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Several studies overwhelmingly support the notion that decorin (DCN) is involved in matrix assembly, and in the control of cell adhesion and proliferation. However, nothing is known about the role of DCN during cell migration. Cell migration is a tightly regulated process which requires both adhesion (at the leading edge of the cell) and de-adhesion (at the trailing edge of the cell) from the substratum. We have determined in this study the effect of DCN on MG-63 osteosarcoma cell migration and have analyzed whether its effect is mediated by the protein core and/or the glycosaminoglycan side chain. DCN impeded the migration-promoting effect of matrix molecules (fibronectin, collagen type I) known to interact with the proteoglycan. Conversely, DCN did not counteract the migration-promoting effect of fibrinogen lacking proteoglycan affinity. DCN bearing dermatan-sulfate chains (i.e., skin and cartilage DCN) was about 20-fold more effective in inhibiting cell migration than DCN bearing chondroitin-sulfate chains (i.e., bone DCN). In addition, chondroitinase AC-treatment of cartilage DCN (which specifically removes chondroitin-sulfate chains) did not attenuate the inhibitory effect of this proteoglycan, while cartilage DCN deprived of both chondroitin- and dermatan-sulfate chains failed to alter cell migration promoted by either fibronectin or its heparin- and cell-binding domains. These data assert that the dermatan-sulfate chains of DCN are responsible for a negative influence on cell migration. However, isolated glycosaminoglycans failed to alter cell migration promoted by fibronectin, indicating that strongly negatively charged glycosaminoglycans alone cannot account for the impaired cell motility seen with DCN. Overall, these results show that the inhibitory action of DCN is dependent of substratum binding, is differentially mediated by its glycosaminoglycan side chains (chondroitin-sulfate vs. dermatan-sulfate chains), and is independent of a steric hindrance effect exerted by its glycosaminoglycan side chains.  相似文献   
In Parkinson's disease, nigrostriatal denervation leads to an overactivity of the subthalamic nucleus and its target areas, which is responsible of the clinical manifestations of the disease. Because the subthalamic nucleus uses glutamate as neurotransmitter and is innervated by glutamatergic fibers, pharmacological blockade of glutamate transmission might be expected to restore the cascade of neurochemical changes induced by a dopaminergic denervation within the basal ganglia. To test this hypothesis, two types of glutamate antagonists, the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 and the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptor antagonist LY293558, were administered systemically, either alone or in combination with L-DOPA, in rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway. The effect of treatment was assessed neurochemically by analyzing at the cellular level the functional activity of basal ganglia output structures and the subthalamic nucleus using the expression levels of the mRNAs coding for glutamic acid decarboxylase and cytochrome oxidase, respectively, as molecular markers of neuronal activity. The present study shows that treatment with glutamate antagonists, and particularly with AMPA antagonists, alone or in combination with L-DOPA, reverses the overactivity of the subthalamic nucleus and its target areas induced by nigrostriatal denervation. These results furnish the neurochemical basis for the potential use of glutamate antagonists as therapeutic agents in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
Murine embryonic palate mesenchyme (MEPM) cells are responsive to a number of endogenous factors found in the local embryonic tissue environment. Recently, it was shown that activation of the cyclic AMP (cAMP) or the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) signal transduction pathways modulates the proliferative response of MEPM cells to epidermal growth factor (EGF). Since the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is a signal transduction pathway that mediates cellular responsiveness to EGF, we examined the possibility that several signaling pathways which abrogate EGF-stimulated proliferation do so via the p42/p44 MAPK signaling pathway. We demonstrate that EGF stimulates MAPK phosphorylation and activity in MEPM cells maximally at 5 minutes. Tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of MAPK was unaffected by treatment of MEPM cells with TGFβ or cholera toxin. Similarly, TGFβ altered neither EGF-induced MAPK tyrosine