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Pulmonary invades the lung parenchyma and vessels, causing necrotizing pneumonia and massive hemoptysis in immunocompromised patients. Medical treatment alone often fails to clear the organism. Early surgical intervention is advocated in localized disease to remove infection near pulmonary vessels. The resection is limited in an attempt to preserve as much lung function as possible. However, preexisting cavitations and lung disease predispose to postoperative space problems, including prolonged air leak, bronchopleural fistula, and empyema. Muscle flaps provide a solution to these problems by obliterating residual space and providing protective coverage to the bronchial stump. The authors present four cases of pulmonary aspergillosis treated by multimodality therapy and extrathoracic muscle flap transposition. Factors that may contribute to successful treatment include underlying condition of the host and history of cancer, radiation therapy, and great vessel involvement. Despite aggressive medical and surgical therapy, pulmonary aspergillosis has a poor prognosis.  相似文献   
Gottlieb RA  Mentzer RM 《Autophagy》2011,7(4):434-435
Interventions that reduce infarct size in animal models have largely failed to improve outcome in patients suffering acute myocardial infarction (MI), or 'heart attack'. Our group recently reported a reduction of infarct size by chloramphenicol treatment in a porcine in vivo model of acute MI, through a mechanism involving the induction of autophagy. Since 2005 several studies have implicated autophagy as a target for cardioprotection.  相似文献   
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), one of the most common reasons of diarrhea among infants and children in developing countries, causes disease by expression of either or both of the enterotoxins heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST; divided into human-type [STh] and porcine-type [STp] variants), and colonization factors (CFs) among which CS6 is one of the most prevalent ETEC CFs. In this study we show that ETEC isolates expressing CS6+STh have higher copy numbers of the cssABCD operon encoding CS6 than those expressing CS6+STp. Long term cultivation of up to ten over-night passages of ETEC isolates harboring CS6+STh (n = 10) or CS6+STp (n = 15) showed instability of phenotypic expression of CS6 in a majority of the CS6+STp isolates, whereas most of the CS6+STh isolates retained CS6 expression. The observed instability was a correlated with loss of genes cssA and cssD as examined by PCR. Mobilization of the CS6 plasmid from an unstable CS6+STp isolate into a laboratory E. coli strain resulted in loss of the plasmid after a single over-night passage whereas the plasmid from an CS6+STh strain was retained in the laboratory strain during 10 passages. A sequence comparison between the CS6 plasmids from a stable and an unstable ETEC isolate revealed that genes necessary for plasmid stabilization, for example pemI, pemK, stbA, stbB and parM, were not present in the unstable ETEC isolate. Our results indicate that stable retention of CS6 may in part be affected by the stability of the plasmid on which both CS6 and STp or STh are located.  相似文献   
Human T lymphocyte adhesion to human endothelial cells is the initial event in T cell migration to areas of extravascular inflammation. The molecular basis for T cell-endothelial cell adhesion was investigated using two different cell-cell adhesion assays: a) a fluorescein cell-cell adhesion assay using nonadherent endothelial cells and fluorescein-labeled T lymphocytes, and b) a radionuclide cell-cell adhesion assay using adherent endothelial cells and 51Cr-labelled T cells. Both assay systems demonstrated comparable quantitative assessment of cell-cell adhesions. The assays were performed at 22 degrees C and adhesions were maximal at 30 min. The results of these adhesion assays confirmed previous reports that T cells adhere to endothelial cells. In addition, we have shown that T cells adhere only marginally to foreskin fibroblasts or bone marrow derived fibroblasts. T cell-endothelial cell adhesions were significantly stronger than either monocytes or B lymphoblastoid cells adhesion to endothelial cells. To demonstrate the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating T cell-endothelial cell adhesions, a panel of function-associated monoclonal antibodies (MAb) were tested for their ability to inhibit T cell adhesion. MAb reactive with the leukocyte surface glycoprotein LFA-1 significantly inhibited T cell-endothelial cell adhesions in both assay systems. In contrast, MAb directed at other surface antigens did not inhibit T cell adhesion. The involvement of the LFA-1 glycoprotein in T lymphocyte adhesion to endothelial cells suggest that the LFA-1 molecule may be important in the regulation of leukocyte interactions.  相似文献   
