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Trichostatin A (TSA) is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor with potential in cancer therapeutics. In a recent communication, we demonstrated that TSA is a selective, potent inhibitor of gelatinase A in 3T3 fibroblasts. In the present study, we extend these observations and examine the effects of TSA in 3T3 fibroblasts compared to HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells with respect to gelatinase A expression, cell viability, and apoptosis. We find that while expression of gelatinase A in 3T3 fibroblasts is exquisitely sensitive to inhibition by TSA, expression of this enzyme in HT-1080 cells is minimally affected by this compound. Moreover, we show that TSA is pro-apoptotic in HT-1080 cells, but is anti-apoptotic in 3T3 cells. We propose a two-pronged model for the therapeutic action of TSA. On the one hand TSA selectively decreases cancer cell viability, while enhancing the viability of stromal cells. On the other hand, by selectively decreasing gelatinase A expression in stromal but not cancer cells, TSA acts to control metastatic potential by reducing the ability of metastatic cells to recruit stromal cells to secrete gelatinase A.  相似文献   
Interleukin 12 (IL-12) and IL-18 act synergistically to stimulate interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production; moreover, IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) may also augment IFN-gamma synthesis. We have investigated the relative contributions of these cytokines in the production of IFN-gamma and TNF by the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus epidermidis, using the specific cytokine inhibitors IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), anti-IL-12 antibodies (anti-IL-12 Ab), and TNF binding protein. Inhibition of caspase-1 reduced IFN-gamma and IL-1beta levels (by 80 and 67%, respectively) when heat-killed S. epidermidis was added to whole human blood cultures. IL-18BP reduced S. epidermidis-induced IFN-gamma (77% maximal suppression). In contrast, blocking IL-1 receptors by IL-1Ra had no effect on IFN-gamma production. Blocking endogenous IL-12 and TNF reduced IFN-gamma production by 69 and 36%. S. epidermidis-induced TNF-alpha was inhibited by IL-18BP and IL-1Ra, but not anti-IL-12 Ab, whereas IL-8 production was unaffected by any of the specific cytokine blocking agents. In conclusion, S. epidermidis stimulates IFN-gamma which is IL-18, IL-12 and TNF-dependent, but IL-1 independent.  相似文献   
In the present study we combined a continuum approximation with a detailed mapping of the electrostatic potential inside an ionic channel to define the most probable trajectory for proton propagation through the channel (propagation along a structure-supported trajectory (PSST)). The conversion of the three-dimensional diffusion space into propagation along a one-dimensional pathway permits reconstruction of an ion motion by a short calculation (a few seconds on a state-of-the-art workstation) rather than a laborious, time-consuming random walk simulations. The experimental system selected for testing the accuracy of this concept was the reversible dissociation of a proton from a single pyranine molecule (8-hydroxypyrene-1,2,3-trisulfonate) bound by electrostatic forces inside the PhoE ionic channel of the Escherichia coli outer membrane. The crystal structure coordinates were used for calculation of the intra-cavity electrostatic potential, and the reconstruction of the observed fluorescence decay curve was carried out using the dielectric constant of the intra-cavity space as an adjustable parameter. The fitting of past experimental observations (Shimoni, E., Y. Tsfadia, E. Nachliel, and M. Gutman. 1993. Biophys. J. 64:472-479) was carried out by a modified version of the Agmon geminate recombination program (Krissinel, E. B., and N. Agmon. 1996. J. Comp. Chem. 17:1085-1098), where the gradient of the electrostatic potential and the entropic terms were calculated by the PSST program. The best-fitted reconstruction of the observed dynamics was attained when the water in the cavity was assigned epsilon 相似文献   
The PSST program (see accompanying article) utilizes the detailed structure of a large-pore channel protein as the sole input for selection of trajectories along which negative and positive ions propagate. In the present study we applied this program to reconstruct the ion flux through five large-pore channel proteins (PhoE, OmpF, the WT R. blastica general diffusion porin and two of its mutants). The conducting trajectories, one for positive and one for negative particles, are contorted pathways that run close to arrays of charged residues on the inner surface of the channel. In silico propagation of the charged particles yielded passage time values that are compatible with the measured average passage time of ions. The calculated ionic mobilities are close to those of the electrolyte solution of comparable concentrations. Inspection of the transition probabilities along the channel revealed no region that could impose a rate-limiting step. It is concluded that the ion flux is a function of the whole array of local barriers. Thus, the conductance of the large-pore channel protein is determined by the channel's shape and charge distribution, while the selectivity also reflects the features of the channel's vestibule.  相似文献   
Abstract DNA sequencing of the gene encoding a Brucella melitensis 12-kDa protein revealed that this protein was the ribosomal protein L7/L12. The B. melitensis L7/L12 DNA sequence was identical to that of the corresponding B. abortus gene, showing the near identity of these two organisms. When comparing the sequence of this protein to that of other organisms some domains were highly conserved, especially the C-terminus, which contrasted with the lack of conservation of the sequences at the N-terminus. The finding that the ribosomal protein L7/L12 of Brucella is an immunodominant antigen provides a new rationale to explain the activity of ribosomal vaccines.  相似文献   
