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The present study was intended to examine the structure of the rat Leydig cell gonadotropin receptor. Leydig cell suspensions were prepared by either collagenase digestion or mechanical disruption of the testes. The cells were incubated with 125I-human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) following which the bound 125I-hCG was covalently cross-linked to the cell surface receptor using a cleavable (dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate] and a noncleavable (disuccinimidyl suberate) cross-linking reagent. The extracted cross-linked membrane proteins were resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing and nonreducing conditions and subjected to autoradiographic analysis. Under nonreducing conditions, three radiolabeled bands, in addition to intact hCG and its alpha-subunit, were detected with apparent molecular weights of 184,000, 136,000, and 103,000. However, under reducing conditions, three radiolabeled bands migrated on the gel corresponding to molecular weights of 144,000, 106,000, and 75,000. The binding of 125I-hCG to the receptor was inhibited by hCG and luteinizing hormone, but not by a number of other peptides or proteins. The radiolabeled bands were not detectable in hCG down-regulated Leydig cells. Furthermore, a similar autoradiographic pattern of 125I-hCG-linked complexes was seen when the 125I-linked receptor complex was subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-hCG antibodies followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In addition, evidence was obtained indicating that these three labeled bands were derived from the same molecular species. The data suggests that the hCG receptor in Leydig cell is probably an oligomeric complex with a molecular weight of about 250,000, which is composed of three polypeptide chains of molecular weights 121,000, 83,000, and 52,000 held together through noncovalent forces. Additionally, collagenase treatment of Leydig cells does not appear to alter the autoradiographic pattern of the 125I-hCG-linked receptor.  相似文献   
Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the endothelial surface of the pulmonary trunk, artery, and vein in normobaric control rats as well as in rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia for 7 and 21 days. The individual endothelial cells of the normobaric pulmonary trunk and hilar artery were flat and slightly elongated with elevated nuclear regions, and those of the intermediate-sized artery were more elongated and had more microvilli than the large arteries studied. Their endothelial cell boundaries were outlined by beaded cytoplasmic projections. The surfaces of the normobaric hilar and intermediate-sized veins were smooth and demonstrated numerous longitudinal streaks. These venous endothelial cells were elongated and their cell boundaries were outlined by low discontinuous marginal folds. Exposure to hypobaric hypoxia caused the following changes on the arterial surface: elevation of the endothelial cells; formation of microvilli-rich cell clusters; formation of hollow defects; and the attachment of leukocytes. Hypobaric hypoxia also caused the disappearance of the longitudinal streaks and the occurrence of microvilli-rich cells in the hilar veins. The endothelial surface modifications in the hypobaric rats could be related to thickening of the endothelium, intimal edema, increased intimal connective tissue, luminal invasion of leukocytes, and increased endothelial cell proliferation, known to occur in systemic arteries of hypertensive animals.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine the incidence of fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, Aeromonas hydrophilia, and Salmonella spp. in the waste discharges of seven sewage treatment plants, four fruit and vegetable canneries, a meat packing plant, a poultry processing plant, and a potato processing plant located along the Cornwallis River in Nova Scotia, Canada. Surface water samples were also collected from 13 locations in the river to assess the impact of these waste discharges on the receiving water quality. The results showed that the final effluents from most of the sewage treatment and processing plants were of very poor bacteriological quality, with the number of indicator bacteria comparable with those found in raw sewage. Salmonellae were isolated from the effluents of the meat and poultry plants and five of the seven sewage treatment plants surveyed. No salmonellae were detected in the effluents of the fruit and vegetable canneries. The impact of the discharge of untreated municipal and food processing wastes on the Cornwallis River water quality was evidenced by the recovery from river water of five Salmonella serotypes, and the high fecal coliform counts which exceeded recommended limit for bathing and shellfish harvesting.  相似文献   
A current hypothesis for obstructive sleep apnea states that 1) negative airway pressure during inspiration can collapse the pharyngeal airway, and 2) neural control of pharyngeal airway-dilating muscles is important in preventing this collapse. To test this hypothesis we performed nasal mask occlusions to increase negative pharyngeal airway pressures during inspiration in eight normal and five micrognathic infants. Both groups developed midinspiratory pharyngeal obstruction, but obstruction was more frequent in micrognathic infants and varied in some infants with sleep state. The airway usually reopened with the subsequent expiration. The occasional failure to reopen was presumably due to pharyngeal wall adhesion. If airway obstruction occurred in sequential breaths during multiple-breath nasal mask occlusions in normal infants, there was a breath-by-breath change in the airway pressure associated with airway closure (airway closing pressure); the airway closing pressure became progressively more negative. Micrognathic infants showed less ability to improve the airway closing pressure, but this ability increased with age. These findings suggest that nasal mask occlusion can test the competence of the neuromuscular mechanisms that maintain pharyngeal airway patency in infants. Micrognathic infants had spontaneous midinspiratory pharyngeal airway obstructions during snoring. Their episodes of obstructive apnea began with midinspiratory pharyngeal obstruction similar to that seen during snoring and nasal mask occlusions. These findings imply a similar pathophysiology for snoring, spontaneous airway obstruction, and obstruction during snoring.