The alpha3 fucosyltransferase, FucT-VII, is one of the key glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of the sialyl Lewis X (sLex) antigen on human leukocytes. The sialyl Lewis X antigen (NeuAcalpha(2-3)Galbeta(1-4)[Fucalpha(1-3)]GlcNAc-R) is an essential component of the recruitment of leukocytes to sites of inflammation, mediating the primary interaction between circulating leukocytes and activated endothelium. In order to characterize the enzymatic properties of the leukocyte alpha3 fucosyltransferase FucT-VII, the enzyme has been expressed in Trichoplusia ni insect cells. The enzyme is capable of synthesizing both sLexand sialyl-dimeric-Lexstructures in vitro , from 3'-sialyl-lacNAc and VIM-2 structures, respectively, with only low levels of fucose transfer observed to neutral or 3'-sulfated acceptors. Studies using fucosylated NeuAcalpha(2-3)-(Galbeta(1- 4)GlcNAc)3-Me acceptors demonstrate that FucT-VII is able to synthesize both di-fucosylated and tri-fucosylated structures from mono- fucosylated precursors, but preferentially fucosylates the distal GlcNAc within a polylactosamine chain. Furthermore, the rate of fucosylation of the internal GlcNAc residues is reduced once fucose has been added to the distal GlcNAc. These results indicate that FucT-VII is capable of generating complex selectin ligands, in vitro , however the order of fucose addition to the lactosamine chain affects the rate of selectin ligand synthesis.   相似文献   
Tropical peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycling but little is known about factors regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from these ecosystems. Here, we test the hypotheses that (i) CO2 and CH4 are produced mainly from surface peat and (ii) that the contribution of subsurface peat to net C emissions is governed by substrate availability. To achieve this, in situ and ex situ CO2 and CH4 fluxes were determined throughout the peat profiles under three vegetation types along a nutrient gradient in a tropical ombrotrophic peatland in Panama. The peat was also characterized with respect to its organic composition using 13C solid state cross‐polarization magic‐angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Deep peat contributed substantially to CO2 effluxes both with respect to actual in situ and potential ex situ fluxes. CH4 was produced throughout the peat profile with distinct subsurface peaks, but net emission was limited by oxidation in the surface layers. CO2 and CH4 production were strongly substrate‐limited and a large proportion of the variance in their production (30% and 63%, respectively) was related to the quantity of carbohydrates in the peat. Furthermore, CO2 and CH4 production differed between vegetation types, suggesting that the quality of plant‐derived carbon inputs is an important driver of trace gas production throughout the peat profile. We conclude that the production of both CO2 and CH4 from subsurface peat is a substantial component of the net efflux of these gases, but that gas production through the peat profile is regulated in part by the degree of decomposition of the peat.  相似文献   
1. Benthic macroinvertebrates (MI) are commonly used to assess freshwater ecosystems with the reference condition approach. Such assessments necessitate control for natural community variation, either by categorical typologies or by predictive models that have been widely and successfully developed for running water biota but not previously for lake profundal invertebrates. 2. We evaluated four modelling techniques [multivariate regression tree (MRT), limiting environmental differences, nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) and River Invertebrate Prediction And Classification System (RIVPACS) and the operative Finnish lake typology for assessing taxonomic completeness (observed‐to‐expected number of taxa, O/E) of profundal MI assemblages. We used data from 74 and 33 minimally disturbed reference lake basins for calibration and validation of the approaches, respectively, and 72 test basins subject to various anthropogenic pressures to evaluate sensitivity to detect impact. Either all predicted taxa (threshold probability of capture Pt = 0+) or only those predicted to be captured with ≥0.25 probability were used to calculate O/E. 3. With Pt = 0.25, all four modelling approaches were accurate (mean O/E = 0.966–1.053) but imprecise (SD of O/E = 0.279–0.304) in predicting the fauna actually observed in validation sites. All models were subtly more precise than a null model (mean 1.038, SD 0.343) or the typology (1.046, 0.327). The taxon‐specific NPMR model was slightly more precise than the other three models based on site groupings. 