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H Wu  S Roy  M Alami  BR Green  DA Campbell 《Plant physiology》2012,160(1):464-476
Diatoms are important contributors to aquatic primary production, and can dominate phytoplankton communities under variable light regimes. We grew two marine diatoms, the small Thalassiosira pseudonana and the large Coscinodiscus radiatus, across a range of temperatures and treated them with a light challenge to understand their exploitation of variable light environments. In the smaller T. pseudonana, photosystem II (PSII) photoinactivation outran the clearance of PSII protein subunits, particularly in cells grown at sub- or supraoptimal temperatures. In turn the absorption cross section serving PSII photochemistry was down-regulated in T. pseudonana through induction of a sustained phase of nonphotochemical quenching that relaxed only slowly over 30 min of subsequent low-light incubation. In contrast, in the larger diatom C. radiatus, PSII subunit turnover was sufficient to counteract a lower intrinsic susceptibility to photoinactivation, and C. radiatus thus did not need to induce sustained nonphotochemical quenching under the high-light treatment. T. pseudonana thus incurs an opportunity cost of sustained photosynthetic down-regulation after the end of an upward light shift, whereas the larger C. radiatus can maintain a balanced PSII repair cycle under comparable conditions.  相似文献   
In response to inflammatory cytokines, chondrocytes and synovial fibroblasts produce high amounts of prostaglandins (PG) which self-perpetuate locally the inflammatory reaction. Prostaglandins act primarily through membrane receptors coupled to G proteins but also bind to nuclear Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs). Amongst fatty acids, the cyclopentenone metabolite of PGD2, 15-deoxy-Delta12,14PGJ2 (15d-PGJ2), was shown to be a potent ligand of the PPARgamma isotype prone to inhibit the production of inflammatory mediators. As the stimulated synthesis of PGE2 originates from the preferential coupling of inducible enzymes, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and membrane PGE synthase-1 (mPGES-1), we investigated the potency of 15d-PGJ2 to regulate prostaglandins synthesis in rat chondrocytes stimulated with interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). We demonstrated that 15d-PGJ2, but not the high-affinity PPARgamma ligand rosiglitazone, decreased almost completely PGE2 synthesis and mPGES-1 expression. The inhibitory potency of 15d-PGJ2 was unaffected by changes in PPARgamma expression and resulted from inhibition of NF-kappaB nuclear binding and IkappaBalpha sparing, secondary to reduced phosphorylation of IKKbeta. Consistently with 15d-PGJ2 being a putative endogenous regulator of the inflammatory reaction if synthesized in sufficient amounts, the present data confirm the variable PPARgamma-dependency of its effects in joint cells while underlining possible species and cell types specificities.  相似文献   
Cysteine proteinase inhibitors of the cystatin superfamily have several important functions in plants, including the inhibition of exogenous cysteine proteinases during herbivory or infection. Here we used a maximum-likelihood approach to assess whether plant cystatins, like other proteins implicated in host-pest interactions, have been subject to positive selection during the course of their evolution. Several amino acid sites were identified as being positively selected in cystatins from either Poaceae (monocots) and Solanaceae (dicots). These hypervariable sites were located at strategic positions on the protein: on each side of the conserved glycine residues in the N-terminal trunk, within the first and second inhibitory loops entering the active site of target enzymes, and surrounding the larfav motif, a sequence of unknown function conserved among plant cystatins. Supporting the assumption that positively selected, hypervariable sites are indicative of amino acid sites implicated in functional diversity, mutants of the 8th cystatin unit of tomato multicystatin including alternative residues at positively selected sites in the N-terminal trunk exhibited highly variable affinities for the cysteine proteases papain, cathepsin B and cathepsin H. Overall, these observations support the hypothesis that plant cystatins have been under selective pressure to evolve in response to predatory challenges by herbivorous enemies. They also indicate the potential of site-directed mutagenesis at positively selected sites for the generation of cystatins with improved binding properties.  相似文献   
The fundamental unit of biological diversity is the species. However, a remarkable extent of intraspecies diversity in bacteria was discovered by genome sequencing, and it reveals the need to develop clear criteria to group strains within a species. Two main types of analyses used to quantify intraspecies variation at the genome level are the average nucleotide identity (ANI), which detects the DNA conservation of the core genome, and the DNA content, which calculates the proportion of DNA shared by two genomes. Both estimates are based on BLAST alignments for the definition of DNA sequences common to the genome pair. Interestingly, however, results using these methods on intraspecies pairs are not well correlated. This prompted us to develop a genomic-distance index taking into account both criteria of diversity, which are based on DNA maximal unique matches (MUM) shared by two genomes. The values, called MUMi, for MUM index, correlate better with the ANI than with the DNA content. Moreover, the MUMi groups strains in a way that is congruent with routinely used multilocus sequence-typing trees, as well as with ANI-based trees. We used the MUMi to determine the relatedness of all available genome pairs at the species and genus levels. Our analysis reveals a certain consistency in the current notion of bacterial species, in that the bulk of intraspecies and intragenus values are clearly separable. It also confirms that some species are much more diverse than most. As the MUMi is fast to calculate, it offers the possibility of measuring genome distances on the whole database of available genomes.  相似文献   
