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Ferredoxin (Fd) is the major iron-containing protein in photosynthetic organisms and is central to reductive metabolism in the chloroplast. The Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genome encodes six plant type [Fe2S2] ferredoxins, products of PETF, FDX2–FDX6. We performed the functional analysis of these ferredoxins by localizing Fd, Fdx2, Fdx3, and Fdx6 to the chloroplast by using isoform-specific antibodies and monitoring the pattern of gene expression by iron and copper nutrition, nitrogen source, and hydrogen peroxide stress. In addition, we also measured the midpoint redox potentials of Fd and Fdx2 and determined the kinetic parameters of their reactions with several ferredoxin-interacting proteins, namely nitrite reductase, Fd:NADP+ oxidoreductase, and Fd:thioredoxin reductase. We found that each of the FDX genes is differently regulated in response to changes in nutrient supply. Moreover, we show that Fdx2 (Em = −321 mV), whose expression is regulated by nitrate, is a more efficient electron donor to nitrite reductase relative to Fd. Overall, the results suggest that each ferredoxin isoform has substrate specificity and that the presence of multiple ferredoxin isoforms allows for the allocation of reducing power to specific metabolic pathways in the chloroplast under various growth conditions.Ferredoxins are small (∼11,000-kDa), soluble, iron-sulfur cluster-containing proteins with strongly negative redox potentials (−350 to −450 mV) that function as electron donors at reductive steps in various metabolic pathways (13). In photosynthetic organisms, the well studied ferredoxin (Fd4; the product of the PETF gene) is the most abundant iron-containing protein in the chloroplast and is central to the distribution of photosynthetically derived reductive power (4).The most well known Fd-dependent reaction is the transfer of electrons from photosystem I (PSI) to NADPH, catalyzed by Fd:NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR). The NADPH produced by this reaction donates electrons to the only reductant-requiring step in the Calvin cycle and other steps in anabolic pathways that require NADPH as reductant. In addition, reduced Fd directly donates electrons to other metabolic pathways by interacting with various enzymes in the chloroplast. This includes Fd:thioredoxin reductase (FTR), which converts a light-driven electron signal into a thiol signal that is transmitted to thioredoxins (TRXs) present in the plastid as different types (or different isoforms). Once reduced, TRXs interact with specific disulfide bonds on target enzymes, modulating their activities (5). Other Fd targets include hydrogenase, which is responsible for hydrogen production in anaerobic conditions in green algae; glutamine-oxoglutarate amidotransferase in amino acid synthesis; nitrite and sulfite reductases in nitrate and sulfate assimilation, respectively; stearoyl-ACP Δ9-desaturase in fatty acid desaturation; and phycocyanobilin:Fd oxidoreductase in synthesis of phytochromobilin (6). Fd also functions in non-photosynthetic cells. Here, FNR catalyzes the reduction of Fd by NADPH produced in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, enabling Fd-dependent metabolism to occur in the dark (7, 8).The single-celled green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is an excellent reference organism for studying both metabolic adaptation to nutrient stress and photosynthesis (913). The Chlamydomonas genome encodes six highly related plant type ferredoxin genes (9). Until recently, only the major photosynthetic ferredoxin, Fd (encoded by PETF), which mediates electron transfer between PSI and FNR, had been characterized in detail (14).Many land plants are known to have multiple ferredoxins. Typically, they are differently localized on the basis of their function. Photosynthetic ferredoxins reduce NADP+ at a faster rate and are localized to the leaves, whereas non-photosynthetic ferredoxins are more efficiently reduced by NADPH and are localized to the roots. Arabidopsis thaliana has a total of six ferredoxin isoforms (15). Of these, two are photosynthetic and localized in the leaves. The most abundant, AtFd2, is involved in linear electron flow, and the less abundant (5% of the ferredoxin pool), AtFd1, has been implicated in cyclic electron flow (16). There is one non-photosynthetic ferredoxin located in the roots, AtFd3, which is nitrate-inducible. This protein has higher electron transfer activity with sulfite reductase in in vitro assays compared with other Arabidopsis ferredoxin isoforms, suggesting in vivo function of AtFd3 in nitrate and sulfate assimilation (15, 17). In addition, there is one evolutionarily distant ferredoxin, AtFd4, of unknown function with a more positive redox potential present in the leaves and two other proteins which are “ferredoxin-like” and uncharacterized (15). Zea mays has four ferredoxin isoforms, two photosynthetic and two non-photosynthetic (18). One of the non-photosynthetic isoforms is specifically induced by nitrite, suggestive of a role in nitrate metabolism (19). A cyanobacterium, Anabaena 7120, has two ferredoxins, vegetative and heterocyst type (by analogy to leaf and root types, respectively). The heterocyst type is present only in cells that have differentiated into nitrogen-fixing cells, indicating that this form may serve to transfer electrons to nitrogenase (20).We hypothesize that the presence of as many as six ferredoxin isoforms in a single-celled organism like C. reinhardtii allows for the differential regulation of each isoform and therefore the prioritization of reducing power toward certain metabolic pathways under changing environmental conditions. To test this hypothesis, expression of the genes (PETF and FDX2–FDX6) encoding the six ferredoxin isoforms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was monitored under various conditions in which well characterized ferredoxin-dependent enzymes are known to be expressed. In addition, we also analyzed the interaction of Fd and Fdx2 with several ferredoxin-interacting proteins, such as NiR, FNR, and FTR, and determined the kinetic parameters of the corresponding reactions.We found that each of the FDX genes is indeed differently regulated in response to changes in nutrient supply. In the case of FDX2 whose product is most similar to classical Fd, we suggest that it has specificity for nitrite reductase based on its pattern of expression and activity with nitrite reductase.  相似文献   
