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SAR about the B-ring of a series of N(2)-aroyl anthranilamide factor Xa (fXa) inhibitors is described. B-ring o-aminoalkylether and B-ring p-amine probes of the S1' and S4 sites, respectively, afforded picomolar fXa inhibitors that performed well in in vitro anticoagulation assays.  相似文献   
Transcarbamylases catalyze the transfer of the carbamyl group from carbamyl phosphate (CP) to an amino group of a second substrate such as aspartate, ornithine, or putrescine. Previously, structural determination of a transcarbamylase from Xanthomonas campestris led to the discovery of a novel N-acetylornithine transcarbamylase (AOTCase) that catalyzes the carbamylation of N-acetylornithine. Recently, a novel N-succinylornithine transcarbamylase (SOTCase) from Bacteroides fragilis was identified. Structural comparisons of AOTCase from X. campestris and SOTCase from B. fragilis revealed that residue Glu92 (X. campestris numbering) plays a critical role in distinguishing AOTCase from SOTCase. Enzymatic assays of E92P, E92S, E92V, and E92A mutants of AOTCase demonstrate that each of these mutations converts the AOTCase to an SOTCase. Similarly, the P90E mutation in B. fragilis SOTCase (equivalent to E92 in X. campestris AOTCase) converts the SOTCase to AOTCase. Hence, a single amino acid substitution is sufficient to swap the substrate specificities of AOTCase and SOTCase. X-ray crystal structures of these mutants in complexes with CP and N-acetyl-L-norvaline (an analog of N-acetyl-L-ornithine) or N-succinyl-L-norvaline (an analog of N-succinyl-L-ornithine) substantiate this conversion. In addition to Glu92 (X. campestris numbering), other residues such as Asn185 and Lys30 in AOTCase, which are involved in binding substrates through bridging water molecules, help to define the substrate specificity of AOTCase. These results provide the correct annotation (AOTCase or SOTCase) for a set of the transcarbamylase-like proteins that have been erroneously annotated as ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase, EC  相似文献   
Phylogeographic structure of the eastern pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni was explored in this study by means of nested clade phylogeographic analyses of COI and COII sequences of mitochondrial DNA and Bayesian estimates of divergence times. Intraspecific relationships were inferred and hypotheses tested to understand historical spread patterns and spatial distribution of genetic variation. Analyses revealed that all T. wilkinsoni sequences were structured in three clades, which were associated with two major biogeographic events, the colonization of the island of Cyprus and the separation of southwestern and southeastern Anatolia during the Pleistocene. Genetic variation in populations of T. wilkinsoni was also investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms and four microsatellite loci. Contrasting nuclear with mitochondrial data revealed recurrent gene flow between Cyprus and the mainland, related to the long-distance male dispersal. In addition, a reduction in genetic variability was observed at both mitochondrial and nuclear markers at the expanding boundary of the range, consistent with a recent origin of these populations, founded by few individuals expanding from nearby localities. In contrast, several populations fixed for one single mitochondrial haplotype showed no reduction in nuclear variability, a pattern that can be explained by recurrent male gene flow or selective sweeps at the mitochondrial level. The use of both mitochondrial and nuclear markers was essential in understanding the spread patterns and the population genetic structure of T. wilkinsoni, and is recommended to study colonizing species characterized by sex-biased dispersal.  相似文献   
Sulfite oxidizing activities are known since years in animals, microorganisms, and also plants. Among plants, the only enzyme well characterized on molecular and biochemical level is the molybdoenzyme sulfite oxidase (SO). It oxidizes sulfite using molecular oxygen as electron acceptor, leading to the production of sulfate and hydrogen peroxide. The latter reaction product seems to be the reason why plant SO is localized in peroxisomes, because peroxisomal catalase is able to decompose hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand, we have indications for an additional reaction taking place in peroxisomes: sulfite can be nonenzymatically oxidized by hydrogen peroxide. This will promote the detoxification of hydrogen peroxide especially in the case of high amounts of sulfite. Hence we assume that SO could possibly serve as "safety valve" for detoxifying excess amounts of sulfite and protecting the cell from sulfitolysis. Supportive evidence for this assumption comes from experiments where we fumigated transgenic poplar plants overexpressing ARABIDOPSIS SO with SO(2) gas. In this paper, we try to explain sulfite oxidation in its co-regulation with sulfate assimilation and summarize other sulfite oxidizing activities described in plants. Finally we discuss the importance of sulfite detoxification in plants.  相似文献   
转录因子Egr-1参与长期性恐惧记忆和焦虑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ko SW  Ao HS  Mendel AG  Qiu CS  Wei F  Milbrandt J  Zhuo M 《生理学报》2005,57(4):421-432
锌指转录因子点Egr-1在将细胞外信号和胞内基因表达的变化相耦联过程中发挥重要的作用。海马和杏仁体是记忆形成和储存的两个主要的脑区。在海马和杏仁体中,Egr-1可被长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)和学习过程上调。在Egr-1敲除小鼠上观察到晚时相声音恐惧记忆受损,而短时的痕迹和场景记忆却不受影响;另外,在Egr-1敲除小鼠上,用theta burst刺激杏仁体和听觉皮层所引起的突触增强被明显减弱或完全阻断。因此,我们的研究表明,转录因子Egr-1选择性地在晚时相听觉恐惧记忆中发挥作用。  相似文献   