phosphorylation nor activity. However, the calcium ionophore, A23187, significantly increased MAPK phosphorylation which was further increased in the presence of EGF, although calcium mobilization reduced EGF-induced proliferation. Despite the increase in phosphorylation, we could not demonstrate induction of MAPK activity by A23187. Like EGF, phorbol ester, under conditions which activate PKC isozymes in MEPM cells, increased MAPK phosphorylation and activity but was also growth inhibitory to MEPM cells. The MEK inhibitor, PD098059, only partially abrogated EGF-induced phosphorylation. Likewise, depletion of PKC isozymes partially abrogated EGF-induced MAPK phosphorylation. Inhibition of both MEK and PKC isozymes resulted in a marked decrease in MAPK activity, confirming that EGF uses multiple pathways to stimulate MAPK activity. These data indicate that the MAPK cascade does not mediate signal transduction of several agents that inhibit growth in MEPM cells, and that there is a dissociation of the proliferative response and MAP kinase activation. Furthermore, other signaling pathways known to play significant roles in differentiation of palatal tissue converge with the MAPK cascade and may use this pathway in the regulation of alternative cellular processes. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:266–280, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
O2 sensing in diverse protozoa depends on the prolyl 4 hydroxylation of Skp1 and modification of the resulting hydroxyproline with a series of five sugars. In yeast, plants, and animals, Skp1 is associated with F-box proteins. The Skp1–F-box protein heterodimer can, for many F-box proteins, dock onto cullin-1 en route to assembly of the Skp1–cullin-1–F-box protein–Rbx1 subcomplex of E3SCFUb ligases. E3SCFUb ligases conjugate Lys48-polyubiquitin chains onto targets bound to the substrate receptor domains of F-box proteins, preparing them for recognition by the 26S proteasome. In the social amoeba Dictyostelium, we found that O2 availability was rate-limiting for the hydroxylation of newly synthesized Skp1. To investigate the effect of reduced hydroxylation, we analyzed knockout mutants of the Skp1 prolyl hydroxylase and each of the Skp1 glycosyltransferases. Proteomic analysis of co-immunoprecipitates showed that wild-type cells able to fully glycosylate Skp1 had a greater abundance of an SCF complex containing the cullin-1 homolog CulE and FbxD, a newly described WD40-type F-box protein, than the complexes that predominate in cells defective in Skp1 hydroxylation or glycosylation. Similarly, the previously described FbxA–Skp1CulA complex was also more abundant in glycosylation-competent cells. The CulE interactome also included higher levels of proteasomal regulatory particles when Skp1 was glycosylated, suggesting increased activity consistent with greater association with F-box proteins. Finally, the interactome of FLAG-FbxD was modified when it harbored an F-box mutation that compromised Skp1 binding, consistent with an effect on the abundance of potential substrate proteins. We propose that O2-dependent posttranslational glycosylation of Skp1 promotes association with F-box proteins and their engagement in functional E3SCFUb ligases that regulate O2-dependent developmental progression.Timely protein degradation is a cornerstone of cell cycling and the regulation of numerous physiological and developmental processes. Eukaryotes have evolved an extensive array of polyubiquitination enzymes to tag proteins on a protein-by-protein basis as a recognition marker for degradation in the 26S proteasome. The cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs)1 are a prominent subgroup of these enzymes (1) and consist of an E3 architecture that includes a substrate receptor, an adaptor (in most cases), the cullin scaffold, the RING protein, and an exchangeable E2 ubiquitin donor that has been charged with ubiquitin (Ub) by an E1 enzyme. The first discovered and still prototypic example is the CRL1 class (2), also referred to as SCF on account of the names of its founding subunits, Skp1, cullin-1, and F-box proteins (FBPs). The CRL1 (or SCF) complexes utilize FBPs as substrate receptors, Skp1 as the adaptor linking the FBP to the N-terminal region of cullin-1 (Cul1), and Rbx1 as the RING protein that tethers the E2 Ub donor to the Cul1 C-terminal region (see Fig. 2B). CRL1s can be activated by neddylation of Cul1 by a Nedd8-specific E2, which mobilizes Rbx1 to afford rotational flexibility of the E2 and displaces the inhibitor Cand1, permitting docking of the Skp1–FBP heterodimer (35). Deneddylation mediated by