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This review summarises the state of knowledge of both viral and bacterial diseases of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua, and their diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment. The most important losses have been at the larval and juvenile stages, and vibriosis has long been the most important bacterial disease in cod, with Listonella (Vibrio) anguillarum dominant among pathogenic isolates. Vaccination of cod against pathogens such as L. anguillarum and Aeromonas salmonicida clearly demonstrates that the cod immune system possesses an effective memory and appropriate mechanisms sufficient for protection, at least against some diseases. Well-known viruses such as the nodavirus that causes viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) have been isolated from Atlantic cod and can be a potential problem under intensive rearing conditions. No commercial vaccines against nodavirus are currently available, whereas vaccines against IPNV infections based upon inactivated virus as well as IPNV recombinant antigens are available. A number of investigations of the pharmacokinetic properties of antibacterial agents in cod and their efficacy in treating bacterial infections have been reviewed.  相似文献   
In the present study we investigated the respiratory burst (RB) activity of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) blood phagocytes and we evaluated how the RB activity of cod blood cells differ from that of trout. The RB activities were measured directly from highly diluted whole blood as luminol-amplified chemiluminescence (CL) under various conditions. Studies regarding the blood dilutions for cod whole blood chemiluminescence measurements (WBCL) revealed that at a final blood dilution of 1.5 microl ml(-1) or less the CL response was strictly proportional to the number of phagocytes. This range of blood dilution did not markedly differ from that of trout. However, the opsonisation capacity of cod plasma was markedly poorer. The RB activity of phagocytes was most active at 15 degrees C when heterologous cod serum was used as a source of opsonin, whereas at final blood dilution of 8.0 microl ml(-1) (when homologous cod plasma was at a higher concentration) the highest RB activity was observed at 10 degrees C. Aeromonas salmonicida strain MT004 (As MT004) induced higher RB activity than the two known pathogens for cod, atypical A. salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum. Cod blood phagocytes were more responsive to plastic surfaces and the adhesion response of phagocytes was partly inhibited but did not totally vanish even at a final gelatin concentration of 0.4%. Moreover, cod serum enhanced the adherence of phagocytes and cod blood phagocytes also showed slow spontaneous degranulation. Finally, within the tested anticoagulants (heparin, Na-citrate, EDTA) heparin treated blood phagocytes generated the highest RB activity.  相似文献   
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are normal constituents of the diet, but have properties different from other fatty acids (e.g., through generation of signaling molecules). N-3 PUFAs reduce cancer cell growth, but no unified mechanism has been identified. We show that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 n-3) causes extensive changes in gene expression patterns at mRNA level in the colon cancer cell line SW620. Early changes include unfolded protein response (UPR) and increased levels of phosphorylated eIF2alpha as verified at protein level. The latter is considered a hallmark of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and is abundantly present already after 3 h. It may coordinate many of the downstream changes observed, including signaling pathways for cell cycle arrest/apoptosis, calcium homeostasis, cholesterol metabolism, ubiquitination, and proteasomal degradation. Also, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), but not oleic acid (OA), induced key mediators of ER stress and UPR at protein level. Accumulation of esterified cholesterol was not compensated for by increased total levels of cholesterol, and mRNAs for cholesterol biosynthesis as well as de novo synthesis of cholesterol were reduced. These results suggest that cytotoxic effects of DHA are associated with signaling pathways involving lipid metabolism and ER stress.  相似文献   
Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) is present in low amounts in plasma and has been found to modulate triacylglycerol levels in humans and in animal models. ApoA-V displays affinity for members of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) gene family, known as the classical lipoprotein receptors, including LRP1 and SorLA/LR11. In addition to LDL-A binding repeats, the mosaic receptor SorLA/LR11 also possesses a Vps10p domain. Here we show that apoA-V also binds to sortilin, a receptor from the Vsp10p domain gene family that lacks LDL-A repeats. Binding of apoA-V to sortilin was competed by neurotensin, a ligand that binds specifically to the Vps10p domain. To investigate the biological fate of receptor-bound apoA-V, binding experiments were conducted with cultured human embryonic kidney cells transfected with either SorLA/LR11 or sortilin. Compared with nontransfected cells, apoA-V binding to SorLA/LR11- and sortilin-expressing cells was markedly enhanced. Internalization experiments, live imaging studies, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer analyses demonstrated that labeled apoA-V was rapidly internalized, co-localized with receptors in early endosomes, and followed the receptors through endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. The observed decrease of fluorescence signal intensity as a function of time during live imaging experiments suggested ligand uncoupling in endosomes with subsequent delivery to lysosomes for degradation. This interpretation was supported by experiments with (125)I-labeled apoA-V, demonstrating clear differences in degradation between transfected and nontransfected cells. We conclude that apoA-V binds to receptors possessing LDL-A repeats and Vsp10p domains and that apoA-V is internalized into cells via these receptors. This could be a mechanism by which apoA-V modulates lipoprotein metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   