To determine whether Fas or Fas ligand (FasL) plays a role in susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), we bred a TCR transgenic mouse specific for the Ac1-11 peptide of myelin basic protein to mice with inactivating mutations in Fas (lpr) or FasL (gld). Disease induction by peptide immunization in such mice produced similar disease scores, demonstrating that Fas/FasL interactions were not necessary to generate EAE. However, adoptive transfer experiments showed evidence that these interactions can play a role in the pathogenesis of EAE, shown most dramatically by the absence of disease following transfer of cells from a normal myelin basic protein TCR transgenic mouse into a Fas-deficient lpr recipient. Furthermore, transfer of cells lacking FasL (gld) into normal or gld recipients gave a diminished disease score. Thus, Fas/FasL interactions can play a role in the pathogenesis of EAE, but they are not required for disease to occur.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to investigate tumor-specific changes in the proteome of human colorectal cancers and adjacent normal mucosa. For each of six patients with different stages of colon cancer, Cy5-labeled proteins isolated from tumor tissue were combined with Cy3-labeled proteins isolated from neighboring normal mucosa and separated on the same 2-D gel along with a Cy2-labeled mixture of all 12 normal/tumor samples as an internal standard. Over 1500 protein spot-features were analyzed in each paired normal/tumor comparison, and using DIGE technology with the mixed-sample internal standard, statistically significant quantitative comparisons of each protein abundance change could be made across multiple samples simultaneously without interference due to gel-to-gel variation. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) and tandem (TOF/TOF) MS provided sensitive and accurate mass spectral data for database interrogation, resulting in the identification of 52 unique proteins (including redundancies due to proteolysis and post-translationally modified isoforms) that were changing in abundance across the cohort. Without the benefit of the Cy2-labeled 12 sample mixture internal standard, 42 of these proteins would have been overlooked due to the large degree of variation inherent between normal and tumor samples.  相似文献   
The Ccs1 gene, encoding a highly divergent novel component of a system II type c-type cytochrome biogenesis pathway, is encoded by the previously defined CCS1 locus in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. phoA and lacZalpha bacterial topological reporters were used to deduce a topological model of the Synechocystis sp. 6803 Ccs1 homologue, CcsB. CcsB, and therefore by analogy Ccs1, possesses a large soluble lumenal domain at its C terminus that is tethered in the thylakoid membrane by three closely spaced transmembrane domains in the N-terminal portion of the protein. Molecular analysis of ccs1 alleles reveals that the entire C-terminal soluble domain is essential for Ccs1 function and that a stromal loop appears to be important in vivo, at least for maintenance of Ccs1. Site-directed mutational analysis reveals that a single histidine (His(274)) within the last transmembrane domain, preceding the large lumenal domain, is required for c-type cytochrome assembly, whereas an invariant cysteine residue (Cys(199)) is shown to be non-essential. Ccs1 is proposed to interact with other Ccs components based on its reduced accumulation in ccs2, ccs3, ccs4, and ccsA strains.  相似文献   
About 25% of humans with chronic gastritis are negative for Helicobacter pylori, suggesting that other bacteria are capable of causing inflammation. Bacterial overgrowth may occur in the stomach under conditions of reduced acid secretion. In this review, we will explore what is generally known about non-H. pylori organisms and their ability to induce gastritis, with particular focus on Acinetobacter lwoffi.  相似文献   
Myocardial iron deficiency complicates chronic intrauterine hypoxemia during diabetic pregnancies. To understand the effect of both conditions during fetal life on intracardiac iron prioritization, we measured heart myoglobin, cytochrome c, and elemental iron concentrations in six iron-deficient, hypoxic, five iron-sufficient, hypoxic, six iron-deficient, normoxic, and six iron-sufficient, normoxic newborn guinea pigs. The iron-deficient, hypoxic group had lower heart iron (p = 0.03) but higher myoglobin concentration (p < 0.0001) when compared with the iron-sufficient, normoxic group. The percentage of iron incorporated into myoglobin was higher than control in the iron-deficient, hypoxic group (23.2+/-7.2% vs. 5.2+/-0.8%; p < 0.001) and increased as total heart iron decreased (r = 0.97; p < 0.001). In contrast, heart cytochrome c concentration was lower than control in the iron-deficient, hypoxic group (p = 0.01), with equal percentages of heart iron incorporated into cytochrome c. This intracellular prioritization of myocardial iron to myoglobin and away from cytochrome c following combined fetal hypoxemia and iron deficiency may represent an adaptive mechanism to preserve myocardial tissue oxygenation, although at the expense of oxidative phosphorylative capability.  相似文献   