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin receptors with specificity, high affinity and low capacity for luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been identified in rat luteal cells. To investigate the nature of the receptor, we have employed disuccinimidyl suberate, a cross-linker noncleavable by reducing agents, and dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate), a cleavable cross-linker, to covalently cross-link the 125I-hCG . receptor complex. The molecular weight of 125I-hCG-linked receptor complex and the receptor subunit structure were determined by electrophoresis in either 10 or 4.5% acrylamide in the presence of 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate with or without reducing agents. Autoradiographic analysis of the 125I-hCG-linked receptor separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing condition revealed a single labeled band corresponding to Mr = 305,000 +/- 15,000. However, electrophoresis performed in the presence of 50 mM dithiothreitol and 2% beta-mercaptoethanol resulted in the appearance of four labeled bands corresponding to Mr = 105,000 +/- 4,000, 96,000 +/- 5,000, 74,000 +/- 4,000, and 62,000 +/- 4,000 concomitant with the loss of the labeled band in the Mr = 305,000 region. Further experiments demonstrated that these four labeled bands were derived from the same molecular species. In addition, the 125I-hCG-linked receptor in the absence of reducing agent was not dissociated into subunits even by treatment with strong denaturing agent (8 M urea). The appearance of the cross-linked 125I-hCG . receptor was effectively inhibited by the unlabeled beta-subunit of hCG, intact hCG, and luteinizing hormone and partially inhibited by the alpha-subunit of hCG but not by choleratoxin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, insulin or bovine serum albumin. These data suggest that 1) the hCG/luteinizing hormone receptor is an oligomeric complex linked by disulfide bonds and 2) that under reducing conditions, the oligomeric receptor dissociates into four nonidentical subunits.  相似文献   
The contribution of cardiogenic oscillations to gas exchange during constant-flow ventilation was examined in 11 dogs. With the use of two variations of cardiopulmonary bypass to maintain the systemic and pulmonary circulation, the influence of cardiogenic oscillations was removed by arresting the heart. Cardiac arrest by ventricular fibrillation was associated with a mean decrease in alveolar ventilation of 43% in five dogs on right and left heart bypass. However, successful defibrillation and return of the prearrest level of alveolar ventilation could not be achieved; thus we studied six dogs on left heart bypass. Alveolar ventilation decreased an average of 37% with cardiac arrest, and defibrillation resulted in a return of alveolar ventilation to 81% of the prearrest value. These results are consistent with previous predictions that cardiogenic oscillations are an important mechanism of gas transport during constant-flow ventilation.  相似文献   
Living Vessel Elements in the Late Metaxylem of Sheathed Maize Roots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The two types of nodal roots of field-grown maize, sheathedand bare, were found to have such different water conductivitiesthat an investigation of the anatomy of their large metaxylemvessels was made. While the vessels of the bare roots were openfor scores of centimetres, those of the sheathed roots werefound to be not vessels but developing vessel elements, withcross walls at 1 mm intervals, and protoplasts. The cross wallsbetween the elements had several unique histochemical properties.Previous investigators have often failed to find the cross wallsbecause they are very easily dislodged during the usual methodsof tissue preparation. They are best identified by microdissectionof fresh xylem. The living elements persist in the late metaxylemup to 20 – 30 cm from the tip. As the roots become longerthan this both the cross walls and the soil sheaths disappearand there is a transition to a bare root with open vessels inthe proximal region. The soil sheath persists a little longerthan the cross walls. The two types are thus stages in a developmentalsequence through which all nodal roots pass. A fundamental differencebetween the two types is in their water status, since the estimatedconductive capacity of a bare root is about 100 times greaterthan that of a sheathed root. These observations point to theneed for a reassessment of the published work on transport ofions into the xylem of grass roots through a reinvestigationof the ‘maturity’ of their xylem vessels. Grass roots, dimorphic roots, ion secretion to xylem, soil sheaths, xylem vessels, xylem differentiation, water conduction, Zea mays L  相似文献   
DURING each step of peptide chain elongation the ribosome shifts up one triplet along the messenger RNA with concomitant movement of the peptidyl-transfer RNA from the donor to the acceptor site. This process, commonly known as translocation, is triggered by a supernatant protein, factor G, which in association with the ribosome cleaves GTP into GDP and inorganic phosphate1,2 and it has been argued that the energy liberated in this reaction is used “to carry the complex one triplet forward”3.  相似文献   
1. Aerobic or anaerobic incubation at 37 degrees of Ehrlich ascites-carcinoma cells in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate medium containing glucose and labelled thiamine results in accumulation in the cell of labelled thiamine, so that the concentration of total labelled thiamine in the cells greatly exceeds (by a factor 7) that in the medium. This concentration ratio is approximately constant for small initial external concentrations of labelled thiamine but diminishes when the latter exceed 0.4mum. 2. All the labelled thiamine in the tumour cells is present as thiamine phosphates. 3. The uptake of labelled thiamine is markedly diminished by decrease of temperature. At 9 degrees concentration ratio (cells/medium) 0.5 is observed whereas at 37 degrees the concentration ratio is 8.6. 4. The extent of phosphorylation of labelled thiamine depends on the period of incubation. 5. The influx of labelled thiamine is diminished by the presence of its analogues, pyrithiamine and Amprol, and also by the presence of thiamine monophosphate and thiamine diphosphate, which are potent inhibitors of thiamine phosphorylation in Ehrlich ascites cells. 6. Labelled thiamine phosphates leak from the cell into the medium, so that eventually all the labelled thiamine, both in the cell and medium, is converted into thiamine phosphates. However, in the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol (0.1mm) and iodoacetate (1mm) thiamine phosphorylation is diminished, the concentration ratio for labelled thiamine (cells/medium) falls to half its normal value and little or no labelled thiamine phosphates leaks into the medium. 7. In the presence of thiamine phosphates, free labelled thiamine accumulates in Ehrlich ascites cells against a concentration gradient, concentration ratios (cells/medium) greater than unity being evident. 8. The evidence supports the conclusion that thiamine is transferred into the Ehrlich ascites cell by a carrier-mediated energy-assisted process.  相似文献   
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