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Histochoice?® is a proprietary nontoxic, non-cross-linking fixative designed by the manufacturer to replace formaldehyde based fixation protocols. We compared Histochoice and formalin fixation for several cartilaginous tissues including, articular and growth plate cartilage, meniscus and intervertebral disc. The tissues were stained with general histology stains including toluidine blue for tissue proteoglycans, picrosirius red to evaluate collagenous organization, and hematoxylin and eosin to assess cell morphology. The chondroitin sulfate and heparin sulfate substituted proteoglycans aggrecan and perlecan were also immunolocalized in some of the tissues to provide a comparison. Histochoice did not fix deep into the tissue blocks resulting in focal loss of aggrecan and other matrix components from the more central regions of the blocks. This was evident in toluidine blue stained sections of immature tibial articular cartilage where loss of glycosaminoglycan was significant in Histochoice?® fixed tissues. Histochoice fixation worked well, however, in the aggrecan and perlecan immunohistology applications where its non-cross-linking traits were conducive to epitope retrieval and identification by primary antibodies to extracellular matrix components.  相似文献   
Novel sulphation motifs within the glycosaminoglycan chain structure of chondroitin sulphate (CS) containing proteoglycans (PGs) are associated with sites of growth, differentiation and repair in many biological systems and there is compelling evidence that they function as molecular recognition sites that are involved in the binding, sequestration or presentation of soluble signalling molecules (e.g. morphogens, growth factors and cytokines). Here, using monoclonal antibodies 3B3(-), 4C3 and 7D4, we examine the distribution of native CS sulphation motifs within the developing connective tissues of the human foetal knee joint, both during and after joint cavitation. We show that the CS motifs have broad, overlapping distributions within the differentiating connective tissues before the joint has fully cavitated; however, after cavitation, they all localise very specifically to the presumptive articular cartilage tissue. Comparisons with the labelling patterns of heparan sulphate (HS), HS-PGs (perlecan, syndecan-4 and glypican-6) and FGF-2, molecules with known signalling roles in development, indicate that these also become localised to the future articular cartilage tissue after joint cavitation. Furthermore, they display interesting, overlapping distributions with the CS motifs, reflective of early tissue zonation. The overlapping expression patterns of these molecules at this site suggests they are involved, or co-participate, in early morphogenetic events underlying articular cartilage formation; thus having potential clinical relevance to mechanisms involved in its repair/regeneration. We propose that these CS sulphation motifs are involved in modulating the signalling gradients responsible for the cellular behaviours (proliferation, differentiation, matrix turnover) that shape the zonal tissue architecture present in mature articular cartilage.  相似文献   
The changes in membrane structure of rabbit polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes during bacterial phagocytosis was investigated with scanning electron microscope (SEM), thin-section, and freeze-fracture techniques. SEM observations of bacterial attachment sites showed the involvement of limited areas of PMN membrane surface (0.01-0.25μm(2)). Frequently, these areas of attachment were located on membrane extensions. The membrane extensions were present before, during, and after the engulfment of bacteria, but were diminished in size after bacterial engulfment. In general, the results obtained with SEM and thin-section techniques aided in the interpretation of the three-dimensional freeze-fracture replicas. Freeze-fracture results revealed the PMN leukocytes had two fracture faces as determined by the relative density of intramembranous particles (IMP). Membranous extensions of the plasma membrane, lysosomes, and phagocytic vacuoles contained IMP's with a distribution and density similar to those of the plasma membrane. During phagocytosis, IMPs within the plasma membrane did not undergo a massive aggregation. In fact, structural changes within the membranes were infrequent and localized to regions such as the attachment sites of bacteria, the fusion sites on the plasma membrane, and small scale changes in the phagocytic vacuole membrane during membrane fusion. During the formation of the phagocytic vacuole, the IMPs of the plasma membrane appeared to move in with the lipid bilayer while maintaining a distribution and density of IMPs similar to those of the plasma membranes. Occasionally, IMPs were aligned to linear arrays within phagocytic vacuole membranes. This alignment might be due to an interaction with linearly arranged motile structures on the side of the phagocytic vacuole membranes. IMP-free regions were observed after fusion of lysosomes with the phagocytic vacuoles or plasma membrane. These IMP-free areas probably represent sites where membrane fusion occurred between lysosomal membrane and phagocytic vacuole membrane or plasma membrane. Highly symmetrical patterns of IMPs were not observed during lysosomal membrane fusion.  相似文献   