Acharya  S; Rayborn  ME; Hollyfield  JG 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):997-1006
Rod and cone photoreceptors project from the outer retinal surface into a carbohydrate-rich interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM). Unique IPM glycoconjugates are distributed around rods and cones. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) strongly decorates the rod matrix domains and weakly decorates the cone matrix domains. This study characterizes the major WGA-binding glycoprotein in the human IPM, which we refer to as SPACR (sialoprotein associated with cones and rods). SPACR, which has a molecular weight of 147 kDa, was isolated and purified from the IPM by lectin affinity chromatography. A polyclonal antibody to SPACR was prepared that colocalizes in tissue preparations with WGA-binding domains in the IPM. Sequential digestion of SPACR with N- and O- glycosidases results in a systematic increase in electrophorectic mobility, indicating the presence of both N- and O-linked glycoconjugates. Complete deglycosylation results in a reduction in the relative molecular mass of SPACR by about 30%. Analysis of lectin binding allowed us to identify some of the structural characteristics of SPACR glycoconjugates. Treatment with neuraminidase exposes Galbeta1- 3GalNAc disaccharide as indicated by positive peanut agglutinin (PNA) staining, accompanied by the loss of WGA staining. Maackia amurensis agglutinins (MAA-1 and MAA-2), specific for sialic acid in alpha2-3 linkage to Gal, bind SPACR, while Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), specific for alpha2-6 linked sialic acid, does not, indicating that the dominant glycoconjugate determinant on SPACR is the O-linked carbohydrate, NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc. The abundance of sialic acid in SPACR suggests that this glycoprotein may contribute substantially to the polyanionic nature of the IPM. The carbohydrate chains present on SPACR could also provide sites for extensive crosslinking and participate in the formation of the ordered IPM lattice that surrounds the elongate photoreceptors projecting from the outer retinal surface.   相似文献   
Aim  Increasing aridity over geological time-scales has driven a high degree of speciation within the Eucalyptus group in Australia. Isolation of gene pools by climatic and edaphic conditions and high rates of out-crossing have given rise to a large diversity of adaptive traits. Among these traits, adaptations of cellular biochemistry are likely to be significant in preserving cellular function during arid conditions. The aim of this study was to determine the quantitative and qualitative distribution of soluble carbohydrates and polyols in Eucalyptus .
Location  Australia.
Methods  We sampled 279 of the 700+ documented eucalypts (in the three genera comprising the eucalypts: Angophora Cav., Corymbia Hill & Johnson and Eucalyptus L'Hér.) and analysed leaf tissues for the occurrence of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates and polyols.
Results  We have uncovered a discrete pattern in concentration of quercitol (a cyclitol) that correlates strongly with the current taxonomic classification based on both morphology and DNA sequencing. We also uncovered a further and stronger correlation between the presence of quercitol in leaf tissues and a reduced growth (mallee) form.
Main conclusions  These findings, together with the chemical properties of quercitol, suggest that we have uncovered a chemical marker of structural adaptations to arid conditions, thus providing a putative, broad-scale functional link to adaptation to aridity.  相似文献   
To investigate the impact of iron deficiency on bioenergetic pathways in Chlamydomonas, we compared growth rates, iron content, and photosynthetic parameters systematically in acetate versus CO2-grown cells. Acetate-grown cells have, predictably (2-fold) greater abundance of respiration components but also, counter-intuitively, more chlorophyll on a per cell basis. We found that phototrophic cells are less impacted by iron deficiency and this correlates with their higher iron content on a per cell basis, suggesting a greater capacity/ability for iron assimilation in this metabolic state. Phototrophic cells maintain both photosynthetic and respiratory function and their associated Fe-containing proteins in conditions where heterotrophic cells lose photosynthetic capacity and have reduced oxygen evolution activity. Maintenance of NPQ capacity might contribute to protection of the photosynthetic apparatus in iron-limited phototrophic cells. Acetate-grown iron-limited cells maintain high growth rates by suppressing photosynthesis but increasing instead respiration. These cells are also able to maintain a reduced plastoquinone pool.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular green alga, has been exploited as a reference organism for identifying proteins and activities associated with the photosynthetic apparatus and the functioning of chloroplasts. Recently, the full genome sequence of Chlamydomonas was generated and a set of gene models, representing all genes on the genome, was developed. Using these gene models, and gene models developed for the genomes of other organisms, a phylogenomic, comparative analysis was performed to identify proteins encoded on the Chlamydomonas genome which were likely involved in chloroplast functions (or specifically associated with the green algal lineage); this set of proteins has been designated the GreenCut. Further analyses of those GreenCut proteins with uncharacterized functions and the generation of mutant strains aberrant for these proteins are beginning to unmask new layers of functionality/regulation that are integrated into the workings of the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
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