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本研究分析比较了农家家养鸡与大型养殖场鸡肠道菌群组成及抗四环素抗性基因在肠道菌群中的分布情况。通过454焦磷酸法对细菌16S rRNA V3区进行测序来分析肠道菌群的组成;用平板琼脂法筛选四环素耐药菌株,对其16S rRNA基因全长测序,并与RDP (Ribosomal Database Project)数据库比对进行菌种鉴定;聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)检测常见四环素耐药基因。家养鸡粪便中菌群香农多样性指数为5.321±0.590,养殖场鸡为4.398±0.440,前者显著大于后者(Mann-Whitney U test,P=0.008)。从家养鸡和养殖场鸡粪便中随机分离到69株和65株四环素耐药菌株,后者四环素耐药菌的种类多于前者。家养鸡较养殖场鸡的肠道菌群更具多样性,而抗生素抗性基因在养殖场鸡的肠道菌群中分布更广泛。结果表明,不同饲养方式对鸡的肠道菌群有影响,对抗生素抗性基因的分布也有一定影响。  相似文献   
Short‐rotation woody biomass crops (SRWCs) have been proposed as an alternative feedstock for biofuel production in the northeastern US that leads to the conversion of current open land to woody plantations, potentially altering the soil microbial community structures and hence functions. We used pyrosequencing of 16S and 28S rRNA genes in soil to assess bacterial and fungal populations when ‘marginal’ grasslands were converted into willow (Salix spp.) and hybrid poplar (Populus spp.) plantations at two sites with similar soils and climate history in northern Michigan (Escanaba; ES) and Wisconsin (Rhinelander; RH). In only three growing seasons, the conversion significantly altered both the bacterial and fungal communities, which were most influenced by site and then vegetation. The fungal community showed greater change than the bacterial community in response to land conversion at both sites with substantial enrichment of putative pathogenic, ectomycorrhizal, and endophytic fungi associated with poplar and willow. Conversely, the bacterial community structures shifted, but to a lesser degree, with the new communities dissimilar at the two sites and most correlated with soil nutrient status. The bacterial phylum Nitrospirae increased after conversion and was negatively correlated to total soil nitrogen, but positively correlated to soil nitrate, and may be responsible for nitrate accumulation and the increased N2O emissions previously reported following conversion at these sites. The legacy effect of a much longer grassland history and a second dry summer at the ES site may have influenced the grassland (control) microbial community to remain stable while it varied at the RH site.  相似文献   
环境地质敏感性是区域生态功能的本底,也是构建生态安全格局和开展生态保护与修复的重要基础。因环境地质敏感性涉及因素众多、且多源异构数据较难融合,当前基于环境地质敏感性的大尺度区划研究较少。通过集成地质、地理和专题数据,在土地沙化、土壤盐渍化、崩塌-滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、地裂缝、地面沉降、地下水地质环境功能、浅层地下水质量、地下水调蓄和地下水可持续利用11个单项环境地质敏感性评价的基础上,进一步将其归并为土地环境、地质灾害和地下水环境3个环境地质子系统并构建评价指标体系,完成综合环境地质敏感性评价。以地质地貌分区为主要依据,将研究区划分为3个一级环境地质敏感区和16个环境地质敏感性亚区。研究结果表明:环境地质区划与地质构造及分区、地质地貌和人类活动等自然与人为因素存在较强的空间重合;综合环境地质敏感性呈现出西北低、东南高的宏观格局;华北平原区主要受地面沉降和地下水环境敏感性影响,人类活动作用显著;华北山区主要受重力型地质灾害影响,内蒙古高原区主要受沙化和局地泥石流灾害影响,区域尺度以自然因素驱动为主,局部人类活动影响显著。针对综合环境地质敏感性区划结果,需要统筹全域国土空间规划,加强地貌...  相似文献   
Herbal medicine is mainly prepared from boiling herbal water extracts. Many epoch-making immunosuppressant drugs, such as glycyrrhizic acid (old example) and FTY720 (current example), were developed from herbal secondary metabolites in the boiling water extract by partition with organic solvents. However, few immunostimulants have been discovered by this method. Instead of the usual method, we aimed to find a novel immunostimulant component by two unique methods in the research of herbal medicine: ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy. The immunostimulant was not a secondary metabolite, as expected, but the structure was a nanoparticle formed by a polysaccharide. In addition, we clarified the immune effect of the nanoparticle. Intake of the nanoparticle by phagocytosis resulted in immunostimulant effects by increasing the genes and proteins of inflammatory cytokines in macrophage cells. The immunostimulant effects were inhibited by a phagocytosis inhibitor, cytochalasin D. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to describe the discovery of a nanoparticle in boiling herbal water extracts and its immunostimulant properties. This study will provide additional understanding of the efficacy of herbal medicine, in that the immunostimulant nanoparticle universally exists in boiling herbal water extracts. Thus, traditional herbal medicine may be an oldest known nanomedicine. Furthermore, this study suggests that the immunostimulant nanoparticle simply can be obtained from herbal medicine only by ultracentrifugation. We hope that this simple strategy will substantially contribute to drug development, including vaccine adjuvant, in the future.  相似文献   