The aim of this experiment was to investigate pigs’ preferences for rooting materials. Eighteen materials were allocated to six categories each of which consisted of three similar materials based on characteristics such as structure, size of particles, complexity, destructibility and digestibility. Twelve pairs of pigs chose among the three materials of each of the six categories in a balanced design. Within each category each pair was given four instantaneous choices among the three materials in a three-armed maze. ‘No choice’ was scored if the pigs did not enter one of the maze-arms within 90 s. Thus there were four options in each choice situation. The results were analysed using a random utility model incorporating random intercepts to account for the repeated testing of the same animals. The pigs expressed clear preferences within the category EARTH, where compost and peat were preferred to wood-shavings and no choice. In the category CHIP the most probable rank-order was spruce chip, willow chip, fir chip and no choice, while in the category ROUGH the most probable rank-order was maize-silage, grass silage, sugar beets and no choice. However, in these two categories none of the probabilities were sufficiently large to signify a preference for any of the three materials although the probabilities of the ‘no choice’ option were low. The pigs expressed no preferences among any of the four options including ‘no choice’ in the categories TOY (sisal robe, Bite-Rite, wooden beam), HAY (alfalfa hay mixed with straw, seed grass hay, barley straw with under-seed), and STRAW (long straw, chopped straw and straw pellets).  相似文献   
Recent research into the possibility of there being life in the Solar System other than on the Earth has suggested that Jupiter may be a good candidate. The reactions within its atmosphere, both photolytic and electrical, lead to the formation of many nitrile and amino compounds. We have simulated electrical discharges in the Jovian atmosphere, using anhydrous methane-ammonia mixtures, and shown the formation of simple aliphatic nitriles, amino-nitriles, and their oligomers. Including hydrogen sulfide in the gas mixture, it appears that sulfur-containing amino-nitriles are not formed, since the hydrolysate of the products did not contain the corresponding amino-acids. There is a strong analogy between these reactions and the classical spark reactions simulating the primitive Earth's atmosphere. We are attempting a closer simulation of Jupiter's atmosphere by using appropriate temperature and pressure conditions. It seems that prebiotic synthesis on Jupiter may have reached an advanced state. As an alternative approach we have tested the survival ability of common terrestrial microorganisms in aqueous media at 102 atmospheres pressure and at 20°C. in a simulated Jovian atmosphere.E. coli, S. marcescens, A. aerogenes andB. subtilis will all tolerate 24 h. under these conditions with conditions with little death. The ability of terrestrial organisms to survive Jovian atmospheric conditions, coupled with the likelihood of advanced prebiotic synthesis, suggests that a parallel evolution of life may have occurred on Jupiter and Earth, and that the two forms need not be so different as has been supposed. Lunar Science Institute Contribution.  相似文献   
Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorders (SMD) is a major public health challenge that warrants action. The number and scope of truly tested interventions in this area remain limited, and strategies for implementation and scaling up of programmes with a strong evidence base are scarce. Furthermore, the majority of available interventions focus on a single or an otherwise limited number of risk factors. Here we present a multilevel model highlighting risk factors for excess mortality in persons with SMD at the individual, health system and socio‐environmental levels. Informed by that model, we describe a comprehensive framework that may be useful for designing, implementing and evaluating interventions and programmes to reduce excess mortality in persons with SMD. This framework includes individual‐focused, health system‐focused, and community level and policy‐focused interventions. Incorporating lessons learned from the multilevel model of risk and the comprehensive intervention framework, we identify priorities for clinical practice, policy and research agendas.  相似文献   
The defence system of the distal gut (hindgut and rectum) of Atlantic cod, (Gadus morhua L.) was studied using (immuno)histochemical, electron microscopical and real-time quantitative PCR techniques. The uptake and transport of macromolecules in the intestinal epithelium was also investigated.In this study we observed that cod has many and large goblet cells in its intestinal epithelium and that IgM+ cells are present in the lamina propria and their number is considerably higher in the rectum than in the intestine. Myeloperoxidase staining revealed low numbers of granulocytes in and under the epithelium of the distal intestine, whereas high numbers were found clustered in the submucosa of the rectum. Electron microscopy not only confirmed these observations, but also revealed the presence of lymphoid cells and macrophages within the intestinal epithelium. Acid phosphatase staining demonstrated more positive macrophage-like cells in the rectum than in the distal intestine. Antigen uptake studies showed a diffused absorption of horse radish peroxidase (HRP) and LTB-GFP, whereas ferritin uptake could not be detected.Basal gene expression of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-8 and IL-10) and immune relevant molecules (hepcidin and BPI/LPB) were compared in both the intestine and rectum and revealed approximately 2–9 times higher expression in the rectum, of which IL-1β expression showed the most prominent difference.The present results clearly indicate that intestinal immunity is very prominent in the rectum of cod.  相似文献   
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