sequence of the Upper Devonian of Kurzeme, Western Latvia, is renowned for abundant vertebrate fossils, including the stem tetrapods Obruchevichthys gracilis and Ventastega curonica. During the first detailed taphonomic study of the vertebrate assemblage from the Ogre Formation cropping out at the Langsēde Cliff, Imula River, abundant vertebrate remains have been examined and identified as belonging to one psammosteid, two acanthodian and three sarcopterygian genera; the placoderm Bothriolepis maxima dominates the assemblage. Besides fully disarticulated placoderm and psammosteid plates, separate sarcopterygian scales and teeth, and acanthodian spines, partly articulated specimens including complete distal segments of Bothriolepis pectoral fins, Bothriolepis head shields and sarcopterygian lower jaws have been found. The size distribution of the placoderm bones demonstrates that the individuals within the assemblage are of approximately uniform age. Distinct zones have been traced within the horizontal distribution of the bones. These linear zones are almost perpendicular to the dominant dip azimuth of the cross‐beds and ripple‐laminae and most probably correspond to the depressions between subaqueous dunes. Concavity ratio varies significantly within the excavation area. The degree of fragmentation of the bones and disarticulation of the skeletons suggest that the carcasses were reworked and slightly transported before burial. Sedimentological data suggest deposition in a shallow marine environment under the influence of rapid currents. The fossiliferous bed consists of a basal bone conglomerate covered by a cross‐stratified sandstone with mud drapes, which is in turn overlain by ripple laminated sandstone, indicating the bones were buried by the gradual infilling of a tidal channel. All the Middle–Upper Devonian vertebrate bone‐beds from Latvia are associated with sandy to clayey deposits and have been formed in a sea‐coastal zone during rapid sedimentation episodes, but differ in fossil abundance and degree of preservation. □Agnathans, Devonian, facies analysis, fish, fossil assemblage, palaeoenvironment.  相似文献   
Two glycoside hydrolase (GH) families were analyzed to detect the presence of functional divergence using the program DIVERGE. These two families, GH7 and GH16, each contain members related by amino acid sequence similarity, retaining hydrolytic mechanisms, and catalytic residue identity. GH7 and GH16 comprise GH Clan B, with a shared β‐jelly roll topology and mechanism. GH7 contains fungal cellobiohydrolases and endoglucanases and is divided into five main subfamilies, four of the former and one of the latter. Cluster comparisons between three of the cellobiohydrolase subfamilies and the endoglucanase subfamily identified specific amino acid residues that play a role in the functional divergence between the two enzyme types. GH16 contains subfamilies of bacterial agarases, xyloglucosyl transferases, 1,3‐β‐D ‐glucanases, lichenases, and other enzymes with various substrate specificities and product profiles. Four cluster comparisons between these four main subfamilies again have identified amino acid residues involved in functional divergence between the subfamilies. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 478–495, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   
Nicotine is the principle addictive agent delivered via cigarette smoking. The addictive activity of nicotine is due to potent interactions with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) on neurons in the reinforcement and reward circuits of the brain. Beyond its addictive actions, nicotine is thought to have positive effects on performance in working memory and short-term attention-related tasks. The brain areas involved in such behaviors are part of an extensive cortico-limbic network that includes relays between prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cingulate cortex (CC), hippocampus, amygdala, ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the nucleus accumbens (nAcc). Nicotine activates a broad array of nAChRs subtypes that can be targeted to pre- as well as peri- and post-synaptic locations in these areas. Thereby, nicotine not only excites different types of neurons, but it also perturbs baseline neuronal communication, alters synaptic properties and modulates synaptic plasticity.In this review we focus on recent findings on nicotinic modulation of cortical circuits and their targets fields, which show that acute and transient activation of nicotinic receptors in cortico-limbic circuits triggers a series of events that affects cognitive performance in a long lasting manner. Understanding how nicotine induces long-term changes in synapses and alters plasticity in the cortico-limbic circuits is essential to determining how these areas interact in decoding fundamental aspects of cognition and reward.  相似文献   
Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells remain pluripotent in vitro when grown in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). LIF starvation leads to apoptosis of some of the ES-derived differentiated cells, together with p38alpha mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. Apoptosis, but not morphological cell differentiation, is blocked by a p38 inhibitor, PD169316. To further understand the mechanism of action of this compound, we have identified its specific targets by microarray studies. We report on the global expression profiles of genes expressed at 3 days upon LIF withdrawal (d3) compared to pluripotent cells and of genes whose expression is modulated at d3 under anti-apoptotic conditions. We showed that at d3 without LIF cells express, earlier than anticipated, specialized cell markers and that when the apoptotic process was impaired, expression of differentiation markers was altered. In addition, functional tests revealed properties of anti-apoptotic proteins not to alter cell pluripotency and a novel role for metallothionein 1 gene, which prevents apoptosis of early differentiated cells.  相似文献   
