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During C. elegans embryogenesis an 8-cell stage blastomere, called MS, undergoes a reproducible cleavage pattern, producing pharyngeal cells, body wall muscles, and cell deaths. We show here that maternal-effect mutations in the pie-1 and mex-1 genes cause additional 8-cell stage blastomeres to adopt a fate very similar to that of the wild-type MS blastomere. In pie-1 mutants one additional posterior blastomere adopts an MS-like fate, and in mex-1 mutants four additional anterior blastomeres adopt an MS-like fate. We propose that maternally provided pie-1(+) and mex-1(+) gene products may function in the early embryo to localize or regulate factors that determine the fate of the MS blastomere.  相似文献   
DNA analyses were developed to type mycorrhizas of two Tuber species of commercial value (T. melanosporum, T. borchii) and a competitive fungus (Sphaerosporella brunnea) which forms ectomycorrhizas with plants usually considered hosts for truffles. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA isolated from fruitbodies, mycelia, mycorrhizas and leaves of host plants, was performed with a primer pair for an internal transcribed spacer ITS1-4. ITS amplification followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the amplified products clearly distinguished the two Tuber species at the fruitbody, mycorrhiza and mycelium levels. Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   
Starved larvae of Rhodnius prolixus, when challenged with Enterobacter cloacae B12, had their mortality related to their period of starvation. R. prolixus larvae fed on plasma alone, compared with insects fed on whole blood, had their immune reactivity affected as shown by: (i) a significant reduction in the ability to produce cecropin-like and lysozyme activities in the haemolymph when inoculated with E. cloacae; (ii) a reduction in numbers of haemocytes and nodule formation following challenge with bacteria; (iii) a decreased ability of plasma-fed insects in destroying their infection caused by inoculation of E. cloacae cells; and (iv) alpha-ecdysone therapy counteracted the immune depression in Rhodnius larvae fed on plasma alone. However, unlike other immune reactions, this set of experiments failed to demonstrate any interference of the plasma feeding on the prophenoloxidase-activating system, since melanin production was not reduced when the system was stimulated by the presence of bacteria in the haemolymph. The significance of these data is discussed in relation to the effect of diet components and the moulting hormone on the immune reactivity in insects.  相似文献   
The effect ofl-pyroglutamic acid, a metabolite that accumulates in pyroglutamic aciduria, on different neurochemical parameters was investigated in adult male Wistar rats. Glutamate binding, adenylate cyclase activity and G protein coupling to adenylate cyclase were assayed in the presence of the acid.l-pyroglutamic acid decreased Na+-dependent and Na+-independent glutamate binding Basal and GMP-PNP stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were not affected by the acid. Furthermore, rats received unilateral intrastriatal injections of 10–300 nmol of bufferedl-pyroglutamic acid. Vehicle (0.25 M Tris-Cl, pH 7.35–7.4) was injected into the contralateral striatum. Neurotoxic damage was assessed seven days after the injection by histological examination and by weighing both cerebral hemispheres. No difference in histology or weight could be identified between hemispheres. These results suggest that, although capable of interfering with glutamate binding, pyroglutamate did not cause a major lesion in the present model of neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
40 pelvic preparations of rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus) were bilaterally studied by dissection under the stereomicroscope and angiography. The arterial pattern of the pelvis, i.e. origin and branching of the umbilical, urogenital and internal pudendal arteries (visceral branches), is described. The main characteristics observed are as follows: (1) The umbilical artery is permeable in adults and gives origin to the cranial vesical artery and a caudal branch that irrigates the pelvic urogenital organs and, eventually, the rectum, with six patterns of branching in both sexes. (2) Usually, the urogenital artery is the continuation of the visceral branch of the internal iliac artery. In 1 animal, unilaterally, it arises from the median sacral artery. In 12 animals (6 bilaterally and 6 unilaterally) the urogenital artery is absent. When present, it forms two branches, a cranial and a caudal one, that irrigate of the urogenital organs in both sexes. (3) The internal pudendal artery is the direct continuation of the internal iliac artery and gives to rise to some visceral branches that irrigate the penis, bulbourethral gland and rectum (with six patterns of branching) in males, and the vagina, clitoris and rectum (with three patterns of branching) in females.  相似文献   
The coated pit-coated vesicle system has a key role in the uptake of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) and other receptor-bound proteins in human fibroblasts. To study the distribution of coated pits and coated vesicles in fibroblasts by immunochemical techniques at both the light and electron microscopic levels, we immunized rabbits with coat protein extracted from bovine brain-coated vesicles. The resulting anti-coat protein antibody was directed predominantly against clathrin, the 180,ooo dalton protein that constitutes the major component of coat protein. By indirect immunoperoxidase electron microscopy, the anti-coat protein antibody was observed to bind specifically to coated pits on the surface of human fibroblasts and to coated vesicles within the cell. Indirect immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining techniques at the light microscopic level revealed that the coat protein was distributed in fibroblasts in two distinctive patterns: as discrete foci on or near the cell surface that were linearly aligned in association with phase-dense cellular fibers (first pattern), and as intracellular foci that were randomly arranged around the cell nucleus (second pattern). The distribution of coat protein in fibroblasts was compared with the distribution of ferritin-labeled LDL, which was studied with the use of similar electron microscopic and immunofluorescence techniques. As previously reported, electron microscopic studies revealed that the LDL-ferritin binding sites at 4 degrees C were clustered in coated pits. By immunofluorescence microscopy, the LDL-ferritin that was bound to receptors within coated pits was shown to be arranged linearly over the cell surface in a pattern that was similar to the linear arrangement of coat protein (first pattern). Considered together, the current data indicate that coated pits in human fibroblasts contain a protein analogous to clathrin, and that those coated pits which contain receptors for LDL are located over intracellular fibers most likely corresponding to stress fibers. These observationa may have relevance to the mechanisms by which the coated pit-coated vesicle system efficiently delivers recptor-bound ligands to lysosomes.  相似文献   
The phosphate sale of tetramizol assayed in naturally infested sheep by subcutaneous infection at the dosis of 8,66 mg/kg revealed very high efficiency against strongylid gastro-intestinal nematodes; its efficiency was comparable that found by several authors for the hydrochloride and cyclamate salts of the same drug, also by subcutaneious injection, at the dosis of 10 mg/kg. In what concerns helminths belonging to the genera Strongyloides and Capillaria our results were not conclusive enough.  相似文献   
Glutamate and GABA are the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS. In the retina, it has been shown that glutamate and aspartate and their agonists kainate and NMDA promote the release of GABA. In the chick retina, at embryonic day 14 (E14), glutamate and kainate were able to induce the release of GABA from amacrine and horizontal cells as detected by GABA-immunoreactivity. NMDA also induced GABA release restricted to amacrine cell population and its projections to the inner plexiform layer (E14 and E18). Although aspartate reduced GABA immunoreactivity, specifically in amacrine cells of E18 retinas, it was not efficient to promote GABA release from retinas at E14. As observed in differentiated retinas, dopamine inhibited the GABA release promoted by NMDA and aspartate but not by kainate. Our data show that different retinal sites respond to distinct EAAs via different receptor systems.  相似文献   
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