Glial cells of the myenteric plexus from guinea pig small intestine were intracellulary filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and histochemically stained. Camera lucida-like drawings of twenty cells were morphologically and morphometrically analyzed. The cells have very small ellipsoid, somata (85±0.7 m equivalent diameter, i.e., about 330 m3 volume), and send up to 20 thin and short processes (less than 26 to about 110 m in length). The morphology of the cells appears to depend on their location within the plexus. Glial cells located within the ganglia are similar to CNS protoplasmic astrocytes; they are star-shaped, and their very short processes are irregularly, branched. In contrast, glial cells within the interganglionic fiber tracts resemble CNS fibrous astrocytes. They extend longer processes that are parallel to the fiber tracts, and show less tendency to branch. We propose that the morphology of enteric glia is determined by the structure of the microenvironment. Both cell types form several flat endfeet at a basal lamina either surrounding blood vessels or at the ganglionic border. Furthermore, the occurrence of holes in the glial cell processes suggests that particular neuronal cell processes may be enwrapped in a specific manner. Fractal analysis of camera lucida-like drawings of the cells showed that the cells have a highly complex surface structure, comparable to that of protoplasmic astrocytes in the brain. These tiny cells may possess a membrane surface area of 2000 m2, almost 90% of which are contributed by the cell processes. This geometry may enable an intense exchange of metabolites and ions between neurons, glial cells, and the capillaries and/or environment of enteric ganglia.  相似文献   
Plant plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) cluster in two evolutionary subgroups, PIP1 and PIP2, with different aquaporin activities when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Maize ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP1;2 do not increase the osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf), whereas ZmPIP2;1, ZmPIP2;4, and ZmPIP2;5 do. Here, we show that coexpression of the nonfunctional ZmPIP1;2 and the functional ZmPIP2;1, ZmPIP2;4, or ZmPIP2;5 resulted in an increase in Pf that was dependent on the amount of injected ZmPIP1;2 complementary RNA. Confocal analysis of oocytes expressing ZmPIP1;2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) alone or ZmPIP1;2-GFP plus ZmPIP2;5 showed that the amount of ZmPIP1;2-GFP present in the plasma membrane was significantly greater in coexpressing cells. Nickel affinity chromatography purification of ZmPIP2;1 fused to a His tag coeluted with ZmPIP1;2-GFP demonstrated physical interaction and heteromerization of both isoforms. Interestingly, coexpression of ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP2;5 did not result in a greater increase in Pf than did the expression of ZmPIP2;5 alone, but coexpression of the ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP1;2 isoforms induced a Pf increase, indicating that PIP1 isoform heteromerization is required for both of them to act as functional water channels. Mutational analysis demonstrated the important role of the C-terminal part of loop E in PIP interaction and water channel activity induction. This study has revealed a new mechanism of plant aquaporin regulation that might be important in plant water relations.  相似文献   
The influence of bacterial growth stage and the evolution of surface macromolecules on cell adhesion have been examined by using a mutant of Escherichia coli K-12. To better understand the adhesion kinetics of bacteria in the mid-exponential and stationary growth phases under flow conditions, deposition experiments were conducted in a well-controlled radial stagnation point flow (RSPF) system. Complementary cell characterization techniques were conducted in combination with the RSPF experiments to evaluate the hydrophobicity, electrophoretic mobility, size, and titratable surface charge of the cells in the two growth phases considered. It was observed that cells in stationary phase were notably more adhesive than those in mid-exponential phase. This behavior is attributed to the high degree of local charge heterogeneity on the outer membranes of stationary-phase cells, which results in decreased electrostatic repulsion between the cells and a quartz surface. The mid-exponential-phase cells, on the other hand, have a more uniform charge distribution on the outer membrane, resulting in greater electrostatic repulsion and, subsequently, less adhesion. Our results suggest that the macromolecules responsible for this phenomenon are outer membrane-bound proteins and lipopolysaccharide-associated functional groups.  相似文献   
Modulation of histone acetylation is currently being explored as a therapeutic strategy in treatment of cancer. Specifically, inhibition of histone deacetylase by trichostatin A (TSA) has been shown to prevent tumorigenesis and metastasis. In the present paper we demonstrate that increased histone acetylation by TSA-treated 3T3 cells decreases mRNA as well as zymographic activity of gelatinase A, a matrix metalloproteinase, which is itself, implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Furthermore, TSA inhibits cytochalasin D-induced activation of gelatinase A, but TSA does not affect other members of the gelatinase A activation complex, MT1-MMP and TIMP-2. Thus, TSA is a selective and potent inhibitor of expression and activation of gelatinase A. This finding not only strengthens the rationale for continuing to investigate the therapeutic utility of TSA in cancer, but also, provides evidence that TSA inhibition of gelatinase A expression and activation can be used as a biological marker to monitor and determine end-points of clinical trials involving TSA.  相似文献   
The integrins are a family of membrane receptors that attach a cell to its surrounding and play a crucial function in cell signaling. The combination of internal and external stimuli alters a folded non-active state of these proteins to an extended active configuration. The β3 subunit of the platelet αIIbβ3 integrin is made of well-structured domains rich in disulfide bonds. During the activation process some of the disulfides are re-shuffled by a mechanism requiring partial reduction of some of these bonds; any disruption in this mechanism can lead to inherent blood clotting diseases. In the present study we employed Molecular Dynamics simulations for tracing the sequence of structural fluctuations initiated by a single cysteine mutation in the β3 subunit of the receptor. These simulations showed that in-silico protein mutants exhibit major conformational deformations leading to possible disulfide exchange reactions. We suggest that any mutation that prevents Cys560 from reacting with one of the Cys567–Cys581 bonded pair, thus disrupting its ability to participate in a disulfide exchange reaction, will damage the activation mechanism of the integrin. This suggestion is in full agreement with previously published experiments. Furthermore, we suggest that rearrangement of disulfide bonds could be a part of a natural cascade of thiol/disulfide exchange reactions in the αIIbβ3 integrin, which are essential for the native activation process.  相似文献   
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