the eight-subunit COP9 signalosome is required for in vivo activity, suggesting that Cand1 serves as a substrate exchange factor to allow for re-equilibration of SCF complexes from preexisting subunits. Each reaction cycle requires the exchange of a new E2-Ub and typically assembles a K48-linked polyUb chain that is recognized by the proteasome. Substrate specificity is conferred by FBPs, a gene family that numbers 69 in humans, 20 in budding yeast, 300 in Caenorhabditis elegans, and ∼800 in Arabidopsis. Some characterized FBPs can recognize perhaps a dozen or more substrates, and the coding of recognition and the meaning of their control by the same FBP is under intense investigation (6). Recognition is often activated by posttranslational modification of the substrate (often phosphorylation). Regulation of SCF Ub ligases has centered on the neddylation cycle, which potentially influences all seven known CRLs. Regulation of Skp1, investigated in this paper, would be specific to CRLs possessing Skp1, which include CRL1 and possibly the minor class CRL7 (7).Open in a separate windowFig. 2.Skp1 modification pathway and global analysis of Skp1 interactions. A, Skp1 is sequentially modified by the indicated enzymes (in blue), resulting in the formation of a pentasaccharide at Pro143. B, model of the SCF complex in the context of the overall E3 Ub ligase, from studies in yeast, plants, and animals. Catalysis involves transfer of Ub from an exchangeable Ub-E2 conjugate to the substrate. Removal of Nedd8 by the COP9 signalosome facilitates binding of Cand1 to Cul1, which inhibits binding of Skp1 to Cul1. C, D, vegetative (growth stage) cells were filter-lysed, and a cytosolic fraction prepared via ultracentrifugation was chromatographed on a Superose 12 gel filtration column. Fractions were analyzed via Western blotting (representative examples are shown in C) followed by densitometry (D). The elution position of free Skp1 from a separate trial is indicated.The basic SCF model is thought to be widespread among eukaryotes but has been extensively studied only in fungi/yeasts, plants, and animals. The broad phylogeny represented by protists includes many benign and pathogenic unicellular organisms of great economic, health, and environmental impact. Emerging evidence reveals that Skp1 in some of these groups is subject to a novel form of prolyl 4(trans)-hydroxylation and complex glycosylation (8). The roles of these Skp1 modifications have been most studied in the social amoeba Dictyostelium, which undergoes a starvation-induced developmental program during which individual amoebae chemotactically aggregate into an initial mound that then elongates into a migratory slug. Under appropriate conditions, the slug reorganizes to form a fruiting body consisting of a ball of spores supported by a vertical cellular stalk. The slug-to-fruit switch, referred to as culmination, and sporulation are regulated by checkpoints that are sensitive to multiple factors, including O2 (911). Functional studies of Dictyostelium Skp1 hydroxylation and glycosylation reveal roles in regulating the O2 dependence of culmination and sporulation (1214). For example, wild-type (wt) cells require 7% to 10% O2 and phyA requires 18% to 21% O2 in order to achieve 50% spore formation (a quantitative measure of fruiting body formation), whereas glycosylation mutants exhibit a complex pattern of intermediate requirements (13). In addition, at 21% O2, phyA cells require an additional 3 to 4 h to complete development relative to their wt counterparts (14). In the apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii, PhyA is also required for Skp1 glycosylation, and phyA parasites are deficient in proliferation, especially at low O2 (15).The idea that O2 availability is rate limiting for Skp1 modification was originally based on the observation that the Dictyostelium phyA phenotype mimics that of wt cells in low O2 (9). However, the majority of Skp1 is hydroxylated and glycosylated in wt cells even at low O2 levels where culmination is blocked or delayed. Further analysis of a submerged development model, in which terminal development depended on an atmosphere of 70% to 100% O2 in order to overcome the diffusion barrier posed by the water layer, showed that at atmospheric O2 levels of 5% to 21% where sporulation was blocked, unmodified Skp1 accumulated to a higher level than at permissive O2 levels (10). As Skp1 modifications are thought to be irreversible, this likely resulted from slow hydroxylation of newly synthesized Skp1. To address this in a more physiological setting, we investigated nascent Skp1 directly using metabolic