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翟亚男  许泉  郭亚  吴强 《遗传》2016,38(4):323-336
哺乳动物中原钙粘蛋白(Protocadherin, Pcdh)基因簇包含50多个串联排列的基因,这些基因形成3个紧密相连的基因簇(Pcdhα、Pcdhβ和Pcdhγ),所编码的原钙粘蛋白质群在神经元多样性(Neuronal diversity)和单细胞特异性(Single cell identity)以及神经突触信号转导中发挥重要作用。前期的工作已证实转录因子CTCF(CCCTC-binding factor)与CTCF结合位点(CTCF-binding site, CBS)的方向性结合能够决定增强子和启动子环化的方向以及其远距离交互作用的特异性,并进一步在Pcdh基因座(Locus)形成两个(Pcdhα和Pcdhγ)染色质拓扑结构域(CTCF/cohesin- mediated chromatin domain, CCD),而且染色质拓扑结构域对于控制基因表达调控至关重要。本文通过生物信息学方法对比人类和小鼠序列,发现Pcdhβγ染色质拓扑结构域调控区域中的DNase I超敏位点(DNase I hypersensitive sites, HSs)较为保守。染色质免疫沉淀及大规模测序实验(Chromatin immunoprecipitation and massive parallel sequencing, ChIP-Seq)揭示CBS位点在Pcdhβγ调控区域中成簇分布并且具有相同的方向。凝胶电泳迁移实验(Electrophoresis mobility shift assay, EMSA)确定Pcdhβγ调控区域内具体的42 bp CBS位点并且发现一个CTCF峰包含两个CBS位点。在全基因组范围内,运用计算生物学方法分析CTCF和增强子、启动子等调控元件的关系,发现CBS位点在调控元件附近有较多分布,推测CTCF通过介导增强子和启动子的特异性交互作用,在细胞核三维基因组内形成活性转录枢纽调控基因精准表达。  相似文献   
We investigated the role of the "sieve tube-companion cell complex" lining the tube periphery, particularly the microfilament and microtubule, in assisting the pushing of phloem sap flow. We made a simple phloem transport system with a living radish plant, in which the conducting channel was exposed for local treatment with chemicals that are effective in modulating protoplasmic movement (acetylcholine, (ACh) a neurotransmitter in animals and insects; cytochalasin B, (CB) a specific inhibitor of many cellular responses that are mediated by microfilament systems and amiprophos-methyl, (APM) a specific inhibitor of many cellular responses that are mediated by microtubule systems). Their effects on phloem transport were estimated by two experimental devices: (i) a comparison of changes in the amount of assimilates in terms of carbohydrates and ^14C-labeled photosynthetic production that is left in the leaf blade of treated plants; and (ii) distribution patterns of ^14C-labeled leaf assimilates in the phloem transport system. The results indicate that CB and APM markedly inhibited the transfer of photosynthetic product from leaf to root via the leaf vein, while ACh enhanced the transfer of photosynthetic product in low concentrations (5.0×10^-4 mol/L) but inhibited it in higher concentrations (2.0×10^-3 mol/L) from leaf to root via the leaf vein. Autoradiograph imaging clearly reveals that ACh treatment is more effective than the control, and both CB and APM treatments effectively inhibit the passage of radioactive assimilates. All of the results support the postulation that the peripheral protoplasm in the sieve tube serves not only as a passive semi-permeable membrane, but is also directly involved in phloem transport.  相似文献   
为了将绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)引入细胞核内,采用两轮PCR方法从原先克隆在pcD-NA3.1(-)+GFP载体中将GFP编码序列扩增出来并引入Kozak序列和核定位信号,使用常规酶切和连接方法将其重组至pUCm-T克隆载体中,再将目的片段重组至pcDNA3.1(-)中,对阳性克隆进行酶切、PCR和测序鉴定后,构建了带有Kozak序列和核定位信号的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)+KG。真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)+KG被转染试剂Su-perfect转染至HeLa细胞中,绿色荧光蛋白基因在HeLa细胞中得到表达而且在细胞核中观察到绿色荧光。该研究以绿色荧光蛋白为标记初步建立了活体观察真核细胞核动态变化的研究体系。  相似文献   