4. The O/E values correlated relatively weakly (r = 0.55–0.86) among the approaches, which thus produced contrasting lake‐specific assessments, despite their seemingly comparable performances. Indeed, typology, suggesting that MI assemblages were impaired in 56% of test sites, was more sensitive than the other approaches (26–46%) as an indicator of human‐induced deterioration. However, this greater ostensible sensitivity seemed to be biased, as lake morphometry, a main driver of natural community variation, remained uncontrolled by the typology. 5. Generally, our exercise illustrates the inconclusiveness of the common validation criteria for the assessment methods. The apparent poor predictability of the profundal fauna, irrespective of the method, may partly stem from large observation error, which could be alleviated by more intensive sampling. However, instead of an O/E‐taxa index, some other metric encompassing quantitative aspects might be preferable for assessing these species‐poor communities.  相似文献   
Previous investigations from our laboratory and others have demonstrated that type II collagen, once thought to be a cartilage-specific molecule, is also a component of both the primary corneal stroma and the vitreous of embryonic chickens. In the present immunohistochemical study we have examined the expression in these embryonic matrices of another "cartilage-specific" collagen, type IX, along with type II. In the cornea, type IX collagen is in the primary stroma, but is not detectable in the mature, secondary stroma. Even within the primary stroma this collagen has a brief, transitory existence. It first appears in the peripheral stroma at the time the endothelial cells begin to migrate along its posterior surface, and spreads throughout the stroma during the following 24-36 hr. The epitopes on type IX collagen then suddenly become undetectable just before this matrix swells and becomes populated by the periocular mesenchymal cells (future keratocytes). In comparison, collagen type II (along with type I) is present in the stroma before and long after these events. Deposition of immunodetectable type IX collagen in the developing corneal stroma thus seems to be independent of type II. In the vitreous, we observed type IX collagen along with type II as soon as authentic vitreous could be identified and at all subsequent stages of development. In this tissue, therefore, the expression of collagen types IX and II appears to be coordinate.  相似文献   
The prevalence of diarrhoea in calves was investigated in 8 dairy farms in Mozambique at 4 occasions during 2 consecutive years. A total of 1241 calves up to 6 months of age were reared in the farms, and 63 (5%) of them had signs of diarrhoea. Two farms had an overall higher prevalence (13% and 21%) of diarrhoea. Faecal samples were collected from all diarrhoeal calves (n = 63) and from 330 healthy calves and analysed for Salmonella species, Campylobacter jejuni and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Salmonella spp. was isolated in only 2% of all calves. Campylobacter was isolated in 11% of all calves, irrespective of health condition, and was more frequent (25%) in one of the 2 diarrhoeal farms (p = 0.001). 80% of the isolates were identified as C. jejuni. No ETEC strains were detected among the 55 tested strains from diarrhoeal calves, but 22/55 (40%) strains from diarrhoeal calves and 14/88 (16%) strains from healthy calves carried the K99 adhesin (p = 0.001). 6,757 E. coli isolates were typed with a biochemical fingerprinting method (the PhenePlate?) giving the same E. coli diversity in healthy and diarrhoeal calves. Thus it was concluded: i) the overall prevalence of diarrhoea was low, but 2 farms had a higher prevalence that could be due to an outbreak situation, ii) Salmonella did not seem to be associated with diarrhoea, iii) Campylobacter jejuni was common at one of the 2 diarrhoeal farms and iv) ETEC strains were not found, but K99 antigen was more prevalent in E. coli strains from diarrhoeal calves than from healthy, as well as more prevalent in one diarrhoeal farm.  相似文献   
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