为提高香蕉NHX基因的耐盐性,从巴西蕉(Musa acuminata L. AAA group)中克隆到一个MaNHXs基因家族的MaNHX5基因,利用生物信息学方法预测了Ma NHX5关键耐盐氨基酸位点和突变前后蛋白质结构的变化,通过定点突变技术将Ma NHX5蛋白的276位丝氨酸(S)成功突变为天冬氨酸(D),利用AXT3盐敏感突变酵母进行功能回补试验。结果表明,将突变后的MaNHX5基因转入AXT3盐敏感突变酵母,200 mmol/L NaCl处理下,突变酵母耐盐性显著提高。由此推测Ma NHX5蛋白的Ser276对香蕉Na+跨液泡膜运输起重要作用。  相似文献   
吴国火  崔林  王梦馨  李红亮  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2020,40(12):4024-4031
我国茶园面积约占全球的60%,茶树花已成为我国主要植物蜜源之一,尤其在秋冬季。茶树花招引蜜蜂的机理尚不清晰,遂以中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana为试虫,以8个国家级良种茶树的鲜花、茶树花主要香气组分和茶鲜叶重要挥发性组分为味源,用Y形嗅觉仪进行行为测定,结果表明:①在0.25—5.00 g质量范围内,不仅8个良种茶树的鲜花明显引诱该蜂,而且每种茶树花质量为某一确定值时,其引诱的蜂数与CK(洁净空气)引诱的蜂数差异显著(P<0.05);②在茶树花27个主要香气组分中,发现苯乙酮(10-6 g/mL)、芳樟醇(10-6、10-2 g/mL)、莰烯(10-4 g/mL)、顺-3-己烯-1-醇(10-10 g/mL)、α-法尼烯(10-6、10-4、10-2 g/mL)、癸醛(10-6 g/mL)、β-紫罗兰酮(10-6 g/mL)、亚油酸(10-4...  相似文献   
短程硝化(partial nitrification, PN)是一种绿色低碳的生物脱氮创新技术,伴随厌氧氨氧化(anaerobic ammonia oxidation, Anammox)污水脱氮技术的进一步推广,短程硝化作为提供其电子受体的重要环节,已成为了污水脱氮领域的研究热点。氨氧化菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB)和亚硝酸盐氧化菌(nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, NOB)是该技术的核心竞争微生物,掌握这两类微生物的生态学特征,借助生态学理论和手段调控AOB淘汰NOB,提高种群的可预测性,对于实现稳定高效的短程硝化具有重要意义。本文基于生态学角度介绍了AOB和NOB基础分类、生理性能及生态位分离,重点综述了短程硝化系统中AOB和NOB的生长动力学、群落构建、环境因素和相互作用,最后对这两类微生物的未来研究重点和研究方法进行了展望,为短程硝化工艺的快速启动和稳定运行提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Eutrophication and climate warming, induced by anthropogenic activities, are simultaneously occurring worldwide and jointly affecting soil carbon stability. Therefore, it is of great interest to examine whether and how they interactively affect soil microbial community, a major soil carbon driver. Here, we showed that climate warming, simulated by southward transferring Mollisol soil in agricultural ecosystems from the cold temperate climate zone (N) to warm temperate climate (C) and subtropical climate zone (S), decreased soil organic matter (SOM) by 6%–12%. In contrast, amendment with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium enhanced plant biomass by 97% and SOM by 6% at the N site, thus stimulating copiotrophic taxa but reducing oligotrophic taxa in relative abundance. However, microbial responses to nutrient amendment were overridden by soil transfer in that nutrient amendment had little effect at the C site but increased recalcitrant carbon‐degrading fungal Agaricomycetes and Microbotryomycetes taxa derived from Basidiomycota by 4‐17 folds and recalcitrant carbon‐degrading genes by 23%–40% at the S site, implying a possible priming effect. Consequently, SOM at the S site was not increased by nutrient amendment despite increased plant biomass by 108%. Collectively, we demonstrate that soil transfer to warmer regions overrides microbial responses to nutrient amendment and weakens soil carbon sequestration.  相似文献   
茶园生态系中生长着众多草本和木本植物,迷迭香就是其中常见的木本杂草。以其幼嫩部分为味源、茶园重要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉为试虫,用Y形管嗅觉仪做行为测定,以洁净空气为CK,发现随着味源剂量增加,其引诱的假眼小绿叶蝉数增至一个数值再减少,二者呈抛物线关系。从迷迭香挥发物中鉴定出46种化合物,包含醇类9种、酮类4种、酯类4种、酸类1种、烯烃类18种、烷烃类7种、醚类1种、醛类1种和酚类1种。醇类含量最大,占总量52.20%;单组分中桉树脑、左旋α-蒎烯和马鞭草烯酮的含量最大,分别占总量的42.54%、10.37%和6.82%。使用迷迭香挥发物中含量较大的25种组分为味源,每味源配制几种剂量,以正己烷为CK,用Y形管嗅觉仪进行行为测定,发现10-2g/mL樟脑、10-4g/mL石竹烯、10-6g/mL和10-8g/mLα-水芹烯、10-4g/mL和10-10g/mLα-松油醇、10-10g/mL和10-8g/mL桉树脑显著引诱假眼小绿叶蝉;而10-10g/mLβ-蒎烯显著排斥假眼小绿叶蝉。经分析认为:茶园中除了茶树之外,还有其它植物挥发物引诱假眼小绿叶蝉,可为筛选茶园中诱虫植物提供参考。  相似文献   
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