Osteoarthritis (OA), the commonest form of arthritis and a major cause of morbidity, is characterized by progressive degeneration of the articular cartilage. Along with increased production and activation of degradative enzymes, altered synthesis of cartilage matrix molecules and growth factors by resident chondrocytes is believed to play a central role in this pathological process. We used an ovine meniscectomy model of OA to evaluate changes in chondrocyte expression of types I, II and III collagen; aggrecan; the small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs) biglycan, decorin, lumican and fibromodulin; transforming growth factor-β; and connective tissue growth factor. Changes were evaluated separately in the medial and lateral tibial plateaux, and were confirmed for selected molecules using immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Significant changes in mRNA levels were confined to the lateral compartment, where active cartilage degeneration was observed. In this region there was significant upregulation in expession of types I, II and III collagen, aggrecan, biglycan and lumican, concomitant with downregulation of decorin and connective tissue growth factor. The increases in type I and III collagen mRNA were accompanied by increased immunostaining for these proteins in cartilage. The upregulated lumican expression in degenerative cartilage was associated with increased lumican core protein deficient in keratan sulphate side-chains. Furthermore, there was evidence of significant fragmentation of SLRPs in both normal and arthritic tissue, with specific catabolites of biglycan and fibromodulin identified only in the cartilage from meniscectomized joints. This study highlights the focal nature of the degenerative changes that occur in OA cartilage and suggests that altered synthesis and proteolysis of SLRPs may play an important role in cartilage destruction in arthritis.  相似文献   
The growth of two strains of Myxococcus virescens exhibiting dispersed growth was followed in casamino acids (N III-C) media and casitone media. The changes in optical density, pH, pigmentation as well as the secretion of bacteriolytic and proteolytic enzymes, DNA and polysaccharides during growth were recorded. In both media the bacteria grew exponentially with a generation time of 4 (casitone) and 20 hours (N III-C) respectively. The maximal cell mass was about 4 times higher in casitone than in casamino acids media. The amounts of bacteriolytic enzymes produced by the two strains in N III-C medium were different but in casitone medium they were about equal and considerably higher. The maximal values of proteolytic enzymes were about the same in both media and always occurred later than the bacteriolytic maxima. Both activity peaks appeared before the phase of decline. The polysaccharide production reached a maximum during the stationary growth phase in both media. A higher value was reached during growth in casitone medium than in N III-C medium. During the phase of decline a second increase of polysaccharide in the medium appeared. No DNA could be detected in the cell-free solutions until the beginning of the phase of decline.  相似文献   
A simple convenient method has been developed for the quantitation of serine proteinase inhibitors (SPIs) in tissue extracts. The method is based on the competitive binding to trypsin and chymotrypsin immobilized using glutaraldehyde on 96-well microtiter plate wells of native SPIs and a biotinylated secretory proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) standard. The bound SLPI standard was visualized using an avidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate and inhibition curves were determined using absorbancy measurements at 405 nm. The standard assay had a range between 0.02 and 1 microgram SLPI/well and a lower detection limit of 20 ng SLPI/well; an improved microassay had a detection limit of 2 ng SLPI/well. Only active free inhibitor was detected in the assay since denatured and/or enzyme-inhibitor complexes did not bind to the plates. A range of SPI species was demonstrable in human bronchial mucus and intervertebral disc SPI samples using this technique. Quantitation of SPI levels in a number of intervertebral disc samples indicated that the SPIs were depleted in degenerate discs compared to nondegenerate discs (P less than 0.05, n = 12). Since the immobilized trypsin and chymotrypsin microplates used in this assay may be prepared in advance (and are stable at 4 degrees C for at least 1 month) the remaining two steps of the assay (the inhibition step and visualization) may be completed in 2-3 h; thus the assay is simple, convenient, and fast. All reagents (other than the biotinylated SLPI standard) are readily available commercially, and in principle the assay could be adapted to other systems provided defined biotinylated standards were available.  相似文献   
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