Recently, we have observed a nuclear localization for human α1‐antichymotrypsin (AACT) expressed in the cytosol of transgenic Bright Yellow‐2 (BY‐2) tobacco cultured cells (see accompanying paper: Benchabane, M., Saint‐Jore‐Dupas, C., Bardor, M., Faye, L., Michaud, D. and Gomord, V. (2008a) Targeting and post‐translational processing of human α1‐antichymotrypsin in BY‐2 tobacco cultured cells. Plant Biotechnol. J. doi: 10.1111/j.1467‐7652.2008.00382.x). In the present article, we assess whether the intrinsic DNA‐binding activity of AACT can explain its nuclear localization, and whether this same activity has an impact on its protease inhibitory potency and stability in planta. An engineered form of AACT with no DNA‐binding activity, rAACTΔK, was compared with the wild‐type polypeptide, rAACT, in terms of chymotrypsin inhibitory potency, stability in planta and distribution in tobacco cells. In accordance with available data reporting distinct sites for protease inhibition and DNA binding, rAACT and rAACTΔK showed similar antichymotrypsin activity, similar to the activity of native AACT purified from human plasma. As observed for AACT in BY‐2 tobacco cells, a green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐AACT fusion transiently expressed in the cytosol of tobacco leaf epidermal cells was detected mainly in the nucleus by confocal laser microscopy. By contrast, rAACTΔK expressed as a GFP fusion showed a balanced distribution between the cytosol and the nucleus, similar to the distribution pattern of free GFP exhibiting no DNA‐binding affinity. In line with immunodetection data showing higher accumulation levels for GFP‐AACT in tobacco leaf cells, rAACTΔK was more susceptible than rAACT to tryptic digestion in the presence of DNA. Overall, these observations suggest the following: (i) a retention effect of DNA on AACT in the nucleus; and (ii) a stabilizing effect of the AACT–DNA interaction on rAACT challenged with non‐target proteases, which, possibly, may be useful in protecting this protein in plant expression platforms.  相似文献   
Infectious diseases have been paramount among the threats to health and survival throughout human evolutionary history. Natural selection is therefore expected to act strongly on host defense genes, particularly on innate immunity genes whose products mediate the direct interaction between the host and the microbial environment. In insects and mammals, the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) appear to play a major role in initiating innate immune responses against microbes. In humans, however, it has been speculated that the set of TLRs could be redundant for protective immunity. We investigated how natural selection has acted upon human TLRs, as an approach to assess their level of biological redundancy. We sequenced the ten human TLRs in a panel of 158 individuals from various populations worldwide and found that the intracellular TLRs—activated by nucleic acids and particularly specialized in viral recognition—have evolved under strong purifying selection, indicating their essential non-redundant role in host survival. Conversely, the selective constraints on the TLRs expressed on the cell surface—activated by compounds other than nucleic acids—have been much more relaxed, with higher rates of damaging nonsynonymous and stop mutations tolerated, suggesting their higher redundancy. Finally, we tested whether TLRs have experienced spatially-varying selection in human populations and found that the region encompassing TLR10-TLR1-TLR6 has been the target of recent positive selection among non-Africans. Our findings indicate that the different TLRs differ in their immunological redundancy, reflecting their distinct contributions to host defense. The insights gained in this study foster new hypotheses to be tested in clinical and epidemiological genetics of infectious disease.  相似文献   
Debaryomyces hansenii, a yeast that participates in the elaboration of foodstuff, displays important genetic diversity. Our recent phylogenetic classification of this species led to the subdivision of the species into three distinct clades. D. hansenii harbors the highest number of nuclear mitochondrial DNA (NUMT) insertions known so far for hemiascomycetous yeasts. Here we assessed the intraspecific variability of the NUMTs in this species by testing their presence/absence first in 28 strains, with 21 loci previously detected in the completely sequenced strain CBS 767T, and second in a larger panel of 77 strains, with 8 most informative loci. We were able for the first time to structure populations in D. hansenii, although we observed little NUMT insertion variability within the clades. We determined the chronology of the NUMT insertions, which turned out to correlate with the previously defined taxonomy and provided additional evidence that colonization of nuclear genomes by mitochondrial DNA is a dynamic process in yeast. In combination with flow cytometry experiments, the NUMT analysis revealed the existence of both haploid and diploid strains, the latter being heterozygous and resulting from at least four crosses among strains from the various clades. As in the diploid pathogen Candida albicans, to which D. hansenii is phylogenetically related, we observed a differential loss of heterozygosity in the diploid strains, which can explain some of the large genetic diversity found in D. hansenii over the years.Debaryomyces hansenii is a ubiquist, hemiascomycetous