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We consider Bayesian methodology for comparing two or more unlabeled point sets. Application of the technique to a set of steroid molecules illustrates its potential utility involving the comparison of molecules in chemoinformatics and bioinformatics. We initially match a pair of molecules, where one molecule is regarded as random and the other fixed. A type of mixture model is proposed for the point set coordinates, and the parameters of the distribution are a labeling matrix (indicating which pairs of points match) and a concentration parameter. An important property of the likelihood is that it is invariant under rotations and translations of the data. Bayesian inference for the parameters is carried out using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, and it is demonstrated that the procedure works well on the steroid data. The posterior distribution is difficult to simulate from, due to multiple local modes, and we also use additional data (partial charges on atoms) to help with this task. An approximation is considered for speeding up the simulation algorithm, and the approximating fast algorithm leads to essentially identical inference to that under the exact method for our data. Extensions to multiple molecule alignment are also introduced, and an algorithm is described which also works well on the steroid data set. After all the steroid molecules have been matched, exploratory data analysis is carried out to examine which molecules are similar. Also, further Bayesian inference for the multiple alignment problem is considered.  相似文献   
The pebble-mimic dragon lineage of Tympanocryptis is widely distributed in the stony, or ‘gibber’, deserts of Australia but is noticeably absent from intersecting areas of sand deserts. Past fluctuations in the extent and configuration of sandy desert habitat barriers are likely to have been an import factor promoting genetic differentiation in this group. We sequenced a 1400 bp region of mitochondrial DNA and a 1400 bp nuclear gene (RAG-1) to investigate phylogeographic structuring of species of pebble-mimic dragons. Our topology indicates an early split in this lineage between eastern and western parts of the arid zone that probably dates to the mid-Miocene. This split corresponds directly with large expanses of contemporary sandy habitat in the form of Great Sandy and Great Victoria Deserts. Our data indicate that this biogeographic barrier established very early on in the development of the arid zone and has persisted to present. Additional genetic structuring in the absence of recognized barriers suggests that an expanded view of potential habitat barriers in the arid zone is required.  相似文献   
The integration of phylogenetics, phylogeography and palaeoenvironmental studies is providing major insights into the historical forces that have shaped the Earth's biomes. Yet our present view is biased towards arctic and temperate/tropical forest regions, with very little focus on the extensive arid regions of the planet. The Australian arid zone is one of the largest desert landform systems in the world, with a unique, diverse and relatively well-studied biota. With foci on palaeoenvironmental and molecular data, we here review what is known about the assembly and maintenance of this biome in the context of its physical history, and in comparison with other mesic biomes. Aridification of Australia began in the Mid-Miocene, around 15 million years, but fully arid landforms in central Australia appeared much later, around 1-4 million years. Dated molecular phylogenies of diverse taxa show the deepest divergences of arid-adapted taxa from the Mid-Miocene, consistent with the onset of desiccation. There is evidence of arid-adapted taxa evolving from mesic-adapted ancestors, and also of speciation within the arid zone. There is no evidence for an increase in speciation rate during the Pleistocene, and most arid-zone species lineages date to the Pliocene or earlier. The last 0.8 million years have seen major fluctuations of the arid zone, with large areas covered by mobile sand dunes during glacial maxima. Some large, vagile taxa show patterns of recent expansion and migration throughout the arid zone, in parallel with the ice sheet-imposed range shifts in Northern Hemisphere taxa. Yet other taxa show high lineage diversity and strong phylogeographical structure, indicating persistence in multiple localised refugia over several glacial maxima. Similar to the Northern Hemisphere, Pleistocene range shifts have produced suture zones, creating the opportunity for diversification and speciation through hybridisation, polyploidy and parthenogenesis. This review highlights the opportunities that development of arid conditions provides for rapid and diverse evolutionary radiations, and re-enforces the emerging view that Pleistocene environmental change can have diverse impacts on genetic structure and diversity in different biomes. There is a clear need for more detailed and targeted phylogeographical studies of Australia's arid biota and we suggest a framework and a set of a priori hypotheses by which to proceed.  相似文献   
The expressed characteristics of biothreat agents may be impacted by variations in the culture environment, including growth medium formulation. The carbohydrate composition of B. anthracis spores has been well studied, particularly for the exosporium, which is the outermost spore structure. The carbohydrate composition of the exosporium has been demonstrated to be distinct from the vegetative form containing unique monosaccharides. We have investigated the carbohydrate composition of B. anthracis Sterne spores produced using four different medium types formulated with different sources of medium components. The amount of rhamnose, 3-O-methyl rhamnose and galactosamine was found to vary significantly between spores cultured using different medium formulations. The relative abundance of these monosaccharides compared to other monosaccharides such as mannosamine was also found to vary with medium type. Specific medium components were also found to impact the carbohydrate profile. Xylose has not been previously described in B. anthracis spores but was detected at low levels in two media. This may represent residual material from the brewery yeast extract used to formulate these two media. These results illustrate the utility of this method to capture the impact of growth medium on carbohydrate variation in spores. Detecting carbohydrate profiles in B. anthracis evidentiary material may provide useful forensic information on the growth medium used for sporulation.  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, obligate symbionts of most plant species, are able to accumulate heavy metals, thereby, protecting plants from metal toxicity. In this study, the ultrastructural localization of Zn, Cu, and Cd in the extraradical mycelium and spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices grown in monoxenic cultures was investigated. Zinc, Cu, or Cd was applied to the extraradical mycelium to final concentrations of 7.5, 5.0, or 0.45 mmol/L, respectively. Samples were collected at time 0, 8 h, and 7 days after metal application and were prepared for rapid freezing and freeze substitution. Metal content in different subcellular locations (wall, cytoplasm, and vacuoles), both in hyphae and spores, was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. In all treatments and fungal structures analysed, heavy metals accumulated mainly in the fungal cell wall and in the vacuoles, while minor changes in metal concentrations were detected in the cytoplasm. Incorporation of Zn into the fungus occurred during the first 8 h after metal addition with no subsequent accumulation. On the other hand, Cu steadily accumulated in the spore vacuoles over time, whereas Cd steadily accumulated in the hyphal vacuoles. These results suggest that binding of metals to the cell walls and compartmentalization in vacuoles may be essential mechanisms for metal detoxification.  相似文献   
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