labeling with [35S]Met/Cys and verified that the rate of hydroxylation of newly synthesized Skp1 polypeptide was indeed inversely proportional to O2 levels, which makes PhyA-mediated hydroxylation of Skp1 an excellent candidate for the primary O2 sensor for culmination.These modifications of Skp1 are of interest as a novel mechanism regulating the SCF ligase. Previously, we showed that hydroxylation and glycosylation of Dictyostelium Skp1 affect its conformation and promote binding to a soluble FBP, guinea pig Fbs1, in studies of purified proteins (16). Here we show that Dictyostelium Skp1 is indeed a subunit of a canonical SCF complex, as expected. The significance of undermodified Skp1 was examined via interactome analysis of Skp1 isoforms that accumulate in modification pathway mutants. Our findings revealed a lower abundance of SCF complexes than in wt cells, suggesting that Skp1 modification may promote SCF assembly and E3SCFUb ligase activities that control timely turnover of select proteins involved in developmental progression.  相似文献   
The herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading bacterium Achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans strain EST4002 contains plasmid pEST4011. This plasmid ensures its host a stable 2,4-D(+) phenotype. We determined the complete 76,958-bp nucleotide sequence of pEST4011. This plasmid is a deletion and duplication derivative of pD2M4, the 95-kb highly unstable laboratory ancestor of pEST4011, and was self-generated during different laboratory manipulations performed to increase the stability of the 2,4-D(+) phenotype of the original strain, strain D2M4(pD2M4). The 47,935-bp catabolic region of pEST4011 forms a transposon-like structure with identical copies of the hybrid insertion element IS1071::IS1471 at the two ends. The catabolic regions of pEST4011 and pJP4, the best-studied 2,4-D-degradative plasmid, both contain homologous, tfd-like genes for complete 2,4-D degradation, but they have little sequence similarity other than that. The backbone genes of pEST4011 are most similar to the corresponding genes of broad-host-range self-transmissible IncP1 plasmids. The backbones of the other three IncP1 catabolic plasmids that have been sequenced (the 2,4-D-degradative plasmid pJP4, the haloacetate-catabolic plasmid pUO1, and the atrazine-catabolic plasmid pADP-1) are nearly identical to the backbone of R751, the archetype plasmid of the IncP1 beta subgroup. We show that despite the overall similarity in plasmid organization, the pEST4011 backbone is sufficiently different (51 to 86% amino acid sequence identity between individual backbone genes) from the backbones of members of the three IncP1 subgroups (the alpha, beta, and gamma subgroups) that it belongs to a new IncP1subgroup, the delta subgroup. This conclusion was also supported by a phylogenetic analysis of the trfA2, korA, and traG gene products of different IncP1 plasmids.  相似文献   
Success of embryo transfer is often a limiting factor in transgenic procedures and rederivation efforts, and depends on the genetic background of the donor and recipient strains used. Here we show that embryo transfer to DBA/2J females is possible, and present data on pre- and postnatal success rates after reciprocal embryo transfer using the inbred DBA/2J and C3H/HeN, and outbred NMRI strains. The highest embryo yield was achieved in outbred NMRI females, but embryo yields were similar in DBA/2J and C3H/HeN mice following superovulation despite poor estrus cycle synchronization in DBA/2J females. In-strain transfer of DBA/2J blastocysts (transfer of embryos to recipients from the same strain) resulted in pregnancy rates (57.1%) similar to those obtained following in-strain transfer of C3H/HeN (60.0%) and NMRI mice (83.3%), although the prenatal survival rate of blastocysts was low. Moreover, from the pups born only half survived the postnatal period after transfer of DBA/2J and C3H/HeN blastocysts to DBA/2J recipients. These problems were not observed when transferring NMRI-blastocysts to C3H/HeN and DBA/2J mothers. The number of blastocysts transferred also had a positive effect on the success of embryo transfer. In conclusion, C3H/HeN and DBA/2J females can be used as recipients for embryo transfer procedures for certain donor strains like NMRI, as one major determinant seems to be the genetic background of the embryos transferred. We also recommend to increase the number of DBA/2J blastocysts transferred, and to foster the DBA/2J pups to other DBA/2J mothers postnatally for in-strain transfer of DBA/2J mice.  相似文献   
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