yeast that can be found in soil, fruits, and various manufactured foodstuff in which it participates by contributing to the maturation or as a contaminant. Its ability to grow at low temperatures and in high salinity environments makes it the most common yeast in cheeses, to which it brings a number of proteolytic and lipolytic activities and aromas in the course of maturation. D. hansenii has also been implicated as an emerging pathogen, sometimes under the name of Candida famata var. famata (see reference 17). Taxonomic classification of the species related to D. hansenii has always been subject to debate. Recent analyses have reinstated D. hansenii (previously D. hansenii var. hansenii), Debaryomyces fabryi (previously D. hansenii var. fabryi), and Debaryomyces subglobosus (previously Candida famata var. flareri) (13, 25). Phylogenetic analysis using conserved spliceosomal intron sequence comparison has shown that D. hansenii is a complex of species, which comprises at least four members: D. hansenii, Debaryomyces tyrocola, D. fabryi, and Candida flareri (previously Candida famata var. flareri) (18). In addition, our study has revealed the existence of at least three populations (clades 1 to 3) in D. hansenii, with the first one containing the strain CBS 767T, which has been entirely sequenced (8), and the last one containing Candida famata var. famata CBS 1795.Most eukaryotic nuclear genomes contain pieces of mitochondrial sequences (designated NUMT [nuclear mitochondrial DNA] for nuclear sequences of mitochondrial origin) that result from the transfer of fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to the chromosomes. The number and size of the NUMTs varies greatly between eukaryotic genomes (33). A recent investigation of six hemiascomycetous yeasts has shown that even within this monophyletic group, the number of NUMTs varies greatly, from 1 in Kluyveromyces thermotolerans CBS 6340T to 145 in D. hansenii CBS 767T (36). The mtDNA is thought to invade nuclear genomes during the repair of chromosomal DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), as shown experimentally in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (31, 44). The colonization of nuclear genomes by mtDNA is a dynamic evolutionary process, as observed in yeast and humans (3, 32).D. hansenii harbors the highest number of NUMTs known so far for hemiascomycetous yeasts, making it of particular interest for NUMT studies. Conversely, NUMTs are potentially interesting markers to differentiate strains of this species. The 145 NUMTs of type strain CBS 767T are distributed in 86 loci (61 single NUMTs and 25 clusters). Most clusters (23, 25) are mosaics of NUMTs formed from noncontiguous mtDNA fragments inserted in random orientation at the same chromosomal locus. In the other two clusters, the NUMTs are all in the same orientation and order, as in the mitochondrial genome. These clusters (designated “processions”) correspond to a single ancient mtDNA insertion, followed by mutational decay, leaving recognizable mtDNA segments separated by more diverged sequences (36).Few studies have attempted to evaluate the variability of NUMTs within the same species (2, 23, 32). Here, we have studied natural isolates to assess the intraspecific variability of the NUMT insertions in the nuclear genome of the yeast species D. hansenii. We were able to structure populations in this species, to determine the chronology of the NUMT insertions, and to correlate this chronology to the taxonomy of the D. hansenii complex species. Moreover, NUMT analysis revealed the existence of both haploid and diploid strains, the latter resulting from crosses between different D. hansenii clades.  相似文献   
Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of osteoclast function widely used to treat conditions of excessive bone resorption, including tumor bone metastases. Recent evidence indicates that bisphosphonates have direct cytotoxic activity on tumor cells and suppress angiogenesis, but the associated molecular events have not been fully characterized. In this study we investigated the effects of zoledronate, a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate, and clodronate, a non-nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate, on human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) adhesion, migration, and survival, three events essential for angiogenesis. Zoledronate inhibited HUVEC adhesion mediated by integrin alphaVbeta3, but not alpha5beta1, blocked migration and disrupted established focal adhesions and actin stress fibers without modifying cell surface integrin expression level or affinity. Zoledronate treatment slightly decreased HUVEC viability and strongly enhanced tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced cell death. HUVEC treated with zoledronate and TNF died without evidence of enhanced annexin-V binding, chromatin condensation, or nuclear fragmentation and caspase dependence. Zoledronate inhibited sustained phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and in combination with TNF, with and without interferon (IFN) gamma, of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). Constitutive active PKB/Akt protected HUVEC from death induced by zoledronate and TNF/IFNgamma. Phosphorylation of c-Src and activation of NF-kappaB were not affected by zoledronate. Clodronate had no effect on HUVEC adhesion, migration, and survival nor did it enhanced TNF cytotoxicity. Taken together these data demonstrate that zoledronate sensitizes endothelial cells to TNF-induced, caspase-independent programmed cell death and point to the FAK-PKB/Akt pathway as a novel zoledronate target. These results have potential implications to the clinical use of zoledronate as an anti-angiogenic or anti-cancer agent.  相似文献   
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