外源性基因在特定靶组织的高效、稳定表达是转基因动物研究和基因治疗的重要前提。外源基因在非靶组织中的异位表达一直是制约基因治疗技术的发展,影响转基因动物的安全性的重要因素。目前,一系列肠道特异性基因表达调控序列相继被克隆并鉴定。就上述调控序列的结构、功能和转录活性以及组织特异性作简要综述,为构建稳定、高效、特异性的嵌合型肠道转录调控元件提供理论依据,对环境友好型转基因动物的生产以及肠道性疾病有效的基因治疗研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
抑制性扣除杂交技术(SSH)及其在基因克隆上的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
抑制性扣除杂交技术是一种基因克隆的新方法,它对研究细胞生殖、发育、分化、癌变、衰老及程序化死亡等生命过程有关基因的差异表达以及相关基因的分子克隆提供了有力的工具,本文简要介绍抑制性扣除杂交技术的主要原理,基本过程、优越性、主要缺陷及目前最新的研究进展  相似文献   
豚草的剪叶实验研究结果表明:不剪叶的豚草株高可达222.3cm,单次剪叶平均株高为212.1cm,而连续多次剪叶时株高为184.0cm,连续6次全剪叶处理的植株在株高为130cm时死亡。不剪叶的植株结实枝条为14.9条。营养生长早期剪叶及重剪叶明显抑制枝条的形成,而后期剪叶有促进分枝的作用。剪叶对花穗数的影响与对分枝数的影响基本一致。不剪叶植株可产生1873.2粒种子,经剪叶处理后,种子量明显降低。大多数处理的种子减少率在40—70%之间,连续6次全剪叶的种子量减少率达100%。早期剪叶以及剪叶次数愈多,剪叶愈重,对豚草株高、结实枝、花穗数及种子量的抑制作用愈明显。  相似文献   
Homeobox genes, widely distributed among animal and plant kingdoms, play an important role in developmental process. Several homeobox conserved fragments were amplified by PCR and the flanking regions were also obtained by an LM-PCR procedure. Sequencing and Southern analysis showed that they belong to a homeobox gene family of rice. Six homeobox-containing fragments were mapped on the molecular linkage map of rice. They were located on chromosomes 3, 4 and 7 respectively. It is noteworthy that there are 4 homeobox fragments located on rice chromosome 3 and the result is also consistent with the comparative genomics between rice and maize.  相似文献   
POR6是一具有高度多态性的稻瘟病菌(Pyricularia oryzae)重复顺序。利用脉冲电泳技术和Southern分析,表明它是非均匀地散布于基因组中的。经测定POR6的拷贝数约为30—40,序列测定未发现在内部有更小的重复单位。用POR6作探针对44株稻瘟病菌进行DNA指纹分析,分析的中国北方地区的22个菌株可根据相似率归并成8个谱系。对一些转管培养中致病型发生变化的菌株用POR6进行指纹分析,发现这些菌株在转管过程中基因组DNA是有变化的。  相似文献   
The unique physicochemical properties of (2D) nanomaterials make them well‐suited for use in sustainable energy applications. Many of these materials can be further improved with vacancy engineering. This review details recent progress in the vacancy engineering of ultrathin 2D nanomaterials. For clarity, it mainly focuses on various ultrathin 2D materials in three categories: Xa&XaYb‐, MaXb‐, or MaXbYc‐structured materials. Recently developed vacancies in different types of ultrathin 2D materials, as well as their preparation and characterization, are described. Emphasis is placed on the potential electrochemical energy storage and conversion applications of these materials. This review considers the relationship between vacancy properties and material categories of various ultrathin 2D materials in terms of application requirements, preparation, and characterization techniques. The challenges and future outlook of this promising field are summarized.  相似文献   
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