A survey of the sexual behaviour of gonorrhoea patients in Newark was undertaken to evaluate parameters within a model of gonorrhoea transmission. Modelling work aimed to explain observed epidemiological patterns and to explore the potential impact of interventions. Reported behaviours, along with values derived from the literature, were used within a standard deterministic model of gonorrhoea transmission, where the population was stratified according to sex and rates of sex-partner change. The behaviours reported, particularly among women, are insufficient by themselves to explain the continued existence of gonorrhoea within the population. The majority of symptomatic patients seek treatment within a few days, and report that they do not have unprotected sex while symptomatic. The proportion of patients with low numbers of sex partners suggests that sexual mixing between people categorized according to sexual behaviour is near random. To explain the persistence of gonorrhoea, there must be some patients who, when infected, do not seek care in public clinics. In addition, gonorrhoea incidence in the model is sensitive to change, such that very small reductions in risk behaviour could lead to its elimination. This does not accord with the observed failure of many interventions to eliminate infection, suggesting that the modelled infection is too sensitive to change. The model, which has been influential in gonorrhoea epidemiology, is not consistent with the observed epidemiology of gonorrhoea in populations. Alternative models need to explore the observed stability of gonorrhoea before robust modelling conclusions can be drawn on how best to control infection. However, the current results do highlight the potential importance of asymptomatic infections and infections in those who are diseased and do not attend public health services. Screening and contact-tracing to identify asymptomatic infections in both men and women will be more effective in reaching those who maintain the infection within the community rather than simply treating symptomatic cases.  相似文献   
Idoux E  Mertz J 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28685
The variations of the intracellular concentration of calcium ion ([Ca(2+)](i)) are at the heart of intracellular signaling, and their imaging is therefore of enormous interest. However, passive [Ca(2+)](i) imaging provides no control over these variations, meaning that a full exploration of the functional consequences of [Ca(2+)](i) changes is difficult to attain. The tools designed so far to modify [Ca(2+)](i), even qualitatively, suffer drawbacks that undermine their widespread use. Here, we describe an electro-optical technique to quantitatively set [Ca(2+)](i), in real time and with sub-cellular resolution, using two-photon Ca(2+) uncaging and dynamic-clamp. We experimentally demonstrate, on neurons from acute olfactory bulb slices of Long Evans rats, various capabilities of this technique previously difficult to achieve, such as the independent control of the membrane potential and [Ca(2+)](i) variations, the functional knocking-in of user-defined virtual voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, and the standardization of [Ca(2+)](i) patterns across different cells. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for this technique and establish it as a new and versatile tool for the study of cell signaling.  相似文献   
S A Sedman  P J Good    J E Mertz 《Journal of virology》1989,63(9):3884-3893
Numerous viral and cellular RNAs are polycistronic, including several of the late mRNA species encoded by simian virus 40 (SV40). The functionally bicistronic major late 16S and functionally tricistronic major late 19S mRNA species of SV40 contain the leader-encoded open reading frames (ORFs) LP1, located upstream of the sequence encoding the virion protein VP1, and LP1*, located upstream of the sequence encoding the virion proteins VP2 and VP3. To determine how these leader ORFs affect synthesis of the virion proteins, monkey cells were transfected with viral mutants in which either the leader-encoded translation initiation signal was mutated or the length and overlap of the leader ORF relative to the ORFs encoding the virion proteins were altered. The levels of initiation at and leaky scanning past each initiation signal were determined directly by quantitative analysis of the viral proteins synthesized in cells transfected with these mutants. Novel findings from these experiments included the following. (i) At least one-third of ribosomes bypass the leader-encoded translation initiation signal, GCCAUGG, on the SV40 major late 16S mRNA. (ii) At least 20% of ribosomes bypass even the consensus translation initiation signal, ACCAUGG, when it is situated 10 bases from the 5' end on the major late 16S mRNA. (iii)O The presence of the leader ORF on the bicistronic 16S mRNA species reduces VP1 synthesis threefold relative to synthesis from a similar RNA that lacks it. (iv) At least half and possibly all VP1 synthesized from the bicistronic 16S mRNA species is made by a leaky scanning mechanism. (v) LP1 and VP1 are synthesized from the bicistronic 16S mRNA species at approximately equal molar ratios. (vi) Approximately half of the VP1 synthesized in SV40-infected cells is synthesized from the minor, monocistronic 16S mRNA even though it accounts for only 20% of the 16S mRNA present. (vii) The presence and site of termination of translation of the leader ORF on the late 19S mRNAs affect the relative as well as absolute rates of synthesis of VP2 and VP3.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to explore the effects of retinoic acid, fed to retinol-deficient rats, on the tissue distribution and levels of cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) and cellular retinoic acid-binding protein (CRABP). Sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays were employed to measure the levels of both CRBP and CRABP. Two groups of six male rats each were fed a purified retinoid-deficient diet supplemented with either: i) retinyl acetate (control group); or ii) retinoic acid (30 mg/kg diet) (retinol deficient-retinoic acid group). The retinoic acid supplementation was begun after 38 days on the retinoid-deficient diet alone, and was continued for 52-54 days. Analysis of the data indicated that only the CRBP level of the proximal epididymis in the retinol-deficient/retinoic acid group differed significantly from (was lower than) the corresponding control level, at the 1% confidence level. CRABP tissue levels did not differ significantly between the two groups. Thus, a moderately large intake of retinoic acid, as the only source of retinoids, had very little effect on the tissue distribution or levels of either its own cellular binding protein (CRABP) or of CRBP. This study provides further information showing that the tissue levels of the cellular retinoid-binding proteins are highly regulated and maintained in rats, even in the presence of marked changes in retinoid nutritional status.  相似文献   
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