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Bruns PJ  Brussard TB  Merriam EV 《Genetics》1983,104(2):257-270
Crosses of a diploid Tetrahymena thermophila to a strain with a haploid germinal nucleus result in chromosome loss during meiosis in the haploid. The resulting monosomics can be made nullisomic by a special cross that induces homozygosis of a meiotic product of the germinal nucleus, but retention of the parental somatic nucleus. The creation and testing of single nullisomics for three of the five chromosome pairs and a triple nullisomic missing another pair is presented. Taken together, these strains make possible a series of crosses in which all but one of the chromosomes is missing in one parent. This set of nullisomics can, therefore, be used to map any mutation in Tetrahymena to a specific chromosome.  相似文献   


Do livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure species composition in montane vernal pools? Which grazing and precipitation variables best predict cover of vernal pool specialists and species with broader habitat requirements? Is vernal pool species diversity correlated with livestock exclosure, and at what spatial scales?


Montane vernal pools, northeast California, USA.


Vegetation was sampled in 20 vernal pools, including pools where livestock had been excluded for up to 20 years We compared plant species composition, functional group composition and species diversity among sites that varied in grazing history and seasonal precipitation using CCA and LMM.


Although vernal pool specialists were dominant in montane vernal pools, over a third of plant cover was comprised of species that occur over a broad range of wetland or upland environments. The species composition of vernal pool plant communities was influenced by both livestock grazing and precipitation patterns, however the relative effects of these environmental variables differed by functional group. Livestock exclosures favoured perennial vernal pool specialists over annual vernal pool specialists. In contrast, the cover of habitat generalists was more strongly influenced by seasonal precipitation than livestock grazing. At small spatial scales, species richness and diversity decreased as the number of years a pool had been fenced increased, but this relationship was not significant at a larger spatial scale.


Both livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure the montane vernal pool plant community. We found that livestock grazing promotes the cover of annual vernal pool specialists, but at the expense of perennial vernal pool specialists. Wetter vernal pools, however, support higher cover of wetland generalist species regardless of whether pools are grazed.  相似文献   
Heterozygous replicative form molecules of bacteriophage X174 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) have been constructed in vitro. These are composed of viral strands extracted from purified preparations of phage bearing ts mutations and complementary strands of either half length or full length synthesized with purified DNA polymerase, in vitro, on DNA from am3 phage. In infections with such heterozygous DNA, involving mutations in each of four different cistrons, phage with the genotype of the complementary strand comprised 1 to 20% of the total phage produced by a spheroplast population. From single-burst analysis of the progeny from DNA heterozygous in one cistron (B), it appears that those phage with the genotype of the complementary strand arise as major components in a small proportion of the infected cells rather than comprising a minor component in most cells. The implications of such a pattern of expression are discussed with respect to mechanisms of phage DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
Coldwater fishes in streams, such as brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), typically are headwater specialists that occasionally expand distributions downstream to larger water bodies. It is unclear, however, whether larger streams function simply as dispersal corridors connecting headwater subpopulations, or as critical foraging habitat needed to sustain large mobile brook trout. Stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and a hierarchical Bayesian mixing model analysis was used to identify brook trout that foraged in main stem versus headwater streams of the Shavers Fork watershed, West Virginia. Headwater subpopulations were composed of headwater and to a lesser extent main stem foraging individuals. However, there was a strong relationship between brook trout size and main stem prey contributions. The average brook trout foraging on headwater prey were limited to 126 mm standard length. This size was identified by mixing models as a point where productivity support switched from headwater to main stem dependency. These results, similar to other studies conducted in this watershed, support the hypothesis that productive main stem habitat maintain large brook trout and potentially facilitates dispersal among headwater subpopulations. Consequently, loss of supplementary main stem foraging habitats may explain loss of large, mobile fish and subsequent isolation of headwater subpopulations in other central Appalachian watersheds.  相似文献   
BCL10/CLAP is an activator of apoptosis and NF-kappaB signaling pathways and has been implicated in B cell lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. Although its role in apoptosis remains to be determined, BCL10 likely activates NF-kappaB through the IKK complex in response to upstream stimuli. The N-terminal caspase recruitment domain (CARD) of BCL10 has been proposed to function as an activation domain that mediates homophilic interactions with an upstream CARD-containing NF-kappaB activator. To identify upstream signaling partners of BCL10, we performed a mammalian two-hybrid analysis and identified CARD9 as a novel CARD-containing protein that interacts selectively with the CARD activation domain of BCL10. When expressed in cells, CARD9 binds to BCL10 and activates NF-kappaB. Furthermore, endogenous CARD9 is found associated with BCL10 suggesting that both proteins form a pre-existing signaling complex within cells. CARD9 also self-associates and contains extensive coiled-coil motifs that may function as oligomerization domains. We propose here that CARD9 is an upstream activator of BCL10 and NF-kappaB signaling.  相似文献   
Background: Overweight and obesity are important predictors of a wide variety of health problems. Analysis of naturally occurring changes in body weight can provide valuable insights in improving our understanding of the influence of demographic, lifestyle, and psychosocial factors on weight gain in middle‐age adults. Objective: To identify gender‐specific predictors of body weight using cross‐sectional and longitudinal analyses. Methods and Procedures: Anthropometric, lifestyle and psychosocial factors were measured at baseline and then quarterly for 1 year in 572 healthy adult volunteers from Central Massachusetts who were recruited between 1994 and 1998. Linear mixed models were used to analyze the relationship between body weight and potential predictors, including demographic (e.g., age, educational level), lifestyle (e.g., diet, physical activity, smoking), and psychosocial (e.g., anxiety, depression) factors. Results: Over the 1‐year study period, on average, men gained 0.3 kg and women lost 0.2 kg. Predictors of lower body weight at baseline in both men and women included current cigarette smoking, greater leisure‐time physical activity, and lower depression and anxiety scores. Lower body weights were associated with a lower percentage of caloric intake from protein and greater occupational physical activity levels only among men; and with higher education level only among women. Longitudinal predictors of 1‐year weight gain among women included increased total caloric intake and decreased leisure‐time physical activity, and among men, greater anxiety scores. Discussion: Demographic, lifestyle and psychosocial factors are independently related to naturally occurring changes in body weight and have marked differential gender effects. These effects should be taken into consideration when designing interventions for weight‐loss and maintenance at the individual and population levels.  相似文献   
Success of stream restoration can be difficult to define because many interacting abiotic and biotic factors across spatio-temporal scales can have measurable effects. Consequently, failure in habitat restoration to achieve targeted biological goals may reflect interactions of habitat restoration with unaccounted risks that have yet to be addressed on the landscape. This is particularly true within invaded landscapes, where habitat restoration can benefit non-native competitors as much as the native fishes for which restoration is designed. We tested for interacting effects of a reach scale habitat restoration effort and non-native trout competition on habitat use by a brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) metapopulation within a productive main stem corridor of the Shavers Fork watershed, West Virginia. We used a joint species occupancy model within a BACI sampling design to show that brook trout occupancy of main stem habitat was highest post-restoration within restored sampling reaches, but this benefit to native brook trout was conditional on brown trout (Salmo trutta) not being present within the main stem habitat. Collectively these results indicate that habitat restoration was only beneficial for native brook trout when non-native trout were absent from the restored sampling area. Proactive approaches to restoration will be integral for supporting resilient ecosystems in response to future anthropogenic threats (e.g. climate change), and we have shown that such actions will only be successful if non-native competitors do not also benefit from the restoration actions.  相似文献   
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