Molybdenum Metabolism in Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Among the micronutrients essential for plant growth and for microsymbionts, Mo is required in minute amounts. However, since Mo is often sequestered by Fe- or Al-oxihydrox-ides, especially in acidic soils, the concentration of the water-soluble molybdate anion available for uptake by plants may be limiting for the plant, even when the total Mo content of the soil is sufficient. In contrast to bacteria, no specific molybdenum uptake system is known for plants, but since molybdate and sulfate behave similarly and have similar structure, uptake of molybdate could be mediated unspecifically by one of the sulfate transporters. Transport into the different plant organs proceeds via xylem and phloem. A pterin-bound molybdenum is the cofactor of important plant enzymes involved in redox processes: nitrate reductase, xanthine dehydrogenase, aIdehyde oxidase, and probably sulfite oxidase. Biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) starts with a guanosine-X-phos-phate. Subsequently, a sulfur-free pterin is synthesized, sulfur is added, and finally molybdenum is incorporated. In addition to the molybdopterin enzymes, small molybdopterin binding proteins without catalytic function are known and are probably involved in the storage of Moco. In symbiotic systems the nitrogen supply of the host plant is strongly influenced by the availability of Mo in soil, since both bacterial nitrogenase and NADPH-dependent nitrate reductase of mycorrhizal fungi are Mo enzymes.  相似文献   
Reducing iron (Fe) levels in a defined minimal medium reduced the growth yields of planktonic and biofilm Pseudomonas aeruginosa, though biofilm biomass was affected to the greatest extent and at FeCl3 concentrations where planktonic cell growth was not compromised. Highlighting this apparently greater need for Fe, biofilm growth yields were markedly reduced in a mutant unable to produce pyoverdine (and, so, deficient in pyoverdine-mediated Fe acquisition) at concentrations of FeCl3 that did not adversely affect biofilm yields of a pyoverdine-producing wild-type strain. Concomitant with the reduced biofilm yields at low Fe concentrations, P. aeruginosa showed enhanced twitching motility in Fe-deficient versus Fe-replete minimal media. A mutant deficient in low-Fe-stimulated twitching motility but normal as regards twitching motility on Fe-rich medium was isolated and shown to be disrupted in rhlI, whose product is responsible for synthesis of the N-butanoyl homoserine lactone (C4-HSL) quorum-sensing signal. In contrast to wild-type cells, which formed thin, flat, undeveloped biofilms in Fe-limited medium, the rhlI mutant formed substantially developed though not fully mature biofilms under Fe limitation. C4-HSL production increased markedly in Fe-limited versus Fe-rich P. aeruginosa cultures, and cell-free low-Fe culture supernatants restored the twitching motility of the rhlI mutant on Fe-limited minimal medium and stimulated the twitching motility of rhlI and wild-type P. aeruginosa on Fe-rich minimal medium. Still, addition of exogenous C4-HSL did not stimulate the twitching motility of either strain on Fe-replete medium, indicating that some Fe-regulated and RhlI/C4-HSL-dependent extracellular product(s) was responsible for the enhanced twitching motility (and reduced biofilm formation) seen in response to Fe limitation.  相似文献   
The enzyme acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) catalyses the first common step in the biosynthesis of the three branched-chain amino acids. Enzymes in the AHAS family generally consist of regulatory and catalytic subunits. Here, we describe the first crystal structure of an AHAS regulatory subunit, the ilvH polypeptide, determined at a resolution of 1.75 A. IlvH is the regulatory subunit of one of three AHAS isozymes expressed in Escherichia coli, AHAS III. The protein is a dimer, with two beta alpha beta beta alpha beta ferredoxin domains in each monomer. The two N-terminal domains assemble to form an ACT domain structure remarkably close to the one predicted by us on the basis of the regulatory domain of 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (3PGDH). The two C-terminal domains combine so that their beta-sheets are roughly positioned back-to-back and perpendicular to the extended beta-sheet of the N-terminal ACT domain. On the basis of the properties of mutants and a comparison with 3PGDH, the effector (valine) binding sites can be located tentatively in two symmetrically related positions in the interface between a pair of N-terminal domains. The properties of mutants of the ilvH polypeptide outside the putative effector-binding site provide further insight into the functioning of the holoenzyme. The results of this study open avenues for further studies aimed at understanding the mechanism of regulation of AHAS by small-molecule effectors.  相似文献   
Das Wachstum     
Ohne Zusammenfassung Mit 7 Abbildungen im Text und 5 Kurven auf Tafel I–IV. (Deutsche übertragung von Frau Else Asher.) Das Manuskript dieses Essays wurde anfangs 1913 geschrieben und dem Herausgeber der Ergebnisse übergeben. Seit dieser Zeit sind wichtige Beitr?ge zur Literatur des Gegenstandes erschienen. Unglücklicherweise ist es infolge der unvorhergesehenen Verz?gerung des Erscheinens unm?glich gewesen die neueren Beitr?ge zu berücksichtigen, ausser in einer kursorischen und unvollst?ndigen Weise wahrend der Drucklegung der Arbeit.  相似文献   
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